Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

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Human Physiology and It’s Relationship To Baraka

Tomb of Salahudeen Ayoubi

Allah in the Quran explains in many verses how the Universe was created, and in many other verses, in vivid detail, explains how the Universe will be destroyed, and how we will be resurrected when He creates another Universe after this one.

Through the Quran and many Ahadith Allah and his prophet (saws) give a complete picture of not only life, but the larger world around us and the forces in it that impact on us, not simply the quantum forces but, unseen forces like the Jinn or the guidance and help of the Angels.

This picture was made very clear to people living 1400 years ago in a language they could understand, in fact the period before Islam came to be labeled as the Jahaliyah, the days of ignorance by comparison. The scientific language we know today we invented our self as we placed our own labels on everything we discovered in this Universe, which is why we no longer speak the language of the prophets (as).

Hence when man recently discovered the subatomic world, the world with in the Atom, it should be no surprise that Allah who spoke about the entirety of creation in detail not only prepared man for this knowledge but spoke about it at length in the Quran, along with his prophet (saws), using the terminology most appropriate for the people of Arabia during the prophets (saws) time, this same language would hold for the next 1300 years, that as until the modern age that relabeled everything.

In fact Allah made a promise in the Quran to show mankind the subatomic world, also called the Quantum Universe, in which the smallest particles in creation exist by the time we near the Hour.

Allah said “In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages

[through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves, so that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth.” [Qur’an 41:53]

Soon after mankind understood what space was he unraveled the way it exists by studying the smallest particles in it, the subatomic world, hence what Allah promised mankind was fulfilled and in the manner He mentioned, we would learn about space by studying ‘what is within our self’, the small particles we are created from.

Once our knowledge of the Universe became more complete we became capable of putting together the picture Allah left for us in the Quran and Sunnah. Allah created Angels from light this is a subatomic particle called the photon, and he created the Jinn from a pure fire that isn’t fueled by anything burning, a pure smokeless flame, this may have seemed hard to understand prior to our time but we now know the sun burns through fusion and is self sustaining, similarly the Jinn are crated from a similar fire, from these simple examples and many others Allah mentions in the Quran we can see he was giving us a picture of the subatomic world and the beings He created in it, all from the smallest particles in the Universe.

Allah says in the Quran that it is a source of healing and baraka (light) for mankind, so what does he mean by that, is this something imaginary or real?

It was narrated that Abu Sa’eed (r.a) said: “A group of the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) set out on a journey and traveled until they stopped in (the land of) one of the Arab tribes. They asked them for hospitality but they refused to welcome them. The chief of that tribe was stung by a scorpion and they tried everything but nothing helped them. Some of them said, ‘Why don’t you go to those people who are camped (near us), maybe you will find something with them.’ So they went to them and said, ‘O people, our chief has been stung by a scorpion and we have tried everything but nothing helped him. Can any of you do anything?’ One of them said, ‘Yes, by Allaah, I will recite ruqyah (spiritual healing) for him, but by Allaah we asked you for hospitality and you did not welcome us, so I will not recite ruqyah for you until you give us something in return.’ Then they agreed upon a flock of sheep.’ Then he went and spat drily and recited over him Al-hamdu Lillaahi Rabb il-‘Aalameen [Surah al-Fatihah].

(The chief) got up as if he was released from a chain and started walking, and there were no signs of sickness on him. They paid them what they agreed to pay. Some of them (i.e. the companions) then suggested to divide their earnings among themselves, but the one who performed the ruqyah said, ‘Do not divide them until we go to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and tell him what happened, then wait and see what he tells us to do.’ So they went to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and told him what had happened.

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked, ‘How did you know that it (al-Fatiha) is a ruqyah? (Contained spiritual healing) ’ Then he added, ‘You have done the right thing. Share out (the flock of sheep) and give me a share too.’ And the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) smiled.” (Bukhaari, 2156; Muslim, 2201)

The Spiritual world the Quran calls “ghayb” is the subatomic world, the Quantum Universe, our bodies interact with it all the time. The image we see in our mind during dreams or when we imagine things is created from light and other particles, but how does the body manipulate those particles to create the image, this is one example of how the body influences the subatomic world and it’s particles, that image in turn influences how we will react, behave and feel, all of this gives us the order of how things operate in turn, first from the image in our mind, what we imagine, to the chemical reactions produced in our body as a result of what we think, and this is simply one way how the quantum world influences man through his physiology.

Mans nervous system, the human brain and the heart create a very strong electromagnetic field that can be measured 3ft from our body with simple scientific equipment, we use it to sense the world around us and direct our sense perception, because this field is the first thing particles interact with before we notice anything else, a property explained by physics, and it is directly connected to all our perceptive organs, this is another way the human body interacts with the subatomic world and there are many other ways. The very cells in our body rely on light (photon particles) itself to survive and fuel the smallest reactions in our body all driven from the quantum world, that keep us alive, if photons (Light particles) didn’t have enough strength to fuel the reactions in our cells we would eventually deteriorate and die.

In the Hadith mentioned earlier, the chief was bitten by a scorpion and was poisoned, the companion of the prophet (saws) spat on the bite then recited surah al fatiha which removed the poison from him, the prophet (saws) then affirmed the fatiha contains healing in it’s recitation.

We can ask why doesn’t this work for us, why cant we cure anything with a simple recitation, but this is like asking, if we jump why cant we reach space ? a person with knowledge will say this is because of gravity, those who don’t know about gravity will stay silent or make something up.

There is something in Islam known as human perfection, Allah taught about this from the earliest revelations, the Prophets where the most perfect of Human beings, they are followed by whoever reaches near to them in the perfection of their character, we sometimes call these people the Awliya (saints). Perfection of a persons character is needed because it means nothing of bad qualities is hindering the Baraka as it cures the person, our body is the tool we use when we recite the Quran. Similarly the companions had the most perfect character after the prophet (saws) they where all Awliyah (friends of Allah).

Bad qualities produce bad chemicals and other consequences in the body which hinders the recitation, it is like a bad reception so our acts are not effective.

The Angels govern this universe from the subatomic world bringing about Allah’s will, this is the picture Allah draws for us, and as we can see from what we know about the Quantum Universe they are perfectly capable of it since they are created from light (photons), one of the most commonly found particles in the Universe.

Allah commanded the Angels to prostrate to Adam and in turn to the rest of mankind, or rather those who perfected them self like the prophets that came after Adam along with the Awliya. This prostration means that they will follow them and do as they will when they reach similar perfection to the Angels, hence when the prophet (saws) says that in the Quran is a spiritual healing, it means that this healing comes from the subatomic world through it’s recitation and the Angels will bring about it’s effects for those who perfected their character.

This is why the prophets (saws) could display miracles along with the companions, and the Awliyah of later generations after them as they willed, something Allah promises to grant them in a hadith Qudsi once he chooses to love a person.

But Allah was teaching all of us that the Quran contains healing and baraka not just the prophets or the Awliya, this is because how effective it is depends on our moral character, those who are better people will have greater effect in their ruqyah than those who are evil, and this is in degrees until we reach the prophets whose recitation (ruqya) always worked, while ours improves the situation and lifts parts of it’s harmful effects.

In fact Allah in the Quran, in reference to all this, says “We send down in the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss”. Meaning when the fatiha is recited the healing is sent down to us, and because Allah gives it a direction of coming down, we know it is traveling, this is then a quantum substance he is sending down, something made from matter in this Universe, hence the healing is a subatomic matter like the Angels and light.

The words ‘sent down’ are used to refer to the subatomic universe because the quantum part of the Universe that Angels exist in is the higher one while the physical world, were particles have solidified, is the lowest state of existence and matter. We know that in this Universe there is visible and invisible light, like ultraviolet light, which is another thing that tells us the unseen world (ghayb) is the same world as invisible light.

Hence Allah is telling us that healing is given to us through the Quantum Universe which our bodies interact with all the time in more ways than we can list here.

If we ask ‘did Allah speak more directly in the Quran regarding Quantum Mechanics, the physics of the Subatomic world’, the answer is a clear yes and in many places, most of us would have read the chapters dedicated to it but never understood the significance or the knowledge Allah was mentioning behind what was being said. Similar to many other verses regarding science in the Quran such as embryology which where not understood until science discovered those areas of knowledge.

Surah Al Qariah is one such surah, Ibn Abbas related that Allah called the Hour al Qariah (the Calamity, surah 101) because it shakes peoples hearts. 101:1 “OH, the sudden calamity! (2) How awesome the sudden calamity! (3) And what could make thee conceive what that sudden calamity will be? (4) [It will occur] on the Day when men will be like moths swarming in confusion…Allah then gives one very specific and vivid image of that Day to show it’s Awesomeness… “and the mountains will be like tufts of wool, like carded wool in terms of the lightness with which it floats [in the air] until it comes to settle upon the earth”(5), (Tafsir al Jalalayn).

The Mountains which are solid rock will literally turn into what looks like fluffy wool then they will float in the air like the clouds are floating today. The image is very clear but the science behind how this would occur could not be understood until Allah’s promise to teach mankind regarding the Quantum Universe was fulfilled.

In the Universe there are four fundamental forces that act on all particles, three of these these forces are what make all the small particles come together to create the matter, physical objects, bodies of water and gas’s we see around us in the world, one of these forces is said to be responsible for 99% of all chemical reactions. It isn’t important to know their names to understand this but they are Gravity, the Electromagnetic force, the Strong nuclear force and the Weak nuclear force.

When the Hour sounds these forces will be the first thing that will be affected and come to a stop, the very bonds holding matter together will begin to weaken and eventually cease to exist. Because the rocks that these strong mountains are made from will become like tufts of wool loosely held together, as all the forces holding matter in the Universe are weakened, including gravity, the mountains will come apart and then float in the air like clouds, the reference to tufts of woll is an indication that they will come apart slowly so the particles will remain loosely held together and float.

This exact image is repeated in surah Al Waqiah (The Event) verse 6, “When the earth is shaken with a shaking [severe], (56:5) and the mountains are shattered into [countless] shards, (56:6) so that they become as scattered dust” an eventuality of the process.

Another clear example of Quantum Mechanics, or physics of the subatomic world, is Surah Takwir (Shrouding in Darkness, 81) “WHEN THE SUN is shrouded in darkness, (2) and when the stars lose their light, (3) and when the mountains are made to vanish, (4)”…This is an exact description of what will occur when the fundamental forces in our Universe cease to exist seen in the sun and stars going dark. Allah then gives a very unique picture in verse 6,  “and when the seas are set afire (read sujirat or sujjirat), [when] they are set alight and become [a mass of] fire” (Tafsir al Jalalayn).

How can water burn when it puts out fire, this is very simple if we think about what water is made from, 2 Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom, H2O, if the bonds holding these atoms together become weakened and no longer exist we have Hydrogen gas being released from the sea, which is very flammable and is used today to power many alternative fueled vehicles, that fire caused by the Hydrogen gas burning will be fueled by the Oxygen atom no longer bonded to it, fire will follow the source of oxygen (air), so the oceans will literally be on fire.

The most famous sign of the hour in the Sunnah is that of the Sun rising from the west soon after the death of Isa (as), this is the opposite direction it now rises from, for this to occur the earth would have to follow the opposite path in space it is now on, this is the clearest sign that the fundamental forces in the Universe are being altered because the sun is like green tree frogs, which are dying, detecting the state of the environment, the most sensitive species will feel the effects first.

Although this is still theory among physicist they theorize that just as the Universe is expanding, and this is like an elastic band, gravity will eventually cause the expansion to stop and head in the opposite direction, the Universe will contract, and like the Big Bang it is termed the Big Crunch, except that Allah will end this expansion with an eternal event the blowing of the trumpet, before it reaches the point they calculate based on how much energy is present in the universe, the mechanics of how a sound can unravel matter and affect the expansion of the universe is another area of knowledge physics explains. This will occur soon after Allah takes the lives of all believers from the earth, because the purpose that Allah created the Universe for, to know him, will no longer exist.

The Sun unlike the earth isn’t a solid body it is a giant Mass of quantum particles, about 75% Hydrogen and 25% Helium along with a small amount of heavier elements, and it is entirely driven by the forces of the subatomic universe, hence this giant Mass which dictates the forces of Gravity in our galaxy is closely aligned to the fundamental forces in the Universe and were anything to occur to them the Sun would experience it first before the earth along with the stars.

The four fundamental forces in the Universe are created by the expansion of the Universe, if we swing our arm fast that movement creates a force of wind around it, in a similar way the forces in the Universe exist because the Universe is expanding (moving).

If something occurs to the expansion of the Universe, like contracting after expanding, it will affect these forces first, and if the Sun reversed it’s orbit in space, because it is the largest body affecting gravity in our galaxy, it would cause the planets to all spin around it in the opposite direction, kind of like a water whirlpool that now spins the other way causing everything in the water to spin in that direction as well.

The following tafsir (exegesis) to verse 7:40 mentions a unique phenomena and requires more consideration, [7:40] (Lo! they who deny Our revelations) Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur’an (and scorn them) scorn believing in them, (for them the gates of Heaven will not be opened) to receive their works or souls (nor will they enter the Garden until the camel goeth through the needle’s eye) they will not enter Paradise just as a camel cannot pass through the eye of a needle; it is also said that this means: they will not enter Paradise until a (large) rope goes through a needle’s eye. (Thus do We requite the guilty) the idolaters. (Tanwir al Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas)

Here Allah mentions a large camel passing through the eye of a small sowing needle a the prerequisite for the people of Hell (jahanam) being able to escape it, often termed a dark black pit. The examples Allah set’s are always related to possible things He created, hence the simile is a balance of things relating to the Laws of Physics in this universe, which means that if the Universe were somehow to allow a camel to pass through the eye of the needle, meaning as it is escaping hell it needs to shrink to this size, then the people of Jahanm (hell) would be able to enter paradise.

Allah mentions this verse in a Quran filled with examples of quantum mechanics like the mountains turning into very fine particles, space turing into molten brass (or tanned leather) when the bonds holding matter will begin to weaken and unravel, space will look like molten metal or tanned leather at the time of the hour, or the sun and stars loosing their light which is a unique connection since at the time of the prophet (saws) no one knew what a star was let alone that it relates to our own sun.

Hence this verse (7:40) shouldn’t be taken in isolation as something imaginary or a wild oath which isn’t in Allah’s speech or befitting His majesty, it is another example of Allah speaking about the subatomic universe, in this case, literally the end for matter to shrink in order to escape hell.

We know from previous revelations when Allah showed the prophet Idris (saws) the Universe, like many prophets, He showed him Jahanam (Hell), when Idris (as) described it in physical detail while looking at it from the outside that description matched exactly what is scientifically known when we look at black holes. What isn’t commonly known about black holes and what the prophet (saws) mentioned, is that many but not all have a disk of debris around them known as a secretion disk and many others have large plumes, jets of light, coming out of them from the matter they swallow up, they are lightyears in diameter even bigger than our galaxy.

Light when it enters a black hole it can not escape along with any other matter and it is shrunk, Humans and all beings need light to survive, enjoy life and function physically so it isn’t hard to understand, as the prophet (saws) mentioned how blackholes are Jahanam (hell), it is a place were no sun can exist while humans need sunlight to thrive, depriving humans of sunlight causes depression and anxiety and many other kinds of suffering.

This verse was revealed regarding the people of Jahanam who scorned the prophet (saws) and the believers (as), blackholes is a place where matter and the laws of Physics are not like everywhere else, this is why Allah employs an unusual simile for people inside Jahanam (hell).

Allah says the doors of Heaven wont open for them until the camel can pass through the eye of the needle, this is a simile for matter being capable of escaping a black hole, the eye of the needle is the crushing force on matter at the entry to the black hole, the camel will shrink if it goes near it, Allah also describes the people of Jahanam as being sealed away for eternity inside it, this is what literally seals them in, the inward crushing force of the black hole which doesn’t allow anything to leave.

All of this is Quantum Mechanics, the physics of the subatomic world and it is mentioned very clearly by Allah in the Quran in many places, the Baraka Allah speaks about is the benefit we receive from that world which our body depends on daily to function normally, this is one reason why Allah instructed man to pray five times a day to continually receive that benefit which keeps our heart healthy and that in turn helps keep the strife and afflictions of the world away from us, something the prophet stated in literal terms.

The Prophet (saws) said: “Trials are presented to the heart (repeatedly) as a mat is woven straw by straw. So, whichever heart absorbs it, a black spot is blotched on it, and whichever heart deflects it, a white dot is spotted on it. (This continues) until hearts become one of two states: a whitened heart that is not harmed by any trial so long as the heavens and the earth remain, or a blackened, deviant heart that knows no good and rejects no evil except what it absorbs of its desires” (Reported by Muslim).

If a person feels something in his heart he lives out (carries out) the actions of that feeling, for example if he falls in love he caries out the actions of a person in love after he starts to feel love, if he is depressed he carries out the actions of a depressed person, the heart that absorbs the trial will live out that trial and be afflicted by it, this is the significance of purifying the heart with prayer, fasting, dhikr and other beneficial things we do in life, they protect a person before the trouble enters into his life.

In this hadith is the understanding that strife and trials created by humans, impact the quantum universe and affect particles their which in turn affect other people around us, many laws in quantum physics can account for this like quantum entanglement which explains how quantum particles are connected together.

All this is why the prophet (saws) used to say that reciting a specific surah will protect someone for a specific number of days, the impact of the recitation only lasts for a length of time protecting the person from a specific type of affliction in the world.

For example if we recite the first three verses of surah al Baqarah, ayat al kursi and the last three verses of this surah and make a habit of reciting them daily, a persons life, property and family will be protected and no evil will come upon them while it is being recited, here we see the prophet (saws) making a distinction between the evil in this world and the trials of life, the trials we face are not always due to effects of evil acts other people carry out.

Reciting the last two verses of Bani Israil is a protection against theft, reciting surah al Ahzab and Saba a person will receive protection from Allah for that entire night, reciting surah al Fath is a protection in times of war and travel, in the Fatiha is a cure for every illness except death, literally man will receive benefit from it against every illness it’s effectiveness is according to how clan our character is, reciting surah al Kahf on Friday will protect a person from the fitnah of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) for that week, there are many more similar examples in the sunnah.

Baraka which in general terms means blessing and refers to what ever benefits us spiritually should be thought of as subatomic particles, it is like a large field made up of quantum particles that depends and only materializes because of our actions. To understand what it looks like, light for example is made of the photon particle, when we turn on a light bulb we don’t see a single photon we see a field of light made up of many photons spread out around the room, in a similar way this is how any kind of Baraka exists like a field of light, or a cloud as Ahadith described.

The fact the prophet (saws) gave a time period to the consequences of us reciting parts of the Quran shows how He viewed the effects of the Quran, it is like a medicine whose effects wear of after some time so we need to apply it again in order to receive and maintain it all the time in our life, the following hadith shows the prophet (saws) fully understood the way the quantum Universe worked and much of his advice was so mankind could derive benefit from it.

Al-Bara’bin Azib narated: A man was reciting Surah Al-Kahf and his horse was tied with two ropes beside him. A cloud came down and spread over that man, and it kept on coming closer and closer to him till his horse started jumping. When it was morning, the man came to the Prophet, and told him of that experience. The Prophet said, “That was As-Sakina (the substance of tranquility) which descended because of the Qur’an.” (Bukhari)

This companion had firasa, his inner vision was made clear, Allah granted him spiritual vision to see the Sakina that descends when any person recites the Quran, many of us simply feel it when we recite. The Prophet (saws) said beware the vision of the believer for he sees with the Light of Allah (Tirmidhi), meaning Allah is giving him literal light to see what He wants him to see at that time.

If we understand this we can understand the literalness in Allah’s words regarding the Ark, Allah said “Verily! The sign of His kingdom is that there shall come to you At Tabut (The Ark), within it is Sakinah (peace and tranquility) from your Lord and a remnant (relics) of that which Moses and Aaron left behind, carried by the angels. Verily, in this is a sign for you if you are indeed believers.” (2:248)

We see in this verse that Sakinah, which mean peace and tranquility, is treated like a substance that Allah placed inside the Ark and this is what gave the Ark it’s benefit to mankind, prayer gives us a similar benefit.

There is literally a whole lot more that can be said on this subject as we delve deeper into it but this is not the scope of this work, this subject matter was included to clarify the chapter regarding the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), the prophet (saws) said what He will have with him is not a kind of sihr (Dark Magic) but a kind of knowledge from Allah, the prophet (saws) was referring to technology which he will use like sihr (Dark Magic). Theses are advancements in science that will exist in his time, the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will literally manipulate the forces of the Universe to create miracles and fool people, to do this you have to control matter from the quantum universe in order to make things appear from thin air.

The Prophet (saws) said “Before (the) appearance of the Dajjaal, a group of people would pave the way (for him), setting up a system to prepare the world for his arrival.” we are now living in that system which he will take advantage of to control people.

Regarding all the science and knowledge that the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will have with him the Prophet (saws) said “I know more about the powers which the Dajjaal will have than he will know himself” (Muslim), the prophet (saws) understood the technology the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) would use to do what he does better than him.

In order to understand how the prophet (saws) could know this, we have to understand that Man is an immense vessel than can hold a lot of knowledge and understanding, we know this from the fact Adam (as) was given the names of literally everything, to see how this is possible we have to understand the role of the heart in mans consciousness.

By similarity we know this is possible for Angels who were created at the beginning of the universe and have not forgotten anything since then, this is the nature of light which Angels are created from and the role of the Human soul is similar in nature. As the scholars said our soul plays a role other than keeping us alive, it is our connection to the unseen world which it is constantly looking at it, and the heart is our connection to the soul itself hence the need to purify the hearts to connect to it more clearly.

The prophet (saws) similarly said about himself “My Lord came to me in the best form” – the narrator said: “I think he said: `in my sleep'” – “and asked me over what did the Highest Assembly (al-mala’u al-a`la) vie (“the angels brought near” according to Ibn al-Athir in al-Nihaya and others); I said I did not know, so He put His hand between my shoulders, and I felt its coolness in my innermost, and knowledge of all things between the East and the West came to me.”(Sahih, Tirmidhi)

All knowledge in the east and west is not all knowledge in the Universe, we must then ask how does Man explain the knowledge we have with us today to desert Arabs living 1400 years ago, this is how we should look at the prophet’s (saws) words, as a person trying to explain to mankind every aspect of this same Universe around us, in a language the Arab tribes could understand.

Allah summed up the entire matter of how the quantum universe or ghayb (the unseen world), is connected to the physical world through our physiology and consciousness in the following hadith Qudsi:

Allah almighty said “I am as my servant thinks I am. I am with him when he makes mention of me. If he makes mention of me to himself, I make mention of him to myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if he draws near to me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a fathom’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.” (Muslim)

Our imagination colors our world and we experience the world how we imagine it, bad imaginations lead to all the illnesses of the nafs (self) because we pollute them, while those who know Allah that knowing (Maarifa) will color their world until they see the signs of Allah in the Universe because they know were and how to look, Allah will go to them at speed, this is how Allah created the human body to know him and why He created the universe in this way.

The prophets (as) where given the most knowledge among mankind and the prophet (saws) was instructed to speak to people according to their level of understanding.

Regarding the vision the heart perceives, Imam Ali was asked what is creation, the Universe, Imam Ali replied ‘it is like the dust in the air, it only becomes visible when the light of Allah strikes it’.

It’s amazing that he would use dust as an example, dust in the air becomes visible when sun light hit’s it, hence dust is the perfect simile for the particles in the Quantum Universe that everything in the unseen world is made from, our heart sees the image made from these particles when a light that we can perceive shines upon it.

Imam Ali also said “You think that your self is some insignificant thing and yet in you are all of the cosmos” in Arabic: “tahsibu nafsaka anaka jarmun saghirun, mu fikan Allam al Akbar”.

We have to ask our self what prerequisite knowledge did the companions have to be able to come to this conclusion, to say such things, most people throughout history would have looked at such words and said Allahu Allam, only Allah knows, yet the verse regarding this matter is plainly their in the Quran and the companions understood the Quran best, because the prophet (saws) himself taught them, but it took the world nearly 1400 years to perceive it.

They understood what Allah said in these verses, “In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages [through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves, (in the heart ‘it is like the dust in the air, it only becomes visible (to man) when the light of Allah strikes it’.) so that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth.” [Qur’an 41:53]

Allah in the Quran even explains how, in a single surah, surah al Shams 91, and the prophets companions would have had the best understanding regarding it’s meaning, but that is another topic which we will dedicate another work to Insha Allah.

Allah makes it very clear when all this knowledge would be revealed to mankind, in answer to the non muslims who asked when the Hour will come, Allah replied to their challenge “Man is a creature of haste; [but in time] I shall make obvious to you [the truth of] My messages: do not, then ask me to hasten [it]” (21:37), Allah replied by saying I will not bring the Hour until I first reveal to mankind the meaning of the Quran, that is, everything in the Quran that man could not understand before our time science would eventually uncover, and it is only after this point in time that Allah’s promise of the Hour will come to pass.

In this verse is the affirmation by Allah that everything we have mentioned regarding the Quantum Universe and its relationship to man’s physiology and his consciousness is the crux of the matter, this is the reality behind every single spiritual experience and miracle we have read about in the Quran or Sunnah or even experienced.

Mankind has unravelled the mysteries of space, and since that promise in the Quran is now fulfilled we are seeing the sings the prophet (saws) described as the hour casting it’s shadow over people, and in the very near future, before the Mahdi (ra), we will see another event that will mark it’s nearness being just above mankind’s head as the prophet (saws) stated.

We can use the following simile to understand all we have mentioned, everyday each of us uses a computers operating system, Window’s, Mac or Android, to talk the hardware of the computer, it is the interface between us and the physical parts the computer is made from, in the same way nature is the interface between us and Allah, He uses it and everything in it to talk to us and guid us. The heart sums up the meaning of that picture and translates it into feelings we can interpret with our mind and put words to, as some scholars said the heart is Allah’s riding animal, because it can sum up the entire Universe (picture) just by looking at it, it doesn’t matter how big the picture is, those who purify their hearts receive a clear picture and can interpret it clearly, and those who corrupt their hearts receive a deluded picture that is hard to understand.

In this universe Angels can guide man through the system Allah placed in the human body, Jesus (as) understood this and said the body is a temple, and the prophets received revelation through their hearts, while the Devils can hijack the system (our physiology) like a virus in a computer, when this occurs it then needs to be cleaned to work properly again.

Allah says in the Qur’an:

91:7 Consider the human self, and how it is formed in accordance with what it is meant to be,

91:8 And inspired it (with) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it.

91:9 To a happy state shall indeed attain he who causes this [self] to grow in purity (Zakaha),

91:10 and truly lost is he who buries it [in darkness].

There is a famous saying by the Great Scholars of Islam, who summed up all of this knowledge in a short expression, they said “Qalb al insan Arsh al Rahman”, the human heart is the throne of the Merciful.

In relation to this subject the following work clarifies the matter further from an Islamic point of view and shows that historically our scholars spoke about these matters at length with an Islamic vocabulary.

The Mulk, the physical world, comes from Alam al Malakut, the Angelic world, or the world of light, and light in the Quran is the simile for quantum particles. In modern terms the scholars have always said the physical world is created from the quantum world because this is what our Deen has always said.

The Trial Of The Dajjaal


The trial of the Dajjaal (Alah’s curse be upon him) is extra ordinary the world will see things that are not normal because the world he will try to rule already does extra ordinary things so He will have to outshine that for people take notice of him. He (Allah’s curse be upon him) will take what the world is already doing, utilising sihr (dark Madic) and technology to enslave the world under one government and turn that dial all the way to ten, what America is doing now He will do and take it to extremes because America is the one who set up the system of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him). The book of revelations is almost entirely dedicated to this fact, it describes the system that will enslave the world, the capitalism America invented and the Sihr (Dakr Magic) it adopted from the British empire which Iblis gave them, and about all this the prophet (saws) said towards the end of time a people will come who will set up the system that the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will use against people.

“And they followed (instead) what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, (by) teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, “We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].” (2:102)

The type of sihr being utilised is primarily done by the Jinn that accompany people their is little effort on the part of these people except to give the Jinn access to who they want to attack, it was the Jinn who taught sihr to people in the time of Sulaiman (ra) and it is the Jinn in our time doing this, they use the people they are attached to, to empower their sihr with that persons evil behaviour and they perform Isharat (signs) for these people telling them how to behave, act and talk so they achieve their goals, exactly as the book of revelations described, the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon ) will likewise have shayateen (devils) with him doing the exact same thing these occult people are doing but to greater effect.

He will say to people “What do you think if I bring your father and mother back to life for you? Will you bear witness that I am your Lord?” The Bedouin will say; “Yes,” so two devils (wiht him) will assume the appearance of his father and mother”

The Messenger of Allaah (saws) said: ‘The Dajjaal will emerge at a time when religious commitment is low and knowledge has decreased… Then ‘Isa ibn Maryam will descend just before dawn and will call people, saying, ‘O people, what is stopping you from coming out against this evil liar?’ They will say, ‘This man is a jinn’ (Ahmad)

The Prophet (saws) said: He who amongst you would survive to see him (the Dajjaal) should recite over him the opening verses of Sura Kahf (18 in the Quran). He would appear (first become apparent to people who he is) on the way between Syria and Iraq and would spread mischief right and left. O servant of Allah! adhere (to the path of Truth). We said: Allah’s Messenger, how long would he stay on the earth? He said.. For forty days, one day like a year and one day like a month and one day like a week and the rest of the days would be like your days. We said: Allah’s Messenger, would one day’s prayer suffice for the prayers of the day equal to one year? Thereupon he said: No, but you must make an estimate of time (calculate your obligations and needs). We said: Allah’s Messenger, how quickly would he walk upon the earth? Thereupon he said: Like a cloud driven by the wind. He would come to the people and invite them and they would affirm their faith in him and respond to him. He would then (use technology and) give command to the sky and there would be rainfall upon the earth and it would grow crops. Then in the evening, their posturing animals would come to them with their humps very high and their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched.

He would then come to another people and invite them. But they would reject him and he would go away from them and there would be drought for them (he will use technology and science against them) and nothing would be left with them in the form of wealth. He would then walk through the waste, land and say to it: Bring forth your treasures, and the treasures would come out and collect (themselves) before him like the swarm of bees (this is a simile for the resources underneath the ground, they will swarm like bees means resources will be discovered one after the other very quickly, this is how the prophet (saws) described the secrets of the earth being discovered in another hadith). He would then call a person brimming with youth and strike him with the sword and cut him into two pieces and (make these pieces lie at a distance which is generally) between the archer and his target. He would then call (that young man) and he will come forward laughing with his face gleaming (he will use science to resurrect a person) and it would be at this very time that Allah would send Christ, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he would lower his head, there would fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he would raise it up, beads like pearls would scatter from it. Every non-believer who would smell the odour of his self would die and his breath would reach as far as he would be able to see. He would then search for him (the Dajjaal) until he would catch hold of him at the gate of Ludd (in Palestine) and would kill him.

Then a people whom Allah had protected (more than likely of Jewish origin who converted because of the Mahdi, as other Ahadith mention, it is also a Jewish prophecy in the torah) would come to Jesus, son of Mary, and he would wipe their faces and would inform them of their ranks in Paradise and it would be under such conditions that Allah would reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from amongst My servants such people against whom none would be able to fight; you take these people safely to Tur (in Egypt), and then Allah would send Gog and Magog (who had followed the Dajjaal that now had been killed) and they would swarm down from every slope (seeking vengeance, they are more than likely the Buddhist and Hindus of Asia who share a similar lineage with the original Gog and Magog tribes, Gog and Magog where the Dajjals first supporters when He emerged so whoever joined his ranks became one of them). The first of them would pass the lake of Tiberius and drink out of it. And when the last of them would pass, he would say: There was once water there. Jesus and his companions would then be besieged here (at Tur, and they would be so hard pressed) that the head of the ox would be dearer to them than one hundred dinars, and Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would supplicate Allah, Who would send to them insects (a simile for a disease which would attack Gog and Magog’s necks) and in the morning they would perish like one single person (this is because the disease is engineered to only attack one type of Dna marker and most of Gog and Gagog have a similar lineage back to Nuh). Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then come down to the earth and they would not find in the earth (in their region) as much space as a single span which is not filled with their putrefaction and stench.

Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then again beseech Allah, Who would send birds whose necks would be like those of bactrin camels and they would carry them and throw them where Allah would will. Then Allah would send rain which no house of clay or (the tent of) camels’ hairs would keep out and it would wash away the earth until it could appear to be a mirror. (People will then live with Isa (as) and during his life time) Then the earth would be told to bring forth its fruit and restore its blessing and, as a result thereof, there would grow (such big) pomegranate that a group of persons would be able to eat that, and seek shelter under its skin and milk cows would give so much milk that a whole party would be able to drink it. And the milk camels would give such (a large quantity of) milk that the whole tribe would be able to drink out of that and the milk sheep would give so much milk that the whole family would be able to drink out of that (then after Isa (as) dies 40 years later) and at that time Allah would send a pleasant wind which would soothe (people) even under their armpits, and would take the life of every Muslim and only the wicked would survive who would commit adultery like asses and the Last Hour would come to them. (Sahih Muslim, Book 55, Hadith 7559)

The world of VR (virtual reality) is beginning with technology like the oculus rift and vibe recently being released; The Messenger of Allah said, “I know more about what the Dajjaal has with him than he himself knows. With him are two flowing rivers; in the vision of the eye (illusions and sihr, people will be brainwashed using technology while they sit with him), the first one is white water; in the vision of the eye, the second one is burning fire. If he (the Dajjaal) reaches one of you, then let him go to the one he sees as being fire and let him close his eyes. Then let him bend his head and drink, for it is indeed cold water…” (Muslim)

The river is white water in the vision of the eye, so the river is a metaphor, and the command to drink is then also a metaphor. The VR technology of today is just the first step, eventually they will connect these devices to your body so you feel and sense everything, like your almost living a dream, most people experience dreams like they experience real life, they feel, sense and taste everything but none of it is the real world.

This is our body doing it on it’s own, all this is an informed educated guess based on where technology is directly headed, if we wanted to theorise then we would say they will find a way to interface with mans senses using the bodies electromagnetic field, which is just the same field mobile phones use to communicate and they will use holographic technology to drive the VR experience, holographic technology was originally fuelled by movies like star wars but they have began developing it and Japan has simple working prototypes.

Once we imagine a holographic virtual reality which you walk into, that interfaces with mans senses, like the holodeck on star trek, then we can see why it was described like a white flowing river in the minds eye by the prophet (saws), your living a dreamlike scene  that you can sense, taste and almost touch, this is the Dawah tools of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), today we use powerpoint or keynote presentations he will use the latest technology to teach his message.

Once mainstream quantum computers become available the world will change because of what can become possible with them, today we have quad core computers which is just 4 old style cpu’s stuck together on the same chip, with quantum computers that number four will increase by an almost infinite number by comparison, this is the difference in computing power.

With technology they will be able to create the same thing as dreams, the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) is a sahir (occultist) who uses sihr to change peoples beliefs and delude them, he will also use technology to achieve this, so the ways of sihr will increase as technology increases and he will come at a time in the future when man would have solved the problem of mainstream quantum computers, the first super computers based of the principles of quantum mechanics have already been built.

Hence it is more than likely the two rivers are things based on VR technology that he will use on people, and because He is selling the opposite of religion his idea of what Jannah (heaven) is, materialism, lust etc is Hell for anyone who adopts it (experiences it this way) because it is an addiction and it will be instant. While His idea of Hell which is religion and asceticism he will dress both as poverty, hardship and lack of wealth so they look like hell to people looking at them because ascetic’s (Awliya) rid themselves of material distractions to focus the self. But when people go to it and experience it they will see it is salam, inner peace, harmony and calmness in the self, this is the comparison to the fire that is lust and materialism which he will promote.

Imam Ibn Kathir mentions the Dajaals (Allah’s curse be upon him) stay on Earth “He will remain for a period of forty days on earth; one day will be like a year, one day will be like a month, and one day will be like a week; the rest of his days will be like the (normal) days of the people. This averages out to one year, two and a half months.” This is calculated by adding one year (a day like a year) plus one month (a day like a month) plus one week (a day like a week) and the remaining days…equalling to One year, Two months (60 days) and Two weeks (14 days).

The following Hadith of the Prophet (saws) indicates this is what is meant by this length of time: “We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, for the day which is like a year (so he will be on earth for at least one year), will one days prayers be sufficient? He said, ‘No, you must make an estimate of the time, and then observe the prayers” (aqdarhu lahu qadrahu) (Muslim)

The basic advice means the length of time is a single year in which more than one days prayer will be needed, so then why would the prophet (saws) say one year will be like a day making the companion wonder about the obligations of prayer during this time. The underlaying assumption in the translation (not the words of the companions) is that the day and night cycle will alter, hence the translation shouldn’t be confused with the prophet’s (saws) reply, the sun will not stay shinning for a single year, and a single day will not literally last for a years period of time.

It may seem the companions (ra) have assumed this literalness, but the prophet (saws) did not affirm this assumption in his reply, and he knew what he meant by their words.

It is more reasonable to assume the companions understood his words and asked the question in relation to it’s deeper context, which is lost in translation, they asked will the religious obligation’s of one normal day be enough to support us spiritually for this year you labelled a “Day”, because the prophet said this year will be experienced like a day, so then what will Allah expect of us to help us spiritually. If the prophet called this year, a Day, then does Allah still require the five daily prayers or will he stretch out the obligation over a year, the prophet (saws) said that you must “observe what is decreed” meaning observe what is owed to protect your self, these are his literal words in Arabic “aqdarhu lahu qadrahu”.

Unlike the translation in arabic the word “time” is not used in the prophets reply (aqdarhu lahu qadrahu) the translator added this himself, the translation is missing the depth of the conversation and the literal reply of the prophet (saws), who said “observe what is necessary for it”.

A muslim’s life is regulated by his worship, Allah made five prayers obligatory upon us each day, but they are the minimum that must be done to still be considered a muslim, or a person on the path of Islam. Those who achieved Ihsan (Human perfection) as the prophet (saws) did would pray more than this, as much as they saw they needed in order to protect themselves from human imperfection’s and the harms of this world, which the light of their prayer helped them with.

Because of the prophets response it is more than likely the word salat (prayer) is meant in the wider sense of prayer and not strictly the five obligatory prayers, this hadith would then be translated as “We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, for the day which is like a year, will one days worship be sufficient? (worship here means more than the obligatory salat, it is the 5 prayers, their Sunnah, Dhikr, Dua, recitation of the Quran, any worship a Muslim would do in a normal day) He replied, observe it’s obligations and calculate your needs” (aqdarhu lahu qadrahu), so the question is rather will our normal deed suffice for the fitnah of the Dajjal or will we need to do anything else besides them, this is because the companions understood their worship is a protection for them from troubles in the world so will that be enough for them.

They understood the complexity of the issue’s otherwise we would have to assume something ridiculous in the literalness of the translation, and that is the sun will be standing still for one year, on one spot on earth while the other is in darkness and you will have to measure time between prayers and then observe them as you would during normal days, which is an interpretation the scholars have historically always avoided giving this hadith and simply said they don’t know it’s meaning.

The Arabic spoken is classical Arabic and often the same words would be used in deeper conversations that would otherwise have a simple meaning but the context of the conversation would dictate the alternate meaning and the subtle changes in the construction of the sentence, hence “One day like a year” does not literally mean a single day “will be like year”.

The prophet next in the hadith, which is much lengthier and hasn’t been quoted in it’s entirety, advised that who ever lives to see the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) should recite the opening verses of Surah al Kahf (chapter 18) against him, the nature of the conversation is spiritual advice and what protects one spiritually.

What is missing from the context is our own understanding of what prayer is for, and what man achieves by it, because when we see that prayer is a tool that a person uses, then we can understand the companions concern over it, they were not being lazy asking could we get away with one days prayer in a single year, they were the best community Allah brought forth all of whom were extremely dedicated to Islam, they were trying to look after their own needs and Iman (faith).

One day like a year means the Baraka (light) that would be present in a single day, man will receive or find it over a single year instead, people will face this attrition during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

Some took this saying of Rasul Allah (saws) literally but to illustrate He (saws) intended something figurative here is another version of it in which He (saws) explains it another way:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘His (Dajjal’s) days will number forty years: a year like half a year, a year like a month, a month like a week, and the rest of his days will be like sparks from a fire (quick and fleeting). One of you will enter the gate of Al-Madinah in the morning and not reach its other gate until evening comes (Madinah was smaller in the time of the prophet (saws)).’ It was said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, how should we pray on those short days?’  He said: ‘Estimate (the times of) the prayer, as you do on these long days, then pray (Pray as normal, they did not understand the day will still be 24 hours long).’ (Sunan Ibn Majah 4077)

Ultimately this is describing the reality of life people will experience, like modern life made life seem fast paced until people began to see it only that way, while if you live on a farm it seems slow and they know no other kind of life.

Because this is the main reason why the fitna of the Dajjaal is so grave and the worst event that mankind will face since Allah placed man on earth, it is important to understand it and it’s nature. It basically means there will be little spiritual light present in the world during his first year on earth, to understand the significance of this we have to know what Baraka, light, is and why man needs it.

To know the importance of baraka in a practical manner, and how it relates to our life would take an entire work, and we have addressed this in a book elsewhere, but to sum up, the spiritual world often spoken about is the subatomic part of our universe that particles like light (photons) exist in it is behind the blessings of worship on our life.

This is the significance of worship which the companions were asking about during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), the human heart through prayer produces an increased amount of light that helps man’s higher functions, it will be important during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) when a year will be like a day in what man receives and He will need his psychological strength to resist his lies.

But all this is simply the human aspect of the matter, if the Baraka is withheld from the entire earth then it’s ramifications are far wider, affecting most creatures on earth, they rely on the electromagnetic field to sense the world around them, in most cases to avoid danger, navigate or find prey.

This is the test of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) man will face from Allah during this time, the first year he is on earth man will receive in a year what he would normally receive in a day, then in a month he will receive what he receive’s in a day and then he will receive the same over a week.

This may all be referring to a cosmological event that will affect the solar system on a quantum level during this time, or it could be due to the fact earth is hit by an asteroid creating some global change which he will take advantage of and emerge, possibly the shifting of earths orbit. We have to also keep in mind that one of the later signs of the hour is the sun rising from the opposite direction and this could be the first precursor to that, Allah himself changing something in the subatomic universe that will cause this effect during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

Another obvious matter which could be the cause of this spiritual deprivation are the Jinn, most Jinn nowadays are devils involved in shir (dark magic) because they use it to get what they want, the prophet (saws) said that every person on earth “… There is assigned to him a companion from among the jinn and a companion from among the angels” (Muslim), the Jinn will be the first to know about the emergence of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) who they consider to be like their master they have been waiting for, it is more than likely that when he emerges most Jinn on earth will turn on the human they are assigned to to try and convince them of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), so mankind will be spiritually besieged for the first year of his emergence, but this effort will wane afterwards.

When we consider Quantum Mechanics other mechanisms affecting life, based on the laws of physics, can be enumerated such as the coherence of waves, the ability of particle waves to connect and communicate with each other.

The Human Bodie’s electromagnetic field will interact with other fields around it and other people’s perceptive organs pick this up. Scientist are beginning to realize that human consciousness is a state of matter, like a Liquid, Solid or Gas, and that it is similarly made from matter and particles but only subatomic like light, and it is subject to the same laws of physics that govern the rest of the Universe.

What we know as consciousness is the result of the bodies interaction with the universe around it on all levels right down to the subatomic world. Because the brain and nervous system are a distributed parallel processing system, it can compute multiple things at the same time and act on each simultaneously, so consciousness is born out of the sum of those interactions in the body. How man is inspired is relevant to both scenarios we have outlined above, that of a cosmological change affecting mans physiology or that of the Jinn attacking him through his consciousness because the way through which they harm man is via the same mechanisms in his body.

It is very significant that it was in Surah al Shams (The Sun, 91) that Allah took one of the most significant oaths in the Quran regarding this very nature of Man and its connection to the subatomic universe, the objects in space and their radiance or the quantum fields they generate…Allah said;

91:1   CONSIDER the sun and its radiant brightness,

91:2   and the moon as it reflects the sun!

91:3   Consider the day as it reveals the (sun to the) world,

91:4   and the night as it veils it darkly!

91:5   Consider the sky and its wondrous make,

91:6   and the earth and all its expanse!

91:7   Consider the human self, and how it is formed in accordance with what it is meant to be,

91:8   And inspired it (with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it.

91:9   To a happy state shall indeed attain he who causes this [self] to grow in purity (Zakaha),

91:10   and truly lost is he who buries it [in darkness].

91:11   TO [THIS] TRUTH gave the lie, in their overweening arrogance, [the tribe of] Thamud…

Allah (swt) says that regarding the reality of All these things which he swore by, the tribe of Thamud “gave a lie to” (91:11), meaning they not only new what this chapter meant but lied about it, lied that Allah was the cause behind all this, one thing we now about Ancient cultures is their fascination and obsession with the celestial bodies and the inspiration they receive through them, Here Allah is explaining the immediate effects of how this all worked because what occurs with the Sun affects us here on earth starting with our weather and ending with our mood and perception that are subject to it’s subatomic fields.

Allah not only asks us to consider the sun and its brightness (solar activity) but the moon that reflects the sun, which is the other body in space affecting earth on a subatomic level (91:2) and how the suns solar activity reaches us, then He asks us to consider the cycle between increased activity in the fields they generate around the earth and decreased activity by saying, “Consider the day as it reveals the (sun to the) world (91:3), and the night as it veils it darkly!” (91:4), scientist have been measuring these effects, using sun spots, for a few hundred years, their peak effects are during the day and weakest at night.

Allah then asks us to consider this relationship with the sky and how it is made (91:5) and the whole earth, its expanse and how this is spread over it (91:6), then to think about how this is connected to the human self and how it is formed (91:7) to sense all of it and how through the soul this inspires and affects its conciseness of what is right for it and what is wrong for it (91:8), in other words how the body senses the subatomic world around it. He will be happy who causes his soul to grow (91:9) and purifies him self and He will be wretched who buries it in darkness (91:10), the soul is made from subatomic particles and here Allah is saying it is affected by subatomic activity on earth through the celestial bodies in space.

In Arabic the word consider is translated according to the intention of Allah with this oath, but literally the oath in Arabic reads: By the sun and its radiant brightness, By the moon as it reflects the sun! By the day as it reveals the (sun to the) world, By the night as it veils it darkly! By the sky and its wondrous make, By the earth and all its expanse! By the human self, and how it is formed…

The intent is to consider these things been sworn by in greater detail and how they relate to each other and mans soul, Allah then mentions that this relationship the Tribe of Thamud (7:73) which the Prophet Saleh (saws) was sent to guide, lied about it, and ignored the reality between the things Allah swore by and Himself, consequently they were destroyed because of their evil along with most Ancient civilizations that worshiped the celestial bodies rather than the one who created them along with the eco system they exist in.

Their depth of knowledge regarding the celestial bodies and their effect on human consciousness shouldn’t be surprising since nearly all ancient cultures around the world had an advanced understanding of these celestial bodies and their effects on the human self. While we focused on technology, their way of life is reflected in their religion and the elaborate structures they constructed and left behind in perfect alignment with the movement of the celestial bodies in space, meaning they wanted to know what these bodies would be doing in the future so they could tell how mean will be influenced by them. The structures marked their elaborate movements through the sky for the sake of tracking their influence on the human self.

No one has ever claimed Man evolved in the last few thousand years which is why the technological world exists, rather we have had the same capacity for intelligence throughout history but in the ancient world man applied himself in a different direction with the same complexity we witness in our world in the absence of electricity.

Some of these tribes took to worshiping these celestial bodies instead of Allah for a very real reason they witnessed, but they failed to perceive that beyond all of this there is something even greater, they saw the celestial bodies as the source of inspiration, power and influence on human life, which Allah in nearly all scripture condemned because it was short sighted since He was their creator and said that through them He inspired the soul. The soul is the most subatomic “part” of mans body made entirely from subatomic particles that are subject to the laws of physics, Quantum Mechanics.

Man during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) can not rely on the strength of his character because he will be attacked from within himself either by the Jinn who will swarm over his senses creating a state of spiritual deprivation or because something atmospheric has occurred hindering his senses, he will rather have to rely on Allah to overcome this trial whose aim is to show man the importance of Allah on earth in the same way we view the importance of the atmosphere to keeping us alive, Allah plays an important part in life every day we don’t notice just like man did not notice the atmosphere for thousands of years, in this way what is with in man’s self will come to the fore, in times of adversity mans inner character will show and each person has to decide in that moment if he will stay on the course he is presently on or change. Allah will test the hearts of Mankind with the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) to show what they have been hiding in their hearts.

Another significant event that could be the cause behind a year being like a day, although it is difficult to articulate without mentioning to much physics, is the death of most animals on earth due to the three year of drought before the Dajjaal’s (Allah’s curse be upon him) emergence the absence of animals on earth would make it feel desolate and almost lifeless affecting man spiritually. It is more than likely that this year of hardship will be because of these three things occurring on earth, the Asteroid hitting earth, the Jinn attacking man and the animals dying, the Jinn rely on animals like man and their death will cause them great distress leading great numbers of them to follow the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) when he emerges.

Ibn Maaja narrated that “There will be three hard years before the Dajjaal appears. During them, people will be stricken by a great famine. In the first year, Allah will command the sky to withhold a third of it’s rain, and the earth to withhold a third of it’s produce. In the second year, Allah will command the sky to withhold two thirds of it’s rain, and the earth to withhold two thirds of it’s produce. In the third year, Allah will command the sky to withhold all of it’s rain, and it will not rain a single drop of rain. He will command the earth to withhold all of it’s produce, and no plant will grow. All hoofed animals will perish, except that which Allah wills. He was asked “What will sustain people during this time?” He said, Tahlil, Takbir and Tahmid. (Saying La ilaha illa Llah, Allahu Akbar and al Hamdulilah). This will sustain them as food does.”

To illustrate the relevance of this drought, if we walk into a rainforest we would sense the forest is brimming with life, due to life’s electromagnetic field that creatures produce it is the source behind us sensing other life in the forest long before we ever saw anything, in a similar way earth itself is brimming with life around us that we can sense just by walking outside, now imagine all animal life on earth died in three years, this will also kill many insects and other creatures that rely on them because entire eco systems are connected to each other.

Each one of these species individually produce an electromagnetic field that impacts their larger surroundings collectively, and us ultimately, if mass populations of wildlife all suddenly died out there would be a massive void of life on earth, the earth will be deprived of it’s baraka. It would be like turning the entire earth from a rain forest to a metropolitan concrete jungle that is now void of wildlife and the benefits man derives from it simply by being in it’s presence, the earth would be almost dead after this three year drought.

This may seem foreign because it is new but Allah has spoken about something similar in a different context which we all know, this type of “subatomic” deprivation mankind will similarly suffer on the day of judgment, except on that day Mankind wont receive light from his natural surroundings and self, he will only be granted it in exact measure by Allah, according to each persons deeds in life and being deprived of it will cause great suffering very similar to what man will face during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

“On that Day shall the hypocrites, both men and women, speak [thus] unto those who have attained to faith: “Wait for us! Let us have a [ray of] light from your light!” (they will be deprived of light causing them to suffer so they will chase people to take it from them) [But] they will be told: “Turn back, and seek a light [of your own]!” And thereupon a (large) wall will be raised between them [and the believers], with a gate in it (stoping the Hypocrites from bothering the believers): within it will be grace and mercy (for the believers), and against the outside thereof, suffering” (for the hypocrites who are deprived completely of light).(57:13)

Being deprived of sunlight for extended periods will cause depression and suffering this is just part of mans physiology, he needs light to do many things. The deprivation of light on that day will cause worse suffering, and Allah granting it will cause grace and mercy becouse physiologically both grace and mercy are products of man being in a state of abundance while suffering is caused by the human body being deprived, “for he to whom Allah gives no light, no light whatever has he!” (24:20), if man’s senses are deprived his character begins to depress and suffer, then eventually his will, will crumble causing a major state of depression. This naturally occurs to people who spend a lot of time indoors and they often need to exercise just to stop this from happening.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said on the day of resurrection “Then a bridge will be laid over the Fire.” That will lead to Heaven, all mankind must cross it before entering, Allah’s Apostle added, “I will be the first to cross it. And the invocation of the Apostles on that Day, will be ‘Allahukka Sallim, Sallim, (O Allah, save us, save us!),’ and over that bridge there will be hooks (coming from Hell) Similar to the thorns of As Sa’dan (a thorny tree). Haven’t you seen the thorns of As-Sa’dan?” The companions said, “Yes, O Allah’s Apostle.” He added, “So the hooks over that bridge will be like the thorns of As-Sa’dan except that their greatness in size is only known to Allah. These hooks will snatch the people according to their deeds. Some people will be ruined because of their evil deeds, and some will be cut into pieces and fall down in Hell, but will be saved afterwards, when Allah has finished the judgments among His slaves, (he will) intend to take out of the Fire whoever He wishes to take out from among those who used to testify that none had the right to be worshipped but Allah.” (Bukhari)

Allah linked our deeds in life to what He will grant us in the next life, which is all connected through physics and physiology with the universe, this on the day of judgment is represented by our ability while passing over the bridge Sirat, “Some people will be ruined because of their evil deeds”. Crossing the Bridge depends on everybody’s light that Allah will grant them, the prophet (saws) said “He who has very little light (his body won’t function normally being deprived, he) will creep facedown. His hands and feet will slip, and he will cling to it again. At long last, he will break free from it by creeping and creeping.” (Tabarani)

Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri narrated: We, the companions of the Prophet said, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is the bridge?’ He said, “It is a slippery (bridge) on which there are clamps and (Hooks like) a thorny seed that is wide at one side and narrow at the other and has thorns with bent ends. Such a thorny seed is found in Najd and is called As-Sa’dan. Some of the believers (because of their light) will cross the bridge as quickly as the blink of an eye, some others as quick as lightning, (others like) a strong wind, (others like) fast horses or she-camels (all because of the light they receive). So some will be safe without any harm; some will be safe after receiving some scratches, and some will fall down into Hell. The last person will cross by being dragged over the bridge.” (Bukhari)

Three years before the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) comes out, there will be three years of hardship, during which the people will be afflicted by severe hunger because of the drought. So it was said: “How will the people live at that time?” He said: “By declaring Allah’s oneness [at-tahlil], magnifying Him [at-takbir], glorifying Him [at-tasbih] and praising Him [at-tahmid]. That will fulfill the same function as food for them” it’s light will sustain them through the baraka of their acts, and subdue hunger pains.

The prophet (saws) said “He will have forty days to journey through the earth”; but these days are not normal days, because “one day from that will be like a year”; intense spiritual deprivation will last for a year, then “one day will be like a month”; the intensity of deprivation will diminish, then “one day will be like a Jumu’ah (a week); it will continue to diminish “and the rest of his days will be like these days of yours”.

He will travel the world spreading his false beliefs, then after claiming prophethood he will spread his false religion (way of life), and then after claiming divinity he will spread his Kufr of Allah entirely, all of which will be to test Mankind who where playing with the very things he is now using against them. Mankind turned to the occult so the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will test them with it, they combined this with technology to delude man so he will also test them with it, they invented ideologies to enslave man so he will also test them with it, they used psychology to dissect mans nature and turn it against him and so he will also test them with it.

“There is no Creator (save Him) Who created the heavens and the earth. (He quickeneth) for the Resurrection in the life of the world; (your Lord and Lord of your forefathers) your Creator and the Creator of your forefathers before you.” (Tanwir al Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas, 44:8)

The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (saws) said: “Some people will come on the Day of Judgement and their Imaan (faith) will be outstanding, its light will shine from their chests and from their right hands. So it will be said to them, glad tidings for you today, Assalaamu alaykum and goodness for you, enter into it (Jannah) forever!’ So the angels and the Prophets will be jealous of the love of Allah for them.

So the Sahabah (companions) asked, ‘ who are they O Messenger of Allah?’ He (saws) replied, “They are not from us and they are not from you. You are my companions but they are my beloved. They will come after you and will find the book (the Qur’an) made redundant by the people, and a Sunnah which has been killed by them. So they will grab hold of the book and the Sunnah and revive them.

So they will read them and teach them (the Qur’an and the Sunnah) to the people and they will experience in that path a punishment more severe and more ugly than what you (Sahabah) have experienced. Indeed, the Imaan of one of them is equivalent to the Imaan of forty of you. The Shaheed (martyrs) of one of them is equivalent to forty of your Shuhadaa’. Because you found a helper towards the truth (the Prophet) and they will find no helper towards the truth. So they will be surrounded by tyrant rulers in every place, and they will be in the surroundings of Bayt ul-Maqdis (al-Quds, at that time). The Nussrah (victorious support) of Allah will come to them, and they will have the honor of it on their hands.” Then he (saws) said “O Allah give them the Nussrah and make them my close friends in Jannah.” (Ahmed)

Allah said “I swear by time, Most surely man is in loss, Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience” (103:1-3).

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The Dajjaal His Followers and His Place Of Emergence


“… The day that certain of the signs of thy Lord do come, no good will it do to a soul to believe in them then, if it believed not before nor earned righteousness through its Faith…” (al-Anam 6:158)

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: “The world is like a garment torn from end to end and hanging by a thread that would soon be cut off.” (Sunan Baihaqi)

It was narrated that Faatimah bint Qays (may Allah be pleased with her) said: I heard the voice of the caller, the caller of the Messenger of Allah (saws), saying: Al-salatu jami’ah (prayer is about to begin), so I went out to the mosque and I prayed with the Messenger of Allah (saws). I was in the women’s row that was closest to the people. When the Messenger of Allah (saws) had finished his prayer, he sat on the minbar and he was smiling. He said: “Let each person stay in the place where he just prayed.” Then he said: “Do you know why I called you together?”

They said: Allah and His Messenger know best. He said:

He said: “By Allah, I did not call you together for an exhortation or for a warning. I have called you together because Tameem al-Daari was a Christian and he came and swore allegiance and became Muslim, and told me something which agrees with what I was telling you about the Dajjaal (the false messiah). He told me that he sailed in a ship with thirty men of Lakhm and Judhaam and they were tossed by the waves of the sea for a month. Then they came to an island at sunset. They sat in a small rowing-boat and landed on that island. They were met by a beast with a great deal of hair and they could not distinguish his face from his back because he was so hairy.

They said: ‘Woe to you, what are you?’ It said: ‘I am al-Jassaasah.’ They said: ‘What is al-Jassaasah?’ It said: ‘O people, go to this man in the monastery for he is keen to know about you.’ He (the narrator) said: When it named a man for us (said man/insan like it was another race different from it) we were afraid of it lest it be a devil (Jinn). Then we set off, rushing, until we came to that monastery, where we found the hugest man we had ever seen, bound strongly in chains with his hands tied to his neck and his legs bound from the knees to the ankles with iron shackles. We said: ‘Woe to you, who are you?’ He said: ‘You will soon find out about me; tell me who you are.’ They said: ‘We are people from Arabia who embarked on a ship, but the sea became wild and the waves tossed us about for one month, then they brought us to this island of yours.

We took to the rowing-boats and landed on this island. We were met by a beast with a great deal of hair and we could not tell his front from his back because he was so hairy. We said: Woe to you, what are you? It said: I am al-Jassaasah. We said: What is al-Jassaasah? It said: Go to this man in the monastery for he is keen to know about you. So we came rushing to you and we fled from it because we could not be sure that it was not a devil.’ He (that chained person) said: ‘Tell me about the date-palm trees of Baysaan.’ We said: ‘What do you want to know about them?’ He said: ‘I am asking you whether these trees bear fruit.’ We said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘Soon they will not bear fruit.’ He said: ‘Tell me about the lake of Tabariyyah’ We said: ‘What do you want to know about it?’ He said: ‘Is there water in it?’ They said: ‘There is a great deal of water in it.’ He said: ‘Soon it will dry up.’ Then he said: ‘Tell me about the spring of Zughar (which is in the south of Syria).’

They said: ‘What do you want to know about it?’ He said: ‘Is there water in the spring and do the people grow crops with the water of the spring?’ We said to him: ‘Yes, there is plenty of water in it and the people grow crops with its water.’ He said: ‘Tell me about the Prophet of the unlettered (people); what has he done?’ We said: ‘He has left Makkah and has settled in Yathrib (Madeenah).’ He said: ‘Do the Arabs fight against him?’ We said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘How did he deal with them?’ We told him that he had prevailed over the Arabs in his vicinity and they had shown obedience to him. He said to us: ‘Has it really happened?’ We said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘If it is so that is better for them that they show obedience to him. Now I will tell you about myself.

I am the Dajjaal and soon I will be given permission to emerge. So I will come out and travel in the land, and will not spare any town (Qaryatan) but I will stay for forty nights (a better translation is “center of population” because accomplishing the literal is impossible. The number of cities on earth is about 50,000, He would need to be on earth for 5000 years just for the cities and the number of towns is astronomical by comparison), except Makkah and Taybah (Madeenah). They are both forbidden to me; every time I try to enter one of them, I will be met by an angel with a sword in his hand, who will bar my way, and on every route there will be angels guarding it.’ She said: Then the Messenger of Allah (saws) struck the minbar with his staff and said: “This is Taybah, this is Taybah, this is Taybah,” meaning Madeenah. “Did I net tell you this before?” The people said: Yes. [The Prophet (saws) said:] “I liked the story of Tameem because it agrees with what I used to tell you about him and about Makkah and Madeenah. But he is in the Syrian Sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemeni Sea (Arabian Sea). No, rather he is in the east, he in the east, he is in the east,” and he pointed towards the east with his hand. She said: I memorized this from the Messenger of Allah (saws). (Muslim in his Saheeh (2942))

The Arabian sea does not have many islands, and only two or three are close to the shore, in the prophets time boats where not that developed and used to hug the shore as much as possible, the most significant Island in terms of it’s location and history is Astola island, it is an isolated island that has been cut off from the mainland for a long time and is directly east of Madina, if one draws a line towards the east it lies just above it.

He may have been imprisoned on this Island of the coast of Iran and Pakistan where He is said to emerge called, the Island had a Hindu monastery dedicated to the goddess Kali which is the destroyer of Evil,so it may have been Indians which is one of the oldest developed civilization on earth that imprisoned Him in this monastery dedicated to the destruction of Evil.

The earliest mention of Astola is in Arrian’s account of Admiral Nearchos, who was dispatched by Alexander the Great to explore the coast of the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf in 325 BCE. The sailors in Nearchos’s fleet were “frightened at the weird tales told about an uninhabited island, which Arrian calls Nosala”.

It is certain the Dajjal’s imprisonment and the event of His emergence at the end of time are two separate things,”I am the Dajjaal and soon I will be given permission to emerge”, this tells us his time of emergence at the end of time answers to Allah who is giving the permission because He is a fitnah Allah will send on people and He will give Him the support of the Angels to achieve it, this is what the Dajjal is waiting for Allah’s support who will send Him to bring an end to the world of the occultists presently controlling everything. People just assumed his emergence related to his imprisonment on the Island, the Dajjal is given long life but not super human strength, had this been the case chains would not hold him but He is held by chains in a monastery on an isolated Island in the narration.

He was waiting for the Monastery to crumble so His chains could be loosened and He could emerge and work for the establishment of His fitnah. He can’t emerge into public as He wishes until Allah supports Him, the prophet (saws) said If He (saws) emerged in His (saws) time the children of Madniah would have been enough to contend with him, hence He isn’t anything superhuman, Al Khidr (as) was given long life as well.

The prophets (saws) statement about the children of Madinah marked the possibility of His public emergence in the prophets time, and He mphrased i as such because He (saws) knew when the Dajjal would free himself from the island and walk this earth. His power will come from technology which is another reason, besides weakness, He can’t emerge into public life as he wants until technology can do what He needs it to do.

Another thing you should consider is that the prophet (saws) asked Muslims to seek protection from the fitnah of the Dajjal every week and we have been doing so for 1400 years, what fitnah in society are we seeking protection from if he presently imprisoned on an invisible Island people made up in the last 100 years, the world has been explored, photographed and recorded.

Abu Hurairah said, “The Prophet (saws) said, ‘There are three things which, when they appear, no good will it do a soul to believe in them then (believe in what they are), if it believed not before nor earned righteousness through its Faith. They are: The Dajjaal, the Beast, and the rising of the sun from the west.”

Every prophet from the first days of man on Earth warned his people about the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) because his fitnah would be the worst the world will see, if we contemplate the severity of what is happening to people of religion all around the world today what He will do to mankind will be far worse, he will take all the tools being employed and use them against mankind to completely corrupt them, those who follow him will have a short term victory not lasting more than one year two months and fifteen days, afterwards they would have lost everything in life, and he will be successful in misleading most of mankind, and for that Allah will kill them just like he killed the people of the earth for Nuh (as).

Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: May I not inform you about the Dajjaal what no Apostle of Allah narrated to his people? He would be blind (in one eye) and he would bring along with him an Image of Paradise and Hell-Fire and what he would call Paradise that would be Hell-Fire and I warn you as Noah warned his people (who were about to drown). (Muslim Book 54, Hadith 7558)

Hudhaifah related that the Messenger of Allah said, “I know more about what the Dajjaal has with him than he himself knows. With him are two flowing rivers; in the vision of the eye (illusions and sihr, people will be brainwashed using technology while they sit with him and think these are miracles), the first one is white water; in the vision of the eye, the second one is burning fire. If he (the Dajjaal) reaches one of you, then let him go to the one he sees as being fire and let him close his eyes. Then let him bend his head and drink, for it is indeed cold water. And the Dajjaal has an eye (the right eye) that is obliterated; over it is coarse skin (that covers the eye). Written between his eyes is ‘Kaafir,’ which every believer will read, regardless of whether he is literate or illiterate.” (Muslim)

Imran ibn Husayn narrated that the Prophet (saws) said: Let him who hears of the Dajjaal (Antichrist) go far from him for I swear by Allah that a man will come to him thinking he is a believer and follow him because of confused ideas roused in him by him. (Abu Dawud, Book 38, Hadith 4305)

Sulaimaan ibn Shihaab Al-Qeesee said, “‘Abdullah ibn Mughnim, who was one of the Prophet’s Companions, came down and related to me that the Prophet said, ‘Ad-Dajjaal: there is nothing hidden about him. He will come from the East (from Iran). He will call to the truth (at first), and he will be followed. He will go on behalf of the people and fight (others for) them, and he will be victorious over them (he will take advantage of peoples weakness during war). He will continue upon that state until he reaches Kufa (near central Iraq). There he will manifest Allah’s religion and apply it, and for that he will be followed and loved. But then after that he will say, ‘Indeed I am a Prophet.’ Every person of sound mind will be alarmed by that, and as a result will part from him. Later on he will say, ‘I am Allah.’ Allah will cover his eyes; his ears will be cut and “Kaafir (disbeliever) will be written between his eyes, and that will not be hidden to any Muslim (he may not be blind in one eye at first but then will be injured in some way). Anyone who has a mustard-seed amount of Eemaan (faith) in his heart will then part from him. His companions will be from the Jews, the Magian (in Iran), the Christians, and these foreigners from the polytheists (idol worshipers). Then, according to what they see (how they will interpret it), he will call a man, order for him to be brought, and then he will kill him. Next, he will cut the body into (two) pieces, (displaying) each piece separately. He will separate between the two, so that the people can see them. After that, he will gather them back together, strike (the body) with a rod, and suddenly the man will be standing. The Dajjaal will say, ‘I am Allah, I bring to life and cause death.”‘ (At-Tabaraanee – Ibn Kathir in al Bidaya wa Nihaya)

Al-Mughirah ibn Shubah said The Prophet (pbuh) said: People will follow the Dajjaal like swarms of bees, and he will kill a young man and bring him back to life. This is not a kind of magic; it will be something real (technology and science used to fake miracles) with which Allah will test His servants at the end of time. Many will be led astray (by it), and many will be guided by it (knowing he is tricking people). Those who doubt (that he is fooling them) will disbelieve, but those who believe (he is fooling people) will be strengthened in their faith. He will approach a Bedouin whose parents have passed away and will say to him, “Will you believe that I am your Lord if I bring your parents back to life?” The Bedouin will reply, “Yes.” The demons, that are accompanying the Dajjaal, will assume the appearance of his parents and say to the Bedouin, “Oh son believe in him and follow him, he is your Lord.’ The Bedouin will be deceived into believing the Dajjaal. (Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaymah, and Al-Hakim).

The Dajjaal will make a stop at a place called Markanat (near Taif in Saudi Arabia). On hearing about his arrival, the women will rush towards him, the men will be forced to tie their mothers, daughters, and sisters fearing they will believe in him and get caught up in (his) Fitna (strife and tribulation).  (Musnad Ahmad)

Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said, Blessed is the land of AI-Madina; when the Dajjaal comes out, there will be an angel at each of its mountain-passes. He will not enter it When that will occur, Al-Madina will shake its inhabitants with three quakes, and then every single male and female hypocrite will go out to him — most of them will be women. That is the Day of Deliverance, the day that Al-Madina gets rid of filth just as bellows get rid of the filth of metal. (Ahmad)

Maihjin ibn Al-Adra’ reported that, one day, the Messenger of Allah addressed the people, saying, “The Day of Deliverance — and what is the Day of Deliverance?” He repeated this three times, and it was said, “And what is the Day of Deliverance?” He, said, “The Dajjaal will come, climb (Mount) Uhud, and look at Al-Madina. Then he will say to his companions, ‘Do you know this white castle? This is the Masjid of Ahmad (in the time of the prophet the masjid was small).’ Then he will come to Al-Madina, but will find at each of its mountain-passes an angel with an unsheathed sword. He will go to the side of a salty, barren land, and he will strike his tent (in the ground). Next, Al-Madina will quake three times: every single male and female hypocrite and every single male and female wicked-doer will leave it, going out to him. That is the Day of Deliverance. (The people of madina who joined the camp of the hypocrites with no religion will go to him)” (Ahmad)

The Prophet Mohammad  (saws) said: “I warn you regarding the (false) Messiah. He will remain on Earth for 40 mornings. His dominion will reach every were (on earth). He will not come to 4 mosques (he will not be able to enter them): the Ka’ba, the Messenger’s Mosque (in Madina), Al-Aqsa Mosque (in Jerusalem), and the (Mosque at mount) Tur (in Egypt).” (Ahmad) Mount Tur is where Isa (as) will go to escape from Yajuj wa Majuj.

Abu Huraira narrated that Allah’s Messenger (saws) said: “The Dajjaal will come from the direction of the East with the intention of attacking Madina until he camps behind (mount) Uhud (near Madina). Then, the angels (protecting Madina) will turn his face towards AsSham (Greater Syria) and there, He will (eventually) perish. (Isa will attack him in Syira and kill him in Palestine)” (Sahih Muslim)

The Prophet (saws) said: “The Muslims will soon be besieged up to Madina, such that their most distant frontier outpost will be Salah (around Khaibar, close to Medina).” (Abu Dawud)

Abdullah bin Busr reports that the Prophet (saws) said: “Between the Malhama (the beginning of the wars with Europe) and the conquest of the City (Constantinople), there will be six years (mostly spanning the time of the peace treaty), and the Dajjaal (Anti-Christ) shall appear in the seventh year (seven months after Istanbul is taken)” (Sahih Muslim, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah)

The Prophet (saws) said: “Al-Malhama Al-Kubra (The Great Battle, Armageddon), the conquest of Constantinople, and the coming of Dajjaal (Anti-Christ) will be within (a period of) seven months.” (Abu Dawud and Ibn Maja)

About 7 years after the peace treaty is signed, it is broken then the Great war Occurs, when the muslims defeat the Europeans they will go onto conquer Constantinople (Istanbul in Turkey), between the time Constantinople is taken and the appearance of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) is Seven months.

Jaber bin Samra reported from Nafi bin Otba that the Prophet (saws) said: ” …You will marsh against the Arabian Peninsula and Allah will open it, then Persia (Iran) and Allah will open it. Then, you will marsh against the Roman land’s and Allah will open it. Then, you will marsh against the Dajjaal (Anti-Christ, or his lands), and Allah will open it (victory, through Isa).” Then, Nafi said (to Jaber): “O’ Jaber, we will not see the Dajjaal emerge until the Roman land’s (Europe) has been conquered (by the Muslims).” (Muslim)

Rome in the above narrations could mean Either Rome in Italy or the Main city of the Europeans, it’s power base and capital. Between the conquest of Istanbul and the coming out of the Dajjaal is about seven months, he will emerge from Khurasan (present day Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan) and will be followed by 70,000 of the Jews of Isfahan, a city in central Iran, the Bedouins of Arabia, and the evil people among the Muslims and non-Muslim in this region.

The Dajjaal will be given permission to come out at the end of time, after the Muslims conquer Constantinople. At first, he will appear in Asbahaan in Iran, in an area called Al-Yahoodiyyah (the jewish area). 70,000 Jews from its inhabitants will help him; they will have on them weapons and Teejaan, which are long green robes. Also, 70,000 Tartars (Turks and people from Southern Russia) as well as some people from Khurasaan (Afghanistan and that area) will support him. He will first appear as a leader fighting for people; then he will claim prophethood, and then he will claim divinity.

The Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will take countries one after the other, and regions one after another. There will remain no city that he will not have landed in, except for Makkah and Madina. He will remain for a period of forty days on earth; one day will be like a year, one day will be like a month, and one day will be like a week; the rest of his days will be like the (normal) days of the people, this averages out to one year, two and a half months.

He will march with his Army from Iran to Iraq and then across Arabia to Syria conquering all the lands he passes until the Muslims along with the Mahdi (ra) will finally be besieged in Sham on mount Megiddo in Palestine. Through this victory against the Muslims he will gain influence and a following in the non-Muslim world because he would have weakened the Muslims after defeating the European Union, He will use this victory to spread his false message to a world that is already bent on the genocide of the Arabs.

Jabir ibn Abdullah said, “The Prophet said, ‘The Dajjaal will appear at the end of time, when religion is taken lightly. He will have 40 days in which to travel throughout the earth. One of these days will be like a year, another will be like a month, and another will be like a week, and the rest will be like normal days. He will be riding a white donkey; the width between its ears will be 40 cubits (60 feet, 18.3m)…”

Here the Prophet (saws) is describing his mode of transport, in another narration “We said: Allah’s Messenger, how quickly would he walk upon the earth? Thereupon he said: Like cloud driven by the wind”.

A donkey is a carrying beast, this is a simile for a business Jet, given the size, which are mostly white in color, having a wingspan of about 60 feet depending on the model, the LearJet40 has a wingspan of 14.56m and a length of 16.93 m.  The span between the donkeys ears refers to its wings and it travels in the air like a cloud driven by the wind.

The speed in which the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) travels is why it is impossible to take the 40 days he will stay on earth as 40 normal days, and scholars like Imam Ibn Kathir and Imam Suyuti in fact said his period is much longer. Imam Suyuti said his stay will be for 3 years, this is taken from the hadith were the narrator wasn’t certain if the prophet (saws) in this instant said 40 months or 40 days, 40 months/12 = 3.33 years or 3 years, 3 months and 3 days while Imam Ibn Kathir said he will be on earth for about 1 year 2 months and 2 weeks, 1 day like a year, 1 day like a month, 1 day like a week and the rest are normal days.

It would be near impossible for him to carry out his wars, and travel the entire earth setting foot in every major city in this short span of time all the while converting people to his message. Simply moving an entire army on land across Arabia and waging a number of wars would take more than this length of time and the prophet (saws) indicated all this by saying his days won’t be normal.

[The Hadith of Jabir continues] “He will say to the people: “I am your lord.” He (the Dajjaal) is one eyed, and your Lord is not one eyed. On his forehead will be written the word Kaffir (disbeliever), and every believer, literate or illiterate, will be able to read it (the significance of literate and illiterate is that it is written in light by Allah and all believers will have the ability to see it with the light of Allah). He will go every were except Makkah and Madinah, which Allah has forbidden to him; angels stand at their gates. He will have a mountain of bread, and the people will face hardship, except for those who follow him (placing sanctions on those who don’t). He will have 2 rivers (a simile), and I know what is in them. He will call one Paradise and one Hell. Whoever enters the one he calls Paradise will find that it is Hell, and whoever enters the one he calls Hell will find that it is Paradise. Allah will send with him devils that will speak to the people (he will use the occult, Sihr and devils to delude mankind).

He will bring a great tribulation; he will issue a command to the sky (with technology) and it will begin raining. Then he will kill someone and bring him back to life. After that he will no longer have this power. The people will say, “Can anybody do something like this except the Lord?” The Muslims will flee to Jabal al-Dukhan (a mountain) in Syria, and the Dajjaal will come and besiege them. The siege will intensify and they will suffer great hardship. Then ‘Eyssa son of Maryam will descend, and will call (out to) the people at dawn: “O people, what prevented you from coming out to fight this evil liar?” They will answer, “He is a jinn” (his occult practice will make him look inhuman). Then they will go out (of their fortress), and find ‘Eyssa son of Maryam (outside), the time for prayer will come, and the Muslims will call on ‘Eyssa to lead the prayer, but he will say, “Let your Imam lead the prayer.” Their Imam will lead them in praying (the morning prayer), and then they will go out to fight the Dajjaal. When the liar sees ‘Eyssa, he will dissolve like salt in water (a simile, when salt dissolves in water the grains disappear so only the water is visible and in the presence of Isa (as) he will have no presence next to him, his persona and power with the occult will entirely dissolve in front of the light of a prophet). ‘Eyssa will go to him and kill him, and he will not let anyone who followed him live.’” (Ahmad.)

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (r.a.) narrated that The Prophet said: “The Dajjaal emerges from a land in the East called Khurasan  (a region that includes the North eastern part of Iran, Afghanistan,Turkmenistan, south east of the caspian sea). He will be followed by people whose faces are like flattened shields (the Tartars, i.e. Turks, Mongols, Southern Russia and parts of Iran)” (Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Ibn Maja, and Al-Haakim)

The Bulk of his Army will be from this region of Khurasan, because the wars he will fight will be in the muslim lands next to it, his army will comprise the many different communities and religions that exist there, Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc, he will also convert large portions of mankind around the world but they won’t be asked to fight.

Abu Huraira said that The Prophet said: “The Dajjaal will go down to Khuz (a province in eastern Iran) and Kerman (another region in Iran) with seventy thousand (soldiers) whose faces look like flattened shields (the Tartars).” (Musnad Ahmad)

Abu Saeed Al-Khudri said that the Prophet said: “The Dajjaal will be followed by seventy thousand from my Umma (nation of Muslims) wearing Al-Sijan (a type of hood or turbans, associated with Sijistan, known today as Sistan, in Iran).” (Al-Baghawi and Abd-Al-Razzaq)

This could be the Shia, Sunni or both since Rasul Allah (saws) mentioned they are part of this Ummah (pbuh).

Anas bin Malik said that the Prophet said “Seventy thousands of the Jews of Isfahan (a city in Iran) will follow the Dajjaal, wearing Tayalisa (a type of hood worn by the Jews, it resembles the Saudi hood).” (Sahih Muslim)

Mohammad bin Musab said that the Prophet (saws) said: “Seventy thousand from the Jews of Isfahan (a city in Iran) wearing Al-Tijan (turbans) will come out with the Dajjaal.” (Musnad Ahmad and Tabarani)

When we are faced with the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) our hearts will be put to test in that moment by Allah to see its quality. What argument will we put forth at this time when he will conjure miracles like a magician using science and the occult claiming to be a prophet right before our eyes to prove himself, some people will see it for what it is others won’t have the capacity.

We don’t notice the weaknesses in our character until we are challenged by an event like the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), because not many things in life come to point them out, we live comfortable lives, so they stay hidden in us growing.

At the end of this test Allah will send Isa Ibn Maryam (as) to kill the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) and stop the corruption he has spread, when the people see Isa ibn Marayam (a.s) they will see the difference between a real Messenger from Allah and a false prophet, the distinction is that clear, He will have the light of prophethood with him which is the oldest light in the universe because it was the first light Allah created and the most powerful, when the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) sees the prophet Isa (as) he will disolve like salt in water in the presence of that light, right now people don’t know the difference between one form of guidance and another, one light and another but Allah will make this very clear, they think they can build a lasting world of deception but anything built with the light of deception is only temporary because the natural state of matter in the universe is purity since the prophet (saws) said “all good is from Allah and all evil is from us”, Allah created the universe but we bring evil into it, the light of deception is a deformity of matter created through evil acts and the universe always maintains it’s natural equilibrium, the blank slate or tabula rasa it was created on and so deformities like America can’t last.

The Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will appear when the rest of the World has turned away from religion and followed their desires and it was America after September the 11 that put the world on this path splitting the world into two camps a division that will not end until he emerges. The prophet (saws) said “The Dajjaal will appear at a time when religion is treated lightly and knowledge is turned away from” people will prefer to satisfy their desires than follow knowledge and the wisdom behind it, he will come and perform what will seem like miracles but will be technology mixed with the occult, the occult will be used to stunt peoples intelligence (maskh) while they are witnessing the technological “miracle” hindering their critical thoughts, he will trick people ordering the sky to rain claiming it is a miracle that only Allah can create, he will cause crops to grow in places stricken by drought all to convince people to follow him, and this is after 3 years of almost no rain on earth, he will even raise the dead and bring them back to life imitating Isa (as) in his works and much more claiming he is the messiah, he will be relentless in his dawah (proselytizing) traveling to every major city on earth to make certain everyone hears his false message.

When ‘Uthmaan ibn Abee Al-‘Aas came, we stood, but then he sat, and so we sat also.” ‘Uthmaan said to them, “I heard the Messenger of Allah say, ‘The Muslims will have three countries: a country at the meeting of two seas (Azerbaijan which is between the Caspian Sea and the black Sea), a country in Al-Jazeerah (Arabia or North Iraq), and a country in Ash-Sham (greater Syria). People will become alarmed three times, and the Dajjaal will come out in the ‘Aaraadh of the people (this possibly means from among the smallest groups in society). He will defeat those in the East (the people of the Black Flags). The first country he will go to is the one that is at the meeting of two seas (Azerbaijan). Its people will become divided into three groups: a group that will settle down in Ash-Sham (syria) and see what he is, a group that will catch up to the Bedouins (Join the Arabs of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates), and a group that will go to the country next to them (Armenia, which borders Turkey). With the Dajjaal there will be 70,000, and upon them there will be crowns (the Jewish turban in Arabic). Most of those who are with him will be Jews and women (this refers to his army not the totality of his followers around the world). Then he will go to the country (either Turkey, Georgia or Armenia) beside it (Azerbaijan, beside doesn’t necessarily mean next to), and they will become divided into three groups: a group that will settle down in Ash-Sham (Syria) and see what he is, a group that will go to the Bedouins (Arabs), and a group that will go to the country that is beside theirs, and it is in Western Sham (Lebanon). And the Muslims will betake themselves to ‘Aqabah Afeeq (In Syria were he will face Isa eventually); they will send their livestock forth, and their livestock will become afflicted.

That will be hard upon them, for they will be afflicted with severe hunger and harsh difficulties, to the extent that one of them will burn the string of his bow and eat it. While they are upon that state, a caller will call out in the late night, just before Al-Fajr, ‘O people, rescue has come to you.’ He will repeat that three times. People will say to one another, ‘Indeed that is the voice of a man who is full. “Eeysa ibn Maryam (Jesus) will descend at the time of the Fajr Prayer, and the leader of the people will say, ‘O Roohullah (Spirit of Allah), go forward and lead the prayer.’ He will say, ‘In this Nation, some of its members are leaders for the rest.’ So their leader will step forward and lead the prayer. When he will complete his prayer, ‘Eeysa will take his spear and go toward the Dajjaal. When the Dajjaal will see him, he will melt like lead does. ‘Eeysa will place (stab) his spear underneath the chest of the Dajjaal, and he will kill him. The Dajjaal’s companions will be defeated, and at that time, they will not have anything to hide behind. Even the tree will say, ‘O believer, this is a disbeliever.’ And the rock will say, ‘O believer, this is a disbeliever.'” (Ahmad)

Ibn Mas’ood said, “When the Dajjaal comes out, people will be divided into three groups: one group will follow him; one group will go to a land that has Manaabit Ash-Sheeh; and the last group will go to the shores of Iraq; he will fight them and they will fight him until the believers gather in the villages of Ash-Sham. They will send an advance party, among whom there will be a rider whose horse is white with redness or it is black and white. They will be killed, with not a single one of them returning.” (Related by Ath-Thauree, Ibn Kathir in Al Bidaya wa Nihaya)

Jaabir ibn ‘Abdullah related that the Messenger of Allah, said, “The Dajjaal will come out at a time when the religion (of the people) will be weak and when knowledge (wisdom) will be turned away from. He will have forty days to journey through the earth; one day from that will be like a year; one day will be like a month; one day will be like a Jumu’ah (a week); and the rest of his days will be like these days of yours. He will have a donkey to ride; its breadth between its two ears is forty arm-spans (a business jet). He will say to the people, ‘I am your Lord.’ He is one-eyed and your Lord is not one-eyed. Between his eyes is written Kafara (K.F.R, short for disbeliever), with letters, which every believer will read, regardless of whether he is literate or illiterate. He will go to every (place of) water and every spring except for Al-Madeenah and Makkah, both of which Allah made forbidden upon him. And the angels are standing at the gates of both (cities). He will have with him a mountain of bread, and people will be in difficulty (in terms of food) except for those who follow him. He will have with him two rivers, and I am more knowledgeable regarding them than he is. One of those rivers he will say is Paradise, and the other he will say is Fire. As for whoever is made to enter the one he calls Paradise, it is in fact Fire.

And as for whoever is made to enter the one he calls Fire, it is in fact Paradise. Sent with him are devils that talk to the people, and with him is a great Fitnah (deception). He orders the sky to give rain, and it rains, according to what the people see (meaning it is a delusion that He did it by simply command it, technology will be used to fool people). He kills a soul and then brings it back to life, according to what the people see (thinking he is god but he is using technology). He will say to the people, ‘Does anyone other than the Lord do this?’ The Muslims will betake themselves to the Mountain of Dukhaan in Sham (Syria and surrounding areas). He will go to them and besiege them. He will be severe in his besiegement and will make matters very difficult for them. Then ‘Eeysa ibn Maryam will descend in the last part of the night just before Fajr (morning prayer). He will say, ‘O people, what has prevented you from going out to the wicked liar?’ They will say, ‘This man is from the jinn (a devil doing sihr).’ They will go and find ‘Eeysa ibn Maryam before them. The prayer will be gathered, and it will be said to him, ‘O Roohullah (Spirit of Allah), step forth (and lead the people in prayer).’ He will say, ‘Let your Imam go forth and lead you in prayer. After they pray the morning prayer, they will go out to him, and when the Liar sees him, he will melt and dissolve just as salt dissolves in water. He (Eeysa ibn Maryam) will walk to him and kill him. Even the tree and rock will call out, ‘O Roohullah,’ (Spirit of Allah) this is a Jew. And he will kill all those who followed the Dajjaal, leaving no one from them to remain.” (Ahmad – Ibn kathir in al Bidaya Wa Nihaya)

The Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) when he besieges the Muslims will have with him 70,000 Jews from Iran, it will be a miracle of the prophet Jesus (saws) that when the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) is killed these Jews won’t have a place to hide, so much so that even the trees and rocks will give away their location. Some previously thought this miracle narrated in shorter Ahadith meant muslims will be massacring the Jews at the end of time all around the world when Jesus returns but this event, as the full account is a recent fabrication, this is a local event and a miracle of Jesus (as) who himself is jewish.

By the time Jesus (as) returns many people with him will be Muslims with Jewish origin as the prophet (saws) mentioned many times, so it will be the Jewish followers of Jesus who are the remnants of the Mahdi’s (as) army killing the Jewish followers of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

Around the time of Isa’s arrival (a.s) a hadith states that the Muslims of Yemen would conquer India, “A group of people from my Ummah will invade India, and Allah will cause them to conquer it, until they come to the kings of India and bind them in chains. Allah will forgive all of their sins. Then, they will turn toward Sham, and they will find ‘Isa ibn Maryam in Sham”, Muslims during this time will still fight the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) around the world but they will loose many wars and win some.

To the rest of the world the beginning of these events may seem at the start like a war NATO is involved in, similar to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and not what previous depictions of Armageddon had envisioned it to be, a Global war and Massacre instead of the local one confined to Arabia and Europe the significance is what it will lead to and the time period of mankind it is marking. By this point in time the world would have seen many disasters, an astroid that will annihilate America, three years of global drought and almost every animal on earth dying, Europe and the Muslim world will be engaged in a massive war and the people of Asia and India will eventually follow the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) joining the ranks of Yajuj wa Majuj who are their cousins by lineage back to Nuh (as).

We should understand that Sham (greater Syria), Egypt and Arabia are the lands of the Prophets (may Allah bless them) from the beginning of time until our prophet (pbuh) 1400 years ago, Allah has chosen these lands as the places He sent down his revelations and holy books to. All revelations revolve around and speak of these Land’s he chose to bless above others, and it is the context of all the prophetic information we have regarding the events just before the Hour.

The European’s will have their beliefs and excuses about why they will involve themselves in this Syrian war and will again be involved in such a war over Egypt, and why they will break the seven year truce between them and the Muslims, all seen in their words “Do not stand between us and those who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them.” and their words “We will not cease fighting you until you bring out to us every one among you whose origin is not from you (those who converted from amongst them).” But both reasons are light in consequence to the Great War that follows.

These excuses are very similar to how World War One began, a war costing over 65 million lives over the assassination of two human beings.

This attitude is in line with present day hostilities and attempts to rid Europe of Islam, once a people adopt a behaviour it is hard to rid them of it and it will only increase. It is rather that these events will Lead to the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) who will do more damage to the world and man’s psychology than al Malhama al Kubra (the Great War) ever did, nothing will justify their actions and what they want to achieve.

An-Nawwas b. Sam’an reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said “at this very time that Allah would send Christ, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he would lower his head, there would fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he would raise it up, beads like pearls would scatter from it. Every non-believer who would smell the odour of his self would die and his breath would reach as far as he would be able to see…”

Isa (Jesus) will descend with the Judgment of Allah, being himself as pure as the Angels, Allah said in the Quran “And they (the Pagans 0f Makkah) say: “Why has not an angel been sent down to him? (in person)” (Allah replied) Had We sent down an angel, the matter would have been judged at once, and no respite would be granted to them”(6:8), Had Allah sent down an Angel physically, Allah’s judgment through his presence would have been passed on the action’s of the people present, Jesus is similarly that Judgment being sent down by Allah.

The prophet (saws) continued…“He would then search for him (the Dajjaal) until he would catch hold of him at the gate of Ludd and would kill him. Then a people whom Allah had protected would come to Jesus, son of Mary, and he would wipe their faces and would inform them of their ranks in Paradise and it would be under such conditions that Allah would reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from amongst My servants such people against whom none would be able to fight; you take these people safely to (mount) Tur (in Egypt), and then Allah would send Gog and Magog and they would swarm down from every slope. (The wall of Yajuj wa Majuj came down after the prophet (saws) died, historically it was located in the caucus mountain range the only place that fits its description in location and legend. The descendants of the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj in the world will follow the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) and the people of Asia and India who neighbour them will join their ranks to likewise follow him becoming part of these tribes, as the prophet (saws) said “who ever imitates a people becomes one of them” and “who ever speaks arabic is an arab”, these people will believe in the religion of the Dajjaal and immitate their cousins).

The first of them would pass the lake of Tiberius and drink out of it. And when the last of them would pass, he would say: There was once water there. Jesus and his companions would then be besieged here (at Tur, and they would be so hard pressed) that the head of the ox would be dearer to them than one hundred dinars, Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would supplicate to Allah, Who would send to them (extremely small) insects (a simile for a disease or virus, mentioned in other ahadith which would attack their necks) and in the morning they would perish like one single person. Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then come down to the earth (from the mountain) and they would not find in the earth (around them) as much space as a single span which is not filled with their putrefaction and stench. Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then again beseech Allah, Who would send birds whose necks would be like those of bactrian camels (having long necks) and they would carry them and throw them were Allah would will.

Then Allah would send rain which no house of clay or (the tent of) camels’ hairs would keep out and it would wash away the earth until it would appear to be a mirror. Then the earth would be told to bring forth its fruit and restore its blessing and as a result thereof, (during this time) there would grow (such a) pomegranate that a group of persons would be able to eat that, and seek shelter under its skin and the milking cow would give so much milk that a whole party would be able to drink it. And the milking camel would give such (a large quantity of) milk that the whole tribe would be able to drink out of that and the milking sheep would give so much milk that the whole family would be able to drink out of that (this is what life will be like when Isa returns, but after he passes away 40 years later…) and at that time Allah would send a pleasant wind which would soothe (people) under their armpits, and would take the life of every Muslim and only the wicked would survive (on earth from this time on) who would commit adultery like asses and the Last Hour would (only) come to them”. (Muslim)

Imam Mahdi and The Great War Armageddon

8a7f194515abe06a19dbb4391ff82b1cUmm Salamah, the wife of the Prophet  related that the Prophet  said, “There will be discord when a Khaleefa (ruler) dies. A man from the inhabitants of Madeenah will flee to Makkah, and people will come to him from the dwellers of Makkah. They will bring him out (to the people), yet he will be averse to what they want of him (to be their leader). Then they will pledge allegiance to him between the Rukn (i.e. the Black Stone) and the Maqaam (the Station of Ibraaheem in Makkah). An army will be sent to (attack) him from Sham (Syria and surrounding areas) and they will be swallowed up (by a Khasf) in Al-Baidaa — a place between Makkah and Al-Madinah. When people see that, the Abdaal from Sham will come to him and the best people from Iraq will come and pledge allegiance to him. Then a man from the Quraish (the ruling tribe of Makkah) will appear; his uncles are from the children of Kalb (ruling tribe of Syria today). He will send an army to them but they (the Mahdi’s army) will be victorious over them… Wealth will be distributed and people will apply the Sunnah of their Prophet. Islam will achieve stability and firmness in the earth. That will last for seven years, after which (after this period ends) the Mahdi will die and the Muslims will pray over him.” (Abu Daawood, Ibn Kathir in al Bidaya wa Nihaya)

Ali (ra) said: “The Mahdi will not come until one third die, one third are killed, and one third remain.” (Nu’aym ibn Hammad)

That is, One third die because of things like hunger or disease, we witnessed similar events under the sanctions placed on Iraq, One third will be killed because of the wars in Arabia and the Civil wars in Saudi, and One third will survive. Most likely this Hadith, and other similar Ahadith are referring to the Arabs alone because Islam had not yet spread to others parts of the world during the time of the Prophet (saws), and He was informing his people what would happen to them after his time.

The Great War between the Muslim’s and Europe is mentioned not only by John (as) in the book of revelation it was mentioned by the prophet Daniel (as) who had a dream regarding the rise of Europe. In the book of Daniel (10), as the prophet is standing on the bank of the river tigris He (as) is overtaken by sleep, after which Allah sends him a vision, He is informed about what will happen to the Greek Empire after him and the end of the Persian Empire which it fought with, then in the book of Daniel 11:21 while speaking about the wars between the King of the North (Europe today) and King of the South (Arabia and Persia today) mention is made of a future ruler of the north just before the return of Isa (as) who is a contemptible person, He will invade the South when it feels secure in the world and seize it through intrigue, not unlike the British Empire and America after it that controlled many parts of the world through proxy leaders (a figure that can be used to represent the value of something in a calculation).

Mention is made of him in chapter 8, “for at the appointed time of the end…When the transgressors have reached their fullness, A king shall rise, having fierce features who will understand sinister schemes. His power shall be mighty, but not by His own power (Under him will be the power of the nations, through the EU), He shall destroy fearfully and shall prosper and thrive; He shall destroy the mighty and also the Holy people. “Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule; And he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity. He shall even rise against the Prince of Princes (the Mahdi); But he shall be broken without human means (his fate will be separate from his peoples). And the vision of the evenings and mornings Which was told is true; therefore seal up the vision because it refers to many days in the Future.” (Daniel 8:19,23-26)

Christians believe every title refers to Jesus it was because of this they no longer saw the chronology of events as their interpretations became convoluted and increasingly esoteric to maintain this underlaying premise. The Prince of Princes is someone less than the King of Kings, because it is a title that is given to a saintly ruler that is less than a prophet (saws) who ruled, it is a title beneath the status of Jesus (as).

Even the Jews before them had a prophecy about a religious figure coming before the time of Jesus (as), Elijah, whose name means the first part of the muslim Shahada, “the one who affirms Allah” or La Ilaha ila llah, there is no deity except Allah, this is the role of the Mahdi during this time of occult rule, to Affirm Allah to people who turn to Devils, this what it means in Ahadith when they say He (ra) will spread Justice, just like oppression was spread around the world, and it is part of the meaning of his name.

Once these events begin to unfold in front of our eyes it won’t be long until we know when the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will actually appear because many Ahadith give specific years between events. The Great War (Armageddon) will be fought against the Romans, they were the Global force of Europe in their time, the term Romans is a designation for the direction and location of the Enemy Muslims would be facing.

