Bismillahi rahmani raheem , assalamu alaikum

[I am sharing this for the baraka contained in it, the mater it speaks of is no longer of concern]


Recently I received a spiritual challenge over something I thought I’d never see again in my life, by someone I know. This is the reason I am writing this, to take care of a problem, for most people reading this the email won’t mean much more than some interesting stories that insha Allah expand your heart, but for one person reading this they will know what I am talking about.

The challenge was a spiritual challenge over martial arts superiority, this is different than a physical contest and tests the spiritual reality of a person over a matter. When I stayed silent over the challenge I received and the Jinn that was sent moved to blindly attack me despite already seeing the Haq of the matter, the local Shindō jinen-ryū Master (His Jinn) came and defended me telling the Jinn sent by that person to back of because He doesn’t know who He is dealing with, that is when I understood how serious this Jinn was and saw this would cost me something spiritually if I didn’t respond.

Shindō jinen-ryū is a form of Karate, Japanese Martial arts, I’m not certain which form of Karate the master is since I only visited his Dojo once almost a decade ago, so I mean no disrespect if I am wrong in his title, but that is what I remembered about him. The Master and the Jinn agreed they would settle the matter, concede its reality, after I wrote this email about my spiritual lineage which I had related to the Master once before, from that they will decide the truth.

My intention is to inform about where I have been in life, as a kind of wake up call, this person in concern and other people like him should consider this a soft response to the challenge.

I should inform you from the start this isn’t about martials arts superiority but spiritual superiority, because real martial arts, before its perversion by Bruce Lee and his like was a form of practising Ihsan (perfection), the victor, to real martial arts masters isn’t the one who has the best martial arts but the one who wins spiritually, and you practice it to perfect yourself. This is a lesson that took me a long time to see but it will explain the meaning behind everything.

Bruce Lee turned Martial Arts into nothing but a series of kicks and punches, this is the fastest and lowest way to win a fight, while traditional Martial Arts was a language you spoke with your opponent reading his capacity and spirituality. Martial Arts was developed this way so you don’t stunt your spiritual growth, or become an animal seeking blood, when Bruce Lee cut the spirituality out of a practice meant to be about the moment of life and death and important choices that impact you, He cut short His own life, and we all know the consequence’s for Him and His son.

Since a very young age I had exceptional reflexes the kind world class athletes have, which I developed from being heavily involved in sports. From primary school I was involved with sports teams that achieved things you see in movies, and I played almost every sport you can Imagine, from softball to soccer, to cricket, to basketball, and football when I wasn’t at school I was playing for a team after school.

Its because I know sport I wouldn’t recommend that you let your children play it, its modern culture stunts their spiritual development because it boxes their mind into a very narrow world view that says this small team and its sunnah is your entire life, so their spirituality develops in this small world, while wisdom comes from expanding your heart which is why Allah said to the prophet (saws) in the Quran after giving Him (saws) prophet hood “did we not expand your breast (heart)” (94”1).

أَلَمْ نَشْرَحْ لَكَ صَدْرَكَ

When I first went to high school and some people saw me play football against the seniors of the school, they almost won the state championship, eventually they asked me if I was interested in playing at that level, I said no because of some advice I was given but another person in my year that played with me against them, who they also asked, went on to play professionally.

It wasn’t that simple for me, as a Muslim I faced prejudice from a community that would never accept me unless I became them, for example when My parents enrolled me in the best school in my area that school also had the best basketball program, consistent regional champions, the first time I tried out for the team, the coach decided to work us to death to prove a point to me before finally picking the exact same team He always did, there was nothing wrong with the team itself they always won but He didn’t care if anyone else was good enough, the second year I tried out as soon as I walked onto the court He walked of and refused to even hold trials, eventually the same team was picked by default, white’s only.

I can honestly tell you I wasn’t at their level, yet…they ran drills like I had never seen before, but that was only because they refused to train me it was obvious even to them I could reach that level, and I knew I could out play them because they played like a machine with no heart, this was something settled a few years later when I played against some of them in a private match.

After Basketball I decided to Join the local Taekwondo School, that is a form of Korean Martial arts that combined elements of karate and Chinese martial arts with traditional Korean martial arts. After some time at the school, the master was a white man who achieved 3rd Dan Black belt, wanted to perform the Kata for 3rd Dan in front of the school, which was a set of detailed patterns, this was very significant and spiritual.

