Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum.

Tonight I spoke to the mala’ikah of Jews living in New York, some of those in charge of their affairs, they were interested in seeing our state, when dealing with the Mala’ikah of a people the Angels act as those people they are supporting.

We were surprised to see they acted as Humans who take responsibility and care, with one exception, by the end we saw one of the Angels was of the people of fitnah living among them. We asked the higher Mala’ikah to show the Angels of these Jews the state of the Mala’ikah in charge of Israel and to take their oath that they witnessed their reality, which they easily gave after seeing the truth, our intention was that they take responsibility by at least acknowledging it but we found we did not need to push anything because they where highly educated people.

We wrote previously about a conversation we had with the Angels of the Jews in charge of Israel and how we found them all to be the Angels of a criminal organisation, that is because originally the country was established by criminals and the methods they are using today are that of organized crime.

When we showed this to the Angels of these Jews they all began to look down upon them like educated people would look down on criminals in their society and they began to realise the state of that country.

The point of sharing this is what was mentioned afterwards, some Arab Jinn began to object that these Jews should be seen as looking after and preserving their peoples humanity, the accusation was they are not human they lost their humanity, from these particular jinn this accusation was like the kettle calling the pot black, so one of the Angels with the Jews commented on the state of Arabs saying Arabs are almost always put through a machine in society, indoctrinated, (meaning turned into something), turned into tools to be used by the tools owner.

While Jews are not, they are protected from that fate, this is why the Angels of the Arabs no longer look after the affairs of their people and they are in disarray, they have been through this for many generations now and are conditioned to act like their people.

Then the Angel began to explain that a tool does not know more than the purpose of what it is being used for and that is the spirituality forced on Arabs.

This is mentioned in Ahadith:

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “There will be a fitna that will destroy (tastanzifu) the Arabs, its dead will be in Hell. During which the tongue will be more severe (ashadd) than a blow of the sword.” (Ahamd, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

Abu Huraira said that ― “The destruction of the Arabs is close due to an evil that is very near. Only those will succeed who will stop their hands (from acting or fighting. Don’t get involved in public affairs which is the tool used against you).” (Ahmad)

“And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land (until the establishment of the hour); but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass (the end of the world) We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.” (17:104)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


“O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.” (4:59)