Bismillahi rahmani Raheem, Asslamu Alaikum.

If you have not read our work “The Promised Land And The Exile” you should do so first:

Muslims don’t like us writing about this subject because it challenges their view of Jews, to that we will say it was manufactured into the Ummah so it can sap its strength from it, that is the reality of every phantom menace because at the end Jews will convert to Islam, the Quran says this so who are your real enemies. Likewise Jews won’t like us writing about this subject because it points out some painful realities, they were pawns in a world war that had nothing to do with them.

In either case our intention is entirely our own and nothing to do with either case, Rasul Allah (saws) informed us of somethings that will happen and we wish to write about them before they are forgotten, so the question to each person is would you rather know what is going to happen or not.

Insha Allah we will start by giving some perspective to remove the “us vs them” or “who is better” mentality from the discussion.

Why was Judaism only for the Jews? strictly speaking Judaism was not only for the Jews but rather the majority of its people are Jews, it was a matter of fate and responsibility, Allah placed responsibility on the descendants of Abraham (as) to “spread” His light (reality) in the world, of the two sons of Abraham (as) circumcised into the pact Allah made with Abraham (as) He began this with the Jewish people.

“They intend to put out the Light of Allah with their speech (against it). But Allah will complete His Light (in the world) even though the disbelievers hate (it).” (61:8)

Arabs have to reconcile with the fact that it was Ishmael (as) not Issac (as), the father of the Arabs, who witnessed the pact regarding His brother and of all of Abrahama’s family was the first circumcised into the covenant by Abraham (as), because this tells the Arabs Allah’s intention and that they have a responsibility towards the Jews from before they existed.

Looking at what occurred in history Allah sent Moses (as) to Pharaoh but the Egyptians where never going to convert, so this tells us He (as) was trying to spread Judaism to other nations, therefore Judaism was not intended only for the Jews but to convert the world if they could live up to Allah’s religion and its responsibility.

When they were given Jerusalem and consequently lost it, the Romans where also never going to convert and the Jews were in no position to be exemplars of Allah by the end, Allah focused on trying to guide them as a community after they left Egypt before asking more of them, therefore it was fate that made Judaism mostly for the Jews and why their later prophets mostly where sent to help them and said so in contrast to Moses (as) who was sent to the Egyptians.

But as fate would also have it these Jewish prophets would do a great service for mankind and Allah by at least turning most of the world away from false gods to the one real god among the many they invented. It was not a perfect job but they at least put most of the ancient world before Islam “on the same page”. This of course was accomplished when the Roman empire converted to “Judaism”, or rather the Roman version of it they invented called Christianity, the Romans are the same people who deified Julius Caesar posthumously some 38 years before the birth of Jesus (as), their power and place in the world made it certain that they would never accept anyone but a human God to lead them let a lone a Jew they considered beneath them.

“At the height of the imperial cult that sprang up after the death of Julius Caeser, sometimes the emperor’s deceased loved ones—heirs, empresses, or lovers, as Hadrian’s Antinous—were deified. Its framework was based on Roman and Greek precedents, and was formulated during the early Principate of Augustus who reigned from 27 BC until his death in AD 14. Deified people were awarded posthumously the title Divus (Diva if women) to their names to signify their divinity. Temples and columns were erected to provide a space for worship.”

From this we see that Jesus (as) did something very important for the world He (as) diverted the Roman Empire from following the Greeks before them who began to deify every living ruler before their end.

Jesus (as) was a Jew and subject to the covenant of Abraham, His (as) words where re-interpreted and His (as) Jewish life deliberately forgotten, so now Jews look at Jesus (as) through the eyes of Romans and Medieval Europe and forget they are looking at a Jewish man.

Jews are often fearful of the words of Jesus (as) especially when He (as) uses the word Father, but they need not be because that was part of the natural language of the Jews not only of the time but in the Torah, the re-interpretation of it by the Romans and Christians (foreigners) does not stand up to textual analysis, here are some examples according to this distortion:

Solomon is God’s son; “He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son”: 2 Samuel 7:13-14. (notice the kingdom of Solomon is promised forever, but that is a relative term and not literal and so Christians often claim the same thing about the Kingdom of Jesus (as) because they do not know how to understand the language of Jews that Jesus (as) spoke in)

Ephraim is God’s firstborn: “for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn.” Jeremiah 31:9 (who is God’s firstborn? Israel or Ephraim?).

