Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum

​Some people suffer in life the kind of loss that nothing in the Akhira can give back, such as a persons family becoming apostate, you will be separated from them for the rest of eternity, or you suffer a kind a of crime that punishment can’t amend or restore what you have lost.

The people responsible will go to Jahanam but what comfort is there in that when your loss is eternal and your loss compares little to their suffering in your sight.

​Over the last few days I have had cause to ask the Mala’ikah of Jahnam to take care of some very evil kinds of Jinn, on every occasion I asked, and this isn’t always the case, the Mala’ikah chose to show me the Jinn being punished.

​I care little for hurting things and it is something low to become sadistic, but every time the Mala’ikah showed me their actions I felt it to the depths of my heart like something was lifting from me as the jinn was being dealt with.

​You have to understand how this is different from other Mala’ikah when they deal with things, to see what I did in these Mala’ikah from Jahanam.

Malaikat al Mawt will go to the lowest depths underneath a being pick up the issue from there and deal with every minute aspect of it until they finish and come up behind the person standing above their heads having grabbed them entirely from every angle, of all the Mala’ikah on earth their work and that of the Mala’ikah of the grave is the most complete when dealing with issues.

​Malaikat al Kusrsi will deal with the matter through pure knowledge.

Mala’ikat al hisab on this earth will grab the matter as it is in front of you and deal with it head on.

​Of all the Mala’ikah I have asked to deal with Jinn it is only Malaikat Jahanam that deal with the Jinn or Person directly, punishing them with finality, and of all the Mala’ikah it is only their way that touches the heart of man and gives them closure, the other Mala’ikah you have to wait for what they did to take effect in the world so you need some sabr, it isn’t very long but never immediate like Mala’ikat Jahanam.

​So I asked the Mala’ikah of Jahnam why their way touches a persons heart healing them, it is a contrast that a being from Hell can heal your heart like this while Mala’ikah from the Kursi of Allah their way is different.

​They answered by saying, “Jahanam knows the heart”, it knows what it needs to do to heal the heart of the wronged person, Allah placed this in it for the people of Jannah in the Akhira, it isn’t just a place of punishment, it will have the power to heal people who are wronged satisfying their injuries in the scales/balance of the universe and mending their heart to the end, no matter the kind of pain they carry with them into the next life.

They don’t need to see people being punished or hurt or what is happening in Jahanam at all, it isn’t about deriving anything from seeing people suffer, this is a force that will touch their heart and help them find peace after what was done to them.

​Allah mentions this in the Quran; “Nay they will be thrown into Al Hutamah (the Crushing Fire). And what will make you know what Al Hutamah is? The fire of Allah kindled by men and stones which will rise over the [guilty] hearts. Surely it will vault over them in pillars widely extended.” (Humazah: 4-9)

After burning the flesh Jahanam will burn what man has kept in his heart, the spiritual and psychological parts of the self, the burning of what is in the heart will be so intense Allah gives us a simile for its intensity, the fire will rise up over the persons heart like giant pillars of flame extended from them into the sky, the size of the pillar is the magnitude of the punishment of their hearts.

Allah didn’t just create Jahanam to punish people He created it to heal those who are wronged, because of what Allah gave it its Mala’ikah know the hearts of man better than most other Angels.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.