Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu alaikum.

Insha Allah, this is one of the most effective things you can do to stop the fitnha of these people in your life, these people tell their stories in allegory through their media, one such movie that will illustrate the purpose of this Taweez is the movie “Mother”. If you read the plot to the movie, the father sacrifices his child in a satanic, cannibalistic ritual to strangers he invites into his home, it is a business deal between him and them so he can open doors for himself the movie is about people who use their family and children like this.

This scene is metaphor for what the Masons do to every child they can reach, it is a system they created and it is represented in a number of ways in media, most famously in the movie the Matrix, they steal the rizq in the life of every child until nothing is left, and they continue to steal from them as they grow up and live their life.

In fact, by Allah, Ahl al Ghayb (the Prophets and Awliyah) accused them of the following in front of me, they deliberately take the purity of every women among them like the people of Babylon chased every male and female they saw, it is a deliberate plan they have to “touch” every women that is born, it is the reason Allah called them the greater Babylon and why no pure women remains on earth.

Every women on earth who fell from purity growing up they sent people she knew against her, it is a deliberate agenda these people are following, that made her lose her way and Ahl Al Ghayb witnessed all of this. This taweez is very effective it will stop what ever fitnah was being described in the movie mother regarding every child, it begins the same as the others so write the following in a book, it should look like this with a simple circle drawn around it afterwards, it does not need to be perfect and I have added a few things to it:

Abd Al Maal, Abd Al Khamir, Abd Al Hashish, Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar.

(In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah and they are used as accusations against the subject, they will bring things into the open if the accusation holds against them and essentially destroy their power).

(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for yourself and your spouse and family)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the world)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for Ummat Al Islam)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for Ahl Al Bayt)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for Ahl Al Ghayb)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for Ahl Al Jannah)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for Ahl Rasul Allah)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Muhsineen)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Mu’imineen)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Prophets)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Angels)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Awliyah)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Scholars)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Mujtahid Imams)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Shuhada)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Mujahideen)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this according to Allah’s intention, before writing just say According to your Intention Ya Allah)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this according to Rasul Allah’s (saws) intention)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for yourself multiple times after this line, at least 3 of 4 so it reinforces it for you.)

Now draw a circle around the entire thing, the circle does not need to be perfect and it doesn’t matter if it is closer to a rectangle. This taweez can save a persons life if these people are surrounding them, it will end their hand in your life, so write it even if you don’t suspect anything, that is the point of their fitnah being secret, so you don’t even consider challenging them.

Here is the word Fitnah and Mason in Arabic, Insha Allah use them:  فتنة مايسان

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.