Adam is the son of God “Adam, which was the son of God.” Luke 3:38.

Even common people are the sons of God: “Ye are the children of the LORD your God” Deuteronomy 14:1. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” Romans 8:14. (I think this last one tells us what is meant by it all, but Romans need a new Julius Caesar to worship).

Contrast the Old Testament with the New above, the Language of Jesus (as) was Jewish, it confused people because the Jewish religion was hidden from the world in the Roman empire they had no real exposure to it and these people where uneducated and did not understand what a simple metaphor or simile or analogy was, so to teach them Jesus (as) spoke in metaphors, that is how you teach people by example because metaphors are the doorway to spirituality, consequently and subsequently the Dark ages took over Europe when these same people came to power and began writing books.

Jews may say we do not believe that Jesus (as) was a prophet let alone part of a trinity (the Roman interpretation of how revelation occurs) and of course we will say musingly you don’t have a say in the matter as your book of revelation ended recording history 400 years before the birth of Christ and you do not know why, therefore you have no authoritative word on the issue so you can only Judge it on what has arrived to you through history and not its reality.

You may not accept him to be safe, Muslims do such things all the time in following the law of their religion but you cannot reject Him (as) or the possibility outright. This is like asking a Muslim was Buddah a prophet, because Islam teaches that Allah sent prophets to all the nations trying to guide them, they will say maybe, we don’t know, in either case you won’t see a Muslim trying to follow Buddhism even if they believed He (as) was one of the prophets of God, history has shown the accounts regarding Buddah (as) are conflicted and so no clear picture is available to Judge Him (as) by.

Scientifically speaking no book of any religion prior to Islam survived the passage of time which is about when paper making began to spread, which allowed later generations to look at what the earlier ones said in writing to check everything rather than rely on word of mouth over centuries to find out, in every religion lack of texts resulted in a multitude of books being written that all conflicted with each other.

Allah did not abandon the Jews 400 years before the birth Christ, that is not why their books of revelation stopped recording history, Muslims have to believe that because we say Jesus (as) was a Jewish prophet sent to help them so we have to look at their history from that perspective, Zachariya (as) and His son John the Baptist (Yahya) the cousin of Jesus (as) are also both prophets in the time near Jesus and Jewish Books say noting about them they are examples of Allah sending them multiple prophets to help them after their exile, so something else must have occurred to the Jewish community.

Jews should pay attention to the fact that the uncle of Jesus (as) was said to be a prophet long before Him (as) and so was His cousin (as), because it means He (as) came from a respectable family and was not an unknown person trying to make a name for himself it was in his lineage.

One clue to what occurred to the Jewish community 400 years before Jesus (as) was born is found in the Ark of the Covenant which Ahadith say contains the original Torah and Injeel, the book of revelation Allah gave to Jesus (as). If the Ark was lost long before Jesus (as) was born who put the Injeel inside of it, so we see Jesus (as) trying to preserve what Allah gave to Him (as) because He (as) knew what would occur after His (as) time on earth, we can conclude from this that the Tanakh stopped recording History because what was there did not survive time or the Jewish exile and Jesus (as) made no attempt to add to it what Allah gave to Him because the Jewish elite rejected Him (as) and rather followed the Romans in their ways, the oldest complete Tanakh dates to about the 9th century Ad, that is long after Islam.

The Quran for example its last verse is very clear to Muslims that this is the last revelation, while the books of the Jews just happened to stop. What happened to the Jews is that time ran out, Allah continued to send them Prophets until the rest of the world caught up with them in their part of the world, we see this with the formation of the Roman empire and how it took over their lands, once Jesus (as) failed in uniting the Jews it became too late for them to be a force against the Romans and fulfill the work of Allah, far too many competing empires arose by this time with warped Pagan ideologies that could not be contended with by these few people in their state, so their final exile occurred and Allah moved on to a people He had prepared for such things during this time.

As History would testify Allah sent to Goliath a young David (as), and likewise to these huge Empires a young Bedouin Arab nation of mostly desert people, Allah showed in the end with His help the mightiest of Giants will fall and they all did.

