Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum

  • Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, (2:30)
  • (And it was said unto him): O David! Lo! We have set thee as a viceroy in the earth; therefor judge aright between mankind, (38:26)
  • He it is Who hath placed you as viceroys of the earth and hath exalted some of you in rank above others, that He may try you by (the test of) that which He hath given you. Lo! Thy Lord is swift in prosecution, and Lo! He verily is Forgiving, Merciful. (6:165)
  • He it is Who hath made you regents in the earth; so he who disbelieveth, his disbelief be on his own head. (35:39)
  • Is not He (best) Who answereth the wronged one when he crieth unto Him and removeth the evil, and hath made you viceroys of the earth? Is there any Allah beside Allah? Little do they reflect! (27:62)
  • Then We appointed you viceroys in the earth after them, that We might see how ye behave.(10:14)
  • And had We willed We could have set among you angels to be viceroys in the earth. (43:60)
  • Marvel ye that there should come unto you a Reminder from your Lord by means of a man among you, that he may warn you? Remember how He made you viceroys after Noah’s folk, and gave you growth of stature. Remember (all) the bounties of your Lord, that haply ye may be successful. (7:69)

“A viceroy is an official who runs a country, colony, city, province, or sub-national state, in the name of and as the representative of the monarch of the territory.”

“Viceregent is a person exercising delegated power on behalf of a sovereign or ruler.”

This is Prophethood and this is Wiliyaha, the entire earth is under our Khalifah and the Khalifah of the rest of the Awliyah, this means the life of every Angel and Jinn upon the earth is under our viceregency on behalf of Allah and subservient to it.

Because of the fitnah of Sihr that began with the Angels teaching it to man which is now gripping the world, Allah made the Mala’ikah swear to this again in front of us, the Angels give their power to those who can reach it (that is their ignorance and largely why Allah made us Khlifah in this world and not them so we become “streetwise”).

This was their mistake in our life time which lead to the Khalifa of Jinn being established upon the earth when there is no such thing in the sight of Allah.

Allah made them display in front of us the extent to which they wrongfully gave Jinn Khalifah upon the earth and then swear they will push it back until it no longer exists.

“And had We willed We could have set among you angels to be viceroys in the earth”. (43:60)

Allah did not even give the Angels Khalifah upon this planet and so they had not right to give what was not theirs to give to a creature that is mostly cursed by Allah, but they did out of gross lack of foresight and experience with life.

You see the extent of their naivety with life in the Quran when the angels taught sihr freely to people and excused it with a weak warning having no perception that this will spread beyond control until it comes to be the reason why Allah ends the universe after it culminates with the fitnah of the Dajjal, the worst sahir in history trying to grip the entire world with the occult, this is upon the Angels who placed it in this world.

We are writing this for their benefit to reinforce it in them and as a declaration to Jinn because that is what the spiritual world needs to see and hear from man, your existence upon this earth is under our khalifah!

Part 2

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum.

  • Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, (2:30)
  • He it is Who hath placed you as viceroys of the earth and hath exalted some of you in rank above others, that He may try you by (the test of) that which He hath given you. Lo! Thy Lord is swift in prosecution, and Lo! He verily is Forgiving, Merciful. (6:165)
  • He it is Who hath made you regents in the earth; so he who disbelieveth, his disbelief be on his own head. (35:39)

Insha Allah this is a continuation of our last email on the matter, it will answer the question to who was the prostration of the Angels;

He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth. Then turned He to the heaven, and fashioned it as seven heavens. And He is knower of all things. 2:30 And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee? He said: Surely I know that which ye know not. 2:31 And He taught Adam all the names, then showed them to the angels, saying: Inform Me of the names of these, if ye are truthful. 2:32 They said: Be glorified! We have no knowledge saving that which Thou hast taught us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower, the Wise. 2:33 He said: O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when he had informed them of their names, He said: Did I not tell you that I know the secret of the heavens and the earth? And I know that which ye disclose and which ye hide. 2:34 And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He demurred through pride, and so became a disbeliever.