Since the Roman Empire no longer exists afnd the prophet (saws) was given the news ahead of time that muslims would defeat the current Empire in the Quran, in the opening verse of Surah 30, ‘The Romans’, “The Romans have been defeated” (30:1), the “Roman’s” spoken of at the end of time are a simile for Europe in our time.

In the world today that power is the European Union which is fast becoming the dominant power in the world. The European Union currently consists of 27 of the 50 or so countries of Europe, some of the countries which are a part of the European Union are, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Ukrain and the United Kingdom.

Europe’s first altercation with the Muslim world during this time, as Ahadith mention, will be when they place sanctions upon Syria, afterwards they will again place sanctions on Egypt, which will be the initial steps towards the Great War.

The Prophet (saws) said “There will be devastation all around the World. Ultimately, Egypt will also be ruined, but until Basra (Baghdad) is destroyed, Egypt will remain secure. The destruction of Basra will be due to Iraq’s destruction (the city will be destroyed because the country will be invaded)…” (Qurtubi, Mukhtasar Tazkirah, p. 530)

This account mentions that Egypt won’t be destroyed until the city of Baghdad is destroyed along with Iraq, this occurred after 2003 with Iraq’s complete loss of Independence and ended in 2011 with the pull out of western troops. The war cost Iraqi’s their country and resulted in yet another minority group being put in charge of the majority in a Muslim country.

Eventually after this event Europe who will be seeking to impose it’s dominance on the region as the Americans did, will place sanctions on Syria and then again on Egypt, around this time the Euphrates will uncover a mountain of Gold over which there will be another Great battle between the Arabs, very similar to the Iraq-Iran War.

al-Hakim narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) that he mentioned the story of the Mahdi, and said: “And the earth will cast forth its precious valuables.” It was said: “What are its precious valuables?” He said: “Cylinders of gold and silver.”

What is clear from all these narrations is that the Mahdi will appear after the following events, they will occur within a few short years of each other;

  • The Throne of Saudi Arabia is fought over by three sons from amongst it’s rulers.
  • The Euphrates river will uncovers a mountain of Gold and Muslims in the region will fight over it, most of whom will die.
  • Sanctions are placed on Egypt, after they are placed on Syria.
  • The People of the East; Afghanistan and the surrounding Area, will march across Arabia with black flags conquering all the Arab lands stabilizing the region, until they reach Jerusalem and conquer it.
  • The people of the Maghrib; Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, will rise up to stop Europe’s oppression of Egypt, beginning the first of the wars between the Muslims and Europe.

Ahadith say there will be more than one warlord during this time, when one is defeated he is replaced by another all in less than a decade. It will be during the second civil war of Saudi Arabia that Imam Mahdi (ra) will emerge.

When the Sufyani warlord sees the Mahdi he will send an army against him from Sham, the Army may contain European solders in it, but Allah will cause it to be swallowed up by the Earth before reaching him, and this is the third Major Khasf (earthquake) mentioned in Ahadith.

When the people see this they will know that person is the Mahdi (ra), because this is the most famous sign that the prophet (saws) mentioned would establish his identity.

The first to go to him will be the Awliya (saints) of Sham and Iraq, the best people in Islam in terms of Ihsan (Human perfection) during the time of the prophet (saws) were those who recognized the truth first and accepted it, their good nature allowed them to discern Haq (Justice) from falsehood, in a similar way the best people of Islam today will recognize Him first and go to him.

They will pledge allegiance to him, then a man from the tribe of Quraish will rise up whose maternal uncles are from Kalb (the ruling tribe of Syria), this is another minor warlord, he will send an army against him, but the Mahdi will defeat it, the Imam will then head towards Syria and kill the Sufyani in Palestine near the sea of Galilee (lake of Tiberias), these are the initial day’s of the Mahdi’s rule.

Artat bin Al-Munzir said: “The Mahdi will send the the first battalion he formed to (fight) the Turks (who are part of Europe and invade Arab lands, it may also mean Russia). He defeats them and takes what they have from spoils and money. Then, he marshes to Syria and conquers it. Then, he emancipates (frees) all the slaves (possibly war prisoners) he has and gives their owners their value (pays ransom for them).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti’s  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)

Although the translation says the Turks, this can refer to either Russia or Turkey in Ahadith because of the word Tartar, their present day decadents are the Turks, Mongols, Manchus and southern Russians.

It may also be, that one hadith is referring to Turkey, like the turkish invasion of Egypt which is across the Mediterranean from them, and these set of Ahadith refer to Russia which is just north of Azerbaijan and the Arabian peninsula, the following hadith makes it clear this is the case, Russia will invade Arab lands, while the Turkey invades Egypt as part of the European Union.

Yunus bin Saif Al-Khulani said: ” You will reconcile with the Romans (after all these initial wars) through a security treaty. Then, together, you will invade the (lands of the) Turks (Russians) and Kerman (a region currently in Iran) and Allah will conquer them for you…”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)

We know from many Sahih Ahadith with certainty, that the country of Turkey won’t be invaded and conquered by the Mahdi until Armageddon occurs, which is after all these events so the Turks in this narration must be the Russians, Turkey is also trying to join the European Union, so the treaty would apply to them.

Ka’b said: “…You will enter into a reconciliation treaty with them for 10 years… You and the Romans will invade an enemy (located) behind Constantinople (in Turkey, this is the location of Russia). When you return for that invasion, you will see Constantinople (meaning the Armies will pass through Turkey on their way to Russia and on their way back)… Then, you and they will invade Al-Kufa (a city in Iraq) and cause devastation to it (It’s possible Russia has conquered it at this point)… Then, you and the Romans together will invade some of the people of the East (Iran as other narrations state)…”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)

Artat bin Al-Munzir said: ” The Sufyani will fight the Turks (Russians). Their eradication (uprooting) will be at the hands of the Mahdi. The first battalion formed by the Mahdi will be sent to (fight) the Turks.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti’s  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)

Makhul said that the Messenger of Allah said: ” The Turks (Russians) will make two invasions: one of them will be in which they will devastate Azerbaijan, and in the second one, they will reach to the shore of the Euphrates (this is possibly when they Conquer Iraq).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

After the conflicts over Egypt begin we would make three different truces (according to Ahadith) with Europe all short lived, eventually the Mahdi (ra) will make a fourth truce with Europe, after defeating all the warlords in Arabia, this truce will last for about seven years, taking up the majority of his time on Earth.

During that time the Mahdi will establish and strengthen the presence of Islam on Earth. We will then help Europe attack an enemy beyond them that is attacking them, more than likely Russia, during the truce the Mahdi will conquer the entire Arabian peninsula and Iran, but eventually this truce will be broken.

The Prophet (saws) said, “You will make a firm truce with the Romans (al-Rum) until you and they wage a campaign against an enemy that is attacking them. You will be granted victory and great spoils. Then you will alight in a plain surrounded by hills. There, someone among the Romans shall say: ‘The Cross has overcome!’ were upon someone among the Muslims shall say: ‘Nay, Allah has overcome!’ and shall go and break the cross. The Romans shall kill him, then the Muslims shall take up their arms and the two sides shall fall upon each other. Allah shall grant martyrdom to that group of Muslims. After that the Romans shall say to their leader: ‘We shall relieve you of the Arabs (intending Genocide), and they shall gather up for the great battle (Armageddon). They shall come to you under eighty flags (nations or groups), each flag gathering 12,000 troops (960,000 soldiers in total)” (Abu Dawud, Kitab al-Jihad – Vol. 3/7 – No. 2479, Ahmad, Ibn Majah)

Once Europe has broken the seven year truce with the Muslims this will result in the Great War, al Malhama al Kubra (Armageddon).

The Prophet said: “You will make a truce of peace with Rome; you and they will conquer an enemy from behind them (Russia). You will be safe and you will achieve spoils. Then you will descend in a fertile soil that has many mounds in it. A man from the Romans will stand, raise the cross, and say, ‘victory is for the cross.’ A man from the Muslims will rise and kill him (the Romans Kill the Muslim after he Kills the Christian). At that point, the Romans will betray their agreement and there will be massacres (the agreement is between nations, these two men from each nation are not their representatives and acted on their own behalf, only those in charge can resolve the truce and it was resolved after Europe decided on Genocide rather than justice). They will gather for you, advancing toward you with 80 banners, and with each banner there will be 10,000 (800,000, the difference is more than likely because a later narrator of the hadith was not certain of the words).” (Ahmad)

A look at Europe today would show that it comprises of less than 80 countries, these Ahadith indicate that other countries from around the World would be invited to aid them, Possibly through NATO (which is a political and Military alliance) or the UN, this force will consist of 800,000 to 960,000 troops under 80 different flags. If this is the case, then it becomes clear that the eradication of the Arabs, the prophet (saws) spoke of was agreed to by the nations of the world who are now joining in.

It is also possible that each European country will rather offer more than one battalion under separate flags, possibly a flag for each of unit in the Air force, Army and Navy. Europe will be gathering their forces for nine months, and the Muslims will be gathering their armed forces in Iraq, Syria (Sham) and Yemen, the Mahdi will then send the mujahideen (Muslim fighters) to engage them when they invade.

Yusair ibn Jabir narrated: Once there blew a red storm in Kufah and there came a person who had nothing to say but (these words): “Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, the Last Hour has come.” He (Abdullah ibn Mas’ud) was sitting reclining against something, and he said: “The Last Hour will not come until the people do not divide inheritance and rejoice over booty.” Then He said pointing towards Syria, with a gesture of his hand like this: “The enemy will muster strength against the Muslims and the Muslims will muster strength against them.” I said: “You mean Rome?” He said: “Yes, and there will be a terrible fight. The Muslims will prepare a detachment, which will not return unless victorious. They will fight until darkness intervenes. (what remains of) Both sides will return without being victorious and both will (have been) wiped out. The Muslims will again prepare a detachment for fighting unto death so that they may not return unless victorious. When it is the fourth day, a new detachment from the remnant of the Muslims will be prepared and Allah will decree that the enemy will be routed( the Bible similarly says they will be captured).

They would fight such a fight the like of which has not been seen, so fierce that even if a bird were to pass their flanks, it would fall down dead before reaching the other end (The fighting will be so fierce between these Huge Armies, in contrast to other wars, that most will be killed in four days, nearly 2 million soldiers). (There will be such a large scale massacre) that when counting will be done, (only) one out of a hundred men related to one another would be found alive. So what can be the joy at the spoils of such war and what inheritance can be divided? They will be in this very state (of loss for some time afterwards) when they will hear of a calamity more horrible than this. A cry will reach them: ‘The Dajjaal has taken your place among your offspring.’ They will therefore throw away what is in their hands and go forward, sending ten horsemen as a scouting party. Allah’s Apostle (peace be upon him) said: ‘I know their names, the names of their forefathers and the color of their horses. They will be the best horsemen on the surface of the Earth on that day or among the best horsemen on the surface of the Earth on that day.'”(Sahih Muslim, Book 41, No. 6927)

Before the Great War begins, Europe will come to the Muslims and will say, “Do not stand between us and those who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them.” hoping to avoid the greater battle by only taking the European muslims who converted, an indication of their racist and bigoted mindset at the time that the only people that would matter are those who left their religion as if an insult.

The Muslims will refuse, saying: “By Allah, We will never hand over our Muslim brothers”. The Romans will then attack Syria causing heavy casualties among all the Arabs in that region, a hadith says, The Romans will then say during the war: “We will not cease fighting you until you bring out to us every one among you whose origin is not from you”, they will try to take back and imprison the Non Arab Muslims, many of whom are from Europe having converted to Islam.

So the European Muslim who converted will come out and say: “Allah forbid that we should go back to unbelief after Islam!”, the oppression of Europe during the end of times is prophesied in the Bible, it will be a cause for many in Europe to search for the truth, for a religion that has been preserved from it’s first days and isn’t oppressive, they will accept Islam leaving Europe and the path it has chosen for itself.

The Europeans will then begin the Great War, and that is when Allah (azza wa-jall) will send down His punishment on them, three times during the Great War they will come at the Muslims then finally Allah will grant the Muslims victory. A third of the Muslim army will first flee, and Allah will never accept from them repentance (Towba). A third will be killed during the war, and they will be the noblest martyrs in the sight of Allah. The surviving third will be victorious, never to suffer defeat thereafter, after the Great War they will then go on to conquer Constantinople (Istanbul), without having to fight.

The battle will last four days Each day the Muslim troops will take an oath that they will not return except as victors. For three days, they will fail to defeat the enemy, with many men becoming martyrs. On the fourth day, Allah will cause Europe to falter, be routed and succumb to a tremendous onslaught from the remaining Muslim troops. A Hadith says Allah will command Jibril (as) along with 70,000 Angels, Micha’il (Michael) with another 70,000 Angels and Israfil with Another 70,000 Angels to help the Muslims against Europe, just as they helped the Prophet (saws) at the Battle of Badr, Islam’s first victory.

The Prophet (saws) said “You’ll join hands with a Roman group and war with another (Europe won’t entirely be united). You’ll gain victory. At that time, you will be present in a plain of great mountains with plenty of trees. In the meantime, the Romans will raise the crucifix and refer the victory to it. At this, a Muslim will become angry, and will pull the crucifix down, at which, the Romans will unite (again) breaking all treaties with the Muslims. The Romans will demand their wanted people (the converts from their people), to which the Muslims will answer: “By Allah! They are our brothers. We will never hand them over.” This will start the war. One-third of the Muslims will run away. Their ‘Tawbah’ (Repentance) will never be accepted. One-third will be killed (during the War). They will be the best martyrs near Allah. The remaining one-third will gain victory, until under the leadership of the Mahdi, they will fight against the non-believers. This group will belong to Khurasan (ancient name for Afghanistan and the surrounding Areas). They will be wearing black turbans. People will rise up from the East who will keep on coming forward, trampling the ground under their feet, to the aid of the Mahdi to help establish his government.” (Ibn Majah)

Abu Huraira (ra) narrated “When the Great War Occurs, Allah will raise an Army from the Non Arabs who will be greater riders and will have better weapons than the Arabs. Allah will support the Deen (Islam) by them.”

The above Hadith describes them as Mawali or Non-Arab Muslims, this could be the Group Europe demands to be handed over to them when they break the truce and Attack Arabia. The Hadith mentions they will have better weapons than the Arabs which is the state of the Arab world today, the Americans and Europeans lead the World in Arms development.

The Messenger of Allah said: “You will fight the unbelievers until the remnant of you (what remains) fight on the River Jordan, you on the East of it and they on the West of it.”  (Ahmad)

The State of Israel has as its Eastern border, the dividing line of the River Jordan, that is the line between the Muslim armies and the Non-Muslim armies, some considered this to be the war in which the Mahdi will establish his Khalifah in Jerusalem ending Israel but the words “remnant” is used in the hadith which means remainder or what is left of the Muslims at the time, which is a later event.

Narrations clearly state that Israel will be taken by the people of the East, it is hard to imagine that the Armies marching from the East carrying the black flags can plant them in Jerusalem, the state of Israel today, with out having conquered it first, and indeed the prophet (saws) said nothing will stop them until they plant it there. Later wars will be fought in that land, and all Ahadith mention Palestine as the land of the people of the East, which they will hand over to the Mahdi (ra).

The Muslims will eventually win the Great War and go on to conquer the Lands of Europe “they (the Muslims) will not pass any city without conquering it by declaring Allah’s greatness (they will conquer these lands using, Dhikr, with out fighting), until they come to the City of the “Romans” referring to their capital at the time.

The Mahdi will arrive at Istanbul and set up arrangements for the Khalifah, appoint people to govern there making preparations for the implementation of Islamic law after Turkey had left the muslim community to Join Europe.

Abu Hurayrah related from The Prophet (saws) said, “The Romans will surround a leader from my pure musked children. His name will be the same as mine (i.e. the Mahdi). They will fight each other at a place called Al-A’maq (the place of the Great War, Al-A’maq is a toponym, it is near Dabiq, between Aleppo in northern Syria and Antioch in southern Turkey) and one third, or thereabouts, of the Muslims (Army) will be killed. They will fight again on another day and again one third or thereabouts of the Muslims will be killed. On the third day they will fight again and the Romans will be defeated. And they will remain there until they open Constantinople. It is whilst they are distributing the spoils of war that a messenger will come informing them that the false messiah is in their home town with their children.” (Ibn Hibban, Tirmidhi, Abuya’li, At-Tabarani, Al Bazaar, Abu Nuaym and Al Hakim.)

“The Hour will not come until seventy thousand men of Banu Ishaq (Men of Jewish origin who the Mahdi will send) invade it (Constantinople). When they come to it they will settle around it, and they will not fight with a single weapon or shoot a single arrow. They will say: “La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar (There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest),” and the side that is on the sea will collapse (referring to its walls). Then they will say: “La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar (There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest),” and its other side will collapse. Then they will say: “La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar (There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest),” and it will be opened up for them and they will enter it and take the spoils. (Muslim)

And Nu’aym ibn Hammad narrated from Ibn Mas’ud (ra), from the Prophet (saws) that he said: “Allah will cause Constantinople to be conquered at the hands of a people who are the allies (awliya’) of Allah (ta’ala). Allah will preserve them from death, illness and disease until Isa ibn Maryam (as) descends, and they will fight alongside him against the Dajjaal.”

It is more than likely that these Jews will come from what is left of the orthodox Jewish community in Israel, the Pashtuns of Afghanistan are descendants from the original Jewish tribes and many Ahadith refer to the Mahdi wearing Jewish cloths and looking like a Jewish man, these Ahadith refer to the Pashtuns, but by the time of the Great War much of there forces would have been spent fighting the war lords of Arabia, one of the Sufyani’s will fill every valley with their bodies then invade their lands killing every male until only women and the elderly remain.

The Ahadith mention they will be present during the great war, “This group will belong to Khurasan”, but what is more significant than this is that the Jews have a prophecy about the return of Isa (as) which mentions their condition by the time of his arrival and it is identical in wording to what the prophet (saws) said about them “at the hands of a people who are the allies (awliya’) of Allah (ta’ala). Allah will preserve them from death, illness and disease until Isa ibn Maryam (as) descends, and they will fight alongside him against the Dajjaal.”

It may be that both groups having the same origin from the original tribes of Judaism, and as Allah himself in the Quran promises to bring all the Jewish tribes back to Jerusalem by the end, which includes the Pashtuns who are subject to any promise Allah made to Abraham in the torah and bible, they are referred to as one people.

We have to keep in mind that between the time the People of the East take Jerusalem and the Mahdi arrives that is six years, and between the Mahdi and the Great War that is about seven years, which is more than a decade since Jews would have ruled Israel by then, this is a long time for change and people to forget the present situation, there are more Ahadith regarding orthodox jews including the fact the Mahdi will bring out the Ark of the Covenant, showing them the Original Torah debating with them regarding the truth, through which many will accept Islam at his hands.

It will be after this point in time, when the Muslim’s have conquered Istanbul, that news of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will begin to spread, but it will be false.

As the Mahdi (a.s) and his men are busy in Istanbul a rumor will spread that “the Dajjaal has broken loose in Syria and is wreaking havoc among your families.” This news will be very disturbing to the Imam, and so consequently, he will hurriedly leave for Syria. In the meantime, ten men will be sent ahead to ascertain the truth. The Holy Prophet (saws) said referring to these men: “ I know their names and the names of their fathers they will be among the best warriors in that era.” One of them will report that the story is false and the Dajjaal has not yet emerged, it was a lie fabricated by Shaytan to try and disrupt the progress of the Muslims.

Meanwhile those who conquered Istanbul, the Jews, will march on and invade the enemy territories of western and southern Europe (comprising of countries like, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Austria, Italy, etc.) in the same manner they conquered Istanbul with Tasbih and Takbeer, without the use of weapons.

The Prophet (saws) said: “If there only remains but one day left in the world, Allah will prolong it until a man from my house governs. He will open Constantinople (Istanbul) and the Mountain of Al-Daylam (in Iran).” (Ibn Hibban, At-Tirmizi, Abu ya’li, At-Tabarani, Al Bazaar, Abu Nuaym and Al Hakim.)

Nafi’ ibn ‘Utbah said, “The Prophet said, ‘You will attack Arabia (The Mahdi when he first Appears), and Allah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack Persia (The Muslims and Europeans), and Allah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack Rome (Europe’s main city), and Allah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack the Dajjaal (with Jesus), and Allah will enable you to conquer him.” (Sahih Muslim)

The People Of The Maghreb and The People Of The East


It was narrated from Thawban that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “Three will fight one another for your treasure, each one of them the son of a caliph, but none of them will gain it. Then the black banners will come from the east (in another hadith recorded by Ibn Maja the prophet (saws) said the three sons will hardly have turned to fight each other when the black flags will have emerged), and they will kill you in an unprecedented manner.” Then he mentioned something that I do not remember, then he said: “When you see them, then pledge your allegiance to them even if you have to crawl over snow, for that is the caliph of Allah, the Mahdi.” (Ibn Maja) meaning they are his army and the Mahdi (ra) will emerge to lead them after they have established his rule for him.

Allah will cause the river Euphrates to dry up to pave the way for the Kings of the East to conquer the Arabian peninsula and Jerusalem (Israel), the Arabs will fight a large war over the wealth the river Euphrates uncovers after which Saudi Arabia will be plunged into a civil war between the sons of it’s rulers, they will have just began this war when the black flags, the Mahdi’s army, will have emerged from the east. They will conquer the Arabian peninsula to establish Islamic rule there once more ‘“People will come from the east, paving the way for the Mahdi,” meaning, for his rule’ (Ibn Maja).

The people of the Maghreb (North Africa) around this same time will rise up and defeat Europe in Egypt kicking them out, a number of wars will occur as a result of Europe’s invasion of North Africa and Arabia. This will result in other invasion by Europe conquering Syria, Lebanon and North Africa, the muslims will take back their land driving Europe’s army out from North Western Africa towards Egypt, at the end of this invasion as ahadith mention, the general leading the army along with his men will accept Islam in Egypt ending the invasion for good.

The Black flags will come from Afghanistan to fight the warlords that appear in Arabia as a result of all these wars, the ruling tribe of Syria, Asads family after having lost Syria in this civil war will try to take back control through a number of warlords the Prophet (saws) called the Sufyani’s. The Black flags will remain victorious until Russia invades Arabia through Azerbaijan and Afghanistan from the North, then Turkey invades Arabia.

At some point during this time the non muslims of East Africa will invade Egypt through the south for wealth in a number of wars, they are defeated by the muslims but eventually will succeed in plundering Egypt’s treasure and leave, the muslims will follow them and defeat them in their own lands. After defeating Europe in Egypt the people of North Africa will head towards Syria and Jerusalem, eventually fighting with the people of East, the black flags.

The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said: “That a person called Sufyani will appear from the suburbs of Damascus and his general followers will be the people of the Kulaib Tribe (the ruling tribe in Syria now, Asad and his family belong to it). He will attack (so fiercely) that he will cut the bellies of Women and kill children. To fight against him, the people of the Tribe of Qais will gather (the Pashtuns, people of the East). The Sufyani will fight them and kill them so much that no valley will be left without their dead bodies”. (Al Hakim, Mustadrik Pg.520)

Ibn Masud said: “If the Turks (Turkey and Russia) and Khazar (the word comes from the Khazar Empire, the lands north of Afghanistan and Arabia, i.e southern Russia) appear in Al-Jazeera (Arabian Peninsula or Northern Iraq) and Azerbaijan, while the Romans (Europe) appear in Omq (a valley in Antioch & Northern Syria) and its outskirts. The Romans will fight a man of Qais tribe (from Afghanistan) from the people of Qansareen. The Sufyani in Iraq fights the People of the East. In each side, there is an enemy (Russia invades from the North). After he (the Sufyani) fights them for 40 days and does not get support (from Muslims in other regions), he reconciles with the Romans (Europe) such that neither party will owe the other one anything.”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

The Turks are mentioned with the Khazar (southern Russia), so it means that when Europe Attacks Arabia, Turkey and Russia will also invade.

Al-Walid bin Muslim said: “The black banners will remain victorious against those who oppose them until the Turks enter (Muslim lands) through the door of Armenia (on the border of Turkey).” He added: “The first sign of the signs of their demise (the black banners) is their dispute among each other.”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Russia will have to cross the narrow passages of the Caucus mountain ranges heading south into Azerbaijan and Arabia, and go around the Caspian sea to invade Afghanistan from the North. Turkey but that point in time has joined the EU (Romans) and invades with them, not much is mentioned about Russia in either the Ahadith or the Bible so their role seems to be relatively small during these wars, Ahadith indirectly indicate that they may be opportunistic and attack Europe while it is engaged in war with the muslims.

The first Sufyani warlord will appear before the black flags march on Arabia and will be the cause for them invading. Ali (ra) said “The (first) Sufyani will appear in Sham, and then there will be a battle between them at Qirqisiya (in Syria) until the birds of the sky and the wild beasts of the land are satiated with their corpses. Then, there will be an attack against them from their rear, so a group of them will go forward until they enter the land of Khurasan (essentially Afghanistan). The cavalry of the Sufyani will pursue the people of Khurasan and kill the supporters of the family of Muhammad. Then, the people of Khurasan (the black flags) will come out looking for the Mahdi.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Qirqisiya is an ancient ruined city near Busra in Syria, on the banks of the Euphrates river.

Ali (ra) said: “When the cavalry of the Sufyani comes to al-Kufah (in Iraq), he will send them in pursuit of the people of Khurasan. The people of Khurasan will come out, looking for the Mahdi. Then, he (the Sufyani) and the Hashimi (Mansur the General of the black flags) will meet with a group of people with black banners, at their head Shu’ayb ibn Salih (al Harith the leader of the Black flags). The followers of the Sufyani will meet in battle at the gate of Istakhar (an ancient ruined city in Iran), and a fierce battle will be fought between them. The black banners will be victorious, and the cavalry of the Sufyani will flee. When that happens, the people will wish for the Mahdi (to appear) and await him.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Abi Ja’far said: “A young man from Bani Hashem (Prophet Mohammad’s family) with a mark in the palm of his right hand comes out from Khorasan with black banners (al Mansur). Between his hands (meaning he will protect) will be Shuayb bin Salih (their leader). He fights the followers of the Sufyani and defeats them.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

The following hadith indicates why the people of the Maghreb (North Africa) will fight the People of the East, Al-Walid bin Muslim narrated: “If the black banners split into 3 groups: a group calling for the progeny of Fatima (direct descendants of the prophet to rule the Muslims), a group calling for the progeny of Abbas (the prophets tribe to rule the muslims), and a group calling for (the kingship to be) for themselves…” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

The People of the East wont accept rule for themselves even though muslim Arabs are calling for them to rule over Arabia, they are effectively leaderless at this point because of a number of civil wars, the Saudi Kingdom would have faced civil war over succession which no one would have won, and Arabia’s first war lord one of the Sufyani’s will have emerged by this time so there is general chaos is the middle east.

Allah’s decree upon the people of the Maghreb is clear in the following hadith, they have mixed intentions, among them will be people who are blind to religion and the significance of the events they are involved in, so peoples fate will differ, some of it good and some of it bad.

Al-Zubri said: ” Those of the black banners and those of yellow banners will meet and fight until they reach Palestine. Then, the (second) Sufyani marshes against the people of the East (the black banners). Once the people of Maghreb (yellow banners) land in Jordan, their chief dies, so they split into 3 groups. One group returns to were it came from. One group goes to perform Hajj. One group remains. The Sufyani fights and defeats them so they will pledge allegiance to him (in defeat).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

Ibn Masud said: “If a man from Fahr (North Africa) gathers Barbars and goes on an expedition, a man from the progeny of Abu Sufyan emerges (the second Sufyani). Once the Fahri’s army hear about the Sufyani, they will split into 3 groups. One group retreats, one group remains with him (Fahri) and marshes toward AshSham and one group goes to Hijaz. The two armies meet in Wadi Al-Onsul in AshSham. The Barbars will be defeated. Then, the Sufyani will fight the People of AshSham.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

Ka’b bin Alqama said: “If the Maghreb invades Egypt (to defend it)…the chief of the Maghreb will be a man from Kinda who is A’raj (can not walk properly).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

Ka’b bin Alqama said “The sign of the Mahdi’s (immanent) appearance will be battalions coming from the Maghreb, lead by A’raj (a man who is Limp) from ‘Kinda.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan page 205)

The Appearance of the people of Maghrib lead by this man will be an indication of the nearness of Imam Mahdi (ra), just like the People of the East who will appear six years before him are a sign of his immanent appearance in Islam and Christianity. All these events will occur around the sanctions Europe will place on Egypt and the appearance of warlords in Arabia, which is a more accurate term describing for them than dictator or tyrant.

Abu Hurairah related that the Messenger of Allah said, “Iraq will be prevented from its dirham (a currency) and its (Qifaz) measurement; Sham will be prevented from its (Mudd) measurement and its Dinar (a currency) and Egypt will be prevented from its Irdab (measurement) and its Dinar (currency). You will recoil to that position from were you started and you will recoil to that position from were you started, the bones and the flesh of Abu Huraira would bear testimony to it” (Muslim, Book 41 Hadith 6923)

The narration’s mention that the Major Khasf (earthquake) of the West will occur in Sham (Syria) before the Mahdi (r.a), when the people of the Maghreb go on their second expedition to Syria, if it occurs because of the Asteroid then we can roughly know when to expect it.

Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a.) said: “When the black banners differ among each other, a town/city of the towns/cities of Iram (Sham) and the western side of its Mosque collapses. Then, in AshSham (greater Syria), three banners (armies) come out for each (three different warlords), the As’Hab (a warlord who is a reddish white man), Abqa (a warlord seeking rule in Egypt), and the (second) Sufyani. The Sufyani comes from AshSham and Abqa’ from Egypt. The Sufyani will defeat them (both, As’Hab and Abqa).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

This hadith indicates that a number of smaller warlords will emerge and compete with the Sufyani, he will defeat them all. It is more than likely this is the second of the three Sufyani’s, he emerges after the black banners differ which is toward the end of their time and it is around this time Ahadith indicate the Asteroid will hit, the smaller warlords will more than likely emerge to fill the vacuum of the first Sufyani trying to wrestle power from the ruling tribe of Syria, the Bani Kalb.

Mohammad bin Al-Hanafiya said: (when) “The People of Maghreb enter the Damascus Mosque and while they are looking at its marvels, there will be a land tremor, so the western part of the Mosque will collapse and there will be a Khusuf (land collapse) in a town called Harasta (outside of Damascus). Then, the Sufyani comes out and fights them (the people of Maghreb) until he pushes them back to Egypt. Then, he returns and fights the People of the East (the Black Banners) until he pushes them back to Iraq.” (Nuaim bin Hammad, Kitab Al-Fitan)

“The Earth will swallow a village called Harasta near Damascus.” (Muhammad Al-Barzanji’s book Isha’ah li Ashrat Al-Sa’a)

The following events are chronological and span the six or so years just before Imam Mahdi (ra) appears. Amar bin Yusr said: “The sign of the Mahdi is: The Turks (Russia, or Turkey) sweep down against you. Your Caliph who seeks wealth dies (after the Euphrates river uncovers it’s Gold, over which he will involve himself) and you elect a successor after him who is weak so he gets deposed after 2 years from the Bay’a (this seem’s to be after the three son’s don’t win the war over succession so the people will elect a ruler, around the time the Black flags first appear). A Khusf (land collapse) occurs in the West end of Damascus mosque (this is the major earthquake in the West). The emergence of three individuals (three warlords in sham Abqa’ , Ash-Hab, and the second Sufyani) in AshSham (Greater Syria). The attack of People of the West (the people of the Maghreb) on Egypt (to defend it). This is (the beginning of) the reign of the Sufyani (the third one who fights the Mahdi).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

The Ullumah said the first of the three Major landslides (earthquakes) referred to in Ahadith was the Indian Ocean Tsunami of the coast of Indonesia in 2004, it killed over 230,000 people, most of them Muslim (130,000 Indonesians), in less than an hour. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history, it occurred due to an earthquake whose magnitude was 9.1 and was the third largest ever recorded.

It occurred due to a Khasf (land slip), the exact description of the hadith, in the ocean floor as an estimated 1600 Km (1000 mi) of fault surface slipped about 15 meters (50ft).

We can identify the significance of this earthquake because the following Ahadith tell us this was the time Allah began punishing people for their immorality, indicating that the 2004 Tsunami was one of the three Major Khasf’s spoken of by the prophet (saws).