World affairs took the work of the Jews away from them before they could finish, the Romans became increasingly hostile and the Jews did not know how to regain their Ihsan in time, so Allah did what He had done to prior prophets like Enoch (as) and Elijah (as) and raised Jesus (as) from their fitnah so that He (as) could return at the time Allah wanted the Jews to be back in control after history prepared them for that time.

“And We said to the Children of Israel after him: “Dwell in the land, then, when the final and the last promise comes near [the Day of Resurrection is close or the descent of Christ]. We shall bring you altogether (back to Israel) as a mixed crowd (having different ethnicities gathered out of various nations)”. [Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol. 10, Page 338]

After Allah returned them to Jerusalem the Jews where successful in rebuilding the Temple but they were not successful in regaining its Holiness, a key distinction. That is because Allah placed conditions on this from the start that they needed to live up to which they never did, thus is their situation to this day, anyone can build a building but they do not know how to restore the holiness of the Temple.

So why was the work of Jesus (as) a great service to mankind even if the Romans botched it up, pride would not allow them take someone they considered of lowly birth as their leader unless He (as) was first deified like Julius Caesar before Him (as).

The work of Jesus allowed Allah to spread His light on earth in an imperfect manner until the other Children of Abraham (as) were ready to challenge the worlds superpowers that where destroying his presence on earth, the Jews could not do it because they were at the end of their time while the Arabs had never had an empire and Allah promised them one the same time He promised one to Isaac, so we are talking about prophecy and fate here hence their place with Allah can not be rejected.

This was the time for Allah to fulfill His promise to the other son of Abraham (as) to give him (as) an empire that would be ruled by 12 pure princes, this is mentioned in the Tanak, Bible and Islam, the 12 leaders of Islam are from Allah it can not be denied.

The Prophet (saws) explained this by saying “my community will not end until it is ruled by 12 Imams all of them from (the tribe of) Quraish”, the descendants of Abraham (as), this is the proper explanation of the 12 rulers, they were never meant to come chronologically one after the other but are 12 rulers in history total, Islam has a good Idea of who they all are because we know our History best. So Allah sent Islam and the Arabs to carry His light until He was ready to bring the Jews back from exile at the end of time just before the return of Isa (as), to finish His work with them because like the prophets before Jesus (as) Allah sent Him only to the Jews, but that never means it is wrong to help others;

“And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David (in other words Sayyid among the Jews); my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon.” 23 But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, “Send her away, for she is crying out after us (chasing us).” 24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Allah only sent Him to help the Jews).” 25 But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” 26 And he answered, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs (a metaphor for why He (as) should not help those who are not Jews).” 27 She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” 28 Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! (He was testing her with this heavy metaphor to see if her heart would be firm, to see if it would flare up or to see if she lowered her ego. This is the work of prophets with people to prepare their hearts) Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly.”

The Jews will also say we do not believe in the prophet hood of Muhammad (saws) again we will say you do not have any authoritative word on the matter, but understand, the other son of Abraham was also promised an Empire by Allah just as the Jews where and Allah does not make promises to pagans or people who will lie in His name that is like saying Allah does not know the future of these people when the entire affair of Abraham and His two Children is about the future of both peoples, Jews and Muslims.

Also consider when the covenant was made to Abraham regarding Isaac (as) He made Ishmael (as) witness it instead of Isaac (as) so that the fate of the brothers and their children would always be tied, and so history and fate records that when the Jews saw persecution they always found safety in the Lands of Islam, when the Jews lost Jerusalem to the worlds superpowers the Arabs arose and defeated them, and when the Arabs lost the holy land it ended up back in the hands of the Jews.

“No amount of questions raised on the subject of Muhammad (saws) and Jesus (saws) will ever give a precise and exact answer to the Jews because random questions from a multitude of perspectives do not recreate History, they only generalize it and so how can something general in nature be claimed to be the absolute truth, what we explained above is the best proof, Allah made a promise to both the sons of Abraham and He made Ishmael witness the promise to Isaac, as soon as the revelation stopped Abraham immediately circumcised Ishmael to make Him inherit His religion and be part of the promise of circumcision.”

“The book of Genesis says, “God told Abraham to circumcise himself, his household and his slaves as an everlasting covenant in their flesh. Those who were not circumcised were to be ‘cut off’ from their people” (Genesis 17:10-14).”

