Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

This is one of the funniest things I have seen from Jinn, so bear with me. Some time ago I wrote about how evil most Jinn are, primarily I was referring to Jinn born relatively recently and never experienced the world before 1970, which is around the time they started losing their minds and perspective on reality, because of the culture of drugs, music and degeneracy that was destroying the world and the conservatism that existed for thousands of years.

Older Jinn before this period show more restraint and wisdom in all their dealings because that was the atmosphere they grew up in, in comparison to today. Because of the fitnah of these younger Jinn that is covering the earth, no matter how evil when you fight older Jinn you come to appreciate their manner of doing things in comparison to the younger ones, everything is well defined in their minds along with how things are supposed to be. To get some perspective on that the Jinn of old are like people in the movie to kill a mocking bird, while Jinn of today are the creatures from the movie gremlins.

Older Jinn are more serious in tone while younger Jinn are crazy morons with no idea of consequence and incapable of learning it, their lack of perspective is so bad if you have seen a cartoon called Marvin the Martian who fights over mars regardless of costs to everything else even himself, I am not exaggerating when I say they are that bad, no matter what the cost is to anyone even them.

This world will literally go to hell when the older Jinn die, because there won’t be any restraint left among their kind, restraint is needed to learn outcomes properly so you don’t repeat the same mistakes, lack of restraint in Jinn shows up as insanity in humans, these younger Jinn are like a broken record playing the same song over and over again because they can’t learn anything properly.

This is why I am extremely prejudice against them, when I expressed that a while ago some occultists thought they could fix my problems and the jinn’s problems by making me love Jinn, they did a love spell so I would like them and they would like me.

What happened made most Jinn red faced, for someone like me who has control over his heart and love I noticed what happened after a day or two, and the Jinn in question are still embarrassed about it to this day.

I noticed that whenever a shaytan would want to attack me they would instead come and sit down and watch what I am doing, then after some time they would want to have a casual conversation until they got chummy and close, usually with a shaytan you would think some attack is about to occur and this is all a set up, but instead they made themselves at home like they had nothing to fear from me.

When I saw that they didn’t want to leave and my heart was warming up to them, because this was affecting us both, my history with them was always going to be between us, I then understood what happened. So I said to the Jinn when they started getting “googly eyed”, don’t you guys have a way of seeing if someone did a love spell on you, their women suddenly appeared and answered yes we do, they then left to do something.

Not long after they came back and confirmed what I thought and dragged their husband’s way from me laughing at them.

Today every time one of them wants to bother me I say to them are you sure there isn’t a love spell on you, they get red faced and leave again.

Its not the first time I have seen a love spell and its usually done or sought after by women for various reasons. These young women like the young Jinn have no knowledge of consequences, doing something to a person’s heart is like stealing their entire life so the consequences are on that level.

Allah says in the Quran the sorcerer will never prosper, that isn’t saying sihr doesn’t work and you get nothing, what it is saying is that you will lose in your own life more than you will gain. Say you regularly do love spells on people, you will find that as you age in the long-term love will be taken out of your life until you die in a loveless state with a dry heart like a prune, maybe you become incapable of loving, or everything you love you have lost by this time, or anyone that loved you no longer does, it varies but the cost is always related to you loosing love in your life because you manipulated it in others.

This isn’t something you’re going to see or can test for, this is Allah’s hand in the universe and that is more subtle than the Angels, and the consequence’s always match the crime with Allah.

“And recite O Muhammad to them, that is the Jews, the tidings the tale of him to whom We gave Our signs but he cast them off emerging in his disbelief in the same way that a snake emerges from its shed skin, he rebelled in disbelief, this was Bal‘am b. Bā‘ūrā’ a scholar from among the Children of Israel who had been given some knowledge of the Scriptures and who was asked by them to invoke Allah against Moses. And when he did the invocation turned against him and his tongue fell out onto his chest and Satan pursued him catching up with him, and so he became his comrade and he became of the perverse.” (7:175, Tafsir al Jalalayn)

Some advice to occultists who like to take life and people apart through Maskh and sihr, (think the Jason Bourne movies and project MK ultra the Russians and Americans are known for), I’m saying this because I see kids of occultists today being put through domestic occult variation of this without the labels put on it so no one can recognise it, the result is clear enough to people who Allah gave sight and experience (Maarifah) so they can see what is wrong with the world today. It’s used to train their children because it is easier for their children to lose their humanity when they use these methods and what you end up with are people who don’t know why they should care, a common theme among youth, while caring is the nature of being young so you can learn from what you care about.

Allah created everything in stages, humanities nature was created from the varying qualities found in the creatures of this world, physical and spiritual, but we take our qualities to more sophisticated levels because we combine them with a sharp intellect.

