At the end of the path/tariqah Allah opens the world of the Mala’ikah to you; Hanzala reported: “We were in the company of Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) and he delivered to us a sermon and made a mention of Hell-Fire. Then I came to my house and began to laugh with my children and sport with my wife. (Hanzala) further reported: I went out and met Abu Bakr and made a mention of that to him. Thereupon he said: I have done the same as you have mentioned. So, we went to see Allah’s Messenger (way peace be upon him) and said to him: Allah’s Messenger, Hanzala has turned to he a hypocrite. And he (the Holy Prophet) said Show respite. And then I narrated to him the story, and Abu Bakr said: I have done the same as he has done. Thereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: Hanzala, there is a time for worldly affairs and a time for (worship and devotion), and if your state of mind is always the same as it is at the time of remembrance of Allah, the Angels would shake hands with you and would greet you on the path by saying: As-Salamu-Alaikum.” (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Verily Allah ta’ala has said: ‘Whosoever shows enmity to a wali (friend) of Mine, then I have declared war against him. And My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more loved to Me than the religious duties I have obligated upon him. And My servant continues to draw near to me with nafil (supererogatory) deeds until I Love him. When I Love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, and his sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he strikes, and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him; and were he to seek refuge with Me, I would surely grant him refuge.’ ” [Al-Bukhari]

This is the tariqah of tasawwuf/Ihsan explained in a single hadith, that opening, “When I Love him”, is the opening to the world of Ghayb initially and then the world  of the Mala’ikah eventually.

This is because the Mala’ikah are Allah’s hand in the universe and what the hadith is describing is the process of the Mala’ikah coming to you, when you reach “his hand with which he strikes” that is when the world of the Mala’ikah becomes open to you, and when you reach “his foot with which he walks” and completed that then you have perfected your Ihsan and become worthy of Allah saying you walk with Him and at that point the Mala’ikah will do as you ask completely, “Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him”, this when you see the wali performing what to us look like miracles but in reality are the Mala’ikah moving the universe as He instructs them.

Allah is often more merciful than that and his servants receive sooner because most live through trials not of their own making, some peoples trials are so severe He says to them “do as you wish I have forgiven you”, such were the people of Badr who were guaranteed Rahma.

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, this is an account of a conversation that occurred recently between myself and a Muslimah from Malaysia, although she wasn’t Malaysian but an Arab living there.

She was someone Allah and the prophet (saws) instructed me to help, the prophet (saws) went out of his way to assure me this was the person Allah spoke to me of, but ultimately fear of what I was warning her about being true won over her heart and she was lost to someone evil who befriended her under false pretences.

Some time ago the prophet (saws) informed me that before a fitnah in my life would lift Allah would send us a women to teach, she would be a sign for me that what was affecting my life is ending.

It was maybe over a year after this before the women finally contacted me asking questions about the Human soul and the Lataif in Islam for something she was working on.

Here is what she said;

AsSalamu-alaykum Shaykh Rami,

How are you?

When I typed in your email address it came up in my contact list. I have a feeling I may have contacted you almost 20 years ago in Australia to ask a question. I’m not sure. (She contacted me after the prophet (saws) spoke to me the first time, but she did not stay long after receiving her answers, her heart wasn’t receptive yet so I prayed to Allah to send her back if this was her, she also had just befriended this friend and wasn’t under her fitnah yet.)

I would like to ask you a question or two regarding the ‘ruh’ or ‘spirit’ as described by Imam Al-Ghazali in his Wonders of the Heart.

As I mentioned before, I am currently do a course in Spiritual Psychotherapy. After much research and exposure to the various healing modalities I have noticed a common thread in all where reference is made to a ‘life force’. It appears to be present in almost all ancient and spiritual traditions and all recognise it to have very similar functions for overall wellbeing.

I find it fascinating that Imam Al-Ghazali (and Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani and Ibn Sina (though some question his authority)) also describe something very similar.

They also make a point of it residing in the heart. This is actually a little difficult to explain in writing… however, I have been told that their observations are debatable and that to claim that what they’re referring to is the same as what is described by the other traditions (e.g. Chinese – Qi, Indian- Prana etc) would be blameworthy since no conclusive evidence would suggest that this ‘ruh’ is the same.

