Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

After my last few email’s in which I wrote about working in the Sydney CBD (Central Business District) and consequently being attacked with the occult by one of the dinosaurs (companies) there because they didn’t like me in their territory and thought I was “ruining their lab conditions”, some people tried to help me by revealing some of the secrets of how these people do their work.

I won’t reveal what was said but it had to do with masks, while that explains nightmares and things of that calibre this was something closer to attempting possession, ultimately I proved too strong for their Jinn who were not prepared for someone with real spiritual depth. It didn’t work because if you have depth beyond the world of Jinn it doesn’t matter how far they reach in the Jinn can’t ever take hold of something their claws can’t get a grip around.

Allah also sent his Mala’ika to protect me and by the end when the Jinn who were attacking me saw my spiritual nature, they understood they were mistaken and began to speak out against the people who sent them and how naive they are, a sign Allah is trying to change the Jinn’s hearts because they regretted what they did.

I’m writing this primarily for my own spiritual benefit, the more who know the more its reality is impacted and its Haq is revealed.

As I wrote earlier Allah wanted me to see these people which is why He placed me there, I didn’t leave that place alone until I saw most aspects of their society. Most of the time I was there or revisited it I saw resistance, people didn’t like a Muslim walking through their area and they showed it, but to the majority of their jinn, it was a different story and I think that was because of Allah, the Jinn saw what was needed to fix things in their land whilst people didn’t and they acted on superficial reasons.

Over a number of years, I revisited the area multiple times mostly by myself and each time I experienced something different although not necessarily spiritual in nature.

I think whilst I was working there without knowing I connected with some of the Jinn in charge of the area, for example, one-time whilst I was walking through the streets at night, something diverted my attention and made me walk down an alley way, it was a dead end when I turned to go back I found a women had followed me, she mumbled something like I’m going to show you and it became obvious she was doing something with the occult, when all of a sudden she began to stare at something large above me then she profusely apologised and said I didn’t know, I didn’t know.

The entire time I was there I was walking with one of their Jinn and when she went to attack me he revealed himself to her and threatened her, letting her know I was meant to be there.

He finally revealed himself to me and said he was one of the Jinn that used to work or protect me when I still worked in that area. Then he said when the 2004 Tsunami hit and that morning Allah showed me what he showed me He and his friends witnessed what Allah did.

A few times a year I used to get the feeling of wanting to revisit the CBD, it’s an hour long trip to get there from where I live, and mostly I would visit at night and just walk around, most people would be too scared to go at night but it was the opposite with me.

Whilst I walked, the most peaceful state used to come over me and all the cares in the world would disappear so I would walk without having anything to fear, and in over a decade nothing ever happened to me.

At the time I didn’t know why but I’m certain it was Allah who protected me with his Angels and who sent down peace into my heart, this is because I was doing something He wanted me to do so I could see what He wanted me to see, and that affected the Jinn there who saw and felt this about me.

“It is He who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the believers that they might add faith unto their faith. And to Allah belong the soldiers of the heavens and the earth, and ever is Allah Knowing and Wise.”(48:4)

Eventually by the end of my time there, as I became more spiritually aware I would see that I was invited a few times a year to visit the area by different groups of Jinn.

Towards the end of my time there, and this surprised me, a group of Aboriginal Jinn invited me to go “walk about” (a special term they use) in their land, the CBD, I asked them why? they said they wanted to show me the spiritual paths of their land.

“By the heaven (spiritual world) full of paths.”(51:7)

“Who made the earth for you an expanse and made for you therein (spiritual) paths and sent down water from the cloud; then thereby We have brought forth many species of various herbs.”(20:53)

“As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to Our paths, and lo! Allah is with the good.”(29:69)

Some “white Jinn” objected to this, but the aboriginal Jinn said, they wanted me to see that despite these tall buildings there, the old spiritual paths still exist and these white men can’t do anything about it, people from all over are going to follow the natural paths that exist on earth, they have been around longer than you have so you can’t get rid of them or create a monopoly.

So I did as they asked, that night I began my journey soon after dark and didn’t return home until early the next morning, I walked the entire night and when I got home I didn’t feel any tiredness or fatigue, I’m certain the Jinn gave me strength because they took responsibility for the trip.

Whilst I was there one significant event occurred, I was walking and the Jinn that had protected me before said he wanted to show me something, and through the corner of my eye, he revealed an Anglican priest had been following me around.

When He saw I noticed Him he was startled because he didn’t expect I would see him. The Jinn said look, and it was as if the air or darkness around the priest began to move and went to attack him from every direction, this was a multitude of Jinn surrounding him, but it stopped just before reaching him, the Jinn said to the priest we listen to what he says, then the priest said I wanted to know why you don’t attack him, why you accept him, the Jinn replied to the Anglican priest, He doesn’t ask anything from us.

The Jinn was referring to how the church and priests use and manipulate Jinn for their gain, the priest was there trying to figure out how to control and take advantage of these Jinn, because I guess it would give him access to all of the city like he saw me gain access.

