Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

I am Not a shaykh of Fiqh I am a Shaykh of Tasawwuf only, I am saying this because I have not trained in fiqh this was something ahl al Fitnah denied me in life after they saw me try and become a scholar.

But like everything they deliberately denied me in life Allah gave it to me from His own hands, and it is through the hands of the prophet (saws) that I have reached Ijtihad and can call myself a mujtahid.

Ijtihad is not the ability to repeat what you have memorised it is the ability to know what Allah is saying and why He made things haram and Halal, think about that, it is basically the ability to know the science of the universe. The proof of what I am saying is in my work which is entirely about how the universe works and why Allah made it work that way which is the essence behind understanding Haram, Halal and fiqh.

I know saying this invites fitnah but I am saying this so the people of fitnah who denied me this path in life know it clearly, speaking is enough to break the type of fitnah dominating the world today so understand my intention.

Tonight I was challenged over this matter by Jinn from the United Arab Emirates and Rasul Allah (saws) demonstrated what I had reched in front of them, this was because I said I am a shaykh who the Mala’ikah take advice from.

This is what that advice looks like so you are satisfied, what Rasul Allah (saws) inspired me to say to the Mala’ikah in front of these Jinn sent here. Over the past few years I found the Mala’ikah showing to much Mercy to people and it was causing imbalance so I said to them Allah has raised mercy from people’s hearts, Qala Rasul Allah (saws), if you continue to show mercy to people whom Allah has taken mercy from their hearts (with His own hands for a reason) then you are chasing fitnah.

The essence of that advice to the Mala’ikah is that if you continue to show mercy to a criminal that is Zulm (oppression) to their victims, to the muslim Ummah.

Ibn ‘Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said to Jibril (Gabriel), “What prevents you from visiting us more frequently?” Thereupon was revealed the Ayah: “(The angels say:) ‘And we (angels) descend not except by the Command of your Rubb. To Him belongs what is before us and what is behind us, and what is between those two”. (19:64) [Al- Bukhari].

If you have read my biographies at my website you will see the Ijazah Rasul Allah (saws) gave me is the kind given to those capable of Ijtihad, so I am not saying anything new just maybe something your hearts could not put together.

This does not mean you can ask me fiqh questions, that still requires memorising the fiqh of this Ummah.

Khair Insha Allah, I hope that is also enough for the shuyukh who sent Jinn to observe me, Rasul Allah (saws) also spoke to them at an earlier date so ask them what they witnessed.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.