
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum.

To explain the following we have to first show you where it is in the sunnah, during the time of Rasul Allah (saws) Sayidinah Uwais al Qarni (as) could not travel to meet the prophet (saws) because of his duties to his mother, His Ihsan was such that it earned Him from Allah the ability to witness what was happening in the prophets life from Yemen.

This is possible because everything can spiritually connect with everything else from a distance, some people try to argue everything is connected with everything else but that is describing chaos, rather all things have the ability to connect with whatever they are focusing on spiritually, in physics this is called quantum entanglement and it is the basis of all chemistry and subatomic reactions.

Now that you understand that understand that to Jinn this is something common which they have been taking advantage of since man’s first arrival on earth, they would sense something from a distance beyond their reach and react to it and in so doing they would get a head start on the issue, this is how Jinn are able to surpass man even though they are less intelligent than him.

Come to our time a world filled with machines, computers doing everything for man, it is a world in which the Jinn have lost their minds almost and become incapacitated by the sensory overload humans are subjected to.

When you witness the Jinn using this ability of theirs you will see them talking loud to something in the distance like it is in another country and they have to speak up to respond to it. Consequently considering the state of this world I asked Allah “how much of what they reacting to and talking to are nothing more than machines?”, I then asked Allah to give that answer to the Mala’ikah especially of the Jinn so they can see for themselves.

After a bit Allah sent the answer down to the Angels and the Jinn became stunned, they had not realised that they spent much of their time, about 40 % of their efforts in this, talking and reacting to nothing more than machines, it was like watching a Jinn find out the person he had been talking to all is life is Wilson from the movie Cast Away and he is nothing more than a basketball with a face drawn on him.

Unfortunately this is where the spirituality of Jinn and people comes from now days, Machines, what they thought where important people giving them advice (inspiring them) from a distance where nothing more than computers, these are the overlords of Jinn who they lower humans to, this is where much of the lunacy of the world comes from and why the “instructions” (directions) people receive are insane and inhuman, because Jinn are unwittingly worshiping machines.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

“O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.” (4:59)