The Prophet (saws) said “If you see my Ummah fearing a tyrant so much that they dare not tell him that he is a tyrant, then there will be no hope for them.” (Ibn Kathir) this narration is referring to Saddam Hussain, it was the lowest point in islamic History, the strength of the Muslims had no sway to change anything on an international level and they did nothing to stop oppression, the 90’s marked the beginning of the end for the Arabs.

Abu Hurairah related that the Prophet said, “By the One Who has sent me with the Truth, this world will not come to an end until they are afflicted with Al-Khasf (earthquakes), Al-Qadhf (strong winds that cause rocks to fly a simile for Bombardment), and Al-Maskh (emergence of people who perform maskh on other’s and themselves).” The Companions asked, “And when is that, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “When you see women riding private parts (when internet pornography becomes widespread), when there will be many female singers (the music industry spreads and exploits women), when there will be much false testimony (globalization, when the contract’s become corrupt and people bear false testimony), when men will suffice themselves with men, and when women will suffice themselves with women.” (homosexuality becomes accepted in society) (Al-Haafiz Abu Bakr Al-Bazzaar related this narration, taken from Ibn Kathirs al Bidaya wa Nihaya)

The Pornography industry spread immensely after the emergence of the internet which occurred soon after the year 2000, giving us a clear timeframe, homosexuality spread and became accepted in society only fairly recently in history, around the same time pornography did, in the 90’s it, along with pornography, were still largely rejected in society and looked down upon. The music industry equally spread with the internet, they primarily relied upon female singers to attract an audience by sexualizing every aspect of the singer.

We can see in these three events an underlaying current, that of sexuality being monetized, and in fact the slogan “sex sells” was the catch phrase of the day used to justify these once rejected practices, the popularity of one industry, music, helping spread the acceptability of the others.

All these occurred simultaneously around the same time and it should not be to difficult to understand their significance considering the epic nature of the 2004 Quake on a historical scale, along with the fact the hour “cast it’s shadow” on people not long after this in 2012.

The war we are seeing now in Syria will eventually lead to Imam Mahdi (ra) himself, this war will be followed by sanctions, then eventually the emergence of the Last Tyrant’s (war lords) the Muslim world will face.

Abi Qabil said: “A man will reign from Bani Hashem (the Black Flags). He kills Bani Umaya (the tribe of the second Sufyani) until very few of them remain alive and does not kill except them. Then, a man from Bani Umaya will rise up (the third Sufyani) and kills for every man two until no body remains alive (from the army of Khurasan), except women. Then, the Mahdi appears.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Khaled bin Ma’daan said: (the second) “Sufyani defeats the group twice (the people of Maghreb), then perishes. The Mahdi will not come out until a Khusf (land collapse) occurs in a village in Ghawta (Syria) called Harasta. (This hadith was found in group of Ahadith regarding the people of the Maghreb)” (Ibn A’sakir)

The prophet (saws) said, “As the strife calms down in one place in Sham (Greater Syria), it will rise up in another (place). The strife will not end until Angels call out from the sky “The Mahdi is your Leader”. “The Mahdi is your Khaliph” (the events surrounding Syria will continue until the Mahdi emerges). (Taken from the works of Harun Yahya in which he cites it from – Mustafa Resit Filizi, Treatise on the Coming of the Mahdi, p 63)

Saeed bin Al-Musayab said: “There will be a Fitna in AshSham (Greater Syria). Its beginning will be like the play of boys. Then, the affairs of people will not settle on anything and unity will not be achieved (meaning this will be the beginning of Unity) until a caller calls from Heaven: ‘Follow this person’ (the Mahdi), and a hand appears (a simile) as a sign.” (Nuaim Ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

This Hadith most likely refers to the Arab spring that swept across the muslim world, it’s Ahadith similarly mention Unity after the war ends, “Its beginning will be like the play of boys” it began with something small and trivial in relation to the consequences, boys join in play on the spur of the moment, on a whim, the Uprising in Syria took place because of the Arab spring, almost like a fashion trend it was picked up by the Islamic world and occurred very quickly because of a single suicide in Tunisia.

If we look at the contrasting events, the era of Dictators across the Muslim world ended because of “something like the play of boys”, a Tunisian’s fruit stand was confiscated by an official bullying him at which the store owner committed suicide because of this bullying and his desperate situation, this then toppled a number or world leaders.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “There will be, after me, fitan (trials). From them will be fitnah al-Ahlas, in which there will be fleeing and plunder (the Kuwait war and its ramifications). Then, after them, will be a fitan worse than them (the Duhaimma, September the 11th and the sifting of people). Whenever it will be said that they have finished, they will be prolonged, until no house of the Arabs will be left without them (the strife) entering it (mass media), and no Muslim except that they have reached him (modern communication), until a man comes from my descendants. (trials will continue until the Mahdi emerges).” (Al-Hafidh Abu Muhammad al-Husayn narrated it in Kitab al-Masabih from Abu Sa’id al-Khudri)

Ibn Mas’ud said: “The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be blessings and peace, told us, ‘I warn you of 7 severe trials, which will occur after me: a trial, which will come from Medina, a trial in Mecca, a trial, which will come from Yemen, a trial, which will come from Syria, a trial, which will come from the East, a trial, which will come from the West, and a trial from the valley of Syria, which is the Sufyaani'” (al-Hakim and Nu’aym ibn Hammad)

Ibn Mas’ud said, “Some of us have seen the first of them, and some of this community will see the last of them.”

The first trials were at the beginning of Islam and have been identified by the scholar’s, the later events are to occur around the time of the Mahdi (ra), the trial from the East is in the direction of Iraq which may refer to the wars and sanctions that have settled over that region, the trial from the west may refer to the Events surrounding Egypt that will lead to the emergence of the Sufyani, and we are now seeing the beginning of the Fitna in Syria which was initially mentioned before the trials of the East and West.

Before the Great War, Armageddon, begins narrations mention other events and conflicts that will occur in Egypt and North Africa, we will relate only some of these.

After Europe initialy invades Egypt some of it’s forces will invade North Africa from Spain, at the same time Africans from Abyssinia will invade southern Egypt.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “The Romans (Europeans) will attack those Arabs who reside in their land, until not a single Arab man or woman or child remains in their land but that they shall be killed by the Romans.” (Nuaim bin Hammed’s Kitab Al-Fitan, page 260)

Abdullah bin Amr ibn Al-‘As said: “A man from the enemies of the Muslims in Andalusia (southern Spain), called Zhul-‘Urf, will assemble a great army from the polytheist tribes (Christians of Europe). Those who are in Andalusia will realize that they have no power to face them, so the people of means from the Muslims will flee in ships and cross (the sea) to Tanjah (in Morocco).

The weaker people will remain behind, and their group will not have any (large) ships in which they can cross. So, Allah will send them a goat to create a path for them across the sea (a simile for a speed boat which skims across the top of the water). The goat will cross over and the water will not cover its hooves (engine). The people will see it and say: “The goat! The goat! Follow it!” So the people will all cross over (in smaller boats), following its traces (navigating by it’s wake), then the sea will go back to how it used to be before.

The enemy will cross over in ships. When the people of North Africa see them, they will flee from North Africa along with those Muslims who had been in Andalusia, until they enter Al-Fustat (which used to be a capital of Egypt and is located in the Southern edge of today’s Cairo). That enemy will come forward until they settle in the area between Marbut and the Pyramids, at a distance of five “burud” from them, and they will fill that area with evil.

The banner (army) of the Muslims will go out to face them on the bridge, and Allah will give them (Muslims) victory. They will defeat them (the European invaders), kill them and drive (the rest of) them away to Libya, to the distance of ten nights’ journey. The people of Al-Fustat will make use of their cattle and their tools (their supplies) for seven years. Zhul-‘Urf will escape death and he will have with him a document that he will not read until after he is defeated. He will find in it a reference to Islam that urges him to enter Islam. So, he will request safety (from the Muslims) for himself and for those of his companions who came with him and accepted Islam. So, he will enter Islam and become one of the Muslims.

Then, in the next year, a man will come from Abyssinia (Ethiopia or East Africa) called Asbis, who will have assembled a great army. So the Muslims will flee from them, leaving Aswan (in Southern Egypt), until there is no Muslim remaining there or around there who has not entered Al-Fustat.

So, Asbis and his army will settle at Manaf, at a distance of one “barid” from al-Fustat, and the battalions of Muslims will go out to face them, and Allah will grant them (Muslims) victory over them (Abyssinia), so they will kill (in the battlefield, many of) them and take (the rest of) them as prisoners, until an (Abyssinian) will be sold for a cloak.”(Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)

Amr bin Al-Aas said: ” Egypt will be devastated when it gets hit by the four arrows: the arrow of the Turks, arrow of the Romans, arrow of Abyssinia (Ethiopia or East Africa), and arrow of the people of Andalusia.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn Al-‘As said (regarding the Abyssinians, Ethiopia or East Africa), “They (the Abyssinians) will come in their ships, heading toward Al-Fustat (Southern Cairo), and they will set out until they settle in Manaf (very close to Al-Fustat), where Allah will cause the treasure of Pharaoh to be unearthed for them, and they will take from it what they wish, saying: “We will never find a treasure better than this!” So, they will go back, and the Muslims will follow their trail until they catch up to them. Allah will cause the Abyssinians to be defeated. The Muslims will kill (in the battlefield, many of) them and take (the rest of) them captive, until an Abyssinian will be sold (ransomed) for a cloak.”  (Nuaim bin Hammad, Kitab al-Fitan, No. 57)

The following hadith indicates when Abasynia will attack in relation to the Sufyani’s emergence, Huzaifa said that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said : “When the dark people (possibly, the Abyssinians, meaning Ethiopians) come after the Arabs, they will be defeated and thrown into the lowest part of the Earth (dead sea basin or a land near were they invaded). While these circumstances exist, the (first) Sufyani will come with three hundred and sixty men until he reaches Damascus. After a month, he will be followed by thirty thousand from Kalb (tribe). He will send an army to Iraq and kill one hundred thousand in Az-Zawra (possibly refers to Baghdad)…”  (Nuaim Bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Tabarani, and Abu Amru Uthman bin Saeed Ad-Dani)

Abi Qubayl said: “In Africa, there will be a prince (ruler) for 12 years. Then, after him, there will be a Fitna (strife). Then, a dark man will rule and fill it with justice. Then, he will march toward the Mahdi and declare allegiance to him, and will fight for him.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti’s  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)

Towards the end of the six year period in which the Black Flags Rule, civil war will again break out among the tribes of Saudi Arabia, it will be during this war that Imam Mahdi (ra) will emerge.

Amr bin Shuaib reported from his grandfather that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “In Zul-Qa’da (an Islamic month), there will be a fight among the tribes, Muslim pilgrims will be looted and there will be a battle in Mina in which many people will be slain and blood will flow until it runs over the Jamarat Al-Aqba (one of the three stone pillars at Mina). The man they seek (Imam Mahdi) will flee and will be found between the Rukn (a corner of the Ka’ba containing the Black Stone) and the Maqam of Prophet Abraham (near the Ka’ba). He will be forced to accept people’s Bay’a (oath of allegiance). The number of those offering Bay’a will be the same as the number of the people of Badr (around 310). Then, the dwellers of Heaven and the dwellers of the Earth will be pleased with him. ‘ (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

Imam Abu Dawud narrated from Umm Salamah (ra) from the Prophet (ra) that he said: “There will be conflict with the death of a khalifah. (this Hadith skips through events spanning years) Then a man (Imam Mahdi) from the people of al-Madinah will come out, fleeing to Makkah. A group of men from the people of Makkah will come to him and bring him out by force, and give the bay’ah to him between the Rukn and the Maqam. An army will be sent against him from Sham, but they will be swallowed up by the earth in al-Bayda’ between Makkah and al-Madinah (this is the third Great Earthquake at the end of time). So when the people see that, the Abdal of Sham and the best of the people of ‘Iraq will come to him, and give him the bay’ah between the Rukn and the Maqam. Then, a man from Quraysh and his maternal relatives from Kalb (one of the Sufyani’s) will come and send an army against them, and they (i.e. the Mahdi and his companions) will be victorious over them. That will be the battle of Kalb, and what a loss for the one who did not witness the spoils of Kalb! So he will distribute the wealth, and he will rule the people according to the Sunnah of their Prophet, and Islam will be established in the land. He will remain for seven years, then he will die and the Muslims will pray over him.” Imam Abu Dawud said: “Some of them narrated from Hisham “nine years”, and some of them said “seven years”.”

The Events Leading Up To The Emergence Of Imam Mahdi

5746224df945be5117e87e994fe46ec5Abdullah ibn Masud narrated from The Prophet (peace be upon him) who said: “If only one day of this world remained. Allah would lengthen that day till He raised up in it a man who belongs to me or to my family whose father’s name is the same as my father’s, who will fill the earth with equity and justice as it has been filled with oppression and tyranny.” (Abu Dawwud)

The Prophet said: “If there only remains but one day left in the world, Allah will prolong it until a man from my house governs. He will open Constantinople (Istanbul) and the Mountain of Al-Daylam (in Iran).” (Ibn Hibban, At-Tirmizi, Abuya’li, At-Tabarani, Al Bazaar, Abu Nuaym and Al Hakim.)

Al-Hakim narrated from Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (ra) that he said: “The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “At the end of time, a severe tribulation will descend upon my Ummah (the entire Ummah not Just a section of it) from their ruler (Saddam Hussein who invaded Kuwait, this began all the events leading to the Duhaima which caused the second invasion of Iraq). A worse tribulation will not have been heard of before (it resulted in the domination of the muslim world not just Iraq, prior to this time the media still wondered what the muslim world would do if they invaded, since the answer was nothing they only became bolder), until the earth’s expanse is constricted upon them (the Ummah), and until the earth is filled with tyranny and oppression, so that the mu’min will find no refuge from the oppression (the oppression of the Duhaima). Then, Allah (after it ends) will send a man from my descendants (when it clears) who will fill the earth with equity and justice as it had been filled with oppression and tyranny (the Mahdi). The inhabitants of the heavens and the earth will be pleased with him. The earth will not withhold any of its growth, but will bring it out, neither will the sky withhold a drop, but Allah will pour it out upon them in showers. He will live among them for seven years, or eight, or nine. The living will wish that the dead were brought to life again to witness the great good that Allah brought about for the people of the earth.”

Abu Umamah said the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing upon him) said: “The People asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah, who will be the Imam (leader) of the people at the time?’ He Said: “He will be from my progeny and will be forty years of age. His face will shine like a star and he will have a small black spot on his right cheek. He will don two Qutwaani cloaks (traditional Jewish Cloaks worn by the people of Afghanistan) as if he is from the bani Israil (jewish tribes, the pashtun of the region are their descendants who converted to Islam at the hands of the companions). He will rule for 20 years and will conquer the cities of the Mushrikeen”. (Tabarani)

Anas ibn Maalik said that he heard the Messenger of Allah ‘say, “We, the children of ‘Abdul-Muttalib, are the chiefs of the dwellers of Paradise, I, Hamzah (the prophets Uncle), ‘Ali, Ja’far (one of the first to accept Islam), Al-Hasan, Al-Husain (his grandchildren), and Al-Mahdi.” (Ibn Maajah)

“The Mahdi will have wheat-ich complexion, long straight nose, eye brows round like a bow, big black eyes, very white front teeth with a spacing between them, a small black spot on the right cheek, face glowing like a shining star, a mark on his shoulder like that of the Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him), complexion like the Arabs and body like the bani Israil (Jews). He will be slow in speech (with a slight stutter) and when he stutters, he will strike his left thigh with his right hand. He will appear at the age of 40. While praying to Allah, he will expand his hands for prayer like birds expanding their wings. He will be wearing Qutwani Cloaks. He will resemble in character the Prophet Muhammad (blessing in peace be upon him), but in appearance, he will be different. (Muhammad Al-Barzanji in Isha’ah li Ashrat al-Sa’a).

Ali (r.a.) said, “The Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘The Mahdi is one of us, from among the people of my household. In one night Allah will inspire him and prepare him to carry out his task successfully.'” (Ahmad and Ibn Maajah.)

Abi Sadek said: “The Mahdi does not emerge until the Sufyani emerges on the ashes (of the Muslim nation).” (Nuaim bin Hammad) meaning after it is devastated by wars and can not recover it’s leadership or authority, and many of the Arabs have died.

Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a.) said: “If the Sufyani’s Cavalry marsh’s to Kufa (Iraq), the people of Khorasan (Afghanistan and the surrounding area) will be requested to come to aid. The people of Khorasan will come out seeking the Mahdi. So, the Hashimi (al Mansur, mentioned at the end go the Ahadith about the civil war in Sham) with an army carrying black banners, at its front end is Shuayb bin Salih (Al Harith in other Ahadith, their leader), will meet the followers of the Sufyani at Istakhar Gate and a great battle will occur between them. The black banners will be victorious. Sufyani’s Cavalry will run away. At that time, people will wish for the Mahdi (to appear) and ask for him.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Al Zuhari said ” The black flags will come from the East, led by mighty men, with long hair and beards, their last names are taken from the names of their home towns and their first names are from a Kunya (nick name, usually starts with ‘Abu’, which means ‘father of”).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

The Prophet (saws) said “If you see the black flags coming from Khurasan, join that army, even if you have to crawl over ice, for this is the army of the Khaliph, the Mahdi and no one can stop that army until it reaches Jerusalem.” (Mustadrak al Hakim).

From the narration’s we can establish a general timeframe for his appearance, not long after Allah lifts the era of Dictators and ends the rule of the Ruwaybidah instability will cause the tribes in Suadi Arabia to contest the throne after the death of one of their rulers, when no one win’s this battle and the Arabs are militarily and politically weak, tyrants (warlords) will begin to appear in Arabia one after the other, the Euphrates river will dry up uncovering a mountain of Gold and Silver over which Muslims will fight, the main warlord is called al Sufyani, he will send an Army to Iraq so the people will request help from the people of Khurasan (Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan etc.) they will respond to their call and it will be at this time that the Black Banners from the East will come to fight him and the remaining warlords that emerge after him, they will establish the dominion of the Mahdi (ra) who will appear six years after they first appear, mentioned in narration’s.

There are narrations that say two or more Sufyani’s not just one will appear, meaning a number of tyrants (warlords) will appear who’s ancestry is traced back to Abu Sufyan during this time, the prophet (saws) mentioned they will be from the tribe of Kulaib in syria and the bulk of their Army will consist of this tribe. Even today this prophecy is a reality because basher al Asad comes from this very tribe, a minority sect placed in power by colonial France nearly 100 years ago. If we where to translate what the Ahadith said into modern language, then to put it simply, after being defeated in this civil war the ruling class of Syria will attempt to take back control of Syria through a number of warlords they raise to power. They will then try to dominate the Arab world after much instability and war and even attack the Mahdi (ra), which isn’t surprising since they are not Sunni muslims, they are a mix of something between Shia Islam and Christianity.

Ammar binYasir said: “When the Sufyani reaches Kufa (Iraq) and kills the supporters of the family of Muhammad (saws), the Mahdi will (eventually) come (after this) and the bearer of his Banner (who will establish his dominion) will be Shuayb, the son of Salih.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Ibn Kathir (r.a) said: The Mahdi (ra) whose name is Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah, Allah will rectify him in a single night — meaning that He will forgive him, guide him, make him understand, and make him wise, after not having been of that description. Allah will provide him with help from the people of the East, who will support him and establish his rule. Their flags will be black, a color which carries with it dignity. The flag of the Messenger of Allah was black, and it was called Al-lqaab. Khaalid ibn Waleed planted it in the ground in Ath-Thunayyah, which is eastern Damascus. This is when he came from Iraq…Similarly, when the Prophet, entered Makkah during its conquest, he wore a black helmet on his head; and according to another narration he was wearing a black turban over his helmet.

After sanctions are placed on Syria we will see sanctions placed on Egypt, the land of Egypt is central to prophecies surrounding the Hour in both Islam and Christianity because soon after it’s occupation and near destruction the Great War, Armageddon, will occur between the Muslims who are the people of these prophetic lands mentioned in the Injeel and the Romans (Europeans) who will invade them. The Muslim’s during it will be led by Imam Mahdi (ra) who will appear after the sanctions and conflicts in Egypt begin.

Abu Zarr said the the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “There will be, from Bani Umayya, a man in Egypt (a descendant from the founders of the Ummayid Dynasty and Abu Sufyan) who will succeed the Sultan (ruler). He will be overpowered or stripped of power. So, he flees to the Romans. He (will then) bring the Romans to the lands of Islam. This is the beginning of the battles (with the Romans that will lead to the Great War).” (Nuaim bin Hammad, Kitab al-Fitan)

Abd Allah Bin Amr Ibn Al-Aas stated that: “If you see a tyrant of the tyrants of the Arabs fleeing to the Romans, that will be a sign for the Alexandria Battle (to occur, with the European invasion of Egypt through Alexandria).” (Nuaim bin Hammad, Kitab al-Fitan)

Abd Allah Bin Amr Ibn Al-Aas stated that “If you see or hear about a tyrant in a city who is overpowered by another, and flees to the Romans, then that is the beginning of the greater confrontations. The Romans will come after the Muslims.” (Nuaim bin Hammad, Kitab al-Fitan)

The Prophet, (upon whom be blessings and peace) said, “A man of the Umayyads will take power in Egypt and then his power will be taken from him, or wrested from him, and he will flee to Byzantium (the Romans, Europe) and enlist them against the people of Islam; and that will be the first of the battles (between the muslims and Europe).” (Tabarani)

This hadith could be referring to Europe in general or Byzantium specifically which is modern day Istanbul, at present Turkey is trying to join the European Union, it is more the likely that by the eventuality of these events they would have joined, so this tyrant will flee to them and they will enlist the rest of Europe to invade the lands of Islam, this is a real possibility because the prophet (saws) specifically says that the turks will invade Egypt.

Hence between now and then Turkey will be lost to Europe and this is the reason why the Mahid (ra) will have to conquer it again just before the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) emerges, it is also a real possibility that they will fight on the side of Europe in the Great War against the Muslims, which is why the prophet doesn’t even mention it as a muslim country during this time, many scholars throughout history were at a loss as to which time the prophet (saws) intended these Ahadith, the first time it was conquered by the Ottomans or second time by the Mahdi (ra).

Amar bin Yusr said: “The sign of the Mahdi is the Turks sweep down against you (both Turkey and southern Russia). Your Caliph who seeks wealth dies (causing the three sons of that family to fight over the Kingdom, none will get it) and you elect a successor after him who is weak so he gets deposed after 2 years from the Bay’a (the three son’s don’t win the war over succession so the people will elect a ruler). A Khusf (land collapse) occurs in the West end of Damascus mosque (this is the Second of the three Major Earthquakes at the end of time, the one in the West). The emergence of three individuals (three warlords in Sham named Abqa’ , Ash-Hab, and Sufyani) in AshSham. The attack of People of the West (the people of the Maghreb) on Egypt (to defend it). This is (the beginning of) the reign of the Sufyani.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan )

When the European’s dominate Egypt the people of North Africa (the Maghreb) will rise up against them, they will attack them and force them out of Egypt to stop the sanctions, when this occurs the European’s will retaliate and Invade Egypt through Alexandria, the people of North Africa will fight them again and upon winning they will head towards Syria and force them out of Syria which they had similarly been dominating.

The people of the East will carry Black flags during this time while the People of North Africa will carry Yellow Flags.

Najeeb bin Al-Sirri said: the “People of Maghreb will go on 2 expeditions: one of them (the initial conflict) ends by reaching Qantara of Fustat (old Cairo) and (they will) tie their horses to it. The other one is to Sham (Greater Syria).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

Aqba bin Amer Al-Juhni said: ” If the People of Maghreb go on an expedition (The initial expedition), the Romans will take over the Maghreb (North Africa). Alexandria, Egypt and the coast of Sham (Syria and Lebanon) will be devastated.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

Najeeb bin Al-Sirri said, “Abd-Rahman (their leader at the time) leads the People of the Maghreb (North Africa) in an expedition, (the second one), when the Romans have taken over Alexandria. So, they (the people of Maghreb) will fight them (Romans) and defeat them and get them out.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

Abdullah bin Rashid said that he heard his father say: “A man from Quraish of well-known ancestry from his father’s and his mother’s side will angrily flee to the Romans. So, they accept him and honor him. There are twenty months (1 year, 8 months) from the day he leaves to the Romans until he comes with the Romans’ ships to Alexandria…” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)

This chaos will be occurring all within a few years of each other, initially after the People of the East have taken control of Jerusalem, the people of the Maghrib will head towards Sham (Syria), but they will confront the people of the East for political control when they see the people Black flags have differed amongst each other.

Why they attacked the people of the East is not clear from Ahadith but they will have mixed intentions, people among them having good and bad reasons, because the Ahadith indicate what Allah’s decree is upon them at the end, what becomes of them after they finish fighting.

Al-Zubri said: “If the black banners differ among each other, the yellow banners will attack them. They will meet at the Qantara of the People of Egypt (Old Cairo). The people of the East (the black banners) and the people of the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, or Tunis, with yellow banners) fight each other for seven (7 days or 7 months). The people of the East will be defeated to the extent that (the people of the Maghreb) will land in Al-Ramla (in Palestine, an area they used to control). Something will happen between the people of Sham (Syria) and the people of the Maghreb that will make the people of the Maghreb angry. So the people of the Maghreb will say: We came to aid you and you do what you are doing, we will quit (tilting the balance of power) between you and people of the East! They warn you because the people of Sham (Syria) will be few in number in the eyes of the people of Maghreb. Then, the Sufyani will come out and the people of Sham (Syria) will follow him (It isn’t clear which Sufyani this is). So, he will fight the people of the East (Ahadith relate that the people of the East will fight a number of Sufyani’s, this seems to be the second one).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

The ahadith indicate that the People of the Maghreb don’t believe that the Black Banners which have emerged, are the Mahdi’s army preparing the way for him, because they will take up this large responsibility to aid Egypt agains the might of Europe, then they will go on to help Syria, neither conflicts involved them so they aiding what they perceive are their muslim brothers and fighting for Allah.

This confusion is more than likely occurring because in Islam’s History many false claimants have used the symbol of the black flags for political control so they will doubt who the people of the east are, Allah will judge the people of the Maghreb according to their actions and intentions.

The Prophet (saws) said “A people will come out of the East who will pave the way for the Mahdi.” (Ibn Majah)

Abdullah bin Al-Harith bin Jiz Al-Zubaidi said that the Prophet (saws) said : “People from the East will come to assist the Mahdi in laying the foundation for his dominion.” (Ibn Maja, Tabarani) meaning he will emerge only after they have paved the way for him in what was once a corrupt Arabia.

The Prophet (saws) said referring to the Black Banners: A man called al-Harith ibn Harrath will come forth from Ma Wara an-Nahr (meaning the region between two rivers, the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya rivers, roughly present day Afghanistan, Uzbeckistan and Tajekistan). His army will be led by a man called Mansur who will establish or consolidate things for Muhammad’s family as Quraysh consolidated them for the Messenger of Allah (saws). Every believer must help him, or he said: respond to his sermons (Aid him). (Sunan Abu Dawwud)

“Al-Harith, a farmer” is a description of him and is the wording in most narration’s. Some have: “al-Harith ibn Harrath”, the word “Harrath” being a name and not a description, and Allah knows better. “Ma Wara’ an-Nahr” is the old Arabic name for the area beyond the River Oxus, which covers present day Uzbekistan and Tajikstan.

The Prophet Mohammad (saws) said: ” A man will come out from the East before the Mahdi, from his Household (family), carrying a sword for 8 months, killing and maiming people. He heads toward Jerusalem and dies once he reaches (conquers) it.” (Nuaim Ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

This Hadith indicates that when the people of the East emerge it will take them 8 months before reaching Jerusalem, as the next Hadith indicates this man is al Mansur (ra), al Harith’s General, and he will die upon reaching Jerusalem.

Muhammad bin Al-Hanafia, said: ” A black banner (army battalion) of Bani Al-Abbas (the Prophet Mohammad’s uncle, Al-Abbas descendants) will come out (this prophecy refers to the rule of the Abbasid Khalifah). Then, another black banner (army battalions) will come from Khorasan (in the future). Their turbans are black and their clothes are white. At their front end will be a man named Shuayb bin Salih, from (the tribe of) Tamim (this is Al Harith’s other name). They will defeat the supporters of the Sufyani (and proceed further) until he (Shuayb bin Salih) arrives to Jerusalem (were) he will lay the foundation for the Mahdi’s (future) dominion. He will be supplied with three hundred (men) from AshSham (Syria). From the time, he comes out (from Khorasan) until he hands over the matter (rule) to the Mahdi, there will be seventy two months (six years)” (Nuaim Ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan).

During this period we will see the many wars between them and the Sufyani warlords, as well as the wars of the people of the Maghreb and Europe, Egypt will be devastated and the coast of Sham, Syria and Lebanon will be devastated.

Saeed bin Al-Musayyab reported: “Black Banners will come from the East from the descendants of Al-Abbas (the Abbasids). They will remain for whatsoever Allah wishes (their Khalifah will last as long as Allah wills). Then, small Black Banners from the East will come to fight a man from the descendants of Abu Sufyan (in the future). They will give their allegiance to the Mahdi” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan).

Shuab bin Salih (ra), who is, al Harith, a farmer, is the leader of the Black Banners and al Mansur is his general, al Mansur will die upon reaching Jerusalem, the Army will emerge six years before Imam Mahdi (ra) appears they will eventually swear allegiance to him. In term’s of Islam’s time on earth six years is not a long time compared to 1400 years, this is why in most Ahadith say they will appear just before the Mahdi (ra).

The Ahadith give a time frame for the emergence of the tyrant al Sufyani, he will appear and last for 9 months, Ka’b said: “He (Sufyani) will rule for the pregnancy period of a woman (meaning 9 months). His (Sufyani’s) name is Abdullah bin Yazid and he is the Al-Azhar ibn Al-Kulaiba or Al-Zahri bin Al-Kulaiba, the physically deformed Sufyani.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Another Sufyani will emerge and last for a longer period, Sulaiman bin Isa said: “I was told that the Sufyani will rule for three and a half years.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan). We should keep in mind that their may be a gap in time between the time each Sufyani warlord appears.

Several narrations specify that one of the the Sufyani’s names will be Urwa ibn Muhammad and his Kuniya (nick name) will be Abu-Utba.

It seem’s two of the Sufyani’s will be deformed in some way, Artat bin Al-Munzir said: ” After Al-Azhar ibn Al-Kulaiba (the Sufyani) enters Kufa (in Iraq), he will suffer from Qarha (an illness), so he leaves it, then dies on his way. Then, another man from them (Bani Kulaiba or Kalb his tribe) emerges (and succeeds him) from between Al-Taif and Makkah or between Makkah and Medina … in Hijaz. He is physically deformed, has a flat face, strong arms, his eyes are inwardly set deep in his eye sockets. At his time, the Hadda (powerful, hammering sound) will occur.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Al-Zuhri said: “The people of AshSham offer Bay’a (allegiance) to the Sufyani. He defeats the people of the East (the black banners), kicking them out of Palestine….and follows them and defeats them in several more locations, including Qirqisia. He will suffer from Qarha (an illness) in his throat and after entering Kufa (in Iraq), he leaves it and dies once he reaches the outskirts of AsSham (greater Syria). The people of AshSham will offer Bay’a to the son of Al-Kulaiba (another warlord) whose name is Abdullah bin Yazid bin Al-Kulaiba. His eyes are inwardly set deep in his eye sockets and his face is deformed. Once the people of the East know about the death of Sufyani, they say the reign of the people of Sham is finished. So, they rise up. Once Ibn Kulaiba learns about this rise up, he sends an army. They fight and the defeat will be for the people of the East. Ibn Kulaiba’s army will enter Kufa and kill the fighters (of people of the East) and takes their children and women, and destroys Kufa. Then, he will send an army to Hijaz (Makkah & Madina).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

During this period, just before the Mahdi, a powerful sound will be heard around the earth, Artat bin Al-Munzir said: “At the time of the second Sufyani, the Hadda (powerful, hammering sound) occurs, such that every nation thinks the land or nation next to them was devastated.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

If we can image that the entire earth during this time hears a powerful sound that is like massive Hammering. It will be an asteroid that will hit the earth, this Hammering sound is reported in a number of narrations sometimes translated as the Blast in Arabic it is called Al-Hadda.

