Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alikum.

As I wrote in my last message, I promised that i would be more open with this knowledge so Insha Allah I will. Some time ago, maybe two months ago i saw a ru’ya in which the prophet (saws) told me i would reach a certain place where i would be able to clean areas from the fitnah that is there and i would show this to people and they would achieve similar in their countries.

It was some time ago so i forgot all about it until i wrote my last email and i put two and two together, Insha Allah the shuyukh and mureeds of tasawwuf who read this and understand my words best use this because i also saw they would eventually surpass what i showed them, each according to their ihsan, as they use their own understanding to ask the Mala’ika.

I should remind you of what I was told, the Mala’ika told me all of this is from the era of the tabiin who used to talk to them all the time about every matter in their life (from family, children, to politics, and business) so you are reviving their sunnah in speaking to them about every area and worry of your life to try and solve your problems, even if you don’t see them.

The first group of Mala’ika Allah ever showed me were the Mala’ikat al mawt, the Angels responsible for taking peoples souls, after writing about Mala’ikat Jahanam, i began to wonder how they would deal with matters if i made the same request to them instead, so I did.

When you ask the Mala’ika of Jahanam you are asking Angels that are in the middle of the Milky way galaxy, its black hole is the hell Allah created for its people, they are not in our solar system, the Angels of this world make it possible for your words to be heard by them as you speak. The prophet (saws) showed in ahadith how the decree of Allah travels from one end of the universe the other in an instant by the Mala’ika, so this is no problem for them.

Therefore, When I asked them I noticed this distance from where the response was coming compared to the Mala’ika on earth.

When I asked Mala’ika al Mawt the same request as before surprisingly their response was almost identical, except there was less fear by the Jinn and More determination by the Mala’ika in chasing the issue at every step to get the same outcome. I was asking Angels who saw the finality of things except they lived alongside us on earth watching everything and consequently are eye witness to the minute details of how things came together, so they preferred to deal with these details until the same outcome was achieved as Malai’kat Jahanam.

The Angels of death like the Angels of Hell, Allah also placed them at the end of things, except they are here on earth with us, so the “end” Allah placed them at is the end of each beings life, not the end of their Judgment in the next life, but they are almost identical places because your state at death will determine your akhirah and you have no more avenues to change anything.

So the Angels of Death do the same things as the Angels of Jahanam except in a more subtle way and they are involved in making certain ever thing reaches the destination they see for it in life, while Mala’ika Jahanam are more hands off in relation to the minute details and terrifying in their work, every time i saw them deal with a Jinn the Jinn began to feel like His life was about to end and He had no way of escape the world had closed in on him permanently, until one of them came in a state thinking that was Allah’s judgment on her and her Akhira began, saying to me “I am going to Hell there is nothing I can do, I can’t change”, so the Angel said to her the time for mercy is in this life, reminding her she was still alive which she forgot.

This is the difference between asking the Angels of Jahanam and the Angels of Death, and those with knowledge will understand why these details are important. If your situation is not that desperate but you would like finality in the mater and need it, it may be better to say “Ya Mala’ikat al Mawt” instead.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.