It is important for me to know if any of our scholars do consider this to be the case AND if in fact this ‘spirit’ (also known as the ‘Breath of Life’) does reside (or pass through) the heart (as mentioned by the scholars above).

This particular piece of information happens to make an important connection between this life force and the heart. I have a theory about the hearts role in regulating the life force by way of its own state, that is, if it’s very dis-eased, the balance and harmony of the life force is in turn corrupted in some way hence causing blocks and disruption to its flow and ultimately leading to various forms of physical illness.

I understand it is quite complicated and maybe not a clear cut matter. As their opinions stand, however, am I at liberty to quote Al-Ghazali and others to support my work? There is much more to my work, especially in relation to the heart specifically and its role in healing and its apparent direct relationship with this life force. But it’s too much to mention here.

Please forgive my very long email. It was hard to make this concise and I happen not to be very good at that anyway.

I did read your article on this. If I’m not mistaken I see you have made a distinction between the life force and the ‘soul’. This makes sense, too. However, in the work of some scholars it appears that they could be the same…? And, Allah knows best. May He keep us only within the safe bounds of Truth, always.

Jazak Allah Khair.

Thank you.


I wont repeat the entire correspondence except for the first Question and Answer;

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum. These people you are referring to are any of them your teachers? there is an important principle among the scholars of tasawwuf that you don’t speak about something you don’t have experience with. If your teachers are masters at your craft but not tasawwuf, then you can ignore their advice in regards to anything the scholars of tassawwuf have said, that isn’t their area of expertise and they have no place passing advice like this, which at its heart is wrong. If they are masters of Tasawwuf then it is just they are following one school and teaching you that, so respect of their words is always important.

The problem with this entire area of knowledge today is that you are being taught the traditional sciences of Islam but if I said to you, because we are dealing with science not law or Aqeedah, would you today rely on science that is 500 years old, what you are relying on is far worse the interpretation of science that is 500 years old by people who don’t know science.

That isn’t criticizing the scholars of old they were using science to describe the universe, that is criticizing the people of today who have done no work to translate what those scholars said into modern science and are now teaching the laws of science from that time like it is magic, and calling it the spiritual world…Hope that makes sense, the scholars are talking about science in the language of their time nothing more. You have to understand the entire picture to see how everything fits in together, you want to heal the body, you have to know human physiology like a doctor, that should be something you look into. Life force is the power that comes from the soul to empower the body, daylight comes from the sun which creates it.

” their observations are debatable and that to claim that what they’re referring to is the same as what is described by the other traditions (e.g. Chinese – Qi, Indian- Prana etc) would be blameworthy since no conclusive evidence would suggest that this ‘ruh’ is the same.”

That can not have come from a person who is guided, blameworthy means Makruh, hated by Allah, and that statement is a lie against Allah who never spoke about such a thing. Be careful who you take your deen from sister this person is either salafi, deobandi or something of that nature, maybe even a fake sufi. In Islamic law one of the principle’s (Usul) of our Deen is that everything is permissible unless Allah mentions it is Haram, this is how the scholars passed down Fatwa for 1400 years other wise life would have been hard for people who would need a fatwa to do the simplest of things.

When the fitnah of the Salafi’s and Wahabi’s came they took this principle that all of Islam revolved around and flipped it backwards, they lied and said “everything is Haram unless Allah says it is Halal” so they can control the lives of people, this is how you get fatwa by them on women driving cars while the prophet (saws) permitted reasonable travel in places of safety for them, and other idiotic statements we have seen in the media (Allah clearly says in the Quran what is Haram is only for Him to decide, this is where this Usul principle comes from yet you will find them openly contradicting the Quran, Allah and every scholar in History).

The observations of Imam Ghazali are Law when these people are concerned, the scholars where not studying the world under a microscope and guessing what is right or wrong, they were being shown the universe and what is in it by the Mala’ika, I am speaking from my own Maarifah on this matter and know very well to what extent Allah shows the universe to His people, some scholars spoke to the prophet (saws) in their lifetime like you speak to someone on the phone or make a video call to, others spoke to him (saws) like you are speaking to someone in front of you, that is how accurate they are.

