Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said: Some people asked the Messenger of Allah (saws) about soothsayers. He (saws) said, “They are of no account.” Upon this they said to him, “O Messenger of Allah! But they sometimes make true predictions.” Thereupon the Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “That is a word pertaining to truth which a jinn snatches (from the angels) and whispers into the ears of his friend (the soothsayers) who will then mix more than a hundred lies with it.” (Bukhari and Muslim).

This last phrase is an expression about confusion over the context of what the Jinn is relating, people cannot invent 100 lies in a sentence rather it means the image of the truth is so distorted by perception it is equivalent to 100 lies, the hadith is about the difference between the spiritual and physical world and what each creature is able to perceive and relate.

In the process of understanding the nature of Jinn it occurred that I would ask the Mala’ikah whose brain was larger, the Jinn around me or a Goat, the Mala’ikah replied the goat, for some time we would place this in front of Jinn great and small and they would walk away unable to answer because they knew I understood the nature of what I was saying and was showing it to them.

Some of you may ask how can that be when Jinn have intelligence and they speak, while a goat is the opposite of all of this, both the question and answer are not what they seem and relate to perception and your ability to put the picture of the world together correctly.

Just like in the hadith where the soothsayer inadvertently mixes 100 lies with information a Jinn gives him because he is unable to put that information into the proper context of the events meant to occur, and the Jinn has no idea how any of it is going to come about, both Jinn and human have only a slither of the truth.

The Question I asked the Mala’ikah in reality is a comparison between spiritual and physical creatures capacity to process multiple things at the same time in order to understand the world accurately.

In your life every day you notice what is happening around you even if you don’t focus on it, because you live in this world and your senses are always receiving input from everything in you vicinity, while Jinn look at this world from ghayb, its spiritual part so their senses are removed from it by a “dimension” (distance) and they only see what is dominating spiritually in an area.

They are blind to everything else, hence their view of the world and the picture they create from that is limited by their physiology and location (perspective).

While Jinn have intelligence, their physiology is not able to grasp in its awareness to many things at the same time and from that create a complete picture, while a goat who does not have intelligence because of its physical nature and living in this life with us is able to see the world more completely than a Jinn and is more intelligent by the definition of the word relating to both awareness and accuracy which are the foundations of being intelligent, your awareness leading you to the correct answer.

For Jinn this is the opposite of the hadith, if a person told the jinn something about this world the jinn would also mix with it 100 lies in relating it because they would distort that knowledge with their view of life and Jinn by nature are removed from this world almost like a person you would consider absent minded.

You can have enough intelligence to get you by but if you are so limited that you make so many mistakes in relating the correct picture of events your intelligence is almost useless, then in reality you are not more intelligent than a creature who is able to form a correct view of the world and act on that perception to its benefit.

A Jinn’s brain is smaller than a goats because it does not have the same processing power, the reality once you witness it is almost like saying the mass of goats brain is more than a Jinn’s, which is spiritual, hence it has more processing power because it is doing more physical work.

Because of this reality Jinn are often one dimensional and selfish because they lack consideration, see for instance the story of Iblis, Allah placed him in Jannah, but with its vastness almost the size of the universe he fixated on the story of Adam (as) and then challenged Allah directly to His face in the most blissful and perfect place in creation, that is entirely narrow minded and the definition of what we are describing.

Iblis in his narrowminded perception was able to block out all of Jannah to develop this one issue in himself against the forces of bliss, that is staggering, that your own idiocy can overpower in yourself the forces of Heaven around you.

Consider the power of ignorance that exists in Jinn because of this, because that is in reality the power they are displaying today, their ability to ignore everything until the world destroys itself around them.

Therefor Jinn often develop in weird ways, but Understand, this is a question of development due to the life you lead, a twisted jinn stunts his own intellectual and spiritual growth, but a jinn who knows how to behave grows both spiritually and intellectually and by the end of their life their intelligence resembles that of a human because they have witnessed life from the right perspective, these are the dangers spiritual creatures can fall into because they continuously made wrong decisions.

So what is the right perspective, it is the perspective Allah asked of the Angels, to prostrate to Adam, meaning to place your self spiritually behind Him in life and only act on the events you witness after man has made his decisions in life and you have seen the outcome, learned from it and perceived its right place in the world, in that way you incorporate into your perception of the world their life experiences.

Otherwise you will be chasing after weird things for the rest of your life and never understanding how any of it relates to the life man leads, as a result you will be at odds with man for the remainder of your life.

Jinn today because of their fitnah in reality are not even close to being more intelligent than a chimpanzee, they are the crash test dummies of every spiritual issue, so beware of taking them for guides they have no capacity for any kind of judgment and will persist in their myopic world view until everything falls apart.

If you would like to do a taweez against their fitnah use the title Abd al Jahash and do it against fitnatul Jahash, Rasul Allah (saws) said this world will not pass away until the one who enjoys most is Luca ibn Luca (it is a generational fitnah), the depraved son of the depraved, meaning people like the MTV generations who Jinn exploit because of their idiocy.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.