Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

After my past few emails some people took my advice and requested their Jinn ask the Mala’ikah around me, some had the foresight to seek the prophets (saws) advice, one question I heard asked and answered by Rasul Allah (saws) was regarding my expertise, am I an expert.

The prophet (saws), before I was aware this was occurring, placed before me a situation and the Mala’ikah directed me to explain it, the issue was something I had explained long before and understood it, the prophet (saws) was not testing me but demonstrating to the Jinn what He already knew, after all it was Him (saws) who raised me and placed the light of knowledge in my heart with His (saws) own blessed hands.

After answering that is when I heard the conversation between the Jinn and prophet Muhammad (saws) which ended with the prophet (saws) saying; “that is what I would call an expert”.

He (saws) was pointing to my ability to reach the depths of an issue, that is what an expert is a person who can explain a subject to its depths, not someone who quotes the words of others, a person who can

form his own sound opinion based on his delving into a subject.

If you don’t know this then you yourself have never achieved expertise in anything, because those with experience already know this I don’t need to say it to them.

If you don’t have a capacity to understand science then you won’t understand my words or appreciate them, only an educated person knows the value of what they are looking at, others just see words.

Through my work Allah has fulfilled this verse upon the Kufar “In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages [through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves [the microscopic and subatomic], so that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth.” [Qur’an 41:53]

If it was not said to me then I would never make such a statement, consider that if the Awliyah or scholars never spoke about themselves then people would not know what they have reached.

Because the verse is a statement to the Kufar Allah has already informed me that I won’t find acceptance in the Ummah until the later years of My life, so I am not looking for anyone to follow me in anything.

The Islamic world is besieged so there is nothing to expect from an Ummah worried about its survival and because this is Allah’s fulfilment of the verse Allah has already shown me what the end of my knowledge will be in this world among the Kufar.

The educated among them will accept it because it puts together a picture they are familiar with and affirms it, while others wont care for it because they are not looking to understand anything in life.

One group will try to educate the other when they see they still cling to old ideas like vortexes and other universes to explain the spiritual world, the occult and Jinn, but it won’t be accepted.

I don’t use more than basic science and physics in my work if you see something else then you don’t have a proper grasp on science and your imagination is running wild because it can’t put my words in a proper framework.

This is what happened to imam Ibn Arabi when lawyers like Ibn taymiyah tried to read a “science” text book and explain it with fiqh (law). Can you Imagine today a lawyer trying to justify quantum mechanics using law, what an idiotic endeavour, if you are laughing then consider that it caused the dark ages in Europe and people today still think along these lines, if law can’t justify it it does not exist.

That is what happened to such great Imams in our past and the uneducated today just pick up old arguments blind to the context and framework of the subjects they are discussing.

Why does fiqh need to justify physics, why do you need to establish if I am an expert, have you not read my tafsir of the Quran, are you blind? that is as simple as educated language gets and as profound as you can expect, the Mala’ikah don’t have a problem taking advice from me why do you, it is rather your hearts that are the problem.

I Have Ijaza from Rasul Allah (saws), I am a Shaykh of Tasawwuf, I have my own silsila back to Him (saws) which means I can start my own Tariqah, that should be enough for any person,

Khair Insha Allah.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.