From what you see come out of this any spiritually aware master can pick out his future top-level students. As I watched I began to follow His actions step by step, completely focused, one movement after another, I didn’t realize it but I was completely engrossed by what He was doing. I was still young and didn’t understand what any of it meant, but I followed it. One day while sparring the Master asked me to spar with His black belt student, it would turn out later on He wanted me to “learn” from my failure that His student and “white people” by extension are spiritually superior, I didn’t know it at the time so I fought Him with a clean intention.

In the middle of the match His student deliberately began to get rough and physical, trying to dominate me completely, so I would become defeated in my self with no hope left of achieving anything. Allah didn’t accept what they were trying to do, so while He was over powering me with a series of moves I had no answer for, Allah placed serenity in my heart and allowed me to respond to His attacks with the Masters own 3rd Dan kata until the Masters black belt student saw what I was replying with and gave up feeling defeated in himself, Allah reversed their intention on them, the student openly complained to His master saying I can’t beat Him.

Soon after that they would resort to dirty tactics, no, there was no moment where he ordered him to “sweep the leg”, this was about spirituality and something more than a fight so they sought to corrupt my learning instead.

Soon after this the master left the school for a while and came back after He achieved 5th Dan black belt. Again, the master wanted to display the Kata to the entire school, so we all watched as he performed a series of complex movements this time to fast for anyone to follow, while He was performing this I could hear a voice in my heart say in his voice, let’s see if you can follow this, that’s when I knew His intention and my heart knew what was really happening at the school.

His Jinn was challenging me to learn from the Master while He deliberately performed the Kata in a way to fast for any person to learn from him, destroying its spirituality completely, from his tone it became clear he left the school so he could get spiritually advanced enough in martial arts to complete the Job his student couldn’t.

As His Jinn challenged Me I could sense another group of Jinn laughing at them from behind me for doing this, they were Korean Jinn responsible for the Martial Arts standards of the school, later in life they would inform me that they warned the Master if He did this it would ruin him, but He didn’t care and did it anyway because of His obligations to His people who were fighting every minority community in their country, it wasn’t long after this, maybe two years, His school closed down.

The school was set up to perform Maskh on anyone interested in Martial arts and wasn’t white, this was part of their greater effort of putting white society on top in every field imaginable to man in the world, including spirituality in its many forms.

I left soon after this, but as it turned out later in life Allah wouldn’t allow what they wanted to become a reality and unknown to me I was now part of a Martial arts silsila that its Jinn preserved in life.

All of this occurred before I reached the age of twenty and by then I had gone through a number of trials in life that Allah used to test and purify my heart, I have spoken about this already but soon after I turned twenty Allah made us a spiritual master of tasawwuf and conferred on us our own tariqah to the prophet (saws).

What these “white” people did to us growing up was no small thing and what Allah gave us for enduring it was equally significant.

In Martial arts, becoming a master of tasawwuf is equivalent to being able to open your own Dojo, so while the society I was in sought to perform Maskh and spiritually stunt me, Allah had other plans in response to the fitnah I was suffering under.

قَالَ رَبِّ ٱشۡرَحۡ لِى صَدۡرِى (٢٥) وَيَسِّرۡ لِىٓ أَمۡرِى (٢٦) وَٱحۡلُلۡ عُقۡدَةً۬ مِّن لِّسَانِى (٢٧) يَفۡقَهُواْ قَوۡلِى (٢٨) وَٱجۡعَل لِّى وَزِيرً۬ا مِّنۡ أَهۡلِى (٢٩) هَـٰرُونَ أَخِى (٣٠) ٱشۡدُدۡ بِهِۦۤ أَزۡرِى (٣١) وَأَشۡرِكۡهُ فِىٓ أَمۡرِى (٣٢) كَىۡ نُسَبِّحَكَ كَثِيرً۬ا (٣٣) وَنَذۡكُرَكَ كَثِيرًا (٣٤

When martial arts is practised properly in the language of spirituality it makes no difference if I am a shaykh of Tasawwuf or a master of Martial Arts, in the language of spirituality both are the art of practising Ihsan and equivalent, what is the difference between a Buhdist Monk and a Sufi. Today people only look at your skill in fighting, but to the Jinn, Mala’ikah and the spiritual world they only look at your level of perfection (Ihsan), this was something that became clear to me later in life.

