Water flow near the tomb of Abass (ra).

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum.

What we are about to share, the only reason we are doing so is because we made a dua and Allah answered it instantly, otherwise understand somethings you see in Ghayb are Ajeeb and not easy to explain to people, some of the companions for example took to saying if we said to you everything we know you would cut this throat of ours.

People with ridiculous money do things for any reason they wish, this is something we have seen firsthand when we worked next to such people many years ago in our youth, we have shared how they caused trouble for us and we overcame it but a big part of that was due to some people among them doing some very large things, it was for the benefit of their own lives but they understood if they helped a person of Allah He will return it to them.

When these people plan they plan things with their Jinn and news of it spreads with their Jinn, one example of all of this was that to prove something to us (about their ability and power) one of their Jinn before the war in Syria started came and said to us do we have family in Homs (Syria), they have decided to destroy that city, at this point war in Syira was not even on our mind, we asked why the Jinn said they decided which historical cities to destroy and which to preserve. This was their plan which they spread among their people ahead of time so they can take advantage of the information like some people where accused of knowing about 9/11 ahead of time and using that to benefit themselves, a few days later someone we know is an occultist randomly commented to us Homs is going to be destroyed, you are going to see.

My mothers family came from Homs and she grew up there.

We are sharing this so you understand how long these people have been around us in life, when you want to get rid of religion in the world you target its holiest people and destroy them from the inside out, this is something we have witnessed over the years in our life and the life of other people of Allah.

Shaykh Nazzim (q), his family and the Naqshbandi Tariqah where all deliberately targeted, especially in Lebanon where they tried to get rid of it, if you know the history understand these are all of their tricks, they do it with people in the Tariqah who they asked to Join it or coerced, much of it they did to the Church in Lebanon long before them for the same reasons, eventually new tricks become old and you then see what occurred in the past.

It starts with making you get into arguments with them so that their Jinn can latch on to you for the rest of your life, these are all doors they eventually push to dominate you years later.

It is a deliberate effort and we have seen the lengths they will go to, you can spend billions brainwashing a country or less getting rid of key individuals that are their spiritual support, when that fails they go after the things that support that person, the things that are his foundation, the origin of his character because if you can remove it from the world that will weaken his spirituality.

Today while watching news out of Lebanon about how Tripoli the place of our birth is being turned into a despot, and watching hour long speeches on the matter, enough to understand what is being mobilized by these people, we began to suspect somethings not normal with what they are saying, we thought it is better to be safe than sorry on this matter so we prayed to Allah with the intention Allahu Allam.

We said, “Ya Allah if this is because of us do the same with their towns” (places of origin), immediately one of the Angels of Allah came and said in front of everyone that could see him, (us and every Jinn within vicinity) “even if he is one of their leaders we will do it” (to his town, the Angel pointed out Donald Trump in the matter as an example of how far up their chain they will go).

Many times we pray and see nothing but when you see something you understand the confirmation, we are not saying the entire issue revolves around us but Allah indicated why some of the hate is directed at this place and why it is a target for extremists driving the issue and occultists pretending to fix the problems.

We wanted them to know what Allah is prepared to do in this matter, Lebanon is part of Sham and is the most blessed land on earth, the furthest lands away from here are the most cursed, that is why your popes used to say Forgiveness is in Jerusalem because the gate of repentance is over Sham and Jerusalem, they where taking from Islam and teaching it to your leaders.

“And, when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.”(8:30)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

“O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.” (4:59)