Kab said, “The star thrown (by Allah) is a Shahab (an asteroid) that rushes from the sky with a powerful sound when it drops in the east and because of it, people will experience magnificent disasters (the natural disasters witnessed at the end of time will be because of it)” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab al Fitan).

What is unique here is that asteroids have been hitting earth for a long time with out man witnessing natural disasters occurring, so the idea that huge natural disasters will begin because of them isn’t an obvious conclusion the companions could have drawn by themselves. It isn’t a natural consequence a desert people could surmise or know from experience regarding the earth and it’s climate.

It is indicated by narration’s as well as prophecies mentioned in the bible that this asteroid will hit America (mentioned indirectly by both) causing it’s destruction, this could be the possible cause for the Great smoke, that will fill the earth from the east to west, mentioned in the Quran (Surah Dukhan) to occur at the end of times for 40 days.

America is in fact mentioned in narration’s a number of times by the prophet (saws), we will mention some of them here, the first and most obvious are the narration’s regarding the sanctions on Iraq which they placed and the fitnah of the Duhaima which occurred because of them.

The prophet (saws) also said that towards the end of time “you will see the destruction of civilization and the civilization of destruction”. The destruction of civilization began in WW1 and was complete by WW2, all the Empires and old Civilization’s of the world by this point in time had been abolished and most of the world followed new systems of governance, this destruction was mentioned in the narration that spanned the 20th century up to our time.

After WW2 the Civilization of Destruction emerged as the dominant power in the world, Civilization isn’t the bricks and mortar but the way of life a people lead, America was called the Civilization of destruction because it forced it’s way of life onto the world ending most world cultures that existed (this is something similarly mentioned in the Bible). At this point in time a single world culture that is homogeneous exists dominating all societies on earth, through this culture and civilization almost every single minor sign of the hour was fulfilled, and all the minor signs related to the moral degradation and destruction of society.

In the Injeel the book of revelation’s mention a Great Empire that will emerge towards the end which will dominate the entire earth through trade, it is called Babylon the Great or the Mysterious Babylon, a reference to the fact the first Babylon was the corrupting force in the ancient world. The prophecies regarding it are a near exact description of America and its recent history over the past century.

The way America is perceived today is a far cry from it’s beginnings, and as many in the United States have commented themselves, the country is no longer the America of old. In the 18th century a newly colonized America chose to cut ties with the British colonies seeking independence and a better way of life, this resulted in a long and bloody war. As a consequence of America’s eventual independence, the British Empire blocked all trade to America by sea, they removed any protection they once had from piracy, and actively created animosity between sailors and their employers, the European Empire’s of the time.

Effectively they painted a target on the country and it stopped Europe trading with American settlers cutting them of not simply from trade but science and technology as well, this could have stunted the development of their civilization at a crucial time in their history. Whilst Europe were looking for ways to take advantage of this situation, the new American colony gained one of the main sponsors in the world at the time removing the blockade entirely, that of the Islamic Khalifate.

They protected American trade through European and African waters ensuring the country was not isolated from civilization in their infancy and in return America Paid the Jizya tax, they signed a treaty of Peace and Friendship known as the Treaty of Tripoli.

The Islamic Khalifate at the time was the richest and most powerful Empire in the world and not in need of the Jizya tax, it would be interesting to know if they again would offer their aid, which they were famously known for around the world, if they had known what would become of America after WW2.

The prophet (saws) said in another hadith that mention’s America, “There will come a people at the end of time from (both) the east and the west and they will have power over my Ummah (nation) so woe to the weak of my Ummah that follows them, and woe to them from Allah (taala).”

[In Arabic] there will come a people min al mashriki wal maghrib, qawmun yalunu ummati, they will dominate my ummah, fa waulyn lil dha’ifihi minhum, wa waylin lahum min allahi taala.

These people will dominate the weak in the Ummah of Muhamad (saws), setting up the system of the Ruwaybidah, dominate means they will control and influence them, the weak among the muslims wont have Strength in their Iman (faith) so they will be swayed by them in doing what they want.

The description of America is unique because how can a single nation dominate the entire Muslim world all at the same time when it spans from Africa to China, considering travel and communications in the ancient world. So from this description we know it speaks about America who was the only single nation to do that in Islam’s history, as the hadith mentions they will be a new people coming towards the end of time, and America was discovered very recently in man’s history on earth.

A “People that come from (both) the east and the west” – if we look at that sentence from the Urf of language (it’s traditional use), the only place that falls in the east and the west now is America, “qawmun” meaning one people that come from both the east and the west at the same time, viewing the world map, in the ancient world Morocco was called “al maghrib al aqsa” the furthest west, and Asia was “al mashriq al aqsa” the furthest east and people did not have any idea of anything beyond that until they discovered America, now they have something that falls both in the east and the west by the old map.

If we look at the earth from the perspective of Arabia, what’s west of America is the east and whats east of America is the west, a similar narration is mentioned in Shia works regarding them.

In a lengthy hadith enumerating the signs of the Hour, the prophet (saws) said “Mosques will have external decorations and beauty and there will be worshippers too but there will be hypocrisy and mutual enmity in their hearts. Then will appear a people from the West who will dominate the weak among my people. People will produce copies of the Holy Quran in letters of gold but will not act upon it” (Mudkhal of Ibn-al-Hajj).

The full list of signs mentioned in this narration themselves make the timing of these people and their identity very clear, they refer to the degradation of society that occurred over the last half century or so because of western culture spreading around the world.

The Injeel mentions that Allah will plunge America into darkness at the hands of the people it trades with, which will destroy it, it is mentioned in narration’s and the injeel that the Asteroid or Blast that will destroy America completely will occur at a later date than the falloff it’s civilization, closer to the time of the Mahdi (ra), in the later parts of the 6 year rule of the people of the East (literally “Kings of the East” in the Injeel).

Saudi Arabia at present is a stable country it would be more reasonable to assume that civil instability will occur after large events have changed the political landscape of that region, America being their main supporter.

Al-Hakim narrated from Abu Hurayrah (ra), from the Prophet (saws) that he said: “There will be a blast [haddah] in Ramadhan (the Holy Islamic month) that will awaken one who is asleep, and terrify one who is awake. Then there will appear a group [isabah, a party] in Shawwal [the following month], then bloodshed in Dhul-Hijjah [two months later], then the prohibitions will be violated in al-Muharram [the following month], then there will be death in Safar [the following month], then the tribes will conflict with each other in Rabi [the following month], then the most amazing thing will happen between Jumada and Rajab [two months later and will itself span two months]. Then, a well-fed she-camel will be better than a castle sheltering a thousand”.

This is because it will be a year of starvation and famine, and trade around the world will be disrupted, most likely due to the Meteor blast and the Smoke that will spread across the earth for 40 days, as well as the instability of the region. The meteor will change the political landscape in Saudi Arabia causing factions in the country because America is now devastated.

The Bloodshed mentioned here is not the civil war but later instability just before the Mahdi (ra) because in a sahih hadith it is mentioned the civil war will occur before the Black flags appear.

The Prophet (saws) said: ‘Three men will be killed at the place were your treasure is (the Kaaba).  Each of them will be the son of a Khalifah (ruler), and none of  them will get hold of the treasure.  Then black banners will come out of the east…’ If you see him (the Mahdi), go and give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi.'” (Ibn Majah, Sahih)

So a more accurate chronological order would be, America is plunged into Darkness and Power shift to Europe, the Euphrates river drying up preparing the way for the black flags in the east, the ruler of Saudi Arabia passes away, civil war ensues over succession, the Sufyani emerges from Syria after or before the Civil War in Saudi Arabia, then the black flags will appear to aid the people of Iraq against the Sufyani conquering Arabia and Jerusalem, they will be offered rule over the Arabs but they will refuse it saying they will only accept the rule of the Mahdi (ra), nearing the end of their six year rule the Sound (or Meteor) will occur causing further instability in the region. The people of Saudi Arabia will elect a ruler during this time but he will be deposed after two years, this will eventually lead to the factions and massacres after the Meteor mentioned in the Hadith above.

Nu’aym ibn Hammad narrated from ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (ra), from the Prophet (saws) that he said: “When there is a scream [sayhah] in Ramadhan, then there will be bloodshed in Shawwal [the following month], and the tribes will form groups in Dhul-Qi’dah [the following month], and blood will be spilled in Dhul-Hijjah, and al-Muharram! [the following months and it lasts for two months] What will happen in al-Muharram?” [in the following month] saying it three times, “Indeed, indeed! The people will be killed in a great massacre.”

“We said: “What is the scream, O Messenger of Allah?” He said: “This will be in the middle of Ramadhan, on a Friday morning. That will be when the month of Ramadhan begins on a Friday night. There will be a blast [haddah] that will awaken one who is asleep, and bring the young women out of their rooms, on a Friday night during a year of many earthquakes and severe cold. So when Ramadhan begins on a Friday night in that year, then when you have prayed Fajr on Friday in the middle of Ramadhan, then enter your houses, close your doors, block your windows, cover yourselves, and block your ears. When you sense the scream, fall down in prostration to Allah [ta’ala] and say: “Subhanal-Quddus, subhanal-Quddus, rabbunal-Quddus [Glory be to the Most Holy, glory be to the Most Holy, our Lord is the Most Holy].” For whoever does that will survive, and whoever does not will be destroyed.”

This is because the Blast that results from the meteor is a punishment from Allah and this dua will protect a person from the shock wave’s spiritual ramifications that will spread around the earth with the sound it creates. Destroyed here means it will affect mans fate, the dua will protect one spiritually as the prophet (saws) said the only thing that can change fate is a persons Dua, and this is the nature of Allah’s punishment it affects all levels of creation both physical and spiritual.

An example of this are the lands on earth Allah has cursed, the lands of the people of Lot and the people of Ad, it is Haram in Islam to enter them or even look at them when one is passing them because the curse of Allah upon that land is permanent and affects people who enter it.

The Khawarij: The Name Of The Most Evil People In Our Time


We have to get a birds eye view of the situation to understand it clearly, the world has changed since the time of the prophet (saws) and the prophet in many ahadith was telling us this, but the message has come to us through the minds and understanding of the companions and those who heard it from Him but didn’t witness it themselves hence ahadith are worded according to their own understanding so we need to make an effort to see what they meant.

Before the technological age we could look at what is occurring in one part of the world in isolation because regions did not impact on each other unless an army invaded the lands of other people, but the prophet (saws) himself said in our own time people’s lives would become intertwined mourned the world hence nothing is occurring in isolation any longer.

We have to ask a simple question to get a birds eye view of what seems to be madness on earth today, “If you where the worst shaytan on earth, Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him) what would you do to get your way”, fulfil the oath you took in front of Allah when He created Adam,  that shaytan would use modern technology to communicate and organise his forces around the world then he would go about bringing in every other evil shaytan and their organizations underneath his umbrella so He could coordinate everything effectively, in fact not only Islam says he did this very but the bible as well.

A number of prophecies mentioned in previous revelations about the Empires that ruled on earth state he has been doing just that from the days of the earliest prophets (as), each time a prophet of Allah was given a vision about the empires of the world they were shown that Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him) controlled many many of them in those visions, the modern world and it’s super powers are no exception these same prophecies saying the same thing about them, what changed in our life time is his ability to coordinate his effort over large regions of the earth because of technology.

If the world was under one government, or entire regions where under one organization then control over peoples lives would be easier, this effort is called globalization, “when peoples lives become intertwined”, the prophet (saws) said that when we see this occur peoples covenants, their business contracts between each other, would be corrupt so we shouldn’t trust it or them. Business people will try to gain more and more control over the minutest aspects of peoples lives in order to kill all religion, which can only be done if it is destroyed in peoples homes. This in fact is their main driving force which Allah mentioned countless times in prophecies about the end of times, not just in Islam but Christianity and Judaism, the bible explicitly states this intent without any doubt and we see this today with the Ruwaybidah, the corruptors of society, who try to govern private aspects of peoples lives never governed before.

This deliberate effort to rid the world of religion and morality is what occurred after WW1 up to our time when mankind saw a different kind of colonization appear around the world, the domination of peoples cultures and identity that subvertly ended peoples independence and uniqueness.

The prophet (saws) literally said before the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) there would be people who would establish his system on earth for him, they would deliberately pave the way for his arrival, we have to understand the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will use a mixture of both technology and Sihr (the occult) to convert people this is the basis of his system, he is a test and punishment from Allah and Allah only punishes people according to what they have been doing themselves, so everything we know about him is an indication of what the world will look like and is doing before his time, in other words the prophet (saws) was telling us their will be a great number of people on earth using technology and the occult (sihr) to control and manipulate people working towards setting up a system based on the occult and technology.

How would these groups even exist in the first place if there wasn’t entire portions of society practicing occult sihr (Dark Magic) to gain influence and control over the world, simply because mankind has discovered science hasn’t nullified the existence of Sihr, Allah himself created it and it is clearly mentioned in the Quran a number of times, they are now rather mixing the two together to gain greater control over people.

The Messenger of Allaah said, “He is not of us, the one who (looks for) evil omens, or the one on whose behalf they are sought (omens are spiritual signs, information, from the unseen used against people), or the one who practices soothsaying (foretelling), or the one on whose behalf it is practiced; or the one who practices sorcery (Dark Magic), or the one for whom sorcery is done.” (At-Tabaraanee)

The Prophet (saws) commanded: “Kill every sorcerer, for this is the punishment ordained by Allah.”

Allah said “And they followed

[instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, (by) teaching people Dark magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, “We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing Dark magic].” And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife [in other words dark magic is real]. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah. And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them (the Sahir is in a state of loss in his life). But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic (practiced it or had it practiced for them) would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.” (the extent of their loss in this life and the next) (2:102)

From what modern scholars have already said and we can see in their corporate symbolism (logo’s) much of western society is based on the occult, we only need to look at the logo’s of the largest corporations on earth to see what occult activities they are involved in because we can identify where the symbol came from in the ancient world and what it meant to those civilizations, it shouldn’t be surprising for example that three of the worlds largest fashion companies use the vesica piscis as the basis for their logo, this symbol represented the kind of Sihr (dark magic) related to sexual deviancy and empowerment, in others influence and control over people through sexuality.

We have to remember that when Allah punishes a people he punishes them according to their crimes, so why would Allah punish the entire world with the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), the most evil sahir to exist, who will claim through tricks, lies and dark magic he is a prophet and then Allah himself if mankind wasn’t involved in similar acts before hand, the last piece of this puzzle is the iconism the world’s governments and entertainment industries are using to create movie stars and pop stars, before them this same knowledge was used to create leaders like Hitler, Stalin and the Kennedy’s. The punishment for deliberately enslaving people with these idols and “stars” is the Dajjal’s claim he is god, the biggest false idol in history, we are in the system of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) right now.

The prophet (saws) himself said their would be men who will try to fool the entire world with Deen, the word just means way of life, so He (saws) was warning us that world leaders will fool us new ways of living and that ‘Maskh’ (the stunting of peoples character and intelligence) would be wide spread, maskh is done through sihr (dark magic) and miseducation hence Allah will send the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) to do likewise Maskh on the entire world and fool it with a new way of life and culture.

In fact in previous scriptures Allah states that this is exactly what the world powers will be practicing on people before the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), they will force a corrupt invented culture on the world and this culture was empowered around the world by Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him).

We can also illustrate the motivations of people living in our time to do evil with the following example. For the better part of 40 years the USSR (Russia) and the U.S where in a cold war, a war of espionage but both sides fought this war in different ways, while the U.S focused on corrupting Russian agents over time who had ideological motivations to get them to switch over, the USSR eventually realized that since the U.S was a capitalist country it was far easier to bribe people with what ever they wanted, and it was more effective as it turned out, this is over simplifying what occurred, but at the end of this war the USSR was successful in turning agents in some of Americas highest institutions at their highest levels, institutions like the CIA and FBI, much of this has been popularised in our times by hollywood, but it is very clear that capitalism, the culture mentioned in previous scriptures, was created to corrupt people even communist Russia saw western society had destroyed their ideologies and used it against them.

The modern sects in the Islamic world should be viewed as separatist movements and not ideological schools, or reformist groups, because what ever ideology they profess is only lip service to deal with whatever the current situation is in the world for their own gain, and in one hundred years of their existence, they haven’t put forward anything of depth or substance.

So then what are they trying to achieve by separating people from the main body of the Islamic Ummah and increasing their own numbers. The Prophet (saws) warned about this very thing and established what we should do in our time when these people emerge, these narrations spell out who is ultimately right the orthodox madhhabs or the salafi’s and the muslim brotherhood that have spread their tentacles to every muslim country on earth.

He (saws) said “My community will not come together on misguidance”; “You have to follow the congregation for verily Allah will not make the largest group of Muhammad’s community agree on error.”, “Whoever among you wants to be in the middle of Paradise, let him cling to the congregation (largest group)”… “Shaytan is a wolf like the wolf that preys on sheep, taking the isolated and the stray among them; therefore, avoid factionalism and keep to the congregation and the collective and the masjid.”, “Allah’s hand is over the group, and whoever dissents from them departs to hell.”, “Allah’s hand is over the group, follow the largest group, for verily whoever dissents from them departs to hell”.

The reality of the situation is garnered by the fact that in western countries these sects like the salafi’s and muslim brotherhood, from which every extremist group recruits from are the same groups that are allowed to hold power over orthodox muslim populations in western countries. They are allowed to practice and preach their twisted version of Islam in these countries freely yet traditional muslims are oppressed until they give up their ethics and only pay an outward lip service to the Deen, this is an entirely engineered situation for the benefit of the west.

There are many examples of western governments showing favouritism to these fringe groups in order to bolster their numbers and split up larger islamic populations, and many reporters are showing that these governments covertly support their false wars against muslims in their own countries, a clear example of this is ISIS in Syria, they are an excellent stooge for western media constantly being supplied with the latest American weapons to maintain their war, is their ideological slogan then “Death to America, but Buy American guns” ?

No these weapons as many muslim officials have stated are flown in by American planes and air dropped to them directly on the battlefield, this isn’t a situation that has developed recently these separatists groups were founded by the west over a hundred years ago when their was still a khalifa to bring it down, what exists today is this same old relationship.

The aim of thess groups is to establish hate in the larger population of the world for anything related to an Islamic Khalifah, the word Khalifah is used to condition people and foster hate for it and Islam, this doesn’t occur by itself this attitude has to be engineered because the Khalifah is simply a form of government like a Republic or Democracy but it hasn’t existed in the world for nearly 100 years so how do people today come to view that it needs to be preempted when they have no experience with it and historically it was the sole force that took Europe out of the dark ages with it’s culture and science.

Why would a Kufar system bent on dominating muslim countries support in their midst the very orthodox people they are trying to dismantle overseas, they don’t, they are not idiots or even being hypocritical in this matter it is the same consistent party line throughout, but it is covered up with a guessing game of whose side these extremists are on that is the only illusion.

These fringe sects are allowed to freely recruit into their groups from the wider muslim youth, they are allowed to work in these countries as citizens, and are allowed to dominate the muslim scene of entire towns so those areas come to be described by their brand of Islam, it isn’t difficult for any western society to dismantle them if they wished but they serve that societies own greater purpose in the end. These false muslims very lives and livelihood in western countries is their reward and why they are doing it, they say they have to eat and live so they don’t care, they are the people about whom the prophet (saws) said ‘they have sold their religion (and Akhira) for a small sum’ in this life.

The prophet (saws) said “There will be migration after migration. The best of the inhabitants of earth will reside where the prophet Ibrahim migrated (Sham).”(Abu Dawuud), the worst people after the prophets (saws) time would be those who emigrated from their lands and are most distant from the lands that Ibrahim (as) emigrated to, and in fact we find the worst kind of muslims and people in western lands, those lands newly discovered and are the most distant from Sham.

When these extremist groups like the salafi’s and muslim brotherhood were dismantled in muslim lands 60 years ago they migrated to western countries and founded the very organizations muslims now rely on in those countries in the wests highest institution’s like the MSA found in every western university, this is all a matter of public record.

Most modern Sunni scholars have established that all these fringe groups are the continuation of the Khawarij, an extremist group that began in the time of the companions which split into 17 smaller groups after their time and propagated their extremism around the muslim world,

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said about the Khawarij, “There will be dissension and division in my nation and a people will come with beautiful words but evil deeds. They recite the Quran but it will not pass beyond their throats (they won’t have faith in it). They will leave the religion as an arrow leaves its target and they will not return until the arrow returns to its notch. They are the worst of the creation. Blessed are those who fight them and are killed by them. They call to the Book of Allah but they have nothing to do with it. Whoever fights them is better to Allah than them.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, what is their sign?” The Prophet said, “Shaving. (Some will shave their heads some will shave their beards)” (Sunan Abu Dawud)

The first thing we have to realise about this group is that their fate is already decided the prophet clearly saying they will be on the side of the kufar and hypocrites, He (saws) said “Then, the Duhaima Fitna (Dark Black & Cunning trial that catches people off guard will occur) that will not leave anyone without slapping him a slap (testing his faith); if people say it is finished, it stays longer; a man who is in the morning a Mu’min (Believer) by the evening becomes a Kafir (Disbeliever), until people will be divided into two factions: a faction of Iman (belief and religion) without hypocrisy and a faction of hypocrisy without Iman (belief and religion). When this happens (the sorting is finished), expect the Dajjaal that day or the next day’.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Al-Haakim, and Al-Zahabi)

Because “They recite the Quran but it will not pass beyond their throats” and “They will leave the religion as an arrow leaves its target and they will not return” we know they are in the camp of the Hypocrites with Iman (religion or faith) and will be in that state until the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) emerges.

The prophet (saws) also said about them, 1.”They [Khawarij = those outside] transferred the Qur’anic verses meant to refer to unbelievers and made them refer to believers.” 2. “What I most fear in my community is a man who interprets verses of the Qur’an out of context.” 3 “A people will come out at the end of times, immature, foolish and corrupt. They will hold the discourse of the best of creation and recite Qur’an, but it will not go past their throats. They will pass through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. If you find them, kill them, for verily whoever kills them will have his reward from Allah the Day of Judgment.” 4. “There will be a huge confusion within my Community (because of these sects spreading it). There will not remain one house of the Arabs except that confusion will enter it. Those who die because of it (by responding toothier false Jihad) are in the fire. The harm of the tongue in it will be greater than that of the sword (during this time because of mass media).” 5. “They are the dogs of the people of Hell.” 6. “Some people will be standing and calling at the gates of hell; whoever responds to their call, they will throw him into the Fire. They will be from our own people [i.e. Arabs] and will speak our language [Arabic]. Should you live to see them, stick to the main body (jama`a) of the Muslims and their leader. (If there is no main body and no leader,) isolate yourself from all these sects, even if you have to eat from the roots of trees until death overcomes you while you are in that state.” (These ahadith are primarily cited from the sahih sita)

The Khawarij are many groups today spread around the world, the original group came from Iraq but since then it has become a sect people join working for the Kufar. When `Ali killed the Khawarij, someone said: “Praise be to Allah Who has brought them down and relieved us from them.” Ali replied: “Verily, by the One in Whose hand is my soul, some of them are still in the loins of men and they have not been born yet, and the last of them will fight on the side of the Antichrist.”

The prophet (saws) said the last of them will fight on the side of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) which is the side of the Kufar today because his system is now set up around the world, very literally the only place the salafi’s, muslim brotherhood and their offshoots around the world are heading is the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

The prophet (saws) said ‘If anyone helps in the murder of a believer—even if with only a few words—he will meet Allah with the words written on his forehead: “hopeless of Allah’s mercy”.’ (Ibn Majah in al-Sunan; al- Rabii in al-Musnad; and al-Bayhaqi in al-Sunan al-kubr)

This hadith also indicates that it is not only financial and numerical assistance that must be denied to terrorists, but according to the expression ‘bi shari kalimatin’ (‘a few words’), speeches or writings which lend support to the enemies of peace are also condemnable and punishable by Allah. This hadith contains a strict warning to those who mastermind these groups and their acts and misinterpret the Quran by brainwashing youth with glad news of Paradise for murdering civilians.

The salafi’s whose offshoot is the muslim brotherhood can be traced through their founder and his teachings to the Hashashin (Assassins). Their exact methods are the same as the Hashashin (Assassins, the word in arabic literally means those who use durgs) of Lebanon who used to brain wash their followers through a drug cocktail and occult practices, they like these modern sects fed their followers drugs or substances without their knowledge to increase the effectiveness of their indoctrination, which is something that is being reported about many ex terrorist’s who leave them, they would catch many of their followers high on drugs or other substances, but publicly these people are meant to represent the holiest of holy people the martyr who embodies the perfect muslim.

These are the same people about which the prophet (saws) said ‘if you go to them they will throw you into Hell’, and in fact these Kufar, so called muslims in western countries will use sihr on any person who isn’t inherently evil or accepts their ways of sihr to delude them into going to Jihad to fight their battles for them.

All this is nothing but a jihad that is manipulated by this sect in those lands, in this way they intend to weed out any devout people in the muslim community just as Allah mentioned in many prophecies, we see this today by their destruction of ancient mosques around the muslim world, even a child understands that Islamic Law is only enforceable in the society that freely adopts it making their heretical beliefs null and void according to Islamic law outside their homeland of egypt which they originated from. In reality this destruction is their forcing their system onto others in the guise of law, they will meet Allah on the day of judgment with the words “hopeless of Allah’s mercy” written on their foreheads.

These people are no longer known as the Khawarij and have taken on many different names throughout history, as the Prophet (saws) described them, they would “kill the people of Islam and leave the idolaters” alone, today they work for them.

They declared Ali b. Abi Talib and Uthman b. Affan disbelievers, as well as those who allied with them. They killed Imam Ali b. Abi Talib believing that it was lawful, they wrote to him saying “All of us have killed your brothers, and we believe that both their blood and your blood are lawful”, the killer of Imam Ali was Abd al- Rahman b. Muljam al-Muradi. He, along with the other Kharijites, were devout in their worship; however, they were grossly ignorant of religious logic and wisdom and abandoned the Sunnah and the community [jamaa], just as we see today these fringe groups all claiming the Main body of the community is the corrupt group in the world and they are the saved sect, all the while the prophet (saws) in over seven narrations commanded that we should stick to the main body of the Muslim Ummah until Isa (as) descends among us at the end of time.

Imam al-Shahrastani said about the false beliefs and ideologies of the Kharijites: “The major factions of the Kharijites are six: al-Azariqa, al-Najdat, al-Ijara, al-Thaaliba, al-Ibadiyya and al-Safriyya. The remaining factions are but offshoots of these. They believe that it is right and obligatory to revolt against the government if it goes against the Sunna (even though the prophet (saws) directly commanded otherwise, the consequences of doing this in Islamic law was apostasy). . . . They are the ones who rebelled against the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (ra), when the process of arbitration (between muslim communities) was underway.”

Jundub bin abd Allah said, ‘When the Kharijites seceded from Ali, he went out in pursuit of them and we went with him. When we reached their troops, we heard a loud recitation of the Quran that sounded like the buzzing of bees. Amongst them were some wearing loin cloths and mantles, and seeing them in that state [of ostensible piety], I had mixed feelings about fighting against them. I stuck my spear into the ground, dismounted from my steed, took off my mantle and spread it out and placed my armour on it. I then took my steed by the reigns and started praying towards my spear [as a barrier]. During my prayer I said, “O Allah! If it is obedience to You to fight these folk, then give me permission to do it; and if it is disobedience, then show me a sign of Your disapproval”. As I was in that state of entreaty, suddenly, Ali ibn Abi Talib came, riding the Prophet’s mule. After he came close to me he said, “O Jundub! Seek refuge with Allah from the evil of doubt!” I then hastened to come closer to him, but he dismounted and began to pray. Suddenly, someone on a galloping horse approached and said, “O Commander of the Faithful!”

Ali said, “What is the matter?” The rider said, “They have all crossed the stream and got away”. I said, “Allah is the Greatest”. Ali said, “They have not crossed it, and will not do it. It is the promise of Allah and His Messenger that they will be killed”. Then he mounted his steed and said, “O Jundub! I shall send someone to them who will recite the Quran to them and invite them to the Book of their Lord and the Sunna of their Prophet (saws). He will not turn to us [to signal the attack] until they shoot arrows at him. O Jundub! Less than ten will be slain amongst us and less than ten will survive amongst them”. Then he said, “So who will take this copy of the Quran to those folk and invite them to the Book of their Lord and the Sunna of their Prophet and get killed and earn Paradise?” No one responded to his call except a young man from Banu Amir bin Sa’sa. Ali said to him, “Take [this copy of the Quran]”. And so the young man took it and Ali said to him, “You will be killed and will not turn to us until they shoot you with arrows”. The young man walked towards the encampment of the folk, carrying a copy of the Quran. When he reached a place where they could hear, one of them shot him with an arrow. He then turned towards us and sat down. Ali then said, “Now attack them”. I killed eight of them with this hand of mine before I prayed the Afternoon Prayer and less than ten amongst us were slain and less than ten amongst them survived’. (Narrated by al-Tabarani in al-Mujam al-awsa,  and cited by al- Haythami in Majma al-zawaid; Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani in Fath al-Bari; and al-Shawkani in Nayl al-awtar.)

The prophet (saws) spoke about them at length so we would know them, hence we shouldn’t confuse or have doubt about who these people really are today because even the companions had trouble with this because of the worship of Allah they saw coming from them:

Ali (ra) said, “O people! Indeed, I heard Allah’s Messenger say, ‘There shall be a folk that comes from my Umma and they will recite the Quran—your recitation will not be comparable to theirs, or your prayers or your fasting to theirs. They will recite the Quran and believe it supports them but [in reality] it is against them. Their prayers will not go past their throats, and they shall exit from the religion just as an arrow exits from a hunted game. If only the army who encounters them knew what has been decreed for them upon the tongue of their Prophet, they would rely on it [and stop whatever else they intended for them]…they have shed inviolable blood and raided the people’s belongings. So go forth [against them] in the name of Allah”.’

This hadith clearly says people will come upon them but will not recognize them for who they are and if they did they would view them differently and according to what the prophet (saws) said. This hadith was narrated by Imam Muslim in his Sahih, in the Book of Zakat, under the chapter ‘The Encouragement to Kill the Kharijites’, and Abu Dawuud in al-Sunan in Kittb al-Sunna, the chapter ‘On Fighting the Kharijites’, many other Muhadithun (Scholars) reported this narration as well.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, ‘At the end of time there shall appear a folk, young in age and foolish. They will speak the words of the best of people [just to mislead others], but their faith will not pass their throats (they won’t have real Islam). They shall pass through Islam just as an arrow passes through a hunted game. Kill them wherever you find them [during war], for the one who kills them will be rewarded on the Day of Resurrection’. (Bukhari and Muslim)

The Prophet mentioned that the Kharijites would be young in age and use brainwashed youth to carry out their evil designs.

Imam al-Tirmidhi narrated from Ibn Masud in al-Sunan: ‘At the end of time there shall appear a folk, young in age and brainwashed. They will recite the Quran but it will not pass their throats (their faith won’t be real). They will speak the words of the best of people [just to mislead others], but they shall pass through Islam just as an arrow passes through a hunted game’.

The phrases ‘ahdath al-asnan’ (young in age) and ‘sufaha al-ahlam’ (brainwashed) used in the two Ahadith indicate that these Kharijites will be young and brainwashed they will use young brainwashed people for their heinous acts of terrorism. Similarly, the Quran also calls the foolish ‘sufaha’. Allah says, “And do not give the foolish (those ignorant of people’s rights) your wealth that Allah has made a means of support for you”(4:5), in other words don’t allow them to take control of your affairs. Sufaha is the plural of Safeeh and refers to people not able to uphold obligations, it includes the insane and everyone who can’t dispose of his own affairs.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said to Kab ibn Ujrah “O Ka’ab ibn Ujrah, may Allah give us refuge from the rulings of al Sufaha (those who brainwash others). The prophet was asked “O messenger of Allah what is the rulings of al Sufaha? He (saws) said “Rulers who will be after me (at the end of time). They do not follow my guidance, and they do not implement my sunnah. The one who follows their lies, and helps them in their oppression, he is not from me, and I am not from him, and he will not enter my Hawd (paradise). And the one who did not believe their lies, and did no help them in their oppression, he is from me, and I am from him, and he will enter my Hawd. (Sahih Ibn Hibban, al Mustadrak, al Hakim)

The prophet (saws) said regarding those placed in charge “if matters are not in the hands of the the rightful ones (those who can dispose of affairs correctly), wait for the last hour”. The word Sufaha is derived from Safih, which means the worst of people, so if public affairs are placed in the hands of the worst of people like the Khawarij who work for the Ruwaibidah (corruptors of society) mentioned in this hadith as Al Sufaha, the brainwashers, then the prophet (saws) said “wait for the hour”. This isn’t simply a figure of speech wait for the hour means wait for it to be established, or wait for the major events that bring it to begin and it is because of this expression we can date this to our time exactly, the prophet (saws) said about 2012 when this occurred: “If you see Makkah with holes in its mountains, and its buildings reach (or surpass) it’s mountain tops, then the hour has cast its shadow” the hour is established. These sects gained influence around the world after September the 11th with help of the mass media that developed during this time.

Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalni said, The Prophet’s statement ‘sufaha al-ahlam’, means that those minds are deficient in intellect.

Imam Badr al-Din al-Ayni said: The phrase, ‘sufaha al-ahlam’, implies ‘mentally deficient are the brainwashed’.

Other scholars also translate ‘sufuha al ahlam’ as empty minds, it’s more accurate to say in our time the ‘Maskh’ these sects empty refers to the fact that their intellects are deliberately deprived and stunted through Sihr, drugs and miseducation, which makes the brainwashing easier.

These explanations by the hadith scholars illustrate that ahdath al-asnan and sufaha al-ahlam are not people who suffer from insanity, but rather they are brainwashed and immature youth deliberately conditioned to act this way, we have to also remember that in Islam any person below the age of 40 is considered a youth.

If we observe the current upsurge of terrorism committed in the name of Islam we will realize that the prophecies of the prophet muhammad (saws) have become a reality, all their dead are in hell and the only way to remain safe from them is to not respond to their call to a false jihad.

Abu Umama reported that the Prophet (saws) said, ‘Glad tidings of Paradise to those who kill them or are killed by them’. (Abu Dawuud)

Abu Umama also reported that the Prophet (saws) said three times, ‘They are the dogs of the Hellfire; they are the dogs of the Hellfire; they are the dogs of the Hellfire’. Then he said, ‘They are the most evil of those slain under the heavens, and the best of those slain are the ones killed by them’, the ones they kill through their suicide attacks.

The Khawarij will continue to appear until the end of time, the last of them fighting on the side of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

Sharik b. Shihab said, ‘For the longest I was eager to meet a man from the Companions so I could ask him about the Kharijites. Finally, I met Abu Burza during the day of Eid as he was with a group of his associates. I asked him, “Did you ever hear the Messenger of Allah mention the Kharijites?” He replied, “Yes. I heard the Messenger of Allah with my own ears and saw him with my own eyes. One time some wealth was brought to the Messenger of Allah, so he apportioned it. He gave to those on his right and those on his left, but he did not give any to those who were behind him. Suddenly, a man stood up behind him and said, “O Muhammad! You have not acted justly in your apportioning”. He was a man of dark complexion with a large head of hair, wearing two white garments. The Messenger of Allah became severely angry and said, “By Allah! You shall not find any after me who is more just than I”. Then he said, “At the end of time there will appear a folk—and this one was from them. They shall recite the Quran but (Emaan in) it will not pass their throats. They shall pass through the religion just as an arrow passes through a hunted game. Their notable feature is shaven heads. They shall continue to appear until the last of them appears with the Anti-Christ [al-Dajjaal]; so you should kill them when you encounter them [in the battlefield]. They are the most evil of the creation”.’ (Ahmad, Nasai, al Bazzar, al Tayalisi).

When the Prophet (saws) said, ‘they shall continue to appear’, he eliminated all possible doubts that the Kharijites would appear only once or cause only one fitnah. The first appearance of the Kharijites was during the reign of our master Ali, this was simply their vanguard. Whenever and wherever they rise, they take up arms against the Muslim states and massacre peaceful citizens, terrorism is their mark of distinction.

Allah b. Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah said, ‘Every time a generation of them appears it will be cut down—this will occur over twenty times—until the Anti- Christ appears in their last remnant’. (Ibn Maaja) This tells us how far their groups will spread because the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will appear from Iran.

In islam a generation is seen as a lifetime and the average lifespan of the muslim is about 60 to 70 years according to the prophet (saws), Abu Hurairah (ra) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (saws) said, “The lifespan of my Ummah is from sixty to seventy (years).” (Tirmidhi)

The Khawarij and the Ruwaibidah work with each other to achieve the aims of the people they both work for, this shouldn’t be surprising considering that it is a matter of common sense today that any foreign power wishing to dominate a society would go to the worst people in that community and support them to achieve their political goals, the only thing that should be new to us are the prophetic names and titles we are using for them in this book.

The Rule Of The Ruwaybidah – The Corruptors Of Society


“Those who believe fight in the way of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the way of a false deity (Taghut). Fight therefore against the friends of Satan; surely the plotting of Satan is ever feeble”(4:76).

The Arabic word Taghut in this verse can be translated in a number of ways and sometimes Allah uses words in the general sense because they apply to a category of things not just something specific. Taughut can refer to idols, a tyrant, or the opponent’s of the Prophet, in a modern context it is used to refer to Tyrants, Dictators and Oppressors, but the essence of it’s meaning is the same whether the Idol, Deity, or Tyrant, because the Tyrant, False deity and Idol are all the same things in relation to man and his nature, all Dictators in essence deify themselves so the people can worship their false idol and just as pharaoh claimed they to claim they are the absolute authority in the land.

The underlying context of the entire Quran is man’s nature, how he behaves, how to treat and cure his character from it’s illness’s and the consequences or impact of mans action’s in life whether good or evil on himself and others.

When man no longer opposes oppression and accepts the tule of a tyrant this can only occur in a society that has accepted the iconic deification of that tyrant. In modern culture this is called icon-ism and the Movie and Music industry use it deliberately to increase the “star” of a Pop or Movie “Idol”. It’s underlaying symptoms come from a specific set of behavior’s Allah has specified in the Quran,  Allah said “Have you seen him who chooses, for his god his own lust? (25:43), Allah mentions in the Qur’an three types of “selfs” (Nafs) specifically, these are states that people go through, and occur as a consequence of man’s choices and action’s in life, usually revolving around the things man chooses to enjoy regardless of the consequences they have on his character.

They are “Nafs al Ammara” (12:53), “Nafs al Lowamah” (75:2) and “Nafs al Mutma’ina” (89:27).

Nafs al Ammarah is the commanding and controlling self, it is the self that constantly wants and desires, man’s appetites are out of control dominating his choices.

Nafs al Lowammah is the constant reproaching self, it is the self that is conscious of its own faults, the person is less erratic in his behavior, impulses, and desires are thought about before being followed so the person is more in control of him self then a person who’s self has reached one of the lowest states of humanity, Nafs al Ammarah.

Nafs al Mutmaiin is the secure self, the self at Peace, it is tranquil and has certitude of Allah. Little moves it to want and because of this the avenues that influence a person are greatly decreased, people who achieve this often display wisdom in their judgment.

Allah elsewhere has indirectly mentioned other types of ego, Nafs al Musawwila (12:18, 12:83 and 20:96) this is the lowest state a human can reach, in this stage the Nafs begins to believe in a false reality that it is seeing in order to satisfy its lowly impulses and needs, most murderers, criminals and people with psychopathic behaviour are in this category. The other types are Nafs al Radiya (the contented self), Nafs al Mardiya (the self that is content and gratified with Allah) and Nafs al Safiyya (the perfected self) all are mentioned in verse 89:28.

When society preoccupies it’s self with pleasures and desires, they have chosen their lust as their god, the term god means the thing in the self which man follows, man can profess anything he wants but what he is and what he follows is how he lives and spends his time, if he doesn’t recognize how he spends his time then he is delusional about his own character.

Once an entire society degrades to Nafs al Ammarah they can more easily accept the icon of the tyrant and follow his ways. This is because when man is in control of his self then chivalrous qualities are a natural part of his behaviour, they are a consequence of how he lives his life, this is the fitra (man’s instinct) Allah gave us, and in his self he can not come to accept one of the lowest types of human beings controlling his life, blindly leading him to destruction.

The Ruwaybidah are the degenerates placed over the common man by those who rule to oppress any one with a moral belief because moral people correct what is wrong with the world. This practice has spread around the world to every country adopting western culture and they have moved far past Nafs al Ammarah. They began at Nafs al Ammarah and have gone deep into Nafs al Musawila, a nafs mentioned about the brothers of the Prophet Yusuf (saws) who tried to kill him out of deluded love trying to be the favourites in their fathers eyes, the ruwaybidah degraded themselves completely for the sake of power, influence and lust. They sold themselves and their Akhira (afterlife) for small gains in this life and are oppressors just like the tyrant and will be judged just like him.

“yet still (you) want to turn to unjust tyrants for judgement, although they have been ordered to reject them? Satan wants to lead them far astray” (4:60).

“they rejected their Lord’s signs, disobeyed His messengers, and followed the command of every obstinate tyrant. They were rejected in this life and so they shall be on the Day of Judgement” (11:60-61).

“They asked Allah to decide, and every obstinate tyrant failed– Hell awaits each one; he will be given foul water to drink, which he will try to gulp but scarcely be able to swallow; death will encroach on him from every side, but he will not die; more intense suffering will lie ahead of him” (14:15-18).

The Ruwaibidah practice the occult to control and influence people and in this way they have brought society closer to their view on life, what we see in society today is not a natural transition becouse the beliefs of the majority of people in society it deliberate and subtle indoctrination, the prophet (saws) said: “No, no, the intellects of the general masses at that time will be deceived! They will be following fools (the ruwaibidah) that have no intellects themselves.” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban).

This complete hedonistic and heathen state in Muslim lands the prophet (saws) clearly said would eventuate, Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established till the buttocks of the women of the tribe of Daus move while going round Dhi-al-Khalasa.” Dhi-al-Khalasa was the idol of the Daus tribe which they used to worship in the Pre-Islamic period of ignorance (Bukhari) this hadith means the people who practice sihr (dark magic) and call upon their shayateen will set up idols for their devils to worship them, it is something Arab society is heading towards because they followed the west into the occult (the lizards hole).

This is something that didn’t come about by accident people are working towards it because it is part of the system of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

Allah’s messenger (saws) said “You will indeed follow the ways of those before you, hand span by hand span, and an arms length after another. Even if they enter into a lizards hole (have a myopic view on life, because they solely relied on the occult), you will follow them.” We asked, “Is it the Jews and Christians?” He (saws) replied, “Who else!” (Bukhari).

The place of sihr (dark magic) in modern society is mentioned in other narration’s by the prophet (saws).

He (saws) also said “Indeed all that I fear over my nation are misguiding Imams (leaders). If the sword is placed in my nation, it will not be raised from them until the Day of Resurrection. And the Hour will not arrive until tribes from my nation betake themselves to the Mushrikeen (non Muslims, Christians etc) and until tribes from my nation worship idols.” (Tirmidhi, Sahih)

Meaning their betaking themselves to the non muslims is what will lead them to worshipping devils because of their occult practices.

Very literally entire portions of Arab society will align themselves with the non muslims and this will lead to entire tribes in the Ummah worshiping idols, because they use sihr (dark magic) calling upon their shayateen (devils) they will leave Islam entirely. Many scholars have spoken about the occult practices of western society here the prophet (saws) is affirming that it will spread to the Arab world and Allah will eventually destroy them for it, killing some and driving others from their homelands.

Death is the punishment in shariah for all people who practice sihr (dark magic), this is unanimous among the madhabs (legal schools) because the Prophet (saws) commanded: “Kill every sorcerer, for this is the punishment ordained by Allah”, the companions went out and killed every one of them right down to street magicians performing tricks, so the matter has no doubt about it.

The prophet (saws) also said “The world will not pass away until the one who enjoys it the most is the depraved son of the depraved.” (Ahmad) people who practice sihr perform depraved acts to empower their shayateen (devils), meaning this will last for generations and the people enjoying the world the most will be the depraved person who comes from a lineage of depraved people.

This state of affairs is today being maintained by the Ruwaybidah as they stop moral people from correcting society, this is why Islam is seen as the last threat, all other religions have been pacified except for ours, they destroy Islam by destroying it in the minds of people attacking it’s symbols in precise attacks by their stooges the salafi’s who control ISIS and al Qaeda, they identify people who stand up against them so they can target them in their own lives forcing them to stay silent, they claim to have conquered the entire Ummah in such a way but their own holy books testify to something entirely different, the destruction of their civilization because they deliberately targeted and oppressed the people of Allah so they can more easily mould future generations of people without moral interruptions.

A society whose state is to permit everything, is ignorant of human nature and how to balance it, Abu Bakr (ra) said “Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile. Knowledge is the life of the mind. When a noble man learns knowledge he becomes humble, [were as] when an ignoble person gains knowledge, he [becomes] conceited. When knowledge is limited – it leads to folly. [But] when knowledge exceeds a certain limit, it leads to exploitation.” The prophet (saws) said towards the end of time the secrets of the earth will reveal themselves to man just like bees follow one another” the secrets of the earth refer to it’s wealth, oil, gold, minerals and metals they will reveal themselves due to advances in science and technology, literally one resource leading to the discovery of another, this has lead to the mass exploitation in society today, it is the reality of Muslim countries adopting a western form of governance, the vilest of people are put in charge to maintain the system, they are corrupt, exploiting and corrupting others in order to benefit placing no value of morality or religion, they want secularise the world because of the degenerate state of religion in their lands even though historically religion was very successful everywhere else in the world.

The prophet (saws) in describing the Ruwaybidah was referring to the general and common affairs of the people and not simply matters of government, meaning they would rule over people’s personal lives and affairs on a local level, things they have no right to rule over in a person’s home, and so they will not simply be the legislators of a country, in other words this system will be a complete state of control over people’s lives, in every facet they will have a say telling people what they can or cant do on a minute level.

It is now common for the legislators to divide the population into smaller ethnic, tribal, religious or sectarian groups and place unofficial people over their affairs in every facet of life, forcing people to go through them to do business, gain any position, employment or education, or even get married, otherwise they will be denied any kind of support in society as they turn organizations and institutions against groups and individuals in order to pressure them into adopting their way of viewing things. This method is being used to place the Ruwaybidah in all positions, further spreading this system while Muslims are forced to either leave their way of life to gain any kind of employment or starve to death.

Because they control and speak about the minute aspects of a persons life they intend that no new generations are raised in an Islamic environment and hence Muslim’s will be weaned of their own religion in this manner rather than having to deal with them through war.

These people use espionage, spying and other methods to subvert anyone that stands out and in this way they claim they are bringing order to the people when in fact it is a form of slavery, this system has now spread around the world as technology makes the private information of people readily available to be exploited against them when the need arises.

With Allah spying and espionage are the ultimate form of treason, and for a Muslim it is one of the Kaba’ir (Major Sins), on par with Murder both in severity and punishment. It is a form of alliance with the disbelievers, the ruling on it range from it being a declaration of disbelief and apostasy to a state of major sinfulness, irrespective of whether one prays or performs Hajj. In nearly all cases the punishment is death and in fact this has been it’s reality in Islam’s history. In our time entire portions of a population are being used for such things in order to subjugate those still practicing their religion, hoping eventually that no one in society will remain who follows Islam except by name, it is because of this Allah has decreed the destruction of the Arabs because they refused to struggle against this.

Allah (subhanahu wa ta`aala) warned us against espionage in the first verse of Surat al-Mumtahinah: “O you who believe! Do not take My enemies and your enemies as friends, showing affection towards them, while they have disbelieved in the truth that has come to you. They have driven the Messenger and yourselves out because you believe in Allah, your Lord. If indeed you had gone out to fight in My Cause and to seek My Good Pleasure, then do not confide your affections to them, I am All-Aware of what you conceal and of what you reveal. Whoever among you does this has surely strayed far from the Straight Path.”

Imam At-Tabari remarked that you must not put yourself in league with your kith and kin, sons or daughters, if they are outside Islam; allying yourself to them and taking them into your hearts, since they could benefit you in no way on the Day of Resurrection, even if they were your closest relations. Those who are mindful of their duty shall enter Paradise and those who deny their obligations and are disobedient shall enter the Fire.

A lengthy hadith mentioned in shia works gives a clear picture of the Ruwaybidah in our time, the prophet (saws) speaking to Salman al farisi (ra) said “I swear to him who holds my life “Oh Salman, at that time will talk (al) ‘Ruwaybidah’.”

Salman asked: “And what is Ruwaybidah? O Messenger of Allah, my father and mother be sacrificed for you.” (the) Holy Prophet (saws) said, “Such persons will talk about public affairs who had not talked in such matter before (these are not the normal type of people one would expect to be in charge and they will govern over matters not normally governed before). Then in a short time, chaos will appear upon the earth, and every nation will think that chaos was only in their land (but it will cover the whole world, this was the exact feeling when muslim countries first adopted western government).”

“They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain. Then the Earth will throw out the pieces of its heart – gold, silver, and other minerals (referring to the river euphrates uncovering a mountain of gold, which is when this fitna of the ruwaibidah will end because their masters have been destroyed by this time)- (then the Holy Prophet (saws) pointed towards the pillars, and said), “like these in size, but on that day neither gold nor silver will be of any benefit to anyone. And this is the meaning of the words of Allah ‘So surely did come its (Qiyamat’s) signs’.”(Bihar-ul-Anwar, Vol. III, the scholars have rightfully said there are many fabricated shia Ahadith but they consider the narrations from salman al farisi (ra) to be amongst the most accurate).

“every nation will think that chaos was only in their land” – These words almost mimic  what was perceived in every Muslim country when it initially adopted secular rule not that long ago. Ignorant to the fact muslims had been discussing democratic rule long before the west even heard of the term.

The word Democracy comes from the Greek word “Demokratia”, Demos meaning “the people” and Kratia meaning “Power, rule” initially mentioned in Plato’s republic.

The idea of Democratic rule has been an Islamic one long before the Idea had spread to the modern west and their is nothing in Islamic Law against it and in fact their is an entire chapter in the Quran called “The Consultaion” meaning of the people in government, but secular rule and democratic rule are not the same thing they are two terms referring to separate issues of governance, for example you can be democratic but not secular and secular but not democratic.

Muslim scholars such as Al Farabi (872-950 AD) wrote entire works regarding these matters, in his book called “al madina al fadila”, the Ideal State, he divided the state into categories, first is the ideal muslim state, which is the prophetic state under the guidance of a prophet (saws), then the democratic state, literally using the word “Demokratia” in his book in the 9th century, then comes the dictatorship (oligarchy, monarchy), he then mentions that of all these the best state is the Islamic state in which the prophet or Imam (leader) is a philosopher and a righteous person guided by Allah (swt) followed by the democratic state.

Al farabi in the 9th century explained that the most important principle of democracy to be its freedom, of the six Government types, including tyranny and oligarchy, “the regime of Democracy occupies the privileged position of supplying the most solid and best starting point for the establishment of the virtuous human being.” A Democracy promotes the concept of “rule by the people”, the exact phrase used of al Farabi and copied from him by the west.

Democracy is the last step towards the Ideal state in which Human beings enjoy freedoms were everybody has a role, not because they have to earn money or because of political influence but because this is their human right given to them by Allah. The best of the rulers are the ones who give the upmost freedoms to every individual in the state. And the best human beings are those who use their freedoms to accomplish to the best of their ability.

Al Farabi said “The Democratic city (State) is one in which each one of the citizens is given free rein and left alone to do whatever he likes. Its citizens are equal and their laws say that no man is in any way at all better than any other man…And no one…has any claim to Authority unless he works to enhance their freedom…those who rule them do so by the will of the ruled, and the rulers follow the wishes of the ruled.” (Al Farabi, the Ideal State)

The system of electing rulers to office was used in Islam by the first Four Khalifa’s who were all elected, Islamic rule was only later turned into Dynasties, the word Democracy is mentioned in the Quran by another name meaning the exact same thing, chapter 42 al Shura, the Consultation is a Makkan sura that takes its name from verse 38, were the practice of consultation (shura) regarding who should rule is listed as one characteristic of the Muslim community.

The passages relating to Consultation in fact speak about the same values the west asserts are it’s superior core values;

“Far better and more lasting is what God will give to those who believe and trust in their Lord; who shun great sins and gross indecencies; who forgive when they are angry; respond to their Lord; keep up the prayer; conduct their affairs by mutual consultation; give to others out of what We have provided for them; and defend themselves when they are oppressed. Let harm be requited by an equal harm, though anyone who forgives and puts things right will have his reward from God Himself– He does not like those who do wrong. There is no cause to act against anyone who defends himself after being wronged, but there is cause to act against those who oppress people and transgress in the land against all justice– they will have an agonizing torment– though if a person is patient and forgives, this is one of the greatest things” (Qur’an 42: 36-43).

This aspect of consulting people regarding their rulers is only one part of the modern secular system, but this system is easily manipulated essentially negating any benefits the slogans heralding it’s superiority state, and in fact is what is occurring around the world under the Ruwaybidah.

Simply because people are elected that doesn’t stop the corrupt from helping their friends to be elected, once the entire system is taken over then it is no longer a democracy and the word secular takes on a new meaning, relegating morality so the corrupt can rule as they wish without hindrance.

Al Farabi’s three Principles for Democracy, taken from the Quran and Sunnah, are;

1) Al Musaawa: Equality, All Human Beings are equal.

2) Itq: Liberty or Freedom.

3) La-ikrah: “There is no compulsion in the Deen (Way of Life)” (2:256); Financial and Social Freedom.

These are translated from al Faraby’s work into english as, Equality, Liberty and Freedom of Expression and life, the aim of society is to develop the “virtuous human being” who is conscious of the world and society around him and is given every freedom to perfect his life’s work what ever path he may choose, this is in contrast to what the Ruwaybidah and those who put them in charge aim to achieve in a “secular” society, “Pharaoh behaved arrogantly in the land, and divided the people into groups, seeking to weaken one section (raising another)” (28:4).

The wording in the Hadith “They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain. Then the Earth will throw out the pieces of its heart – gold, silver, and other minerals” is similar to two other Ahadith, the hadith regarding the different type of Governance Islam would be under through out it’s time on earth, and the Ahadith (narration’s) about the Euphrates river uncovering a mountain of gold, an event that will occur after the rule of the ruwaybidah will end, just before the Great wars first begin and the time of the Mahdi (ra).

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: “The Hour will not come to pass before the river Euphrates dries up to unveil a mountain of gold, over which people will fight. Ninety-nine out of one hundred will die [in the fighting], and every man among them will say: ‘Perhaps I may be the only one to remain alive’ (to get a share of the wealth)” (Bukhari, Muslim).

The Prophet Mohammad (saws) said: “The Euphrates (River) will recede revealing a mountain of gold and silver. If you are alive (at that time), do not approach it.”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan). This is similar to the words “Then the Earth will throw out the pieces of its heart – gold, silver, and other minerals” said to occur after their rule ends, mentioned in the Shia narration.

The Prophet Mohammad (saws) said: ” The time is approaching when the Euphrates (River) will recede revealing a treasure of gold. Whoever is present there should not take away anything from it.” (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) This is similar to the words “but on that day neither gold nor silver will be of any benefit to anyone. And this is the meaning of the words of Allah ‘So surely did come its signs’.” what the prophet (saws) means by signs is signs of the Hour, this is because the Euphrates river drying up is one of the significant signs of the Hour mentioned in both Islam and Christianity and here the prophet (saws) is affirming that Allah mentioned it in the Quran.

This gives us an indication of when the rule of the ruwaybidah will end because we know from many other Ahadith that the Euphrates river will uncover a mountain of gold before the time of the Mahdi (ra) and the words “They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain” means it will be after the war in Syria ends, which is the time Allah will end the era of dictators that helped establish the ruwaybidah, the prophet (saws) using similar words.

Just as the Prophet (saws) outlined the different dynasties and types of rulers in Islam He (saws) outlined the state of the Muslim Ummah over it’s life time ending with the rule of the ruwaybidah, the lowly people being put in charge over people’s common affairs. The following Ahadith were related when Muslims were still small in number and Islam had not spread yet, Rome and Persia were the Dominant powers of the World, in the hadith the Prophet (saws) outlines how Muslims would treat each other over Islam’s history and ends by identifying the Ruwaybidah;

Abdullah b Amr b. al-As reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: “How would you be, O people when Persia and Rome would be conquered for you? ‘Abd -al-Rahman b. Auf said: We would say as Allah has commanded us and we would express our gratitude to Allah. Thereupon Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Nothing else besides it? You would (in fact) vie with one another (the beginning of Islamic Dynasties), then you would feel jealous (The amassing of wealth), then your relations would be estranged (Muslims have now become kings of the earth) and then you will bear enmity against one another (the era of Dictators), or something to the same effect. Then you would go to the poor emigrants and would make some the masters of the others” (the Ruwaybidah)”. (Muslim)

It was narrated from ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr bin ‘As that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “When the treasures of Persia and Rome are opened for you, what kind of people will you be?” “Abdur-Rahman bin ‘Awf said: “We will say what Allah has commanded us to say.” The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “Or something other than that. You will complete with one another, then you will envy one another, then you will turn your backs on one another, then you will hate one another, or something like that. Then you will go to the poor among the Muhajirin (those who migrated from their original lands) and appoint some of them as leaders of others.” (Ibn Majah)

The words going to the emigrants and making them leaders alone don’t indicate what is wrong with that situation for that you need the proper context, because one may think this hadith is a prohibition on making Immigrants leaders among people but when this is cross referenced with other narration’s a larger picture emerges of the situation the prophet (saws) was describing.

The Ruwaybidah were picked from the lowest part of society those who emigrated from their original lands, they were trained in the occult and given authority over people in many cases their own communities in order to oppress them, they are chosen from the Muslim emigrants around the world who had no history in the lands they emigrated to and because of their desperation to establish themselves they are used, manipulated then corrupted into controlling and corrupting others for the wealthy and elite in order to control society and peoples personal lives to a greater extent.

These narration’s are not specifically referring to government it self or politicians, they are referring to the people the officials informaly use on a more local level. These corrupt people then chose like minded personalities to take all positions of authority, effectively stoping any kind of reform for the better, so mankind as the prophet (saws) said was put onto a path of utter chaos.

The prophet (saws) said “There shall come upon people years of deceit in which the liar will be believed, the truthful one disbelieved, the treacherous will be trusted and the trustworthy one considered treacherous” people who do good (Ihsan) will no longer have a place in society and they will be marginalised and isolated.

The following ahadith give a time line of future events as we near the time of the Mahdi (ra), they also specify when the fitna of the ruwaybidah will end.

Ka’b said: “There will be around the Euphrates, near AshSham (Syria) or a little after it, a great assembly (of armies). They will fight each other over wealth, and seven out of every nine will be killed. And that will be after Al-Hadda (blast) and Al-Wahiya (catastrophe) in the month of Ramadan, and after the split resulting in three banners (battalions or armies), each (head of a battalion or army) will seek the kingship (mentioned in other Ahadith) for himself, among them is a man whose name is ‘Abdullah.” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

The river Euphrates will uncover it’s treasure but it will be some time after this that the armies will fight each other, the three banners will be the three sons of the Rulers of Saudi Arabia, the blast as ahadith state is an asteroid that will hit the earth and al wahiyah is a major earthquake in the month of ramadan.

The Prophet (saws) said: ‘Three men will be killed at the place were your treasure is (the Kaaba).  Each of them will be the son of a Khalifah (ruler), and none of  them will get hold of the treasure (the Kaaba).  Then black banners will come out of the east…’ If you see him (the Mahdi), go and give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi.'” (Ibn Majah, Sahih)

The Prophet Mohammad (saws) said: “The Euphrates (River) will recede revealing a mountain of gold and silver. If you are alive (at that time), do not approach it.”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan))

Abdullah ibn Al-Haarith said, “I was standing with Ubai ibn Ka’ab in the shade of Hassaan’s high house, and he said, ‘People will continue with their differing necks to seek out the world (an Arabic expression, meaning they will chase materialism). I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘Indeed I heard the Messenger of Allah say, ‘The time draws near when the Furaat (Euphrates) will lay bare a mountain of gold. When people will hear about it they will proceed to it, and the one beside it will say, ‘ If we leave the people to take from it, all of it will depart.’ And so they will fight over it, with 99 (people) dying from every 100.’ (Muslim)

Ka’b said: “After two tremors (earthquakes) occur in the month of Ramadan, three individuals from the same Household (family) spring forth (vying for kingship). One of them is vying for it by force, another one asking for it by piety, calmness, and dignity, and the third vying for it by killing and his name is Abdullah. There will be near the Euphrates river a great assembly for battle, were they will fight for the money (wealth or treasures). Seven out of every nine will be killed.”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Abu Huraira said that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: ” The fourth Fitna (ad Duhaima) is 18 years, then it clears. Once it clears, the Euphrates will recede revealing a mountain of gold that the Umma (Muslim nation) will fight for it. Seven out of every nine (people fighting for it) will be killed.” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

The prophet (saws) said regarding the Ruwaybidah “They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain. Then the Earth will throw out the pieces of its heart – gold, silver, and other minerals”

From these Ahadith it is clear that the fitna of the Ruwaybidah will end just before the Euphrates river uncovers it’s treasure. The Prophet (saws) said regarding the Fitna of the Duhaima “It will last for twelve years, then it will end when it ends, and the Euphrates will have uncovered a mountain of gold. They will fight over it until seven out of every nine are killed.”

In this Hadith the prophet (saws) mentions the fitnah is for 12 years while in the earlier one He (saws) mentioned that it will clear after 18 years, the difference between the two is the phrase “then it will end when it ends” after 12 years have past. In the second hadith He (saws) says it will be for “18 years, then it clears” meaning it’s aftermath will clear completely the 12 years refer to what was occurring in it directly.

The 18 years refers to when the fitna and it’s ramifications will no longer affect the world, while the 12 years refers to the wars and events occurring during it, the wars that resulted from the attack on September the 11th lasted for 12 years, the war in Afghanistan began in October 2001 and the withdrawal of troops began in spring 2013 ending in 2014, keeping in mind the prophet (saws) was referring to the fitna (a totality of events) and not the wars specifically.

If the Euphrates river will uncover it’s Treasure soon after 2019, 18 years after 2001, the fitna of the Ruwaybidah will end within the next 4-5 years (after 2014), this is only implying a time frame for these events and when the war in Syria will end because that is when Allah will return Unity to the Ummah, this unity after the war in Syria will result in Muslims fighting this fitna now dominating society entrenching it in chaos and degradation.

The following Ahadith give a time frame of events right up to the Mahdi (r.a).

The Prophet (saws) said: “Before your treasure (the Kaaba), three will kill each other — all of them are sons of a different caliph but none will be the recipient. Then the Black Banners will appear from the East and they will kill you in a way that has never before been done by a nation.” Thawban, a companion said: ‘Then he said something that I do not remember by heart’ then continued to say that the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, said: “If you see him give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because surely he is the Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi. If you see the black flags coming from Khurasan, join that army, even if you have to crawl over ice, for this is the army of the Caliph, the Mahdi and no one can stop that army until it reaches Jerusalem.” (Ibn Majah, Ahmad,, al-Haakim’s Mustadrak, Al Busiri, Ahmad Nuaym, Ad-Daylami, Abu Nuaym)

The Prophet (saws) said, ‘Three will fight for your treasure (the Ka`bah), each of them the son of a ‘Khaleefah’, it will be rendered to none of them. Then from the direction of the East will emerge black flags. Then they will fight you like they have fought none before.’ Then some words were spoken which I did not remember. He then said, ‘If you see him, give bay`ah (allegiance) to him even if you must crawl over ice. For, verily, he is the ‘Khaleefah’ of Allah, the Mahdi”. (Ibn Maajah, Ahmad, al-Haakim’s Mustadrak Sahih).

Before or just after the Euphrates river uncovers it’s gold the ruler of Saudi Arabia may pass away which will cause three son’s from the rulers of Saudi Arabia to fight for succession of that country. One of them is vying for it by force, another one asking for it by piety, calmness, and dignity, and the third vying for it by killing, but Allah wont grant it to any of them, soon after this the people of Khurasan (Afghanistan) will march across Arabia conquering and killing the Arabs who have all but left off Islamic rule and fallen into degenerate practices, they will march in order to secure and stabilise the region and will continue marching across Arabia until they reach Jerusalem (Israel) conquering it as well.

The Arabs will attempt to give them power and control but they will refuse to accept it saying they will only accept the rule of the Mahdi (ra) who will emerge about six years after this occurs.

