Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Assalamu Alaikum.

The Kufar are doing everything they can to wipe out the cultures of the world and they are doing this by destroying the wealthy class of people in each nation that could challenge them, this is something mentioned in Ahadith that they will destroy everything in a country when they target it.

One of the ways they are doing this is by redefining the meaning of words and in this way they can shape the understanding of a population very cheaply, an example of this is to define materialism as simply being wealthy or owning many things, Materialism is rather the coveting of wealth, the craving of wealth, the dominance of wealth over you and the owning of frivolous things.

Allah had many prophets who were more wealthy than most people alive today, Rasul Allah (saws) was one of the most wealthiest men in Arabia, the Prophet Dawwud (saws) ruled an entire country and had palaces, His son Sulaiman (as) ruled after him and owned many things, the Quran states 1000 of the best horses when they distracted him from his prayer he sought Allah’s repentance, it is a story about Zuhd amongst the most extreme forms of wealth, Allah did not make wealth haram.

People today will say someone is materialistic if they own two cars, if wealth itself was the problem Imam Mahdi (as) would not be praised for over 1400 years for giving out wealth without counting it, if your understanding of materialism is correct is the Imam (as) corrupting people?

No, wealth serves a spiritual purpose in this world it is a protection from the evils of poverty and destitution that is forced on people in our time, especially our world where elitism is built upon wealth and the only way to defeat the elitism of the Kufar is with the wealth of the Muslims, that is the aim of Imam Mahdi (as), you will find today elitism will drive people poor because it is like a sword that cuts and that is a fitnah the Ummah is responsible for fighting, it is Fard Kifaya.

When something is a fitnah you have to go to the opposite extreme in order to remove it from society and when it is gone you can then come back to the center, today poverty is a fitnah in the Ummah it is no longer the sanctuary of the sufi’s like it used to be, today it is better to acquire wealth and provide safety and guidance to those who can’t.

Because today the surah that will protect us from the fitnah’s of the world is surah al Kahf, the Cave, people need to build fortresses and caves to stay safe from the people of fitnah, we only need to bide our time and Allah himself will kill them when they forget themselves and come into the open like they are doing now, year after year, increasingly edging towards making their hidden religion public.

​Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

“O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.” (4:59)