Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum

There are some things in this world when you use them they automatically harm you, the English language is one of those things.

I have criticized this language in front of Allah, the Mala’ikah and Jinn for many years now because of this nature, especially when Jinn use it because I see what it is doing spiritually, for this reason many Jinn now speak Arabic around me and they have begun to hate it for the reasons we are explaining here. 

When Rasul Allah (saws) saw what we had to say He (saws) criticized it and the jinn who use it just as much saying ‘it is a language that strangles anything it speaks about’.

Allah created the universe with a single word, Kun (Be), that is the power of words in the universe they command the spiritual world, a sahir uses them in spells to command evil while a Muslim in Dua for good.

But we are not even talking about the good and evil of this, English is a language that makes any person who uses it everyday spiritually poor, Rasul Allah (saws) said “be careful of what you say because every word has its reality”, your rizq, Baraka and the way you shape your world is according to the words you use the English language has degenerated to much from its origins and now every subject you speak about, it is as if you attack it to describe it and expect people to see it from its opposite.

Think back in history proper English when it was still acceptable was called middle English this is how Shakespeare spoke, it is how people spoke, that is proper English and that is fine, but as we moved away from this sentences where reversed and shortened, if you speak Arabic, Arabic still follows this structure, try translating something from Arabic to modern English and you will see you have to reverse the sentence to translate it, this is how English used to be, the end result of reversing and shortening sentences was to stunt its spiritual efficacy and ability to help you in life.

Today they are deliberately manipulating it and designing it to harm you, today you speak the language of advertising and English is nothing more than a series of slogans.

For these reasons Allah will make this language Haram to speak in the akhira and anyone who does will find Jahanam in it, in how it shapes his spirituality, because in the Akhira you will be able to see what is happening around you spiritually as you do things and you will see how this language and your words are shaping your world making it a hell, people will hate to speak it then because it will hurt them as they are doing so.

“You were heedless of this (day of judgment), so now We have removed the veil (from you sight), and your sight today is iron! (You will see spiritually)” (50:22)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.