Allah begins this account by first mentioning the creation of the heavens and earth, this is to set the context of man’s ultimate sovereignty in this matter which He will attain in the Akhira, but in this world it is only for the elect among Allah’s people.

Before Allah asked the Angels to prostrate to Adam He said to them “Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth” and they answered “Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee?” this tells us the Khalifah is not just for Adam but mankind.

Allah then demonstrates Adams superiority to the Angels to prove why He is worthy of being Khalifah upon the earth over the Angels, “He said: Surely I know that which ye know not. 2:31 And He taught Adam all the names, then showed them to the angels, saying: Inform Me of the names of these, if ye are truthful.” Allah taught Adam (as)something then tested the Angels and said inform me what I taught to Adam in front of you “If you are truthful”, this statement is a challenge to the claim of the Angels that His Khalifah upon the earth will shed blood, but they said “Be glorified! We have no knowledge saving that which Thou hast taught us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower, the Wise,” meaning we were unable to learn what you taught to Adam (as) in front of us, we were unable to see you speaking to Him (as), we were unable to see you inspiring Him (as) with new knowledge.

So Allah demonstrated to them the result of this inspiration Adam (as) was able to gain from Allah in front of the Angels and they were not able to learn it, “He said: O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when he had informed them of their names, He said: Did I not tell you that I know the secret of the heavens and the earth? And I know that which ye disclose and which ye hide.” Allah reiterated to the Angels I know how the universe works and there are ways of communicating you do not know yet, this is inspiration to man’s heart the way He receives guidance from Allah without the Angels help.

This was the proof Allah used in front of the Angels to show to them that they are wrong about His khalifah upon the earth, so Allah said to them prostrate before Adam (as) “And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He demurred through pride, and so became a disbeliever.”

It is clear from the passage that Mankind as a whole was being addressed, but Allah refutes the Angels by saying to them it is not the one who receives inspiration from Me that will be shedding blood, in other words the prophets and saints are free from this and they are my Khalifah upon the earth, they are able to receive inspiration as Adam (as) received it and it is to them which you should prostrate, who you should follow in life, follow upon the earth, they are in charge of it and you.

The Angels made the mistake of thinking Allah was talking about all of mankind, they saw the future but misunderstood who it was referring to it and thought all of mankind, but Allah corrected them and said no My Khalifah is only for those who receive inspiration from me, the prophets and saints among them.

This was the main theme of the story of Musa (as) He was a prophet who received revelation from the Angels, but had not yet learned to receive inspiration directly from Allah, so Allah sent Him (as) to al Khidr (as) to learn this from Him (as), when Musa (as) could not see any Angel giving news to Al Khidr (as) He (as) lost patience with Him (as) because He (as) did not understand Allah can inspire man with knowledge like He (as) inspired Adam (as) with all the names in front of the Angels who like Musa (as) did yet know about this.

This was thousands of years ago and today we live in the time after the prophets, they have come and gone and the Saints are the inheritors of the prophets in this matter, the Khalifah of Allah upon the earth who are guided by Him in front of the Angels that watch and learn from us, in this world we are Allah’s Khalifah to all the Angels who visit here or live here because we are more familiar with life on earth and its hikmah than they are.

The Angels could not even understand why a person sinned until Allah sent them to live on earth as men, which is why Allah asked man and not the Angels to be Khalifah here, “And had We willed We could have set among you angels to be viceroys in the earth.” (43:60) and why Allah placed the Amana (trust and responsibility) upon mans shoulders and not the Angels.

This is why we can lead even when there is no Islamic government to lead the people, because all spiritual authority on earth even its ghayb is under our Khalifah, above all that means the dominion of the Jinn, Allah included the Jinn in His request to prostrate to His khalifah on earth but their leader refused and became a Kafir, “And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He demurred through pride, and so became a disbeliever.”

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

“O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.” (4:59)