Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

I know people don’t read everything I write so they end up missing some of the contexts in my writing, but much of what is in my emails (and Facebook posts) hinges on what was previously said, so I will write this trying to give as much information as needed and not repeat myself to much.

​I previously wrote the first group of Mala’ikah Allah introduced me to where Mala’ikat al Mawt, they were not the first Angels I had seen but the first as a group I got to witness their work. This was around the time of the 2004 tsunami, that took with it some 300,000 lives in an hour. Whilst I haven’t seen the Angel of death these are the Angels that help him which I witnessed.

Sometime before that, I’m not going to get the details of this account exact because this was over a decade ago, whilst at work and whilst I was carrying out my duties alone, I felt the presence of a group of Angels standing over me, discussing if I would be prepared, for what I didn’t know at the time, but they were tall like trees and black, not evil like Jinn but like the blackness of space with that calmness in them like you would feel when looking into the night sky, and if I didn’t hear them discussing this matter I wouldn’t have noticed.

All of this was after I received my silsila of tasawwuf from the prophet (saws), hence at some point when Allah felt I was ready He was going to introduce me to the spiritual world, this is how that began with these Mala’ika and these events. This was the second time I heard Mala’ika discussing if I was ready for something before it occurred, the first was that night I saw the prophet Muhammad (saws).

From what I have seen and experienced over the years from Mala’ika, before Allah would show me an important dream or event, the Malai’ika would come and prepare my heart for it so I would receive it properly, the night I saw the Arsh of Allah they visited me on that night every year for a number of years before hand until my heart was ready. Many people who see the prophet (saws) don’t realise this but the Mala’ika prepare every person for such things beforehand.

The day they were referring to, I arrived at work, which was a place located at the shore of Sydney Harbour, one of the people I worked with warned me not to go to close to the water front a person had gotten drunk while partying and fell of the boat and drowned, they were just now taking his body out from the water when I arrived so he didn’t want me to see and experience death like this by seeing the body, so I took his advice and didn’t get to close.

But whilst I was working that day I sensed something like two groups where arguing over a matter, the Mala’ika were arguing over the fate of the drowned person and wanted my opinion. I didn’t know much about Him or what happened, but at this time in my life Allah placed me in a state of mercy (Rahma) and that is how I saw the world, today we are in a state of Jihad because we have a responsibility to deal with the fitnah gripping the world and its people, but back then things were not as bad yet.

I think the Mala’ika knew all of that about me and wanted to weigh the matter within my nafs after I heard that a person who got drunk consequently died in this haram state, they wanted to test that if hearing about the evil of this person, its force, will be enough to stop me from showing rahma as was my nature, they weren’t looking for a faqih to help them judge fiqh.

If you would like perspective on this, the Mala’ika had trouble deciding His fate like they had trouble deciding the fate of the person who killed 100 people and then decided to repent to Allah but died before hand, Allah asked them to measure which land he was closest to the land of fitnah he came from or the land of rahma he was going to and that decided the matter.

The Mala’ika of Rahma won his soul from the Mala’ika of punishment, and he was forgiven, hearing about this person his fate and the circumstances he died in, along with how that day presented itself to me, it wasn’t enough to change my heart and condemn him from little to no information, so I read the fatiha upon him feeling it was my responsibility because no one else was here to do anything for this Muslim at the time of death.

Fate, Allah, had brought me there at that moment, they could have taken his body out of the water before I arrived or any number of things could have occurred so our paths never crossed, this was how I saw the matter later on, because I was being asked to judge based on my fitrah (disposition) and state and not on shariah.

Later in life I would understand all of this was something from Allah for the Mala’ika and that person, but Allah also wanted me to experience the reality of death first hand.

That was the last I heard of the matter until a few years later when Allah wanted me to learn more about this. At the time He sent me to the second evil Imam I would be sent to, to try and help guide him back (I’ve written about this before so I won’t repeat that here) I was in one of his small gatherings when two women spoke up and I realised the drowned man’s sisters were here.

Mention of their dead brother came up and how he died, along with the place and date it occurred, details where left out about what caused his death, but I already knew and recognised them from all that.

Not many people die in that exact spot through drowning it is right on the shore in one of the most crowded places in the city, you can easily swim to safety, had he not been drunk he wouldn’t have drowned and realised how close he was to the shore when he fell in the water, so it was the only death in all the time I worked there.

Because I read the fatiha I had an idea of his fate even if his family didn’t, but I didn’t know why he would deserve Rahma from Allah if he died in a state of Ghaflah, heedlessness.

Seeing his family in a place like this with this evil Imam, who practiced sihr along with basically everyone in his group (this is something that revealed itself over time), they seemed close to him so that gave me a few of the answers. Some people are driven to do what they do by their own family, you either accept what we do or your out on the street, so this is forced on them even though their heart is somewhere else, I am assuming the person kept some kind of light in his heart for Allah through all of this which Allah accepted, or did something to return to Allah like the man who killed 100 people, because he was the door I would go through to reach what Allah had prepared for me at the end of that day.

