Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Previously I explained that Allah’s Haq (reality) exists as a Haq (Truth) in the universe in relation to what He created, Understand when the lives of Man, Angels and Jinn are compared you will see that Allah has given them all the same opportunities over their lifetimes even though each creatures life is drastically different.

This is so you can say with haq one creature has rightfully surpassed another with Allah. Angels are billions of years old, they earn their place with Allah over that time, yet Sayyidinah Adam (as) surpassed them and Allah made the Mala’kah prostrate to Him (as).

Then Allah placed him on earth and subjected him to the will (and folly) of the Jinn, in doing so Allah gave Jinn the opportunity to surpass some of mankind in the same way.

So how does man surpass the Mala’ikah with haq, the easiest way to understand this is to say man surpasses the Mala’ikah with the Maarifah he gains from his suffering and struggle. If Angels earn the right to a knowledge because they spent a millions of blissful years in its service, man’s struggle and suffering in the same pursuit over a short period of time in worth is the same as those millions of blissful years.

So you see the short life of man is worth the same with Allah as the long life of the Mala’ikah, because of this some of mankind are able to surpass the Angels since they endure with Allah the worst kinds of struggle, so Allah rightfully elevates them with Haq among the Mala’ikah.

Jinn on average live about twice as long as man, it varies wildly but that is a fair estimation this is so one Jinn can guide multiple generations of man (and jinn) from what he witnessed in previous generations.

Jinn by themselves are unable to reach the realities given to man, so Allah placed man among them so they can learn from him because they are able to copy Him and then reach the same with haq, in this way many among the Jinn have reached Wiliyah (Sainthood) with Allah and surpassed many from mankind, the Jinn of Rasul Allah (saws) is one of these Jinn, but they are not able to surpass everyone of mankind because they cannot handle the realities and struggles of prophethood.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.