The passage is clear Arabs and Muslims who are circumcised are forever part of this covenant because God knows the future at all times, this is also proof that Islam is from Allah, it is not coincidence that Islam of all the religions resembles Judaism the most, Christians on the other hand are not circumcised and have never been part of the covenant, they can never claim ancestry to Abraham (as) who Allah focused Monotheism around Him and His family with this covenant for ever, no matter how much Christians hate to hear this their claims are hollow and of those from the dark ages of this world.

“Those who were not circumcised were to be ‘cut off’ from their people (from Abraham (as)” (Genesis 17:10-14).

This is the history of the Children of Abraham (as), Allah replaced the exiled Jews with those who could stand up to the world powers that now existed.

In the future when the Arabs themselves cannot carry the work of Allah like the Jews before them failed, He will replace them with the Jews who will return to Him, this is the Quran.

Today the Arabs (we are not referring to the wider Islamic community in all of this, only the Arabs) as a community, they are not a people of Allah any longer who can withstand the fitnahs of the world so in the near future, just as the Prophet Muhammad (saws) said you will see the destruction of the Arabs and that gap in the Ummah will be filled by Jewish Muslims because they are the descendants of Abraham and the only ones left who are part of the covenant and can fulfill it.

Narrated by Talhah son of Malik (ra), Allah’s Messenger (saws) said, “One of the signs of the approach of the Last Hour will be the destruction of the Arabs.” ( Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5991)

Narrated by Hudhayfah (ra), The Prophet (saws) said, “The last hour will not come till you have killed your leader ( Imam), fight together with your swords (weapons), and your worst ones inherit your worldly goods (your society will go to the worst of you).” (Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5364)

Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr (ra), Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said,
“There will be civil strife which will wipe out the Arabs, and their slain will go to Hell. During it the tongue will be more severe than blows of the sword (it will be a time when the media is in charge of shaping the world).” (Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5401)

Umm Sharik (ra) reported that the messenger of Allah said: “The people will flee from the Dajjaal (the Anti- Christ) till they will take shelter in the mountains.” Umm Sharik said that she asked: “Where will be the Arabs at this time?” He answered: “They will be few (in number).” (Sahih Muslim 7035)

Iyad b. Himar (ra) reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him), while delivering a sermon one day, said: Behold, my Lord commanded me that I should teach you which you do not know and which He has taught me today. (He has instructed thus): The property which I have conferred upon them is lawful for them. I have created My servants as one having a natural inclination to the worship of Allah but it is Satan who turns them away from the right religion and he makes unlawful what has been declared lawful for them and he commands them to ascribe partnership with Me, although he has no justification for that. And verily, Allah looked towards the people of the world (before Islam) and He showed hatred for the Arabs (who where mostly pagan except for those that still followed the religion of Abraham (as)) and the non-Arabs, but with the exception of some remnants from the People of the Book (the Jews). And He (further) said: I have sent thee (the Holy Prophet) in order to put you to test and put (to test) through you (which the Arabs passed by rejecting Paganism and following the religion of Abraham (as) once again). And I sent the Book (al Quran) to you which cannot be washed away by water (easily), so that you may recite it while in the state of wakefulness or sleep (so it reaches your soul).” (Sahih Muslim 6853)

We see that up until the time of the Islam Allah did not look at the Jews with Hatred, but, their time had passed. The Jews are uniquely placed to be the recipients of the promise Allah made to both the sons of Abraham (as) at the end of time when the Arabs are no longer around to do the work.

Allah will bring the Jews back from exile into His religion to face the Romans (Europeans) who they could not defeat before and to guide the world until to the Hour.

The last prophet of Islam is a Jewish prophet for a reason and Imam Mahdi’s (as) Army is a Jewish Army for a reason, Rasul Allah (saws) said you will see the last of the Arabs fighting alongside them in Armageddon, where the remainder of them will perish, then Imam Mahdi (as) will send an Army after the battle consisting of 70,000 Jews to conquer Constantinople and they will do it without having to fight (Muslim).

Insha Allah that has removed all preconceptions regarding this issue and made clear the place of everyone in Allah’s religion and future. If you are still looking at Israel today then have a sense of understanding and maturity and realize we are talking about the future and the children of these people and their children, the world will drastically change by then and Arab countries are presently courting a relationship with Israel.