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: “Whoever sees me in a dream will see me when he is awake; the Shaytan cannot take my shape.” (Bukhari)

I know this first hand, see my description of the Arsh in the notes section of my Facebook page. You may find other scholars who disagreed with Imam Ghazali, but ask yourself one simple Question are they Awliyah, one of the Arifeen, knowers who Allah revealed things to, or are they just lawyers (Faqih) simply objecting based on logic and what they think. If Imam al Ghazali disagreed with Imam Abdul Qadir al Jilani that is one thing, because they are similar Authorities, but if this disagreement was with say Ibn Kathir then you ignore Ibn Kathir who Allah did not open the universe to, and so they can only speak from logic and what they learned from books. (Allah revealed the universe to them and they used science to describe what they saw, insha Allah soon i will share one of my accounts and you will see how Allah does this with absolute clarity, today they guess at things like black holes while Allah took the prophet Idriss (as) to see one. Any errors come from the ability of science to describe the universe which they relied on to teach something they witnessed, errors don’t come from the ability of the Awliyah to learn from Allah.)

“It is important for me to know if any of our scholars do consider this to be the case AND if in fact this ‘spirit’ (also known as the ‘Breath of Life’) does reside (or pass through) the heart (as mentioned by the scholars above).”

The soul is in the chest, that is what I have read, personally i would say it covers the entire body, the heart is the window of the body to the soul, the spiritual heart is always looking at the soul and taking from it this is how you sense the world around you, the science of this the prophet (saws) mentioned in ahadith, he (saws) called it the light of the heart by which people know Allah.

The life force you are talking about, our physical contact with it is through the nervous system and all the organs, this is a matter of physics and physiology you have to know both so learn about them if you want to lead in this subject. Even if the life force ran through every inch of the entire body energy which is made of sub atomic particles focuses around centers of gravity (Any place that has Mass) and follows its paths like water flows down a river, energy follows the path of least resistance in the body, and that is the physical pathways that already exist in the body, the nervous system, which is like a river of electrical impulses…a river of sub atomic particles.

The physics of the nervous system influences the physics of the life force, just like the gravity of earth influence humans who live on it. You have to come to terms with the fact that everything in the universe is made of sub atomic particles, even the Angels and the Human soul which the prophet (saws) said explicitly in Ahadith, these particles are all governed by the laws of physics meaning we know how they behave and don’t behave from our study of them.

The next thing you have to understand is that you have to translate for yours self the science of old into modern science because we are both studying the same human body otherwise their language will start to sound like magic.

“I have a theory about the hearts role in regulating the life force by way of its own state, that is, if it’s very dis-eased, the balance and harmony of the life force is in turn corrupted in some way hence causing blocks and disruption to its flow and ultimately leading to various forms of physical illness.”

That is exactly what Chinese medicine says about this, the prophet (saws) said “Seek knowledge even unto China”, how can any Muslim then say learning from them is reprehensible, they are directly disobeying the prophet (saws) or worse deliberately misguiding Muslims.

“I did read your article on this. If I’m not mistaken I see you have made a distinction between the life force and the ‘soul’. This makes sense, too. However, in the work of some scholars it appears that they could be the same…? ”

Don’t worry so much about that, you can take them as the same because the soul creates the life force in the body, if you turn of the light bulb the light in the room disappears, we can’t touch the soul but we can influence the life force through the nervous system and that is what is relevant to your work. You can quote the scholars if you like, in general can you tell me the qualifications/caliber of who you are talking about next time, their words are concerning to say the least. Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

After this reply we had a back and forth over deeper point’s that lasted for a few days, one thing was consistent in all her correspondence, proper Islamic Adab. I am contacted by people all the time about various things and i can tell you in over a year none have had the proper adab in conversation, some try, some fake it but unless you have actually learnt it and practised it all your life, even if you wanted to fake it you still wouldn’t know it.

From this I could clearly see what Allah saw in her and why he wanted me to help her and why the prophet (saws) would speak to me about her multiple times in a very short period of time to make certain I recognized who she was.


As I continued to speak with the sister we began discussing deeper matters, then eventually as she was expressing her understanding she began to repeat my own private thoughts back to me almost word for word on subjects I looked into over a year ago, but never mentioned anywhere. That is when I knew Allah had allowed our souls to meet long before meeting in life, the prophet (saws) said Allah takes the souls of the believers when they are asleep. At this time they talk to each other about the subjects they will talk to each other when they meet in life.

I knew from this Allah allowed us to talk so we would know each other in life, I don’t doubt the same occurred with my two cousins despite not seeing them for a long time, this is how qualities are passed on from one person to the next, their souls meet and talk, as a result they acquired my qualities even though we hadn’t seen each other in years.

