Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

​Before making my declaration/shahada in my last post I was out for the day taking a long walk looking after matters in my area, the Kufar are feeling the effects of that by now, as I walked back home before entering my house I saw one of Allah’s Mala’ikah in front of me, it is rare I see them in front of me like this often they speak to my heart and inner self almost as often as some people speak to their Jinn, but they only come close to the physical world when something requiring their presence occurs.

​The Angel stood in front of me, I saw mostly his light and some of him behind it, his form was enormous like a tall tree reaching into the sky and when He spoke and began to indicate things to me his form reached up to the sky to show me the extent of his words. He said to me soon they will come together against you and try to block your way, and I was shown who along with who was leading them, but soon it will open up and your matter will reach up to the sky.

​His beautiful light reached up to the clouds at that point to show me how far the matter would reach, so I wouldn’t become distracted in it and stay focused on the conversation two Angels in the sky revealed themselves at the end of that light so I could see his point clearly.

Hanzala reported: “We were in the company of Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) and he delivered to us a sermon and made a mention of Hell-Fire. Then I came to my house and began to laugh with my children and sport with my wife. (Hanzala) further reported: I went out and met Abu Bakr and made a mention of that to him. Thereupon he said: I have done the same as you have mentioned. So, we went to see Allah’s Messenger (way peace be upon him) and said to him: Allah’s Messenger, Hanzala has turned to he a hypocrite. And he (the Holy Prophet) said Show respite. And then I narrated to him the story, and Abu Bakr said: I have done the same as he has done. Thereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: Hanzala, there is a time for worldly affairs and a time for (worship and devotion), and if your state of mind is always the same as it is at the time of remembrance of Allah, the Angels would shake hands with you and would greet you on the path by saying: As-Salamu-Alaikum.” (Muslim)

At this point in time I had no idea of what I was going to ask Allah or what He was going to tell me to say, but after I entered my house eventually events unfolded and I made the declaration with the wording the prophet Muhammad (saws) instructed me to use.

Over the next day or so a multitude of Jinn representing people from my past which I hadn’t seen in over a decade came to challenge me over this, I just ended their claim to spiritual dominance over me and they all had claims to prove themselves, except for 3 or 4 cases most of this was resolved with words or with the Mala’ikah establishing the matter in front of these Jinn.

The matter came down to this “Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief—other than whoever was compelled to do it against his will while his heart is at peace in belief—but whoever expands his breast with disbelief (to experience evil), on them is the wrath of Allah and for them is a terrible punishment.” (16:116)

​I gave them a simple explanation, they claimed their abilities and achievements with Jinn is spiritual superiority and this argument was repeated in different forms by all of them, but its answer was the same.

​You are expanding yourself to evil that isn’t spiritual elevation but its opposite, either way you argue your case I said to their jinn, look at who is responding to you on my behalf, Allah’s Mala’ikah, that is enough proof regarding my claim.

​I don’t have your abilities with Jinn because I don’t allow them to wear me like clothing so I can gain their abilities, but Allah has removed the Barzakh from my eyes that still covers all of humanity and my perception of the spiritual world is sharper than yours, I see the Jinn and Mala’ikah without effort and what I ask of the Mala’ikah they help me with, if I were to ask them to deal with an entire group of people and their Jinn they would do it, none of you have reached that spiritual depth to see and speak to them and that is spiritual superiority by your definition, most of you would celebrate night and day if you saw a single Angel once in your life speak to you.

​My case with the Mala’ikah is simple, Allah (mighty and sublime be He) said: Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me, than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him. It was related by al-Bukhari.

​The Mala’ikah are Allah’s hand, I haven’t reached the complete end of the tariqah mentioned in this hadith otherwise Allah would allow me to perform miracles, but like the begging of the tariqah/hadith says, Allah and the Mala’ikah will go to war against those who want to go to war against me, I have seen them and the prophet Muhammad (saws) declare it against my enemies more than a few times when they sent Jinn to attack me with severe sihr or something else saying to the Jinn of these evil people ‘bring your forces we will go to war, we are ready’.

My matter with the Mala’ikah is simple anything you do to me I can ask them to do to you and everyone behind you, no matter your numbers, including every one of your Jinn in any place in the world, because Allah declared “And We ordained for them therein a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds is legal retribution.”(5:45)

My enemies after this day won’t see spiritual elevation in this matter or be able to muster the same forces against me, their inability to do anything will be proof for them.