To continue the intent of this email, some Jewish Jinn became interested in our work “The Promised Land And The Exile” and our opinion on the matter, consequently they wanted us to speak more so they can hear what we have to say.

While writing our email “A Conversation With Allah” which brought up the issue of the Temple of Sulaiman (as) they suggested we should speak about Islam and Judaism seeking to guide their people, but because of how important that work was to us and its nature, just as we saw the Jinn we saw Sayyidinah Ibrahim (as) came with His (as) prophetic light and say to them it is not a good idea that i divert attention from the topic, He (as) then said to them “Your people do not have the strength to convert from argument (discussion alone), (when the people of the East conquer Israel) you will sit low among them and you will see that if you do not act you will perish (lose your identity in the country) so you will speak (seek the truth and you will find it)”.

When Israel is conquered by Jewish Muslims from Afghanistan they at first will be silent thinking that is best because of what they did to the Muslims in the country, fearing some harm, the army from Afghanistan will leave them alone, but as time goes on and a new government is set up they will see that they are truly left alone for moral reasons and will change their mind about staying silent.

Both Jews and Arabs should consider that the covenant of Allah to Ibrahim (as) is one based on lineage and not religion, because neither Ibrahim (as) or his two sons Isaac (as) and Ishmael (as) where Jewish or Muslim, they followed the religion of their father which predates the prophets of both religions.

That is why the Jews of Afghanistan have equal right to that land as the Jews presently there, they are part of Allah’s promise to the Jews to bring them all back from exile before the end and settle them back in Jerusalem, it cannot be fulfilled unless the Jews from the most distant lands are back in Israel and they are people of mixed races, “We shall bring you altogether (back to Israel) as a mixed crowd (having different ethnicities gathered out of various nations)”.

There is presently to much between Jews and Muslims for them to accept Islam from us, some may but not as a community as their Jinn hoped, if you are a person who is wondering how Jews can wish this then you are a person who thinks with his imagination and assumes it of others, when Jinn see Angels and prophets coming and going from us speaking to them and advising them they know what the truth is they are speaking and acting from their own experiences with God and His people. These Jinn simply wished the best for their people and among all the Jinn we have seen in our life it is only the Jinn from the sufi’s among Muslims and the Jewish Jinn that do this properly, even the shayateen among the Jews will help their people in this matter if they believed it is best for them and this to we have witnessed.

What sayidinah Ibrahim (as) said is all in line with what Rasul Allah (saws) told us earlier about how Israel will convert; after they are conquered they will begin dialogue out of necessity with the Muslims from Afghanistan who are Jewish Muslims and Imam Mahdi’s Army, then eventually all of Israel will convert about a decade and a half later after this dialogue begins.

This is after Imam Mahdi (as) appears and towards the end of His (as) time on earth shows them the Ark of the covenant and the original Torah given to Moses by Allah that is entirely the word of God phrased exactly like the Quran and the 10 Commandments, His words alone, they will see the difference for the first time as they hold a book as unique as the Quran.

We don’t understand their language but we have heard its recitation by some of the Angels, Rasul Allah (saws) remarked about the sweetness of its sound in front of us, this is the sweetness of Allah’s words. Insha Allah we will teach you a dua, when you wish to help someone or something ask the Angels to recite on it the entire Quran and the remainder of Allah’s revealed books, they will recite the original Torah and Injeel along with the book given to David (as) which is similar to these.

The entire country will convert to Islam except for a very small number of their leaders, the number is about 3-5, not more than 10, they are people like Benjamin Netanyahu who was pointed out as an example, they will secretly think their people fools for having faith in religion and reject what is happening because they will consider themselves the intelligent people, the prophet (saws) made these things clear to us a number of times.

“Lo! We did reveal At-Taurah (as we revealed the 10 Commandments), wherein is guidance and a light, by which the prophets who surrendered (unto Allah) judged the Jews, and the rabbis and the priests (judged) by such of Allah’s Scripture as they were bidden to observe, and thereunto were they witnesses. So fear not mankind, but fear Me. And barter not My revelations for a little gain. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are disbelievers.” (Quran, 5:44)

“And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in Jesus (and Islam) before his death.” (4:159)

When Jews look past the hate they will see that they and Muslims think along the same lines and we are closer to each other than they are to the west or America, among all the people in the world it is the Jews who are closest to Muslims in nature, and why not we have the same lineage going back to Abraham (as) and our ancestors are brothers.