When you pull apart a person’s humanity it goes back into its constituent parts, the qualities that came together to make it, each person is different, this inst comprehensive but here at this first stage you will find responsible Jinn like those found in animals, you often see them mimicking aspects of advanced human behaviour, as you pull apart those qualities here you will find small creatures and reptiles and less responsible Jinn, and after them comes insects and mindless Jinn, the kind that pervades the world today because of the Maskh being practised on the youth of the world. You can see this list from anything a human is capable of eating, which shapes their personality, insects are the lowest kind of creature to be given character from which humans take spiritually, which is why the worst kind of degenerates their character is likened to that of insects… The prophet (saws) warned about this fitnah of Maskh in many ahadith and this is why some things are halal to eat while others are not.

Allah created man in the likeness of His complete qualities, therefor Man is the soul and heart of the universe and everything else is a facet of that physiology, that body.

Creatures at the most base level of a persons humanity are without a heart or second thought for anything, here you will find the worst Jinn and humans without any remorse or feelings because they haven’t learnt what humans should have growing up, they are completely deconstructed to their most base emotions and lost in that abyss because they don’t know how to put themselves together.

The answer is like teaching a person with a non-permanent spinal injury how to feel again, its step by step rehabilitation, something that is built up over time, you have to train your heart to feel again and remove everything that is killing it.

The Awliyah know this process very well because Allah does this to them, deconstructs their personality, to show them what it means to be Human, as well as ghayb, the spiritual world, His Mala’ikah and all the spiritual creatures He created that influence man, many scholars have described and written about this process in their lives, it’s called the annihilation of the self, and those who complete the path learn how to see Allah himself. What is shown in movies is just a modern attempt to replicate something thousands of years old using technology, but because this is a spiritual process the have newly learnt about today you can instead replicate it with the occult, which is just an evil form of spirituality.

Imam Jalal al Deen Rumi (ra) said after He accomplished this; “I searched for Allah among the Christians and on the Cross and therein I found Him not. I went into the ancient temples of idolatry; no trace of Him was there. I entered the mountain cave of Hira and then went as far as Qandhar but Allah I found not. With set purpose I fared to the summit of Mount Caucasus and found there only ‘anqa’s habitation. Then I directed my search to the Kaaba, the resort of old and young; Allah was not there even. Turning to philosophy I inquired about him from ibn Sina but found Him not within his range. I fared then to the scene of the Prophet’s experience of a great divine manifestation only a “two bow-lengths’ distance from him” but Allah was not there even in that exalted court. Finally, I looked into my own heart and there I saw Him; He was nowhere else.”

The cornerstone of their occult practice is isolation, isolating the person so they feel trapped which makes you spiritually vulnerable, the prophet (saws) said “Satan is a like a wolf that preys on sheep, taking the isolated & the stray among them; so, avoid factions & keep together (be part of the largest community so your spirituality is protected).” Hadith.” (Ahmad)

With Allah at the end of this annihilation/deconstruction of the self He helps His people come back into this life and the Ummah with new knowledge and understanding of how the world works, how things come together so they can guide the rest of the world, which is His intention from the start.

Imam Jalal Al Deen Rumi said “Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you”, while Imam Ibn Arabi said “Man is a copy (nuskha) of the two forms (tow realities), the Divine Names, and the Universe. He is made according to two images: his exterior image, his body, is a copy of the Universe (the physical reality of the cosmos), while his interior image (spirit, nature), his powers (faculties), is the image of the Divine Names (Qualities)”.

Annihilating the self is how a person learns and sees this which is why Allah combined both subjects, the universe and the self, in the same verse and said they will come to see how the Quran is the truth when they try to replicate the annihilation of the self to see what is within themselves, in the future, meaning with technology; “In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages [through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves, so that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth.” [Quran 41:53]

This fitnah is mentioned in the Quran but unlike what is happening today with the youth Allah only does this for a person after they reach Adulthood so they know the way back to humanity because its already familiar to them and they don’t become lost. What the fitnah mongers of today are doing to their own children is this same thing in order to create spiritual monsters/beasts/animals of varying kinds, manipulated and controlled by Jinn who these fitnah mongers can use in life.

A child who doesn’t know what it means to be human doesn’t know the path back so they stay lost, to come back they have to learn it from scratch and they can never defeat the Jinn controlling them on their own, its become their world now. They need to recognise they are a victim of something, they need to grow as a person so the Jinn can’t take hold of their personality, they need to expand their hearts…They need to gain wisdom.

“Have they, then, never journeyed about the earth, letting their hearts gain wisdom, and causing their ears to hear? Yet, verily, it is not their eyes that have become blind – but blind have become the hearts that are in their breasts!” (22:46)

“Acting with wisdom increases your wisdom, and that is the shortest path.”

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.