If it wasn’t for them I would never have seen the priest, it was like he had a spell protecting him from my sight but that didn’t affect the Jinn, that was the first time I saw priests using the occult but it wasn’t the last, the matter goes right to the top, there is a line between spirituality and the occult and it is very clear, they crossed it a long time ago when religion was destroyed in western countries.

Looking back on my time there I think Allah wanted to teach the Jinn of that area something, and not the Humans, and slowly and slowly that was occurring because eventually, Allah made it so a Muslim found acceptance among them despite what the humans felt about my presence. This is why when ever I visited Allah placed peace with me and showed me I had nothing to fear from anyone or anything, eventually the spiritual creatures began to see and understand that and act that way towards me.

“He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquillity upon them and rewarded them with a victory, near at hand.” (48:18)

After almost a decade of visiting, these are the most significant events that I am writing, and towards the end I saw I had earned something amongst their spiritual ways and that spiritual path which began with the Aboriginal Jinn, by the end it would be the white Jinn who would come and tell me I had learned all the spiritual paths of the city, which they showed me in a dream.

This meant I had perspective on the spiritual paths humans took in this place and could see them. They wanted to show me this so on one of my last visits as I was walking they began to reveal to me the paths people would take in the city and I could see the patterns of how “human traffic” flowed because of these paths from one area to the next, which is nothing small because that is like gaining spiritual sight (insight) to a place that is meant to keep its secrets, so their enemies don’t win against them, and now I was seeing how it worked, flowed and where it was heading, eventually they would show me other spiritually aware humans who were in charge of these paths, who they likened to Judges, where they walked, stood and observed.

Lastly, the Jinn would show me their different groups, and the different kinds of humans there, they wanted me to see each group was there raising their children and the next generation of humans on how to see them, by the end they would say to them I was like the old man in the city, referring to the wisdom Allah had placed with me when he granted me my silsila, they showed me some of the spiritual centre’s of the city, that where like its spiritual heart, which revolved around the oldest trees and likened me to one of these old trees.

But that all ended when that dinosaur (corporation) decided to attack me because they thought I was ruining the way things worked, even their own Jinn would disavow them and call them naive by the end, I stopped going back, but eventually Jinn would seek me out again wanting me to return but the type of Jinn that would visit would come for selfish reasons, so I stopped going altogether.

This wasn’t the last time I was attacked by jinn, but it was the most severe and every time the Jinn (the mature of them) would change in some way after learning from the experience, they would teach me something about how they did things before walking away to show their hearts changed from what they originally thought.

Some would introduce their families to me out of respect, such was the case with one Japanese Jinn I met when I purchased some art from a Japanese shop, and the shopkeeper, who was like a nun, didn’t approve.

She sent Him to haunt me, He would reveal that He was once one of Japan’s leading samurai, the second best armour in Japan as he called it and he left Japan, or was exiled because He was reckless, He would focus on winning with one strike at all costs, He was effective and never lost but moved with out consideration for the next step which was dangerous to humans, eventually He showed me this strike and how effective it was and its flaws, and how traditional Japanese Jinn haunted people before the modern age, the old ways in the forests.

Another time was with an African Jinn, who followed me home after she saw me on the train, this was before I was attacked severely, she would come to defend me when they attacked and scared many of their Jinn away, when she wanted to talk she said Her tribe were responsible for scenes in the exorcist movies when the priest went to Africa, they chose them because they had the scariest form, she showed me her true form and said I had nothing to fear, it was like a giant black wasp with many black eyes, most people couldn’t stand to look out of fear, but she wanted me to see and understand how these people use different Jinn from around the world to do their work.

I think it’s fate, Allah, that as this dinosaur attacked me, Allah would send us a Jinn from the tribe responsible for the exorcist movie that inspired their kind…to attack them.

I know how reading about so many Jinn in one letter can make it seem as if I see things like this all the time, but I am condensing something that took place over a decade or so into one email, it takes time to earn anything spiritual because your character has to grow so for the most part this doesn’t occur, but Allah singled us out to know ghayb and its creatures, this was part of that process.

One advice I will give is that you can’t see Jinn, Angels or what is occurring to you properly until you rise above it spiritually, that was the true purpose of the Aboriginal Jinn visiting me, they wanted me to complete that spiritual path I began when I started working there, but I don’t think they realised where I would end up.

With Angels Allah has them arranged in ranks along the paths humans take, your spiritual heart rises from heaven to heaven (Sama’an Sama’an) or from one group of Angels to another as you grow and gain wisdom.

“HE FROWNED and turned away because the blind man approached him! Yet for all thou didst know, [O Muhammad,] he might perhaps have grown (Ya Zakah), or have been reminded [of the truth], and helped by this reminder. Now as for him who believes himself to be self-sufficient (one of The Nobels of Makkah) to him didst thou give thy whole attention, although thou art not accountable for his failure to attain to purity; but as for him who came unto thee full of eagerness and in awe [of God] him didst thou disregard! NAY, VERILY, these [messages] are but a reminder: and so, whoever is willing may remember Him in [the light of His] revelations blest with dignity, lofty and pure, [borne] by the hands of messengers (Angels) noble and most virtuous. [But only too often] man destroys himself: how stubbornly does he deny the truth!” (80:1-17)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.