At the same time I began to notice something was wrong, something was affecting her speech like a sihr was used to cut of her train of thought. I would ask her a question and she would reply and not answer the question, then she would immediately write and apologise, I remained mindful but let it go for now.

She mentioned that she Had a shaykh who she followed and that He took particular care in her instruction because she had recently been seeing things from Allah. I asked her about them and she said Her mother saw her in a dream from a distance, she had something written on her face so her mother came close to see what it was, she Had Allah written on her face in Arabic.

That’s when I immediately understood Allah was speaking to me and telling me how to help her, because In my life that is something very specific and significant to me, and Allah was using it to inform me of something.

Through this Allah confirmed my suspicion that sihr was affecting her, but i didn’t know the source yet so I began asking the Mala’ikah to look into some things surrounding her and deal with them. Over the next few days as I was helping her I eventually came across an evil in the world which I asked the Mala’ikah to deal with in a specific way, as they did the fitnah that was affecting me began to lift and I saw a strong light of Islam shinning from the place it had been which dispersed the darkness that was there and scared away the shayateen with its light, it was so strong and intense.

In general I will explain what I did, after seeing its nature, this fitnah was a fitnah of the nafs that made the claim on a world scale its people are the most intellectually superior in the world and with that they were attacking people around the world stunting their growth, this was part of the Maskh the prophet (saws) said would attack people, the prophet (saws) said it was introduced into the Ummah, from outside of it, by Saddam Hussain in Iraq then it will cover the entire Ummah as more leaders sought to control their countries with more subtle methods of control, like the Maskh of a population.

So I asked the Mala’ikah to hold over it the Maqam of one of Allah’s awliyah and test the truth of their claims, if they spoke the truth nothing would happen, but they lost completely and their evil couldn’t persist.

This is how reality and delusion work, Allah allows you to create delusions in the universe because it is part of people’s freedom to make mistakes, but the occultists of this world have learned how to use Mass delusion to make their world a reality, therefor when you challenge delusion with Haq it disappears so everything they are doing is temporary until Allah challenges it with the truth.

Had these people conquered the world with Haq, despite not being Muslim, they would have had an empire that lasted as long as the Roman empire which was pagan, but delusion disappears from the world faster than oppression.

I understood after all of this why the prophet (saws) was insistent on helping Her, Allah allowed me to find what was affecting me and its origin and free my self of it, the fitnah was now broken.

In her first response the sister mentioned she was working on something, it turned out she was working on a project for an Initiative a friend of hers which she met a year earlier was involved in and organising. Now that friend wanted to speak to me and gain my advice regarding her work and so she asked if she could contact me.

Some time later Her friend sent me two documents she was working on, presentations, which outlined a new initiative she was organising in Malaysia and that region to bring together all people of spirituality, scholars and Mureeds, Muslim and non Muslim, and provide support for them. Before reading the documents properly I asked two questions, who was behind the initiative and who was funding it, why do they want to gather all these people in one place.

That is when her correspondence stopped, she never replied, but as we spoke I noticed three shayateen I had never seen before enter my house and begin paving the way for her in my life, smoothing over anything negative and hiding any suspicion regarding her. That is when I knew what she was, so I read her documents more carefully.

As soon as I began reading the sihr that was in them hit me so hard I doubt she knew what the word subtle meant. The Prophet (saws) said “in sweet language there is sihr”, the underlying principle is that language can be used to delude people and cloud their minds. Her documents were laced entirely with it all through out the language she used which wanted me to ignore any suspicion and not question anything, what was worse is that it was written like something the Military wrote for a program they developed, or some research institute working for the Military, if you understand language you understand where expressions come from.

So I began investigating who was behind this new movement and asking the Mala’ikah to take care of every Issue I came across. In one of the documents was a list of organisations involved and as I looked into them and who funded them, it became clear this entire initiative was an attack on Muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia by the people who run the major corporations of the world (You will see from the list below).

As I identified these people, at every step, I again asked the Mala’ikah to deal with the matter, I received so much help from them that a Jinn who was witnessing this asked one of the Mala’ikah next to me, “Can you really see everything” (About them), to which the Angel replied “I see right to the end when Allah will collapse the mountain on them”.

