Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

From time to time I have had to deal with what surmounts to an army of Jinn, all at the same time, that is Jinn coming from different backgrounds attacking you at the same time.

Initially this was a struggle as I learnt the best way to deal with them, at first it took a long time but once you know the worst and most effective forces against Jinn it’s only a matter of minutes and its doesn’t matter how many they are or how many different places they come from.

The most effective way to deal with Jinn who are pooling their spiritual power together to come at you is to use the force of Jahanam against them, that is what Allah created it for to destroy evil that persists in the world so it doesn’t cover the earth with it, because most people don’t know how to purify an area of the evil they committed there, they just move on.

The prophet (saws) in ahadith spoke about the force of Jahanam and its power reaching this earth at certain times of the day, this why we don’t pray during these times, and the best way to use the force of Jahanm against this many Jinn is to ask Mala’ikat Jahanam to deal with them.

They are the only ones who know how to recognize the worst kind of evil in this world and deal with it, each Mala’ikah was created for a task and they were created for this exact purpose to know every kind of evil and punish it.

So, if you ever find yourself in this kind of situation, usually this occurs when you are the target of a group or groups, ask them to deal with these Jinn and all the people behind them. If you ever witness them you will see how they love to deal with this evil and grab hold of these Jinn with force, they are prohibited by Allah from showing Raham/Mercy because it is prohibited for it to reach the people of hell when they are in there.

Knowing which type of Mala’ikah to ask for what type of problem is essential, so learn about the different kinds, in general there are Mala’ikah for Rahama (Mercy), Hisab (Punishment/Accounting/Judgement), Beauty, Death, the grave, Animals, Nature, Weather, the Mountains, Knowledge and Wisdom…every subject you can think of Allah has Mala’ikah in charge of it so ask for the Mala’ikah in charge of your problem.

Don’t ever be afraid of being surrounded by your enemies, if you ask the Mala’ikah they will repay them for their evil over the rest of their lives until the scales are balanced.

Remember the Shayateen listen to them but the Mala’ikah listen to us.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.