Insha Allah, the following is some context to the state of the world when Israel accepts Islam, by this point in time America is dismantled by Europe, the Asteroid mentioned in the Quran and Bible has already hit and devastated earths drinking water killing 1/3 of the population on earth, this is most likely why when eventually Yjuj wa Majuj invade Israel they will need to take all the water in the sea of Galilee, so at that time Israel will have to look at reality and not some grand plan to move into the Future because the entire world will have changed, it will be at war with each other and its allies are gone.

This is the advice the Jewish Jinn wanted us to discuss from our earlier work; any Muslim who reads a description of the temple will see it is holy and unique, like the Kaaba and possibly even more for a few reasons, the first is that unlike the Kaaba Allah made the temple of Sulaiman (as) a place for His Arsh and this was the source of Sulaimans (as) unique kingdom that Allah granted Him (as) which non after Him (as) will ever have, it is remember as “The Temple Of, Solomon” and part of that promise.

Don’t misunderstand what we are saying the Kaaba is a unique place with Allah, it predates Islam and it will be His house in the Akhira where the Angels will make Hajj (pilgrimage) to it for the rest of eternity, but Sulaiman (as) asked Allah for a Kingdom that will not be matched or given to anyone else after Him (as) and Allah granted Him (as) this;

“He said, “My Lord! Forgive me, and bestow upon me a kingdom such as shall not belong to any other after me. Verily, You are the Bestower” (Quran 38:35)

Allah placed in the Temple part of the Arsh, or rather when you understand what the Arsh is you will understand that Allah removed the veils in creation between the Arsh and the Temple and said “You will find HIM inside it” because of this, it then became the source of power for the Kingdom of Solomon (as) because the Arsh is the source of reality in the universe (this is from Ahadith), the power behind the fundamental forces of the universe and life because it is the deepest subatomic depth (anyone who understands physics will understand what we are saying here).

Allah testifies to what He gave Him (as) in the Quran and feelings otherwise by any Muslim are things you feel towards the Jews and not the Haq of the Quran; but, that Temple is now gone and what is there today Allah has turned away from it and the Jews, the land may be blessed and Allah never showed hatred towards the Jews, but He is waiting for them to be more like their prophets before He shows them this kind of powerful blessing again.

The Jews can rebuild the building itself but they can’t “bring” God to it to make it a “that” Temple again, He tried in the time before Jesus (as) but they never reached a place with Him where He blessed it like that and that attempt ended with the Romans destroying it, Had they achieved their former excellence (Ihsan) they would have been able to defeat the Romans otherwise Allah would not have tried, that had been their history with the many former nations, no doubt they would have also regained the Ark to go to war with it, they will in the future and they will go to war while it is with them.

Allah would not give the most blessed object in Judaism, this temple, to someone He does not consider highly because it is meant to guide and guidance is from Allah, He cannot be represented in this world by the misguided and so this flies in the face of the Christians who say Solomon (as) was only a King, rather through all History they are a people who came to rely on gossip for religion, otherwise they would never have followed the Romans in what they did to it which was nothing more than equating power with holiness.

The Jews want to rebuild the temple and considering what it meant in the past, there is nothing wrong with wanting what Allah once wanted for them, but they are ignoring the reality of the temple itself and the reality of their fate since then.

The reality of the Temple is that it was built by a Prophet and when He (as) was building it Allah spoke to Him (as) and said:

1 Kings…11 “The word of the Lord came to Solomon (Meaning Prophet hood and Revelation came to Solomon): 12 “As for this temple you are building, if you follow my decrees, observe my laws and keep all my commands and obey them, I will fulfil through you the promise I gave to David your father. 13 And I will live among the Israelites (this means I will place My reality among the Israelites) and will not abandon my people Israel.”

Allah’s reality is established upon His throne, that is why it is His throne and He made the temple part of that. If the Jews rebuild the Temple all they are doing is rebuilding a building, how do they expect to make it Holy if Allah is the one who rejected them and they cannot win His favour back.

