Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

​When I was at university someone decided to make us watch an art house movie called the cube (1997), these are movies with special messages in their theme usually an esoteric commentary on society portrayed in a graphic way to pass on an accurate impact of the subject in life.

The Cube gained notoriety for its surreal atmosphere and Kafkaesque setting, that is “instances in which bureaucracies overpower people, often in a surreal, nightmarish milieu which evokes feelings of senselessness, disorientation, and helplessness”, a subtle commentary on how youth is indoctrinated into modern society.

​If you understand Masonic symbols then you already understand the cube is one of their logo’s along with the diamond and pyramid, the famous story of the pyramid having a diamond on top of it at one point is theirs, in fact the cube is just a diamond whose sides have been straightened up, a reference to a person’s character being boxed by social roles people are forced to become, from this came some famous sayings in the past like don’t be a square, in other words don’t be that kind of old by the book mason be the new kind we are creating (with our devil’s).

Here is the abridged version of the Plot: A man named Alderson awakens in a cube-shaped room with a hatch in each wall, the ceiling and the floor, each of which leads to other cube-shaped rooms, identical except for their color. He enters an orange room and, without warning, is cut to pieces by a wire grid that swings down from the ceiling.

In another such room, five people – Quentin, Worth, Holloway, Rennes, and Leaven – meet. None of them knows where they are or how they got there. Quentin informs the others that some rooms contain traps, which he learned by nearly being killed by one. Rennes assumes each trap is triggered by a motion detector and tests each room by throwing one of his boots in first. Leaven notices numbers inscribed in the passageways between rooms. Quentin recognizes Rennes as “The Wren,” a convict who has escaped from seven prisons. After declaring one room trap-free, Rennes enters and is killed when he is sprayed with acid. The others realize that there are different kinds of detectors, and Quentin deduces that this trap was triggered by heat.

Quentin believes each person has a reason for being there. He is a police officer, Leaven a mathematics student, Holloway a physician and conspiracy theorist, and Worth declines to talk about himself. Leaven hypothesizes that any room marked with a prime number is a trap. They find a mentally challenged man named Kazan, whom Holloway insists they bring along. Worth accidentally reveals that he has knowledge of the Cube. Worth admits that he designed the Cube’s outer shell for a shadowy bureaucracy and guesses that its original purpose has been forgotten (in fact each one of them played a direct or indirect role in the cubes construction, this also represents how in life no one is allowed to see the bigger picture they only work to create a small part of it, in this way you can never see what is really going on or where society is actually headed); they have been imprisoned within simply to put it to use.

Worth’s knowledge of the outer shell’s size allows Leaven to determine that each side of the Cube is 26 rooms across and that there are 17,576 rooms in total. She guesses that the numbers indicate the Cartesian coordinates of the rooms. The group moves toward the nearest edge as determined by her theory, but each of the rooms near the outer wall is trapped.

The group is demoralized by the thought of having been wandering in circles. Worth realizes that the rooms move periodically through the Cube, and this is the source of the quaking. Leaven deduces that traps are not tagged by prime numbers, but by powers of prime numbers. Much to Quentin’s surprise, Kazan reveals himself to be an autistic savant who can quickly do prime factorisations mentally. With Kazan’s help, Leaven guides them to a bridge room which will lead them out of the maze in two movements. Worth preemptively ambushes Quentin and leaves him behind. Kazan opens the supposed final door, revealing a bright white light, but Worth declines to leave the Cube, as he has lost faith in humanity.

Leaven objects and attempts to convince Worth to join her, but Quentin reappears, kills her, and mortally wounds Worth. As Quentin moves to kill Kazan, Worth expends the last of his strength to grab Quentin’s leg, pinning him in the passageway as the rooms shift again. Quentin is torn apart, and Worth crawls back to Leaven’s corpse and dies next to her. Kazan then slowly walks into the bright light and out of the cube.

Each one of the people trapped inside the cube played a direct or indirect role in the construction of some aspect of the cube, the message here is they built the system that is now trapping all of them. No one knows its origin or why it was first built, but now it has trapped its creators inside of it. The movie is a subtle message to the people it is describing, the occult societies whose systems now control the world, they built them decades ago and the people who constructed them have long since gone, those who came after them are “squares” blindly following what they have been handed down from previous generations, the system is a hell on earth that has trapped everyone inside it, the only reason it is still being served is because no one sees a way out and they are terrified of it so they stay inside hoping to survive. (end of plot)

Each of the rooms is a cube, color coded and has deadly traps which you can’t guess their shape or type, this is a commentary on the different parts (class/hierarchy) of society and what each one has become today, color coded living by a certain specification outlined for it and filled with deadly spiritual traps you can’t guess their nature. Each class in society is run by occultist deliberately put in charge who decide the fate of people with sihr, the prophet ion ahadith called them the Ruwaybidah and said they would be everywhere in the world. In the movie the police are responsible for murdering people, they are the killers, in life using the evil they encounter everyday as well as the depraved depths of prisons, to empower their devils, police are responsible for killing people spiritually, resetting their character to zero when they develop in a meaningful way, they create the blank slate (Tabula Rasa) that is needed to force you to conform and “join” society.