This is because martial arts isn’t a sport, its a sunnah in life used to benefit you and society, so I could say to you a master of calligraphy His success is also measured by the Ihsan (Human perfection) He achieves from His art, and it is looked at the same way spiritually, it’s only the west that measures success by how much money you make from your skill.

A few years after Allah elevated us I had a strange visitor come to my house, as it was later explained to me I ran into him because of the martial arts silsila I had, which meant its people would revolve around my life.

My older cousin came to my house with a friend he had met and wanted me to meet, He was a new convert to Islam and a Martial Arts Master, He went through a large sacrifice to keep His new deen and told me His story. At the time He said He was the third best Martial artist in the world, He used to act in Material Arts movies, in one Jackie Chan Movie He was the main villain, He had to give all of that up to keep His deen, that was the ultimatum He was given by those who run the industry.

This is before MMA and those animals, He practised traditional Martial Arts along with its spirituality although he wasn’t spiritually mature like a monk. But He and my cousin visited for more than just conversation, they wanted something and by this point people knew Allah elevated us but not to what extent because I hid the fact I was given my own silsila in the Naqshbandi tariqa.

Although people knew what Allah had conferred on us, they never knew how to understand it so I never said anything for 15 years, until I began writing.

After he related his story my cousin mentioned to Him that I practised Martial Arts, He looked at me and something changed about him.

Eventually the conversation went outside and while we were standing around talking, in the middle of listening to Him speak, He suddenly did a very fast side kick right into the middle of my chest at full strength and speed, if I didn’t have the reflexes I had I would have ended up in the hospital.

In a split second before I could even see clearly, I reacted and grabbed His foot just in front of my chest with both hands and jumped slightly back to avoid contact, it was meant to go right through me, the force of the kick was such I could feel the wind from it on my chest. I then twisted His foot slightly challenging him to see what He would do, he pulled it back shocked at what just occurred.

I looked at my cousin and he was also in a state of shock, both were expecting me to lose, this at its heart was a spiritual challenge over the matter and he expected to win. Why this master would challenge me, I had no idea at the time, but he saw that he had just lost and for someone of his calibre it wasn’t easy.

Later his master, the Jinn responsible for His material Arts, came and apologised for Him saying He is spiritually young, when He saw me spiritually He wanted to challenge me, then He conveyed a conversation He had with Him in which the jinn told Him I was like His Martial Arts master, which He accepted in himself but couldn’t see why because I was young.

I think, because He just adopted a new religion and was going from one way of life to another, He wanted to challenge the spiritual truth of everything He knew, what that all meant, if its real he would loose to someone spiritually superior, if its fake he would win and that would prove the choices he made, so He went against His better judgement and the advice of his guide and attacked me.

Allah gave Him His answer, that Ihsan and the spiritual reality of the universe is the same no matter which religion you follow, each religion seeks to learn the same truth, but it colours the answer with its culture and time period.

I don’t know If He understood what Allah was telling Him, that He was going from a place that saw the partial truth to a place that saw the entire truth, its like a convert adopting salafism when He should have been looking at Sufism to see the truth of where he had been, in light of the complete picture, rather than entirely reject his past.

This wasn’t the last time someone would test me unexpectedly to see if that gave them a spiritual advantage, at the time they knew something about me I didn’t, yet, which is why they attempted it more than once from my blind spot, thinking that would overcome everything they heard. This kind of spiritual challenge has happened to me a number of times over the years, but none as significant as this, I didn’t understand what these challenges meant and why they considered I won from one small movement, or a single step, until later in life when it was explained to me.

Similar to this event was the experience I had with a Japanese Jinn I met when I purchased some art from a Japanese shop, and the shopkeeper who was like a nun, didn’t approve.

She sent Him to haunt me, after defeating his efforts and seeing my character He would reveal to me that He was once one of Japan’s leading samurai, the second best armour in Japan as he called it and he left Japan, or was exiled because He was reckless, He would focus on winning with one strike at all costs, He was effective and never lost but moved with out consideration for the next step which was dangerous to humans. Eventually He taught me how to perform this strike, and I practised it with him, he showed me how effective it was and its flaws, in this way I was being given another spiritual silsila in the martial art of the sword.