This is the exact conversation I heard, what He was referring to and I was shown what the Angel was talking about as He spoke, was the hidden Bunker/facility these people in charge of these corporations will eventually seek sanctuary in, they built it inside a strong mountain, from a distance it looked like Mount Assiniboine, a pyramidal peak mountain located on the British Columbia/Alberta border in Canada, it has an Elevation of 3,618 m.

I saw Allah collapse it on them as a punishment to show them they will find no place safe in the world when they try to run and hide from everything they caused, everything that is happening to the world.

I saw the entire mountain come down on their facility and they where all crushed. This was the kind of people her friend was involved with and now I found the source of sihr that was affecting the sister, so I began dealing with it.

The British at one point in history boasted about the railroad of networks they built around the world that allowed them to get at anyone apposing them. The Bible said this was a network of shayateen that Iblis gave them control over, this is how they built their empire, as I spoke to her friend and these Jinn entered my home to pave the way for her, I realised what she was because I had seen this kind of thing before every time I had spoken to someone who was a Freemason.

I dealt with that and I began dealing with her, most of the time when ever this occurred local jinn are obliged to let these shayateen do their work and not get in their way, its a political agreement they abide by. What I found from my own experience of dealing with these people is that when you accuse them with Allah of being a Freemason that gives local Jinn the freedom to step in and deal with them because the matter is now in the open and you recognise them for what they are.

They have to now step in because it is no longer hidden and they don’t want this group to gain any power locally, this is the arrangement and this is how to deal with this fitnah by shinning a light on it.

Most Jinn don’t like them and see them as something very dirty that needs to be dealt with before it spreads.

So I accused her in front of Allah and the Mala’ikah that witnessed what I was doing of being a Freemason and a Kafir to ensure the Mala’ikah throw that at her face as the prophet (saws) said would happen.

Not long after that two female Jinn came into my house and stood tall over one of these shayateen that was helping her and said to them, while referring to the women I was talking to so I understood, You swallowed their party line hole. Meaning she whole hardheartedly adopted masonic practice without hesitation to get ahead in the world, and after reading her documents it was obvious she was a Masonic witch responsible for indoctrinating new members and destroying Islam in the region through this initiative and its structure.

She must of been capable or they would not have put her in charge, but I’ve dealt with people more capable than her.

The document spoke about organising every kind of spiritual teacher and student into one of a number of consecutive circles, the organisations responsible for the initiative are in the inner most circle and the scholars and shaykhs at the outermost.

I doubt she thought i would see into this or she would not have sent it to me, but when you subscribe to an organisation you are also subscribing to the spiritual reality and structure of that organisation, your world will now react to you according to this artificial structure. This is one of the hidden realities of the universe Allah teaches His people about and it is a fitnah gripping the world because it is covered with organisations at the head of which are degenerates and Mufsideen deliberately placed there because they also understand this reality.

This initiative was designed to spiritually place the kufar above the scholars of Malaysia in the name of aid and to ultimately destroy their authority and spiritual presence in the country, thus ending Islam and turning it into Dubai or some other place where Islam is only there in name. I can easily point this out in minute detail from the documents, but this account would get to long.

As I was dealing with all of this I looked at the Facebook page of the sister i was trying to help to see if could find out more. That is when I noticed her photos, the photos from some time back, i think before she met this new friend, her face was full of nur (light) but in the most recent ones her face was dark and that nur was gone like someone had sucked the life out of her.

I saw how serious her condition was and that her religion was in danger but she didn’t realise it, she lived in Malaysia so I had limited contact, I then asked some of the strongest Mala’ikah with Allah to watch over her for the rest of her life and take care of the fitnah from this new friend, Allah wanted me to be thorough so I was, I instructed them that if this “friend” did anything else towards the sister to deal with her in the severest of ways, which they agreed to.

The Mala’ikah take matters extremely seriously when Allah is involved in something or the prophet (saws), and in this matter both had asked me to help her so I already knew the Mala’ikah would respond like this and made certain she was protected in every possible way from loosing her religion Insha Allah.

After seeing all of this and taking care of as much as I could I wrote her an email trying to teach her about her situation, this is that email;

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Insha Allah I ask our conversations remain between us this helps protect the baraka in our words and ensures you get the complete benefit of my efforts.

I know why Allah sent you to me, this may not be easy for you but insha Allah you have enough trust in my words to take them seriously.