Allah says in the Quran “La Ikraha Fi Deen”, “there is no compulsion in religion”, Allah won’t accept compulsion and acts done under compulsion, and that is enough for a Muslims akhira.

I was under this reality of this event the entire time I was at work that day, so just before I finished work, that is when the 2004 Tsunami hit, just before it occurred something grabbed my perception physically turned my head towards its direction and a voice said to me “Look”.

On the Horizon in the far distance of the coast, I was seeing and hearing all of this spiritually so when I say of the coast I mean Allah gave me light so my sight reached as far as the location of these events, I could see a great multitude of dark figures, like those before, in the sky, it was a huge gathering.

Then I heard something like a huge crack sound occur which was the land slide under the sea that caused the Tsunami to occur, it was the first of the three major landslides at the end of time the prophet (saws) warned about, and Allah was allowing us to witness it.

“And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you.” (2:143) Allah made us a witness over His judgment of these people.

I then saw that large Multitude of Angels, dive towards the ocean like birds diving into the sea to catch fish, and rising back up into the sky. The Mala’ika were taking the souls of the 300,000 people who died in the Tsunami that day.

That was the first time I saw Mala’ikat al Mawt and we would not see them again for a long time, the last time was when it came to me to ask them for help like we asked the Mala’ika of Jahanam (which I wrote about previously) to see if they would deal with matters differently from their perspective on life.

By this time in our life Allah had already removed the barzakh from our vision so we saw ghayb with much more clarity. We made the request and when they appeared, they were very close to us responding immediately. They felt very familiar like they had been there with us in life all along from that day in 2004, watching over us. It was as if they protected us and averted the worst fitnah from entering our life and over the years many things could have become much more serious and life threatening in our life, but never did.

There was a reason why Allah introduced us to them, back then, first among the Angels and wanted us to be comfortable with their presence and work, reaching that depth spiritually allowed us to handle everything in life lesser than their reality in seriousness, so that was the standard we walked with from that day even if we didn’t understand its causes until much later in life.

When Allah introduces you to a group of Mala’ika it means their standard/light is upon you, so it was an atmosphere of death at the place I worked that was the doorway to see Mala’ika al Mawt back then, so when we eventually saw the Arsh later in life it meant we first had to be capable of handling the light of the Angels around it which was the highest assembly of Angels with Allah, this time for us in life we went through the greatest hardships before we were ready.

Mala’ikat al Arsh have with them detailed technical knowledge about everything in life and the universe, when they work on a matter they work on its minute finite details, that is their perspective on life because they have the most knowledge of all the Angels. These details are to small and too subtle for humans to notice or work with, even smaller than a jinn’s perception of the spiritual world so they are matters beyond the jinn’s ability to touch, they are the finite details that bring life together.

As you go into the seven levels of Jannah the more subtle issues become that put life together, and Mala’ikat al Arsh are at the deepest depths of Jannah.

“Who hath created seven heavens (sub atomic depths) in harmony. Thou (Muhammad) canst see no fault in the Beneficent One’s creation; then look again: Canst thou see any rifts? (in how the universe comes together), this verse refers to the work Mala’ikat al Arsh are responsible for.

Because of this they are the most knowledgeable of Allah’s Angels, they are the Angels “who extol Him night and day, and never tire” (21:20).

Allah asked the prophet (saws) ‘O Muhammad! Over what did the Highest Assembly of Angels dispute? I said: I do not know, O Lord. Then He put His hand between my shoulders and I felt its coolness in my chest, and knowledge of all things came to me and I then knew it (what they were discussing).”

[Al-Tirmidhi, no.3235] In another report, it says: ‘… and knowledge of whatever is between the heavens and earth came to me.’ [Al-Tirmidhi, no.3233] In another: ‘ … knowledge of all things between East and West came to me.’ [Al-Tirmidhi, no.3234]

So, being in the presence of different Angels means you have to achieve different standards and qualities in yourself before you are ready.

Seeing the Mala’ika of Jahanam required a different kind of strength than that of Mala’ikat al Mawt, that of perseverance and having the capacity, sagacity to see/witness the path to its absolute end in the most spiritually trying circumstances, all the while you must act and respond with Ihsan.

This is because they are at the end of the path, there is nothing beyond them if you end up in Jahanam, their light is the last light you will see, so you have to handle their perspective on life and its light.

People often ask why doesn’t Allah respond, why doesn’t He help, Allah first waits for you to act, then for the Mala’ika and Jinn to respond to you, then for your enemies to respond and for the Mala’ika and Jinn to respond to them, all the while He is running the universe measuring actions and reactions to things and what they should get, enabling life itself to occur, but that isn’t His response to your situation. He allows the matter to play out to its entirety, back and forth between everyone and thing that has a hand in it, then He waits to see how the world is affected by it, because that is the free will he gave you to act and choose how you want to live, so consequences need to first be established, then when the matter is simmered down His response, Hikmah, is sent down to this earth, this is His judgment on people in response to how they all behaved.

You don’t need to repeat yourself with Allah except when He requires action from you.

