Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Ahadith say in the time of Imam Mahdi (ra) wealth will be in abundance, so much so that when He (ra) goes to give out money a person will not be satisfied with receiving 10,000 dhirhams.

That means there will come a time when even the poor will become rich in the country.

While thinking about this, it came to us that Saudi Arabia could fix its problems by giving out wealth to its poorest to eliminate elitism, which will eliminate all foreign countries dominance over it, the matter is spiritually tied together.

If your population is not under elitism from a foreign power that is a protection for the ruling class because it is the reality of the country, which they also live under.

While contemplating this I heard Rasul Allah (saws) advise, (paraphrasing) “they can step away from ready made things (they import) and create factories with small jobs for their poor so they can make everything themselves (rather than import it).

In other words to become independent and self-sufficient in these small things they use every day, like clothing and other small items, this is the solution to their problems, in fact you will find Imam Ali (ra) said similar if you check His (ra) sayings.

Insha Allah it reaches the ears of who it needs to reach.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.