Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

When i was studying Civil Engineering the occult was used to try and stop me from completing it, here is a taweez that can help with the fitnahs associated with this subject and these people. You don’t need to be an engineer to use this maybe you are married to one and see fitnah, you can write this to help your self, your children or them or all of you, change the intentions mentioned in brackets as you like.

Also you can substitute engineering for any profession or subject you wish.

Write the following in a book, it should look like this with a circle drawn around it:

Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar, Abd Al Maal, Abd Al Khamir, Abd Al Hashish. (In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah, and they are meant as accusations against any fitnah).

(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for your husband)
  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for your self)
  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for the world)
  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for Ummat al Islam)
  • Fitnah Of House Phones (Write this for you and your family, Sihr can be done on these to bring waswasa into your house)

(keep alternating between these intentions as much as you like down the page, then draw a circle around the entire thing).

Insha Allah that helps.

Effective Subjects For Taweez

Here are some effective subjects for Taweez that will improve your life.

  • Fitnah Of The Prostitute and Beast She Rides (this phrasing is from the bible for the fitnah of America and Europe, when i wrote this the jinn began complaining, then one of Allah’s Angels came and said Allah is specific in His language and knows their fitnah, meaning this phrasing in the Taweez will cover exactly what is wrong and mentioned in the bible as their fitnah.)
  • Fitnah Of American people and Jinn
  • Fitnah Of British people and Jinn
  • Fitnah Of (Your country, or any country you have visited. their) people and Jinn
  • Fitnah Of The following countries, Irish, Scottish, French, German, Egyptian, Suadi.
  • Fitnah of Iblis, Al Dajjal, Al Jassasah
  • Fitnah of Home Phones (Sihr can be done on these to bring waswasa into your life)
  • Fitnah Of Spiritual and Occult Contracts (the thing that compels a sahir to be evil)
  • Fitnah Of Cannibalism (This is the European kind which they see as medicinal, it is used to gain the power of victims, still widely practiced today among occultists, where they eat a small portion of someone, or poison someone good with it to turn them.)
  • Fitnah of Incest (This is how they create Taghuts that don’t listen to anyone or anything).
  • Fitnah of The Top 10 Food manufacturing Companies (search for them and list them by name, When i did this it broke the Jinns ability to come close, I saw much fitnah from these companies disappear some of it relating to the Maskh of people on mass, you control a people by their food supply.)
  • Fitnah of Apple and Microsoft (These two operating systems cover the entire world, this is how they are spreading their global dominance, it is the first door they enter and dominate your life by, everything else is under them because nothing else is so ubiquitous in the world and relied upon and integrated into peoples lives as these two operating systems, and their companies).
  • Fitnah Of “The City Of London” (This part of London is like the Vatican in Italy it is the real center of power in England and the source of their fitnah, you will see something disappear from the Jinns abilities which is at the heart of their evil when you do this, because when iblis gave the British Empire his Authority, this is the place it was being controlled and used from through history).

If you want to help yourself, the world and Ummat al Islam then do this for all of them, then continue to search for places of evil in the world, or things that are evil and do this taweez for them, if you think what can this do, understand when Allah said:

ما وسعني أرضي ولا سمائي، ووسعني قلب عبدي المؤمن…

“Neither My Earth nor My Heavens could contain Me, whilst the heart of My believing servant does contain Me (know me)…”

You are using the same physics that makes this possible for mans heart to affect change, and it is the Mala’ikah who are taking what you do and acting upon it because mans place with Allah is to open doors for them into the world so they can change it, this is that work, what you are doing is creating the spiritual paths for the future generations for the Ummah to walk upon:

“By the heaven full of paths,” (51:7)

Understand Allah gives according to peoples intentions and if you do a good deed Allah will multiply it and if you just intend it He will write it down for you once, here you are actually trying to save the world with a real intension, don’t you think Allah will write it down at least once.

Abu Huraira Narrated that Allah’s Messenger (saws) said: “Allah says: Whenever My slave intends to do a bad deed, (I say to the deeds recording angels): Do not record it against him until he (actually) commits it. If he has done so, write it down exactly as one in his record book. But if he refrains from it for My sake, write down this as a virtue in his favour. And when he intends to do a good deed, but does not actually do it, write it as a virtue for him. And if he puts it into practice, write its reward equal to, from ten to seven hundred times (in his account)”. (Bukhari, Muslim)

If you do these taweez Allah write for you that you are trying to save the entire world in your book of records, which is no small act, Understand, If a person is trying to save the world and you come against them then Allah will write for you that you are trying to stop the world from being saved, which is also no small act.

When you try to stop a wali or people from doing this, that is the deed that will be written for you in your book of records, the people of fitnah have trouble understanding that some actions even if you have been doing them for a long time will have different consequences each time and some things you do are of this magnitude.

The actions of a wali are always on this magnitude and the people who come against them will receive punishment of this caliber.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.