آثار منزل السيدة خديجة رضي الله عنها

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum

A long time ago I watched the last movie in the Indiana Jones series, where He faced Aliens (Jinn), to kill the alien Indiana Jones had to trap every face (aspect) of the alien in order to kill it because if one freed itself you could not kill the Jinn.

This of course is how you kill Jinn in real life by trapping every place they can turn to so they have no place to turn their face, which we learned from an expert on the subject.

You need to understand this to understand what Schizophrenia is, Schizophrenia is created in people when every place they can turn to in life is trapped and controlled against them.

This is either done by Jinn who have this knowledge or a shir who wishes to control their life and is able to turn everyone in a persons life against them behind their back.

If you think about the fact that the aim of religion and Ihsan is to become Insan Kamil, a completed human being, Schizophrenia is its opposite it is the division of a persons character even further, it is created in people when you split their personality and what is spiritual supporting it.

This weakens the human so Jinn are able to influence the person from any one of the directions the person is split in, since they now only have to dominate an aspect of Him rather than having to deal with the whole.

This is most easily created in a person who suffers betrayal from the people around him or if everything in the persons life, or the majority of things he uses and relies have sihr done upon them so that every place he turns his face, the people wishing to dominate him are there, usually both methods are combined to trap people.

Its cure is to become an Insan Kamil rid your life of objects that have sihr upon them, become independent of people, elevate your self with knowledge and by establishing a library in your home relating to this subject and health.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

“O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.” (4:59)