This encounter, in reality, was an answer to a prayer I made to Allah about learning this skill because of it’s spiritual benefits which I saw in the life of the prophet (saws) and companions (rah).

In Asian cultures families often keep a sword in the house for its baraka, from my own experience I can say this is very real, some types of shayateen usually associated with business people, psychiatrists, psychologists etc. who specialise in “nasnasa” (being sneaky and underhanded), or weakness in character, wont enter a house or room with a sword in it, it is the opposite of their reality.

The saying “having a spine” should come to mind here because that is what they attack in people. The prophet Muhammad (saws) owned no less than nine swords and said Allah gave Him His rizq from underneath the shade of His (saws) spear, so there is benefit in owning traditional weapons even if you don’t use them.

Living in a town that has a sister town in Japan and a significant Asian community, you will eventually earn things spiritually among their people as your character becomes known to them, the first time was in a Buddhist monastery at a young age, but eventually other things came in life.

When this next encounter occurred it helped me against types of Jinn in the Asian community or those associated with them on a number of occasions. After a lengthy spiritual struggle against darker forces in their community in which I held my ground and Ihsan I found out they were attacking me from a distance, I then had a dream of two elderly dragons visiting me.

After some words they spoke together I walked over to them, one of them began eating grapes, which signified the light of hope that persists in the time of most darkness, after he finished the grapes he continued eating the wooden vine until he finished it, which meant toughness during the most desperate of times.

The female dragon looked at me and said you are tough like this dragon, meaning you easily deal with tough struggles and persist, then she gave me a vine of grapes to eat which I did in the same manner as the Male Dragon finishing the vine.

Afterwards a large tattoo of a green dragon appeared on my back covering it and shinning brightly, I asked her what it meant, referring to the Yakuza and Triads she said to me, it means “no cutting”, I am safe from them, then she explained to me these people are spiritually young most don’t come this far spiritually, (it seemed they were also testing me from a distance), this tattoo of the dragon is given to those who are spiritually developed.

Afterwards, a number of times a shaytan from these people or someone who had some connection with them would attack me in my dreams then show me the tattoo’s he earned on his body, they continued to display this superiority in front of me until they saw that dragon tattoo I was given, then they would be forced to back down.

Many years passed and finally I got my explanation to what was occurring, in another work I wrote about the town I visited which didn’t want any real Muslim there, before finally leaving I wanted to visit some place I knew they didn’t want me, so I visited one of their main restaurants, It was a Chinese Imperial restaurant very formal, very organised. These kind of upper class places, you may not know but I do from experience I gained at work, they are delicately arranged spiritually, they are places you can get hurt spiritually if you visit them because of this.

This was some years ago so I don’t remember the details of the encounter well, but after sitting down, a silent back and forth occurred between me and a Chinese gentlemen, in the middle of the meal he began to look defeated. It wasn’t anything I did intentionally to incur the challenge but as His Jinn explained later the gentlemen studied Sun Tzu and he decided to pick a spiritual battle with me, the Jinn explained Sun Tzu knew the outcome of a battle from the first step taken in it, and the gentlemen lost to me because I won the first step, because I recognised Him first, this is something like recognising a persons true quality from the world of souls and means you have a spiritual advantage that can’t be overcome easily because every thing before hand in your life led you to this moment and you have been spiritually prepared for it by Allah and the Mala’ikah, therefore dictating its terms from a place of spiritual elevation.

Everything moves according to its spiritual rank in the world, Allah looks at the heart of the prophets first, then the hearts of the saints, then the hearts of people and moves the universe according to this hierarchy.

This didn’t just explain this moment, it explained why I won every other spiritual battle, some of which I was similarly told I won because I recognized them first, but I didn’t know what that meant at the time. It didn’t simply mean I saw them first it meant my soul recognised their soul, character, nature first and that comes from spiritual primacy and Ihsan.

That is what dictates the nature of any encounter between two people, who ever has spiritual primacy your life moves around theirs and those younger than you spiritually, their life moves around yours as you encounter them in life. It means you are following that persons lead in life at the spiritual level, this was something I had seen all my life but never recognised or understood.