Just like the various rooms, as you interact with one group in society you are susceptible to the kind of traps they use to control people and going from one group to another in society only means you are now vulnerable to new types of deadly spiritual traps.

“the prophet (saws) speaking to Salman al farisi (ra) said “I swear to him who holds my life “Oh Salman, at that time will talk (al) ‘Ruwaybidah’. Salman asked: “And what is Ruwaybidah? O Messenger of Allah, my father and mother be sacrificed for you.” (the) Holy Prophet (saws) said, “Such persons will talk about (govern) public affairs who had not talked in such matter before (they will govern over matters not normally governed before, peoples private lives). Then in a short time, chaos will appear upon the earth, and every nation will think that chaos was only in their land (but it will cover the whole world).”

​As a result of the scale of all of this, the systems that govern this world today have created the most widely spread Stockholm syndrome in history. This is a condition that causes hostages (people living in modern society) to develop a psychological alliance with their captors as a survival strategy during captivity, how many of you actually believe in what they want of you, how many just want to survive, that mentality is Stockholm syndrome and what Kafkaesque movies deal with.

Modern Society has caused people to see insanity as sanity and sanity as insanity, or in the words of the Prophet (saws) the river of fire will be Jannah and the river of water will be Jahanam, He (saws) said the system of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will be created long before He emerges to use it against the world.

​This is the mental disease of modern society, it has deliberately flipped everything backwards and forced people to adopt this reality at gunpoint, but we also know what kind of people flip things backwards or upside down, it is their hallmark. The state of society is manufactured, a deliberate plan, because recurrent themes are being pushed on the public that portray this type of society  we see today as normal by people with agenda’s, which is the opposite of what an accident is, in other words we didn’t evolve to this point naturally.

​You can trace its begging to when the term “don’t be a square” originated, that is around the time when Masonry was being hijacked by the kind of occult practice that worshiped Iblis directly, it occurred after they loosened up on which type of occultists they let into the club.

This new “cube” that resulted has created hell on earth, as the prophet (saws) described  it is the worst oppression this world will ever see, while the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) is the worst fitnah to ever come upon the earth, and we have just passed its peak.

​Allah recently showed us that the Mizan on earth, in oppression, has surpassed that of Jahanam, I don’t expect people to grasp the how of it but it is in reference to the balance, Karma, that decides what people will receive in life, it is more hellish than Hell itself which is Allah’s justified punishment. Karma is usually associated with Justice, but rather it is just how things are entangled together spiritually, the balance in the universe. Justice itself is based on the state of society and it is something we have to work towards, if society is healthy Karma works as people understand it, Allah explains this is surah al Asr.

​The world is about to change, the Mala’ikah have said this to me repeatedly like it is a matter of months, and what is next is worse, when people will eventually come out of it they will find everything has fasad in it, this is one of the reasons why Allah is sending Isa (as), to help people live during these times and why corruption will spread on earth after he dies like before within a matter of years, as if He (saws) didn’t come to earth at all to teach people.

When you eat rotten fruit you can’t expect to be healthy, at that time the world will be filled with spiritual impurities covering everything, all of it is a result of what we created today, we are the ones who brought about the end of this world, the last generations are only inheriting it.

If you ever happen across this fitnah in life use the following verse (12:35) and surah in a taweez against it naming the evil:

ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ


إِذَا زُلْزِلَتِ الْأَرْضُ زِلْزَالَهَا

وَأَخْرَجَتِ الْأَرْضُ أَثْقَالَهَا

وَقَالَ الْإِنسَانُ مَا لَهَا

يَوْمَئِذٍ تُحَدِّثُ أَخْبَارَهَا

بِأَنَّ رَبَّكَ أَوْحَىٰ لَهَا

يَوْمَئِذٍ يَصْدُرُ النَّاسُ أَشْتَاتًا لِّيُرَوْا أَعْمَالَهُمْ

فَمَن يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ خَيْرًا يَرَهُ

وَمَن يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ شَرًّا يَرَهُ

​Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.