Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

A few years ago across the road from me a witch moved in, I eventually found this out when I noticed her spells on me. After I saw what she was I got into a battle with her because she wouldn’t leave me alone. People who study engineering are inquisitive by nature they are the kind of people who like to see how things work, dissect them and understand their nature.

Every time she would cast a spell on me after I noticed it I would dissect what it did, how it worked and what was behind it, over the years I have learnt a lot just from dissecting what people did.

One thing the Mala’ikah taught me, to take control over an area, was to write Allah on every light pole in the street, this hampered the shayateen’s ability to bring the worst and darkest kind of evil into the street, this is why the kufar don’t like good Muslims walking into their areas their Ihsan and its light kills some of their sihr and consequently any business that relies on it.

What I did it didn’t just benefit me but everyone in the entire street because I noticed how the people in my street were being taken advantage of by people in other streets or else where so it improved every ones life. The first time I did this the Jinn were up in arms and mad, eventually they saw it was good for their children and thanked me for it because it lifted the standard of Ihsan in the street from some were dark to a place where their children could now go outside and play.

So I starved the witch out of her spiritual power and her spells became less effective over time, eventually I noticed a sihr she was casting on her car and some tricks she was doing with it, so like everything else I studied it saw what made it tick and destroyed it, this broke the camel’s back and ended her fitnah because she relied on it for her business.

One of the evil things she did before she moved out of the street was to bewitch local cats, she used two but one in particular she would send to my house to stare at me with the evil eye. This cat would come right up to me without fear and stare at me so intently she froze like a statue her entire body rigid.

The cat was controlled by a evil Jinn that was using her to get at me, the Jinn used the cat to travel onto my property otherwise it couldn’t come on its own, I saw the Jinn a few times when I stared back and the Jinn lost and was forced to leave the cat in front of me.

​Eventually the cat would become aggressive towards me because of what she was doing, as time went on this stopped and I forgot about this, eventually when I saw the cat I began to be kind to her, but she remained aggressive to me, one day as I was being kind she lashed out at me about to attack but I scared it of, I was amazed by her aggressiveness it was to much for a cat and wasn’t normal.

As it was walking away I made a dua against her and in that moment I saw how sad her life really was, used and left to deal with the consequences, alone, cast out and starving.

One of the Mala’ikah took pity on her, he also saw how upset I was that she wouldn’t accept my kindness, so he came and said to her one day soon (when you have no one) you will see how he will be kind to you.

Not long after that the witch that was supporting her left because I starved her of her source of power and so the cat became homeless, a few weeks later I found her wondering the streets at night looking for food, I could hear her cries of hunger in the middle of the night.

So I began to leave her food at night a few times a week, eventually she would warm up to me and forget the witch, when she finally accepted me she one day came to me crying (Her Jinn that is) and told me her story.

The witch made her promises to use her and when she was finished with her she cast her out on the street to starve, she was filled with sorrow and regret over what she did to me, then she reminded me of what the Mala’ikah said to her back then and that it came true.

Sometimes now I see her at night and when there are evil Jinn in the street she defends me from them.

Allah’s creatures don’t need to speak to you for you to have a reason to be kind to them, but you can be certain when you are, for them it is a matter of life and death, you will see kindness in return from them even if you don’t realise it.

It’s enough the prophet (saws) said mankind will reach such a state of evil that the rain they receive is only because of the animal’s on earth.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.