The temple has to be rebuilt by a prophet because only a prophet can achieve what Solomon (as) achieved, Insha Allah here is the wisdom that the Jewish Jinn saw in our words;

If the Jews wait for the promised Messiah to return so He can rebuild the Temple, they will see that all Muslims will accept this from Him (as), and there is no need for what is occurring now.

Only He (as) can make the building Holy and only He can lift the curse and exile Allah placed upon the Jews, read what Allah said to Solomon (as) again, here are the conditions for the temple’s holiness; “if you follow my decrees, observe my laws and keep all my commands and obey them, I will fulfill through you the promise I gave to David”, what are some of these laws:

Deuteronomy 27:15-26

15 ‘Cursed is the man who makes an idol or a molten image, an abomination to the Lord, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and sets it up in secret.’ And all the people shall answer and say, ‘Amen.’

16 ‘Cursed is he who dishonors his father or mother.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

17 ‘Cursed is he who moves his neighbor’s boundary mark.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

18 ‘Cursed is he who misleads a blind person on the road (misdirection in your dealings is a curse).’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

19 ‘Cursed is he who distorts the justice due an alien (foreigner), orphan, and widow.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

What are the Jews doing in Israel today if not breaking these laws, everything they think they are winning is only delaying the fulfillment of their own prophecies, they are their own worst enemies;

Moses (as) said to the Jews before entering the promised land:

15 However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you:

16 You will be cursed in the city and cursed in the country.

17 Your basket and your kneading trough will be cursed.

18 The fruit of your womb will be cursed, and the crops of your land, and the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.

19 You will be cursed when you come in and cursed when you go out.

You cannot make the Temple Holy while you are cursed, you have to remove what Allah did and only a prophet can. Allah promised the lands of Israel to Abraham (as), when Allah exiled the Jews and the Romans took it the Arabs then had a rightful claim to it after they could no longer occupy it, and so they became its custodians on behalf of Allah for a time, but when the Arabs lost that land to the British Empire Allah gave it back to the Jews because no one else in the world had a right to it, that should be clear.

Despite later wars since between Arabs and Jews the Arabs did not lose the land to the Jews they lost the Land to the British Empire because of their betrayal of the Khalifah, and for that Allah cursed them like He cursed the Jews before them for similar crimes, because He is their God and ours.

“…And if any amongst you takes them (Christians) as awliya’ (leaders and protectors), then surely he is one of them (No longer a Muslim).” [al-Maa’idah 5:51].

This has been the understanding of Muslims regarding the Arabs that betrayed the Khalifah for the past 100 years, Allah cursed them and such is their present fate, so now they and the Jews of Israel today are bedfellows and their own worst enemies.

Remember all of this is fulfillment of a promise and prophecy in the Quran so what are you really fighting; “And We said to the Children of Israel after him: “Dwell in the land, then, when the final and the last promise comes near [the Day of Resurrection is close or the descent of Christ]. We shall bring you altogether (back to Israel) as mixed crowd ( having different ethnicities gathered out of various nations)”.[Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol. 10, Page 338]

In the future after the Arabs are gone only the Jews left will have a right to the covenant of Abraham (as) and only they can rightfully inhabit Jerusalem, what you are seeing today is Allah preparing for that time, putting aside the conditions of the Palestinians today who lost the land for the reasons mentioned above, the Arabs today are struggling with Allah over this matter.

When Allah said in the Quran “Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-haram to al-Masjid al- Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing” (17:1) Allah was not talking about Masjid Umar (as) or the Dome of the Rock that is now in Jerusalem because no Mosque existed there when the prophet (saws) visited it, it was still Roman land, Aqsa simply means the furthest Mosque of Allah, so the name Masjid al Aqsa in the Quran is The Temple of Solomon (as), it, is the third holiest site in Islam whose lands are blessed;

“Glorified be He Who carried His servant by night from the Inviolable Place of Worship to the Far distant place of worship the neighbourhood where of We have blessed, that We might show him of Our tokens! Lo! He, only He, is the Hearer, the Seer.”

You should understand why of all the places on earth that Allah chose to take His servant (as) on the night of Isra wal Miraj, from earth to the Arsh from the temple of Sulaiman (as).