Do you know the saying read the fine print before signing anything, or watch the movie until the end of the credits, or the devil is in the fine print, the dream in which Allah was written on your face it relates to Allah teaching me how to see the spiritual fine print of things, especially companies, organisations and initiatives, insha Allah you can see what Allah asked of me regarding you from this, I checked spiritually and what I am saying to you is correct, your deen is in danger and Allah wants me to protect you.

Your friend sent me two documents which i went over, in the document were the credits, the list of organisations involved in the initiative you are helping. Before I go into that, do you remember the hadith of the prophet (saws) “In sweet language there is sihr”, the underlying principle of the hadith is that language can be used to cast sihr on a person, basically manipulate their perception so they become blind to something or delusional about what things mean, the first thing I saw when reading the documents was that there was sihr in the language.

It was unmistakable it hit me pretty hard, the language used cut’s short a persons perception and wanted us to take things at face value and not look past the good intentions of the work to see what is underneath. Any person reading this material or similar works will pick up some of its traits, like the persons language has been cut up or their train of thought has been cut short. I noticed this in your emails a number of times and wanted to get to the bottom of it, this is it sister. If you remember a number of times I asked you a question and a number of times you didn’t answer them but then sent me an email apologising, these are the symptoms of such sihr.

I don’t know your friend enough to accuse her of anything (I was being kind here and speaking from what little doubt I had left at the time, so I didn’t hurt her), if your wondering, she could be a victim like you, read enough of this material and eventually you start talking the way it is written then you spread it around and eventually think the way the language is designed, i know enough about language and how it can be twisted, at the moment my concern is you sister and I wont know anything about your friend until I talk to her for a bit longer.

Do you remember my first emails how I asked you about sihr and sent you that book, I noticed even before talking to your friend or seeing any of this, so Insha Allah you can see I am sincere from that.

That is the first Issue I noticed when reading the document and it hit me immediately, the second was the list of organisation involved which explained it all, i did a check to see who they are.

This is the list;

  1. Traditional Guilds
  2. Sufi Orders
  3. National Geographic Society
  4. Asia Society
  5. Sokka Gakai Society
  6. The Aspen Institute
  7. Integral Institute
  8. Alchemy Guild
  9. Lions Club
  10. Rotary Club

If i go through all them this email will be long, so i will pick just one, The Aspen Institute;

“The Aspen Institute is an international nonprofit think tank, The Aspen Institute is largely funded by foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Gates Foundation, the Lumina Foundation, and the Ford Foundation.”

When you see names like the Carnegie Corporation, Ford and Rockefeller, think new world order, the people working towards establishing one government to rule the entire world, the people working towards creating the system of the Dajjal that he will use to crush the world, the prophet (saws) said there will be forerunners to the Dajjal who will help pave the way for him, this is them.

Sister these are the people responsible for the fitnah in the world, they are the occult societies I mentioned and the prophet (saws) warned about, if you remember our conversation. The word think tank is a nice way of saying they think up strategies that keep their societies on top in what ever field they have their hands in, in this case religion and spirituality.

The document’s that were sent to me are all about bringing religious leaders, shaykhs and their mureeds under an umbrella corporation that would supply them with all their needs.

The people who pay the bills are the people in charge of you, this is a spiritual reality which impacts peoples lives, it means their Haq/world view will supersede your own spiritually because you took them as protectors over you, this is one way to dominate a people with out putting anyone in charge of them or over them.

When this happens in the world you see things like, say you get into an argument with a kafir, you quote the Quran but its words have no effect or spiritual impact, but when they Quote their kufr to you somehow their words carry more weight and you don’t know why.

This is why, they are paying for your clothes, books, shoes, supplies, resources, Imam Ali (ra) explained this when He said a country/people will never prosper or be free if they don’t make their own clothes and grow their own food, there are spiritual consequence’s to putting kufar over you and Allah warned about it in the Quran making it haram.

