Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum
Mankind discovered that time and space are connected together, like the screen of your monitor is connected with the electronics behind it that make it work, it is only one part of a machine we call the universe and not independent of it, time is tied to all the matter that exists in the universe and relies on it to determine how it flows.
Man would go on to prove this with experiments and discover that time can flow differently in different places, time on earth is different from the sun or the moon or space.
This is because if time and matter are connected then places with a lot of matter, a lot of Mass, will make time behave differently than places that have none.
Understand, the flow of Time besides being tied to Mass is also the occurrence of events, the passing of one event after another, Allah brings about events in the universe to move time forward, time is not the continuous counting of numbers on a clock, because of this Allah said “I Am Time” the bringer of events.
He related time to Himself because He is the Qadir of every event and they are so continuous in the Universe you can also say Allah is time itself because it bears HIS qualities (not the other way around, you can’t say time is Allah this is the not the same statement).
You don’t age because the clock on your wall is ticking you age because the systems in your body are behaving that way, one event after another, except time relies on the universe at large and not something physically small like man.
The building blocks of time start at the subatomic level, so as you go from the smallest particle in the universe to the largest, then to Atoms and molecules, then planets and suns, Mass increases.
The difference in Mass between subatomic space and the rest of the universe is so huge that the physics which dictate our life, how planets and life on earth work, is not the same for subatomic particles, they work by a different set of laws we call quantum mechanics.
The flow of time on earth exists this way because of the Mass of earth, so understand the flow of time in subatomic space is almost non-existent by comparison because particles have almost no Mass. That is, the flow of time for things that have almost no Mass is almost none existent, the photon particle (or light) is timeless and so Angels are timeless never aging or growing old.
Therefor when Rasul Allah (saws) went on his Isra wal Miraj, a journey into ghayb, the world of Angels time flowed differently and a journey of 33 years occurred in a few seconds, the amount of time it took to have a dream, hence the Quran and Allah attest to time flowing differently in different parts of the universe.
Isa (as) was taken into ghayb, Jannah, the place the universe created in the subatomic part of space and He has not aged in 2000 years, He (as) will not die until He (as) comes back to earth, because time is experienced differently in these places.
Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.