Ask yourself why not Makkah, the Kaaba is the eternal house of Allah, it is because the blessings He gave to Sulaiman (as) in this place are a Tariqah (spiritual path) to the Arsh itself, “that We might show him of Our tokens (sings)!”.

“He certainly saw of the greatest signs of his Lord.” (53:18)

Imam Rumi (q) said about the Tariqah (spiritual path) Allah placed in the Temple at Jerusalem:

“I searched for God among the Christians and on the Cross and therein I found Him not.

I went into the ancient temples of idolatry; no trace of Him was there.

I entered the mountain cave of Hira and then went as far as Qandhar but God I found not.

With set purpose I fared to the summit of Mount Caucasus and found there only ‘anqa’s habitation.

Then I directed my search to the Kaaba, the resort of old and young; God was not there even. Turning to philosophy I inquired about him from ibn Sina but found Him not within his range.

I fared then to the scene of the Prophet’s experience of a great divine manifestation only a “two bow-lengths’ distance from him” (The Temple) but God was not there even in that exalted court.

Finally, I looked into my own heart and there I saw Him; He was nowhere else.” (learn how to look into your own actions, into your own self and judge it according to Gods words to learn more about the one who created it by seeing His wisdom from this, eventually you will see Him here when you have gained the ability to see (understand from this Journey)).

The Temple is a Tariqah that takes a person to two bow lengths in nearness to Allah, the culmination of the prophets (saws) Journey that night: “And (He) was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer (to the Source of Allah’s reality in the Universe).” (53:9)

It is not Muslims that the Jews have to fear in the end but their own condition with Allah, He has made it clear to the Muslims what is in Jerusalem and honored it among us.

Contrast the miraculous empire of Sulaiman (as) to the similarly miraculous time of Jesus (as), you can extrapolate why;

The Blessings of Jesus (as)

  1. His return will be in the last era of Mankind when the earth is filled with abomination and change all of that with the light of Allah.
  2. His Ummah (people) will be the Khalifa (deputies) of Allah on earth.
  3. He will stay on earth for a period of 40 years after descending. This will be the best era the Muslim nation will see after the first era of Islam in which Allah opened for mankind to reach the realities of science (41:53).
  4. Allah will protect his companions from Jahannam (Hell), they will be purified to such an extent Hell will not touch them.
  5. Those who will save the Religion of Islam from what is happening today and reach Him (as) will be amongst the most loved by Allah Ta’ala.
  6. During this period all other religions and mazhabs (schools) besides Islam will perish, hence there will be no disbelief in the world.
  7. Jihad (war) will be stopped.
  8. Wealth and property will be in surplus to such an extent that there will be no one to accept the wealth of the other in charity.
  9. Receiving Zakaat and Saadaqa (purification of one’s wealth and charity) will be discarded (because the world will be pure in all its sources).
  10. The people will love the sajda (prostration) more than the world and what it consists of.
  11. All types of Religious and worldly blessings will descend on earth (many new halal (lawful) things will be invented).
  12. Peace, harmony and tranquillity during His stay will spread around the world.
  13. There will be no animosity for a period of seven years when He first appears.
  14. All hearts will be free from miserliness, envy, hatred, malice and jealousy.
  15. For a period of forty years, His time on earth, no one will fall ill or die.
  16. Venom will be taken out of all venomous animals.
  17. Snakes and scorpions will not harm anyone to the extent that if a child places its hand in its mouth, it will not be harmed.
  18. Similarly, wild animals will not harm anyone.
  19. If a man passes by a lion, he will not be troubled or harmed, even if a girl open’s its mouth to test this, the lion will not do anything.
  20. The camels will graze among lions, cheetahs with cattle and the jackals with goats; (it is reported that before the Anti-Christ arrives, 3 years of drought covering the entire world will kill most wild animals, so many of these events are what will occur to captive animals or those in Zoos being fed by keepers).
  21. The fertility of the land will increase to such an extent that even if a seed is planted in a hard rock, it will sprout (this is metaphor not literal).
  22. A pomegranate will be so huge that a jamaa’at will be able to eat it and the people will use its peel as shade.
  23. There will be so much barakaat (blessing) in milk that a camel will suffice for a huge jamaa’at, a cow for a tribe and a goat for a family. (Blessing here means small amounts will suffice each person because of what is in it).

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

“O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.” (4:59)