The Quran states it is Haram for a muslim to take the Kufar as Awliyah/protectors/Supporters;

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Awliyaa’ (friends, protectors, helpers), they are but Awliyaa’ of each other (Allah is telling you it is Haram to trust them). And if any amongst you takes them (as Awliyaa’), then surely, he is one of them (If you get involved with them Allah will consider you out of Islam, and He wont guide you anymore). Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zaalimoon (the people who took the Kufar as Awliyaa)”

[al-Maa’idah 5:51]

“You see many of them taking the disbelievers as their Awliyaa’ (protectors and helpers). Evil indeed is that which their ownselves have sent forward (Spiritually) before them; for that (reason) Allah’s Wrath fell upon them, and in torment they will abide (You are in this kind of Danger and Allah wants to save you from it).

And had they believed in Allah, and in the Prophet (Muhammad) and in what has been revealed to him (These Ayats I am Quoting), never would they have taken them (the disbelievers) as Awliyaa’ (protectors and helpers); but many of them are the Faasiqoon (rebellious, disobedient to Allah)”

[al-Maa’idah 5:80-81]

“Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Awliyaa’ (supporters, helpers) instead of the believers, and whoever does that, will never be helped by Allah in any way, except if you indeed fear a danger from them”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:28]

Don’t cut Allah out of your life because of them, they are not worth it, we do things for there benefit and Allah is telling you your efforts with them wont be rewarded by Him so don’t waste your life and akhira doing this work.

Insha Allah I haven’t upset you, I enjoyed teaching you and hope that continues, you don’t have to worry about this fitnah spreading I already took care of it, I asked the Mala’ikah (Angels) to deal with it and not long after I received a reply which let me know they wont let this effort continue, it will persist for a while then it will fizzle out when they see it wont receive support, they also confirmed what I thought about it sister.

What you have to worry about is quietly distancing your self from it, the verses in the Quran should be enough of a reason for you even if my arguments are not.

Khair Insha Allah.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Note: My words where to no effect despite this being fiqh in Islam, sadly she chose her friend over my advice because we had only known each other for a short period of time and unfortunately I haven’t heard from her since, I fear I my have lost her to this “friend” she chose to trust for over a year, so I gave her one more piece of advice.

I told her to recite surah al Zalzala over this matter because it help’s uncover secrets and anything hidden, insha Allah if she ever sees this work she understands my intentions better;

سُوۡرَةُ الزّلزَلة

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

إِذَا زُلۡزِلَتِ ٱلۡأَرۡضُ زِلۡزَالَهَا (١) وَأَخۡرَجَتِ ٱلۡأَرۡضُ أَثۡقَالَهَا (٢) وَقَالَ ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنُ مَا لَهَا (٣) يَوۡمَٮِٕذٍ۬ تُحَدِّثُ أَخۡبَارَهَا (٤) بِأَنَّ رَبَّكَ أَوۡحَىٰ لَهَا (٥) يَوۡمَٮِٕذٍ۬ يَصۡدُرُ ٱلنَّاسُ أَشۡتَاتً۬ا لِّيُرَوۡاْ أَعۡمَـٰلَهُمۡ (٦) فَمَن يَعۡمَلۡ مِثۡقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ خَيۡرً۬ا يَرَهُ ۥ (٧) وَمَن يَعۡمَلۡ مِثۡقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ۬ شَرًّ۬ا يَرَهُ ۥ (٨

It’s entirely possible her friend was targeting me through her since she was responsible for why the sister contacted me, she was looking for shaykhs to enter the initiative, and because that witches sihr hit me openly and I had to deal with it before I could continue.

I’ve seen this kind of thing before a few times, people think they are smarter than they actually are or they think no else can see them or has experience with the world they are drowned in, some Muslim’s Allah shows them the fitnah that is killing the world so they can deal with it and those behind it, I am certainly one of these Arifeen.

There is an old saying in Islam, “Don’t ask the people of truth if you don’t want to hear the truth.”

I witnessed the amount of effort Allah put into helping her and the degree to which the prophet (saws) wanted to see what was best for her, so it is very sad the outcome was like this.

Most ordinary people are not equipped to deal with this kind of fitnah so I don’t blame her for not seeing it, or being able to cope with it, a person who has a good heart and maintains it Allah will send others to do that for them, so I think that’s what Allah had in mind, He knew how I dealt with fitnah in this world and so He arranged for her to meet me so I can help her in this way.

Insha allah you all learn and ask the Mala’kah to help fix the problems you see in the world, they are creatures of Ihsan and will go and look into something out of their Ihsan, so don’t worry if you are not a wali or have many faults, just say Ya Mala’ikah and ask, they have already said to me they will listen.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.