Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum

Many interpretations have been given to this movie the most ridiculous is that this world is an illusion and we are in a machine, the reality is you have to give an answer based on what is happening in the world.

Why is this movie relevant, because it is the movie that was intended to mark the beginning of their effort to dominate the world and this movie spelled out in metaphor what they are doing, manipulating the intellect of all people on earth.

To answer this question, you have to be able to answer how are they able to influence you what is the method that connects their efforts to you, to understand the answer you have to first understand something simple about sihr.

If a person gives you an item that has sihr upon it and you use it everyday then that sihr gets integrated into your nafs over time until it is part of you, this happens naturally as you start to think that influence is normal and begin to make decisions based on what you are experiencing.

Understanding that you then have to ask yourself what is the metaphor of the matrix, what is the one thing with people all the time and they rely on without realising it. The movie itself answers the question but you just don’t know how it exists in your life or how your life revolves around it.

The movie tells you the Matrix was created as a program, but if you think programs is what we are talking about then you are wrong because people pick up and put down programs, the Matrix is always meant to be with people.

There is one thing in programs people can not be free of in our world no matter what program they are using and that is the programming language all programs are written in, it is the same language in every technology you use.

There is one primary language used to write most things and other smaller ones less ubiquities exist alongside it, the programming language that most things on earth rely on is called C++.

The technology you use is the matrix that connects all people on earth to this programming language which is a door to your nafs, other programming languages are like being part of a similar but separate ecosystem, Apple looks like Apple because it is deliberately built upon its own language called Swift, and so companies seeking to influence in specific ways will differentiate themselves at the fundamental levels of their products and not care so much at the final stages, all phones look similar today but Apple is different from Google in the language and operating system.

If you understand that the outward part of your product is its outward influence upon you then also understand that what it is made of is the part that influences you internally, your nafs at the spiritual level, this is the role of their sihr at this level and this is what people don’t notice, this is what they term the Matrix which just means interconnected things or things on Mass all being influenced together like a herd.

Looking at computers, your computer relies on programming in its CPU, Graphics card and Operating system, the first two are the most powerful and fundamental, if a person is under the sihr of their graphics card that allows them to put what ever they want in front of your eyes because it is responsible for you see, after that it is the place of the Operating system and programs it runs to decide what that is specifically, realise it is the Graphics card that gives them this ability.

Likewise, the CPU, the central processing unit, allows them to influence the central processing unit of your body, the heart and soul.

Three books will drastically diminish their ability to place things in front of your eyes, influence your heart and remove you from their web of influence, because you now have the rule books to their programming.

They are books on the C++ programming language, this removes you from their web, books on programming CPU’s, and Books on programming Graphics cards.

Here are some suggestions, there are many book on these subjects:

  1. The C++ Programming Language, Stroustrup, Bjarne (This book is written by the inventor of the C++ language).
  2. Cuda Programming – A Developer’s Guide To Parrallel Computing With Gpus (Graphics Cards)
  3. Programming Massively Parallel Processors (CPU’s)

Write the Bismillah in each book, then your name and some verses of protection that mention the Angels.

Other topics and books you may like to consider:

  1. Windows 10 Step by Step by Joan Lambert
  2. HTML5 Step by Step (Microsoft) By Faithe Wempen (The entire web uses this language)
  3. HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide (This is HTML1 – 4, you need this for the above to be effective).
  4. The Intel Microprocessors: Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing (History of the CPU)
  5. Macos High Sierra: the Missing Manual by David Pogue (If you use Apple, this breaks their “neon” sihr)
  6. MySQL Reference Manual: Documentation from the source By Michael Widenius,David (All Databases use this language)
  7. Apache Cookbook By Ken Coar, Rich Bowen (All web servers use this language)
  8. Programming PHP By Rasmus Lerdorf, Kevin Tatroe (All websites use this).

This is the stuff the Matrix is made of.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.