Bismillahi rahmani raheem, asalamu alaikum.

Over the past 100 years or so the American military has trodden all over the world, committing the worst kinds of evil on man.

Their effectiveness lies in the role of rooting out resistance and killing it at its source.

The only way to do that is to dominate your enemy spiritually and psychologically, so they must destroy the spirituality of a people and the creatures whose hands it is in, the Jinn of that community.

The Jinn of your community shadow your lives and mirror it, what you are involved in they are involved in, you find spiritual support from them and the Angels who help them help you.

The role of the American military has been to go into an Area and empower the Jinn who are the enemies of that community by whatever means gets the job done.

They then weaponize Jinn so they can do the most harm for the longest period of time, which makes their job of taking over later on easier, I’ve had to deal with Jinn who have had this done to them, even in my community by the local army, they are like single minded machines who are only interested in one thing.

The Jinn themselves don’t like this and see it as a deformity in comparison to other Jinn because it lasts generations with them. The next generation of Jinn are not given a chance to develop in any way they are just given a purpose, one case I witnessed was of a young Australian Jinn who after hearing some discussion about how Jinn should be from the Mala’ikah complained to Allah in front of me that he was created this way, so the Mala’ikah informed Him Allah gave him a rukhsa (dispensation/excuse) because of what was done to him.

Entire communities of Jinn around the world have been twisted like this, these Jinn need to talk to the Malal’ikah and ask for advice about how Jinn used to be, what is their role and boundary in this world, because they will not just tell them they will show them, something Jinn always value more and it does not matter which religion they belong to Mala’ikah want to see Ihsan (improvement/perfection) in this world so they will help whoever seeks it.

In history this used to be the job of the East India Company (and other similar ventures) for the British, but today the world has caught on to their methods and advanced on them.

They are creating weapons of destruction that last long after the war is over.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.