The prophets have such patience and perseverance with people, creatures, this world, they can read Allah in all of this and see Him with clarity, this is the inner strength required to reach Mala’ikah Allah placed at the end of this path, at the final judgment of people’s souls.

What Mala’ikah al Mawt had done for us throughout our life became clear from what they taught us when they appeared, all of this occurred in an instant, the air, space, next us suddenly took form moved and became black, but not black like space this time, we had clarity of sight, this was something much more clear and blacker like “the nothing” you see when you look at a black hole. All of space has stars in it except in its location, you know it’s there from that black emptiness, they deliberately reminded me of a black hole and I understood they were teaching me something from all of this.

The first thing they were teaching me from how they appeared and moved, was who in history had seen them before and took from them by imitating them. I previously spoke about the Jinn I met who was a samurai, I live in a town that has a Japanese presence and is a sister town to town in Japan, so this had relevance to my life because that and issues I had faced from this community.

From that suddenness of appearing from nothing then moving to act over what I requested from them, they wanted me to learn that the Ninja of Japan had seen them at the time of death and learnt from them their form and the way they moved. Because the way they appeared near me from nothing to suddenly act, looked exactly like the way Ninja hide in plain sight in front of you and you won’t see them until they reveal themselves, many movies about them have shown this.

So, I am not surprised the Jinn of these Japanese people would see these Mala’ika when they come to take the souls of people killed in battle and eventually imitate what they saw through their martial art, after all martial arts itself is the imitation of the spiritual world, consider all the styles of kung Fu and their names this was how they derived their techniques.

The Malai’ka also wanted to protect me from Jinn who practice Ninjitsu, which is basically a form of sihr martial arts, by making certain I was in a spiritual place above where they can reach in these matters by tying me to them, to the origin of where these Jinn got their inspiration from, I now had a spiritual lineage (silsila) like them in this matter.

It was necessary because I once received a serious threat by someone using these kinds of Jinn. If you’re on the path of Allah you shouldn’t worry you can defeat them with your Ihsan, I’m speaking from experience, don’t lose to something because of its reputation.

The other thing they wanted to teach me was about their creation, in my work I wrote how different Angels are created from different sub atomic particles, and the more powerful Angels are created from the first particles to exist which are at the deepest depths of sub atomic space, while later Angels from later particles that came into existence.

In seeing their likeness is that to a black hole, they showed me they are something akin to what physicist’s guess is dark matter and energy in the universe, and I felt that answer coming from them, possibly, as I felt it they are created from particles even deeper than that sub atomically, they deal with the human soul and that is created from a place beyond sidrat al muntaha, inside the Arsh.

They were deliberate in what they showed me and how they made me feel, you can see that from what they wanted to talk about and where almost smiling at me like friends looking at someone, seeing them appear from nothing was one of the “coolest” things I had seen from an Angel beyond being impressed by the Mala’ika of Jahanam and Mala’ikat al Arsh and some other Angels, most Angels were more reserved in how they acted with me.

The beauty of space is comparable to their beauty and seeing the Mala’ika of Jahanam is like seeing a huge strong mountain who after first sight you then notice is a strong volcano, they are a step removed from the feeling you get from an active volcano because looking at them isn’t like looking at lava, its like looking at the strength found in a volcano which comes from the mountain underneath it and its ability to hold down the volatile lava.

Allah said, “O Prophet! Lo! We have sent thee as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner. And as a summoner unto Allah by His permission, and as a lamp that giveth light (to people so they can see spiritually).” (33:46)

The prophet (saws) was a light giving lamp for the companions, by his light they saw ghayb, the unseen, similarly by the light of the Mala’ika and Allah people today also see the spiritual world and what is in it.

“Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth…Allah guides to His light whom He wills.” (24:35)

Hanzalah Al-Usayyidi (May Allah be pleased with him) who was one of the scribes of Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), reported:

I met Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) he said: “How are you O Hanzalah?” I said, “Hanzalah has become a hypocrite”. He said, “Far removed is Allah from every imperfection, what are you saying?” I said, “When we are in the company of Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and he reminds us of Hell-fire and Jannah, we feel like we are seeing them with our very eyes, and when we are away from the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), we attend to our wives, our children, our business, most of these things slip out of our minds.” Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) said, “By Allah, I also experience the same thing”. So Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) and I went to Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and I said to him, “O Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), Hanzalah has turned hypocrite.” Thereupon Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “What has happened to you?” I said, “O Messenger of Allah, when we are in your company, and are reminded of Hell-fire and Jannah, we feel like we are seeing them with our own eyes, but when we go away from you and attend to our wives, children and business, much of these things go out of our minds (sight).” Thereupon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “By Him in Whose Hand is my life if your state of mind remains the same as it is in my presence (under his light) and you are always busy in remembrance, (you will see) the angels will shake hands with you in your beds and on your roads (every moment in you day); but Hanzalah, time should be devoted (to the worldly affairs) and time should be devoted (to prayer)”. He (the Prophet (ﷺ)) said this thrice. (Muslim)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

لَّقَدْ صَدَقَ اللَّهُ رَسُولَهُ الرُّؤْيَا بِالْحَقِّ