This matter has been with me from the start of my life, and from my own experience, like the prophet (saws) facing the tribes of Arabia as well as the Romans and the Persians, or Dhul-Qarnayn the Great ruler, (ذو القرنين‎‎ 18:83-101), facing the Armies of the east and west, spiritually, the number of people against you don’t mean anything.

The larger the number of people involved the larger the consequences, the more persistent the more severe, until Allah begins taking the lives of people which I have seen on more than one occasion.

Allah has servants who are able to deal with large groups of people, this is how, I’ve had a multitude of companies and entire organisations turn on me in numbers, entire groups of people come at me from a young age, in the name of those in charge of society, because I am a Muslim and nothing else.

None of that made a difference their occult practice can only shape reality so much through numbers before Haq over comes it;

“Say the truth has come and falsehood has vanished (in the universe) falsehood is ever bound to vanish” (17:81).

The Haq (reality) of such servants who face this in life, the reality of where their soul originated from as the prophet (saws) explained, will always destroy the false realities they create through numbers. The reality of our prophet (saws), al Haqiqa al Muhammadiya, is the most significant thing in our Deen because this is its truth (Haq/Reality) and role.

The first thing Allah created was the prophet Muhammad’s (saws) light and from these subatomic particles Allah created the rest of the universe. The prophets (saws) existence supersedes all other realities, it has primacy over them, because of His (saws) light which He (saws) sees the world with, even after death, it is His (saws) light of prophet hood that Allah gave to every prophet (as) before Him (saws) and it destroys every delusion.

“Truly did Allah fulfil the vision for His Messenger: ye shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah wills, with minds secure, heads shaved, hair cut short, and without fear. For He knew what ye knew not, and He granted, besides this, a speedy victory.”(48:27)

لَّقَدْ صَدَقَ اللَّهُ رَسُولَهُ الرُّؤْيَا بِالْحَقِّ لَتَدْخُلُنَّ الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ إِن شَاءَ اللَّهُ آمِنِينَ مُحَلِّقِينَ رُءُوسَكُمْ وَمُقَصِّرِينَ لَا تَخَافُونَ فَعَلِمَ مَا لَمْ تَعْلَمُوا فَجَعَلَ مِن دُونِ ذَٰلِكَ فَتْحًا قَرِيبًا

When I was very young our school visited the largest Buddhist monastery in the country, while taking the tour something made me leave the tour group and wonder of exploring, I happened across an empty meditation room with round cushions all around the walls, something seemed strange about the room, as soon as I walked inside the room I had a vision of meditating on one of the cushions while floating in the air, I stayed like that until someone grabbed me and snapped me out of my state and told me to get back in the group. After that the monks lost their facade and began acting less monk like, like I was seeing their true nature, most of them were selfish and had selfish reasons for being there.

The Light of the Muhsin comes from the Light of the prophet (saws) and this is its ability to uncover the truth about people, the world and reality.

I could recount even earlier encounters from my own country but i think that is enough for now. After becoming a shaykh of tasawwuf, I wrote about this previously, it was the first time Allah sent me to reform a scholar this person was highly educated and a professor at a well established institution, He similarly said to me I saw him first, but at the age of 20 this seemed like a random comment that didn’t make sense until now.

This stayed with me for a long time until Allah opened for me understanding of Al Haqiqah Al Muhammadiyah, the reality of our prophet (saws) who had spiritual primacy over every other being in creation. Because of the primacy of His creation His soul recognised the soul of everything else before it recognised Him, and consequently everyone in that encounter in life is just reacting to what his soul does from that point, like someone who has the element of surprise in battle and can make the first move long before you even realise your caught in something, this is what “you saw me first” means.

After explaining this, I can say to you because of the significance of that encounter with the Martial Artist, who could have put me in hospital and changed my life, I trained my entire life through various means to reach that point and handle that attack, that should make sense now and not sound out of sync, we prepare for the future from the moment our souls see it and somethings are destined for us from before we are born.

Imam al-Bukhari (may Allah have mercy on him) reported in his Saheeh that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying: ‘Souls are like conscripted soldiers; those whom they recognize, they get along with, and those whom they do not recognize, they will not get along with.’”

Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his commentary on the hadeeth: “Concerning the phrase ‘Souls are like conscripted soldiers…’ al-Khattabi said: It could be that what is being referred to is the beginning of creation in the realm of the unseen when, it is reported, souls were created before bodies, and used to meet one another and express their pessimism about the future. When souls have entered bodies (come to the physical world) they may recognise one another from the past, and may be on friendly terms or otherwise, based on that past experience.”

“The prophet (saws) famously said Allah takes the souls of the believers whilst they sleep, at this time the souls talk to each other, consider that deeply and what they are doing at this time and the fact the souls of people had a life long before they entered bodies to be born, because that is the crux of how spiritual knowledge is passed on from one person to the next.”

A soul that came into existence first at the beginning of time, in life after they are born has an advantage over a younger less spiritually elevated soul.

The prophet Muhammad (saws) said about that; “Then Allah sub’haanahu gazed upon my light and out of modesty it perspired and there exuded from it 124,000 drops of light (light in the vocabulary of the Quran is a general term for all subatomic particles). Allah sub’haanahu then created from each drop of light the spirit (ruh) of a Prophet or Messenger. The spirit of the Prophets and Messengers then exhaled (one particle came from another) and Allah created from their breath the light of the obedient (nur ‘l-muti’eena) from among the believers until the Day of Standing.” (Ta’leem Al-Anaam by Shaykh Abdullahi ibn Muhammad Fuduye’ ibn Uthman, Famous as Ibn Fuduye (b.1179H) who quotes it from Imam Abdul Razaq)

Al muti’eena from among the Muslim community, their light to see the world was created from the prophet Muhammad (saws) directly just like the soul of every prophet (saws), that is their spiritual primacy and superiority over every other souls in existence.

That is why they will always recognize the nature of others first at the spiritual level, even if their consciousness doesn’t see it yet. Trying to catch them unaware wont change their spiritual reality, we live in a time where peoples reality is deliberately manufactured and manipulated and they are going to these lengths to defeat the people of Allah, these are the people of the Dajjall (Antichrist) and that is his fitnah, he will come at the world with two realities that are in truth the opposite of what He says they are.

The prophet Muhammad (saws) said if the Antichrist appeared in His time the children of Madina would have been able to deal with him, such is the light of a real Muslim, He is able to deal with the fitnah of today like it is child’s play and such is the case of the muti’eena in the Ummah of Muhammad.

In 37 years I haven’t lost this kind of spiritual battle, nor will I in the future, the prophet Muhammad (saws) has more than once taught me about the nature of this matter that Sun Tszu and others today recognise, the Shindō jinen-ryū Master learnt from His own experience with me and today Allah blessed me by sending Him to defend me from this attack. So consider your next move carefully, you now have the responsibility of knowing us on your shoulders, therefore the consequence’s will be more sever next time, that is the promise of Allah to anyone who acts against His servants with full disclosure about their spiritual nature.

The angel said to Nimrud, “Gather your armies and I will gather mine”.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

وَٱلصَّـٰٓفَّـٰتِ صَفًّ۬ا (١) فَٱلزَّٲجِرَٲتِ زَجۡرً۬ا (٢) فَٱلتَّـٰلِيَـٰتِ ذِكۡرًا (٣) إِنَّ إِلَـٰهَكُمۡ لَوَٲحِدٌ۬ (٤) رَّبُّ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٲتِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَمَا بَيۡنَہُمَا وَرَبُّ ٱلۡمَشَـٰرِقِ (٥) إِنَّا زَيَّنَّا ٱلسَّمَآءَ ٱلدُّنۡيَا بِزِينَةٍ ٱلۡكَوَاكِبِ (٦) وَحِفۡظً۬ا مِّن كُلِّ شَيۡطَـٰنٍ۬ مَّارِدٍ۬ (٧) لَّا يَسَّمَّعُونَ إِلَى ٱلۡمَلَإِ ٱلۡأَعۡلَىٰ وَيُقۡذَفُونَ مِن كُلِّ جَانِبٍ۬ (٨) دُحُورً۬ا‌ۖ وَلَهُمۡ عَذَابٌ۬ وَاصِبٌ (٩) إِلَّا مَنۡ خَطِفَ ٱلۡخَطۡفَةَ فَأَتۡبَعَهُ ۥ شِہَابٌ۬ ثَاقِبٌ۬ (١٠