​Which brings me to why I am addressing the Shuyukh of tasawwuf directly, some of them as I would rightly expect are testing my reality, when was the last time a person openly shared his speech with the Mala’ikah, but they are doing it carelessly and it is causing fitnah which I had to ask the Mala’ikah to take care of.

​You are using Jinn to do your work but your network of jinn in this country at its end uses non Muslim Jinn who I have to deal with and they are not honest to your intentions only to your wording, and between the two is an ocean of room to manipulate affairs.

​Ask the Muslim Jinn with you that you trust to ask the Mala’ikah about my affair they will respond to them. You should also understand Allah is upset with you that you have not gone through my work to test it for haq, you have a responsibility to that before making any kind of accusation or assertion or claim or forming any opinion or performing any invasive tests like this, my life is on display in my work and you have ignored everything I have put forward and relied on your nafs and what it tells you, you are as limited as your Jinn while Allah says use your intellect and heart.

​The burden from this day is on you to satisfy your own questions, Allah will not take it any other way after this point in time so kindly take care so you don’t see consequences to your laziness.

​I will make one more open claim in front of you and I am putting the responsibility on you to test it with the knowledge Allah gave you, Allah and His Malai’kah are going to watch how you all respond.

I am one of the Mufasireen of this Ummah, someone who Allah gave knowledge to so they can explain the Quran, on the day of judgment you will see me like this. In this matter I am on the same caliber as the companions of the prophet (saws) because I was taught by Him (saws) and it was the prophet (saws) who said this to me in the presence of Umar (ra), Ibn Abbas (ra), Ibn Masud (ra), and Ali (ra) but I did not see his face only his (ra) light.

​I am forcing this work on you because you have to take responsibility for what Allah gifted you and do the work properly, this is what Allah want’s.

To help you understand I am going to quote something, may Allah open its light to you;

How Imam al Ash’ari Left the Mu’tazilah to Join Ahl al-Sunnah:

Imam al-Ash’ari says; During the first ten days of one Ramadan, I saw Rasul Allah (saws). He said: “O ‘Ali, aid the madh’habs that are veritably reported by me (Those who follow my Sunnah), because only that is the Truth.” I woke up and was perplexed about this grave matter. I was immensely worried about this because I had numerous proofs opposing the ‘reported’ belief.

Within the next ten days, I saw him again. “What did you do about that which I ordered you to do?” I said: “Ya Rasul Allah, I tried to do it but I have many strong proofs [and arguments] against those beliefs which are reported from you. Therefore, I follow that which has stronger proofs concerning [the Attributes] of Allāh ta’ala” He said: “Aid the madh’habs that are reported from me, because that is the truth.”

I woke up and I was terribly saddened. I then forsook Kalam [theology] and began following the Hadith and reciting the Qur’an.

In Basrah we have a custom that reciters (qurra’a) assemble together on the twenty seventh night of Ramadan and finish the entire Qur’an in that night. But I was feeling very sleepy and I couldn’t stay back any longer. So I went home and slept, feeling very sorry at the great loss of missing that night’s khatm.

I saw Rasul Allah (saws) “What did you do about that which I told you?” I replied: “I have forsaken Kalam and taken a firm hold of the Book of Allah and your sunnah.”

He said: “I did not tell you to forsake Kalam. I told you to aid the madh’hab that is reported from me, because that is the truth.”

I said: “Ya Rasul Allah, how can I shun those ideas which I have helped in strengthening myself and aided its cause for the past thirty years, on the basis of a dream?”

He said: “If I did not know that Allah will aid you [in this], I would not have come here to explain all this. Do not make light of this dream in which I have come. Is that in which I saw Gibril, just another dream? I will not come again to you. Do well and Allah will aid you.”

I woke up and said to myself: only falsehood remains after truth has been manifest. So I began to advocate Hadith about seeing Allah, intercession etc. And I have found proofs – by Allah – which I have never heard before, nor read in a book. This, I have realized to be the aid from Allah, the good news of which was given to me by Rasul Allah (saws).

​Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

“In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages [through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves [the microscopic and subatomic], so that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth.” [Qur’an 41:53]

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