The Euphrates drying up and the Army of the Mahdi coming from the east are very significant events because Allah similarly mentioned them in the bible. The Euphrates River is mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Revelation in a prophecy that is understood to occur before Isa (as) returns.

During the great tribulations of the last days, John the companion of Jesus says “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.” (rev:16:12), the drying of the Euphrates will prepare the way for the people of the east to march. There will be political instability because three sons from the rulers of Saudi Arabia will fight each other in a civil war for power, none receiving it, Allah will end the rule of the Monarchy after which the country will be under elected leaders, none of whom will be strong, it will during this chaos that the sufyani dictators will emerge from Syria attempting to take control of the region, the people of Afghanistan will respond to this and fight them.

All these events are a judgment by Allah on the ruwaybidah who have taken root in Muslim lands and are after wealth “They will fight each other over wealth, and seven out of every nine will be killed” the system has spread to such an extent that the soldiers will die, themselves believing they will be the recipient of some portion of that wealth, indicating the type of people now prevalent in Islamic lands and their military.

The state the Ruwaybidah system will leave Arab countries in after they are removed from power is highlighted in the following hadith. When the Mahdi (ra) emerges an Army will be sent against him from Sham, this is how Rasul Allah (saws) described the state of the Muslim Arabs at that time and why Allah will send them a miracle to rescue them from that Army; Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: “They would soon seek protection in this House, (the Ka’ba), people who would have nothing to protect themselves in the shape of weapons or the strength of the people. An army would be sent to fight (and kill) them and when they would enter a plain ground the army would be sunk in it”.(Muslim)

Aisha reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) was startled in the state of sleep. We said: Allah’s Messenger, you have done something in the state of your sleep which you never did before,Thereupon he said: Strange it is that some people of my Ummah would attack the House (Ka’ba) (to kill) a person who would belong to the tribe of Quraish (the Mahdi) and he would try to seek protection in the House. And when they would reach the plain ground they would be sunk. We said: Allah’s Messenger, all sorts of people throng the path. Thereupon he said: Yes, there would be amongst them people who would come with definite designs and those who would come under duress and there would be travellers also, but they would all be destroyed through one (stroke) of destruction. though they would be raised in different states (on the Day of Resurrection). Allah would, however, raise them according to their intention. (Muslim)

This weakness and lack of military strength, weapons and preparedness is also highlighted in another hadith, Abu Huraira (r.a) said “When great wars will occur (around the time of the Mahdi), then Allah will raise an Army from the Non Arabs who will be greater riders and will have better weapons than the Arabs. Allah will support the Deen (Islam) by them”. (Ibn Majah)

The Gulf nations are wealthier than the other muslim nations yet they will be less equipped and almost powerless to defend themselves against an Army sent from Syria which is considered a third world country in comparison to them, this Army from Syria will show they are defenceless and powerless.

Imam Al-Suyuti said regarding the Euphrates river drying up, that it is as “the stopping of water”, the Keban dam stopped the flow of the River Euphrates, and it is now in the process of being dried up because of irrigation and drought.

“Turkey and Syria completed their first dams on the Euphrates – the Keban Dam and the Tabqa Dam, respectively – within one year of each other and filling of the reservoirs commenced in 1975. At the same time, the area was hit by severe drought and river flow toward Iraq was reduced from 15.3 cubic kilometres (3.7 cu mi) in 1973 to 9.4 cubic kilometres (2.3 cu mi) in 1975. This led to an international crisis during which Iraq threatened to bomb the Tabqa Dam. An agreement was eventually reached between Syria and Iraq after intervention by Saudi Arabia and the Soviet Union. A similar crisis, although not escalating to the point of military threats, occurred in 1981 when the Keban Dam reservoir had to be refilled after it had been almost emptied to temporarily increase Turkey’s hydroelectricity production. In 1984, Turkey unilaterally declared that it would ensure a flow of at least 500 cubic metres (18,000 cu ft) per second, or 16 cubic kilometres (3.8 cu mi) per year, into Syria, and in 1987 a bilateral treaty to that effect was signed between the two countries. Another bilateral agreement from 1989 between Syria and Iraq settles the amount of water flowing into Iraq at 60 percent of the amount that Syria receives from Turkey. In 2008, Turkey, Syria and Iraq instigated the Joint Trilateral Committee (JTC) on the management of the water in the Tigris–Euphrates basin and on 3 September 2009 a further agreement was signed to this effect. On April 15, 2014, Turkey began to reduce the flow of the Euphrates into Syria and Iraq. The flow was cut off completely on May 16, 2014. The Euphrates river now terminates at the Turkish–Syrian border. This is in violation of an agreement reached in 1987 in which Turkey committed to releasing a minimum of 500 cubic metres (18,000 cu ft) of water per second at the Turkish–Syrian border.”

Scientist using Satellite imagery “found that during a seven-year period beginning in 2003 that parts of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran along the Tigris and Euphrates river basins lost 117 million acre feet (144 cubic kilometers) of total stored freshwater, the researchers said about 60 percent of the loss is due to “pumping of groundwater from underground reservoirs. The rate was especially striking after the 2007 drought and the demand for freshwater continues to rise.”

The Prophet (saws) said about the Mahdi (ra) “disagreement will occur after the death of a Khaliph, then a person will flee from Madinah to Makkah (the Mahdi). Some of the people in Makkah will come to him and take him out against his will and will give him allegiance (Bayah) between Hajar Aswad (the black stone) and Maqam Ibrahim (near the Kaaba). Then an army from Sham (Syria) will come to attack to him but will be devoured by the earth at the place of Baidah (a flat piece of land next to Madinah facing the direction of Makkah). When the people see this, then the Abdal of Sham (Syria) and Asaeb of Iraq (Abdal & Asaeb are high level pious people, meaning the Saints from Shaam & Iraq) will come and give allegiance to him. Then a person from Quraish will come forward ,whose maternal family will be from Bani Kulaib (a branch of Banu Tamim, referring to the Sufyani who is a warlord, the tribe now ruling Syria is the Bani Kulaib). That person in Makkah (the Mahdi) will send an army towards that Quraishi (the warlord) and will overcome him. This battle will be called the Bath Kulaib and a person is at great loss if he is not present at the distribution of the booty of that Ghazwa (battle). He will distribute the riches and act upon the sunnah of the Prophet (as) and Islam will put its neck on the earth (Islam’s borders and influence will spread again) and he will rule for 9 years on earth.” (Masnad Ahmad, Hadith 6581)


Ahadith On The Sanctions Of Iraq and The Sanctions To Be Placed On Syria and Then Egypt


Imam Ibn kathir (r.a) in his chronological arrangement of Ahadith about the end of times placed the following Ahadith with the Great trials that would befall this Ummah before the time of the Mahdi.

Abu Nadhrah reported: “We were sitting in the company of Jabir bin Abdullah (r.a.) when he said: It May Happen that the People of Iraq may not send their Qafiz and Dirhams. We said, “Who would be responsible for it?” He Said, “The Non-Arabs would prevent them.” He again said, “There is the possibility that the people of Shaam (Syria) may not send their Dinar and Mudd.” We said, “Who would be responsible for it? He said, “Prevention would be made by the Romans.” He (Jabir b Abdulah) Kept Quiet for a while and then reported Allah’s Messenger (saws) having said: “There would be a caliph in the last (period) of my Ummah who would freely give out handfuls of wealth to the people without counting it”. I said to Abu Nadra and Abu al-Ala, “Do you mean ‘Umar bin Abd al Aziz?” They said “No (he would be al Mahdi)”. (Muslim, Book41, Number 6961)

Abu Nadhrah reported: “We were sitting in the company of Jabir bin Abdullah (r.a.) when he said: Soon the people of Iraq will neither receive any food (grain) nor any money.’” We asked, “Why would such a thing happen?” He replied, “Because of the non-Arabs.” He then said: “Soon the people of Shaam (Syria) will neither receive any money nor grain.” We asked as to why this would happen. He replied: “Because of the Romans.” And in the narration of al-Hakim there is the following addition: “Then he said: “By He in Whose Hand is my soul, the matter will return as it began. All Iman will return to al-Madinah, as it began from there, until all Iman will be in al-Madinah.” (Muslim, Volume 2, page 395, the book of tribulations and signs of the final hour)

After describing these events, Jabir (r.a.) then brought the saying of the Messenger of Allah (saws): “There will be in my Ummah a khalifah who will give out wealth in heaps, without counting it.”

Abu Hurairah related that the Messenger of Allah said, “Iraq will be prevented from its dirham (a currency) and its (Qifaz) measurement; Sham will be prevented from its (Mudd) measurement and its Dinar (a currency) and Egypt will be prevented from its Irdab (measurement) and its Dinar (currency). You will recoil to that position from were you started and you will recoil to that position from were you started, the bones and the flesh of Abu Huraira would bear testimony to it” (Muslim, Book 41 Hadith 6923)

Imam An-Nawawee said that this is referring to when the Romans (Europeans) will conquer these countries at the end of time and prevent Muslims from their wealth.

The Muslim World changed after the Dynastic Khalifah’s came to an end, previously these lands were strong holds of Islam having the strongest military in the world, it was unheard of in those times that Christians, who were mainly in Europe on the other side of the Map, could successfully place sanctions on so many Islamic lands.

It was only in out time that sanctions where placed on Iraq after it’s invasion of Kuwait, and they lasted through out the 90’s, the Non Arabs (U.N, U.S and the coalition) stopped trade and food from entering the country and during this period the Iraqi currency was de-evaluated so they couldn’t trade with it, “Iraq will neither receive any food (grain) nor any money.”

“It May Happen that the People of Iraq may not send their Qafiz and Dirhams”; A Dirham is a currency, 1 Dinar = 4.45 grams of gold and 1 Dirham = 0.7 Dinar. While a Qafiz is a measure of Oil, the word Qafiz has been used throughout history around the world for a measure of Oil, because of Arab influence over southern Italy which borrowed some words from Arabic, one word in the Sicilian language is “Cafisu” or a “Cafiso” a measure of Oil, usually used in reference to Olive Oil.

The Hadith specified that the sanctions imposed on Iraq would be about Money and Oil, the prophet (saws) mentioned this long before Oil had any significance in the world and is exactly what occurred when sanctions were placed on Iraq, which tells us the exact timing of this hadith, Iraq could not sell it’s oil and weas only allowed to trade it for food, this was called “The food for Oil program”.

The prophet (saws) said a time will come when the liver of the earth will vomit forth, it will be like pillars of gold and silver. (referring to the wars over this he said) The one who kills for it on the day of judgment, he will come and say this is the reason i was killed for ? and the one who was killed will come and say this is the reason i was killed ?

The liver’s main role is the processing of products we digest and turning it into substances useful to the body, it also neutralizes harmful substances in the blood, the earth’s liver is essentially it’s process of turning dead forests million of years old, along with other hydrocarbons, into oil, a useful product for man. The prophet (saws) mentioned the liver as a metaphor because oil is the product of hydrocarbons that have gone threw a process underground like the liver performs for the body, the terms gold and silver are simile’s for how precious this resource would be.

Oil is referred to as pillars of gold and silver because it jets out of the earth in pillars due to pressure and it is essentially a currency being sold by the barrel, in other words, the liver of the earth will spew out pillars of oil that will create wealth like flowing pillars of gold and silver.

These sanctions have now been lifted and the conflict is over because the non Muslims have officially pulled out of the country, but we are now living through the initial stages of the Syrian conflict and eventually we will see that country go through something similar to Iraq followed by Egypt and when war reaches Egypt that will be the beginning of the Great Wars.

“Syria would withhold it’s Mudd and Dinar”; Mudd is a measure of wheat or generally speaking food such as rice, barley, bread, etc. One Mudd equals 3/4 of a kilogram or 708 grams. A Mudd is also a measure translated in today’s language as a “Bushel”. The sanctions on Syria according to the Hadith will then be about Food and Money, different from the sanctions placed on Iraq. The Prophet (saws) indicated to us some 1400 years ago that Iraq would produce Oil over which sanctions would be placed on it.

Egypt will withhold it Irdab and Dinar, the word in the Hadith Irdab is a measurement specific to Egypt, 1 Irdab = 73Kg (of wheat), when referring to grain, Irdab means wheat free from dirt, rubbish and husks. More generally Irdab also refers to fruit in their dried state like dried dates and raisins. Therefor the sanctions on Egypt will impact the dinar (money) and the import of wheat and dried fruits. The measure of Irdab (73Kg) may indicate that the sanctions placed on Egypt will be more severe than those placed on Syria due to its larger Quantity.

The Ahadith also specify that it will be two different groups of people who will impose these sanctions on the Muslims, the non-Arabs (U.N, U.S and the coalition) who oppressed Iraq and the Romans (Europeans) who will oppress Syria, this indicates that soon we may see a change in power around the world to Europe, the Euro being the dominant currency in the world today replacing the U.S dollar. This is also indicated by the fact that Al Malhama al Qubra (The Great War, Armageddon) will be fought with the Romans (Europeans) and not America, this rise in power of Europe is also indicated in the scriptures of the monotheistic faiths, said to occur before the return of Isa (as).

The Era Of The Duhaima (Sep 11th) The Worst Fitnah Before The Dajjaal


September the 11 was a decisive moment in modern history, it shaped the world we know today and created boundary lines between people none more obvious than between those who thought America orchestrated the Attack versus those who thought Osama Bin Laden was responsible. But the prophet (saws) said the boundary line it created in mankind was more horrific in nature it was nothing less than the boundary between people who had religion and people who didn’t, in effect a war was openly declared on religion itself because the secular world thought it occupied all the key positions and could win, but they didn’t count on one thing, the consequences to man’s actions in the universe, every action has an equal and opposite reaction and in reality they chose to ignore the fact “physics” exists, their total dominance only looked good on paper because it wasn’t anything other than a short term victory, the British Empire before them are a witness to this they where one of the largest empires on earth and literally the shortest lived of them all, even today the cracks in western dominance are showing, with the collapse of their economy and failure to pay of their debts the Western Empire looks to be even shorter lived than the British Empire.

The prophet (saws) called September the 11 the Duhaima, which means pitch darkness, it is the beginning of the era of darkness for the entire world because it will end with the emergence of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) the same day it finishes or the one following it according to the prophet (saws), it’s severity will only increase in waves until this end comes about, the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will then emerge and take charge of the camp full of Hypocrites and no religion and fight against the camp with religion and no hypocrites.

Each of these Ahadith gives us more detail about what the Prophet (saws) mentioned regarding September the 11th, they allow us to get a very clearer picture of what has been occurring in the world over the past decade or so and what muslims should do in these times;

The Prophet (saws) said, Woe to the Arabs from the great evil which is nearly approaching them: it will be like patches of dark night (The Duhaima). A man will wake up as a believer, and be a kafir (unbeliever) by nightfall (the Hypocrites will have perfected destroying a mans religion and will do it in the span of a day). People will sell their religion for a small amount of worldly goods. The one who clings to his religion on that day will be as one who is grasping an ember, or thorns (He will be going against society and isolated). (Ahmad.)

The Prophet (saws) pointed to the Arabs directly in this hadith because the Duhaima will be the beginning of their destruction along with their Kings, Allah’s judgment was passed on them during the time of Saddam Hussain which is why the prophet (saws) said ‘they have taken their leave’, after any crime is committed Allah’s punishment will then begin. The Duhaima is the beginning of this punishment, “There will be, after the fitnah in ash-Sham (wars during the 70’s and 80’s), the eastern one which will be the destruction of the Kings and the Humiliation of the Arabs.”

Patches of a dark night mean’s events will alternate over small periods of time between something dark and something darker, night in the wilderness is only lit up by the moon which is then covered by passing clouds, this is a time when man can not see his own hand in front of his face, so in the darkness of night you will come across patches of complete darkness with no moon light.

The Prophet (saws) said, Before the Hour comes, there will be a tribulation like patches of a dark night. A man will get up a believer and go to sleep a kafir, or will go to sleep a believer and get up a kafir. The one who sits (isn’t involved in anything at all) will be better than the one who stands, and the one who walks will be better than one who runs. Break your bows, cut their strings, and strike your swords against stones. If someone comes to kill any of you, then be like the better of the two sons of Adam (Abel and Cain, one killing the other out of Jealousy). (Abu Dawud)

The following hadith explains what is meant by the one who sits is better than the one who stands, Abu Huraira said that “The destruction of the Arabs is close due to an evil that is very near. Only those will succeed who will stop their hands (from acting or fighting).” (Ahmad)

It becomes increasingly clear that the destruction of the Arabs is mentioned a number of times in Ahadith and the one who doesn’t go out to fight or take any action in public or political affairs during this time will survive it’s fitnah (trial), the prophet (saws) lifted Fard Kifaya, community obligations, from all muslims during this time.

Abu Bakrah related from his father, who related that the Messenger of Allah said, “Indeed there will be a tribulation — the one who is lying down during it is better than the one who is seated; the one who is seated is better than the one who is standing; the one who is standing is better than the one who is walking; and the one who is walking is better than the one who is seeking it out.” Abu Bakrah said, “O Messenger of Allah, what do you order me to do

[then]?” He said, “Whoever has camels, then let him go to his camels; whoever has sheep, then let him catch up with his sheep; and whoever has land, then let him go to his land. And whoever does not have any of that, then let him betake himself to his sword, crush its blade with a rock, and then save himself as much as he is able to do so.” (Abu Dawud; a similar Hadith is found in Muslim).

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “There will be a fitna that will destroy (tastanzifu) the Arabs, its dead will be in Hell. During which the tongue will be more severe (ashadd) than a blow of the sword.” (Ahamd, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

The Ahadith draw a clear picture of what people should have been done during the Fitnah of the Duhaima, September the 11th, and looking back on history this was the one thing Muslims around the world were attacked and criticized over the most, it is amazing to see how the prophet (saws) saw this specific point from His own time. The prophet (saws) said during this fitnah the one who sits will be better than one who stands, and one who walks will be better than one who runs, people should avoid the general affairs of the public and He advised specifically not to go out and participate in any wars or so called Jihad’s during this period of time, He repeated it a number of time’s saying, cut your bow strings, break your swords, crush their blades, get rid of your weapons, don’t respond to anyone making the call to Jihad because the dead will be in Hell if they respond to Jihad.

The oppression by the Americans was the rallying cry and banner for those calling to Jihad, they called on the Youth to respond and defend muslim lands, while in every other time in history this would have been correct the prophet (saws) said this is the only time in Islamic history when it isn’t.

This is because the callers to Jihad during this time will be liars, the cause’s people will be fighting for will be manipulated and there will be much deception, “They will be assuming they have a (legitimate) cause, but they will not have a (legitimate) cause”, they will lie to them asking them to commit suicide, “their dead will be in hell”, and to kill civilians and the innocent, fighting a situation that can’t be changed because the prophet (saws) told us it’s outcome.

The Arab world is not going to respond to them even if these groups had won every war in the region, the Arabs are now a people who Allah has passed judgment on already, can anyone avert Allah’s punishments from a people. To drive this point home the prophet (saws) repeated this very point to us in a number of Ahadith because He (saws) knew how the Arabs will behave in our life time, so we shouldn’t wonder if the outcome will ever be something else.

The Army of the Mahdi (ra), the black flags will march from the east, they will conquer all of Arabia and even Israel, they will then demand the Arabs return to Islam but the Arabs will refuse even them, while the prophet (saws) clearly said we should respond to them and their call to jihad even if we have to crawl over ice to get to them, so what hope does a small fringe group fighting a false Jihad have of changing that situation, the fact is they are fake and that isn’t their aim at all. Allah has decreed “the destruction of the Kings and the Humiliation of the Arabs” and nothing can avert it.

Jabir ibn Samurah said, “I heard the Prophet say, ‘Just before the Hour there will be many liars.’” Jabir said, “Be on your guard against them.” (Muslim).

Abu Hurayrah said, “The Prophet said, ‘There will be “Dajjaals” and liars among my Ummah (literally lessor “Antichrists” and great liars). They will tell you something new, which neither you nor your forefathers have heard. Be on your guard against them, and do not let them lead you astray.’” (Ahmad)

The wars during this time will be nothing than a front for foreign governments and their media outlets, this is why we see these small terrorist groups go into a country disrupt what ever unity the people have, only to be later followed by the Invasion of a foreign power wishing to dominate that people, this most certainly will be the case in Syria as the prophet (saws) already mentioned it, sanctions will be placed on it just as they were placed on Iraq, but this time it will be Europe doing this.

Europe will succeed and be the dominant power at the end of times because this is mentioned in a number of Holy Books, not just ours, the final Great War will be between them and the Muslims who they will try to end entirely, this tyranny is itself mentioned in the Bible very clearly, it will lead to the destruction of Egypt by them and the coast of Sham and cause the people of the Maghreb (north Africa) to rise up against them.

The prophet’s (saws) words “their dead are in Hell” can only be a judgment on an act that person involves himself in which is equal to this kind of punishment by Allah, because He is not unjust, and during this time we saw a new type of warfare in Islamic war being utilized and manipulated, they came with false Ijtihad (new legal ruling’s) by fake scholar’s to justify it, “They will tell you something new, which neither you nor your forefathers have heard. Be on your guard against them, and do not let them lead you astray”.

This new thing is the act of suicide bombing, it was the one thing the Ummah was severely attacked and criticized over, many people responded to the call of these people only to be fooled into attacking civilian targets like we saw in Iraq and other Muslim countries, these people were manipulated for the sake of politics and a cause that lead to nothing Islamic, only those manipulating public affairs on a greater scale than the common soldier could perceive benefit from the situation.

The act of suicide is the only act that will take a person directly to hell, if you commit murder there is still a chance for tawba (repentance) in life, but not suicide it’s consequences are immediate, and this is exactly as the prophet (saws) described, the dead during this time of fitnah were those who went out to war and became suicide bombers, they attacked civilians, shopping centres and people not involved in any war. A person who commits normal suicide will go directly to hell, so then what of a person who commits suacide to kill innocent people not involved in war, these murderers have ended their own life so their fate is sealed by their own hands.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever intentionally swears falsely by a religion other than Islam, then he is what he has said, (e.g. if he says, ‘If such a thing is not true then I am a Jew,’ he has then left Islam and become a Jew). And whoever commits suicide with a piece of iron will be punished with the same piece of iron in the Hell Fire.” the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “A man was inflicted with wounds and he committed suicide, and so Allah said: My slave has caused death on himself hurriedly, so I forbid Paradise for him.” (Bukhari)

These people have sworn by a way of life other than Islam and committed acts not permitted by it, the prophet (saws) saw who they are and passed judgment upon them.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever.” (Bukhari)

Abu Huraira narrated: We were in the company of Allah’s Apostle in a ghazwa (battle), and he remarked about a man who claimed to be a Muslim, saying, “This (man) is from the people of the (Hell) Fire.” When the battle started, the man fought violently till he got wounded. Somebody said, “O Allah’s Apostle! The man whom you described as being from the people of the (Hell) Fire fought violently (and fiercely for us) today and died.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “He will go to the (Hell) Fire.” Some people were on the point of doubting, while they were in this state, suddenly someone said that he was still alive but severely wounded. When night fell, he lost patience and committed suicide. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was informed of that, and he said, “Allah is Greater! I testify that I am Allah’s Slave and His Apostle.” Then he ordered Bilal to announce amongst the people: “None will enter Paradise but a Muslim, and Allah may support this religion even with a disobedient man.” (Meaning, even if he helped Islam in the war, his act did not save him because his suicide took him to hell) (Bukhari).

The recruiters of these false Jihad’s are mentioned in ahadith very clearly, Hudhaifah Bin al Yamaan (ra) said: People used to ask the Messenger of Allah (saws) about the good times, but I used to ask him about bad times fearing lest they overtake me. I said: Messenger of Allah, we were in the midst of ignorance and evil, and then Allah brought us this good (through Islam). Is there any bad time after this good one? (this Hadith speaks about the different stages of good and evil that will exist throughout Islam’s history on earth).

He said: Yes. I asked: Will there be a good time again after that bad time? He said: Yes, but therein will be a hidden evil. I asked: What will be the evil hidden therein? He said: (That time will witness the rise of) the people who will adopt ways other than mine and seek guidance other than mine. You will know (their) good points as well as (their) bad points (this was during the Dynasties of Islam). I asked: Will there be a bad time after this good one? (After the Dynasties was the time of Dictators, our time)

He said: Yes. (A time will come) when there will be people standing and inviting at the gates of Hell. Whosoever responds to their call they will throw them into the fire (the time which the Duhaima occurred in) I said: Messenger of Allaah, describe them for us.

He said: All right. They will be a people having the same complexion as ours and speaking our language. I said: Messenger of Allaah, what do you suggest if I happen to live in that time? He said: You should stick to the main body of the Muslims and their leader (meaning these people will speak about the madhhabs, which is the main body of muslims not being the right group, so don’t believe them). I said: If they have no (such thing as the) main body and have no leader? (What if their isn’t a Khalifah or leader for the Muslims) He said: Separate yourself from all these factions (that will appear), though you may have to eat the roots of trees (in an isolated place) until death comes to you and you are in this state, (leave of the affairs of the general public, their leaders will deceive you and throw you into hell). (Bukhari and Muslim).

Ibn Masood (ra) said the fitnah of the Duhaima will be so sever and it’s deception so great, that a muslim will not be safe from his own companion, he should be like a statue in his own house to avoid it;

Amr ibn Waabisah related from his father from Ibn Mas’ood who said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah say (and he mentioned part of Abu Bakrah’s Hadeeth, mentioned earlier, “let him betake himself to his sword, crush its blade with a rock”) “All of those killed in it (the fitna) are in the Hellfire.” Waabisah asked, “And when is that, O Ibn Mas’ood?” He said, “Those are the days of much killing, when a man will not be safe from the companion he sits with.” Waabisah said, “And what do you order me to do if I reach that time?” He said, “Restrain your tongue and your hand, and be a fixture from the fixtures of your house.”(Abu Dawwud)

Imam Ibn kathir, who related these ahadith, said ‘it is a trial in which the impact of the tongue is more harsh than the impact of the sword’… a time when Mass Media will have worse consequences and sway on society than the wars and deaths they report on, modern technology only evolved as we know it after 2001 with the Internet that fuelled and created entire industries, mass telecommunication and mobile phones almost did not exist before 2001.

Abdullah ibn ‘Amr related that the Messenger of Allah said, “Indeed there will be a trial and it will afflict the Arabs. Those killed in it are in the Hellfire. The effect of the tongue (on society) during it is more severe than the effect of the sword.” (Abu Dawwud)

Imam Ibn Kathir related the following Ahadith about this fitna specifically;

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “When you see that my nation dreads saying to the oppressor, ‘Indeed you are an oppressor,’ then they have taken their leave (i.e. their existence and non-existence amounts to the same thing).” (Ahmad) They failed to stop oppression in Islamic lands so Allah decreed their humiliation and destruction.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “There will be Qadfh (heavy winds with stones flying, this is a simile for heavy bombardment by missiles, like what occurred in Baghdad and Afghanistan as well as the wars in Lebanon, Palestine and Syria during this time when they would literally trade missile for missile), Khasf (swallowing of the earth, the 2004 Tsunami that occurred because of a land slip, and the earthquakes in Turkey and Pakistan), and Maskh (stunting of peoples character and intelligence with miseducation, sihr, manipulated beliefs and sects)”.

It’s very significant the prophet (saws) mentioned Maskh with the most severe things occurring to the Arabs during this time, the bombardment killed thousands upon thousands of people and the earthquakes killed over 400, 000 people together, this lets us know how sever and widespread Maskh would be in our time.

In the Quran the word Maskh refers to transformation of people into animals, but Maskh also refers to the changing of a person’s appearance as well as the deliberate transformation or stunting of a persons character or personality. The word Maskh is synonymous with stunting a person’s growth or development but refers to appearance or demeanour at the same time.

One type of Maskh are people who wear heavy makeup or follow trends, something unique to modern society. These are trends whether fashion, music, a scene, or a group and generally termed a subculture, people usually wear heavy makeup with unique hair styles and unique clothes, they look a certain way and behave a certain way that is not normal to society or Deen, the most obvious example is the Goth subculture.

In this context Maskh can also refer to unique but general fashion trends that are followed by society at large because as a person takes on a persona which is the act of maskh that stunts their personality by limiting their behaviour and beliefs to that of the group.

Maskh of a persons personality can also be done with Sihr (dark magic) as people attack each other with it to stunt a person’s character and capacity so they can take advantage of him, the prophet (saws) said towards the end of time Sihr would be widespread in society this is despite the fact we are in a technological age, it is one of the main reasons why Paganism will again spread on the Arabian peninsula as the narration’s mention, they will call on their Shayateen and Jinn to aid them.

The Other Kind of Maskh is the kind popularized by spy films such as the Bourne Identity, loosely based on Soviet and U.S programs, where the individual is put through a program by which his personality is wiped, then he is reprogrammed and turned into a specialized government agent. In fact this type of Maskh fits the definition and context of the hadith perfectly because it is the internal change in personality that causes a change in appearance, while the Maskh of subcultures is an external change that then causes a persons character to change with it. One change is from the inside out while the other is from the outside in, and it is the former that is more relevant to these Ahadith.

The principles and methods used in these programs where first developed by the Hashashin (Assassins, the word in arabic means those who use drugs to indoctrinate people) and later adopted by occult societies that now dominate the upper class, the modern form of this is used by organizations, advertising companies, and governments on the wider society to push people, such as politicians, leaders, business people and private individuals, in specific career related direction’s through out their life and while it is not a complete form of Maskh it is a more subtle version of it where the person doesn’t notice they are being manipulated or limited, the prophet (saws) said: “No, no, the intellects of the general masses at that time will be deceived!”.

Both these types of internal Maskh can similarly be done with Sihr (dark magic) by dominating a persons character, his intelligence is limited through it which leaves him open to suggestion as his normal perception of the world is degraded.

These kinds of Maskh where practiced by various heretical sects throughout history such as the Hashashin (Assassins) and the Templar’s who they worked for and took from them, both employed the use of drugs to speed up the transformation in a person. The domination of a persons mind would be so complete because the process was prolonged over time, that the Hashashin’s where famous for committing suicide on command for the sake of demonstration to others.

All these types of Maskh, which now are no longer limited to these occult sects, appeared around the world at the same time as the prophet (saws) said, we would see heavy bombardment of muslims lands, large scale earthquakes and the wide spread use of Maskh on people because technology allowed it through Mass media.

There are other Ahadith that mention maskh and animals literally but that is a specific incident being mentioned and the word has a different meaning in that context, it is a punishment from Allah against one group of people, those involved in subcultures and music, while this hadith is referring to the wider Arab society from which entire tribes are heading towards outright paganism because of the Sihr (dark magic) and maskh they practice.

If this subject is new to some we should understand that in the Hadith the prophet (saws) mentions three things equivalent to each other in severity, widespread bombing, severe Earthquakes and Maskh, if Maskh in this hadith was referring to subcultures and simply fashion trends then the prophet (saws) would not have mentioned it in this context of large wars and mass death, this is also a rule in the tafsir of Ahadith.

Literally the prophet (saws) was saying during this time the suicide bombers who follow these false Jihads would be brainwashed and deluded, under the influence of Sihr and drug cocktails. The ability to transform a persons personality is clearly mentioned in the Quran, it is part of Human nature, so it shouldn’t be surprising that there are people who would want to learn how to do this forcefully to people through deception, drugs and Sihr (Dark Magic) to use them.

In the first verse Allah is speaking about man changing himself and adopting religion, He uses the example of a plain piece of cloth that is the died with color, which is the simile for change in character.

[2:138] The colouring of Allah (sibghata Llahi: a verbal noun reinforcing “we believe” in 2:136 which implies: sabaghana Llāhu “Allah has coloured us” ) – and what colouring could be better than Allah’s (i.e, none is better.) What is meant is the Deen on which He naturally formed people so that its effect appear on the person who adopts it, as the dye shows in a garment. There is nothing better than it. It is him we worship. [Tafsir al Jalalaiyn by Imam Suyuti]

In the Second verse Allah refers to a Man who sheds his skin, literally as a snake, to wear a new one which shaytan chose for him.

[7:175] And recite, O Muhammad (s), to them, that is, the Jews, the tidings, the tale, of him to whom We gave Our signs, but he cast them off, emerging in his disbelief in the same way that a snake emerges from its [shed] skin, he rebelled in disbelief, this was Bal‘am b. Ba‘ura’, a scholar from among the Children of Israel, who had been given some knowledge [of the Scriptures], and who was asked [by his followers] to invoke Allah against Moses. And when he did, the invocation turned against him and his tongue fell out onto his chest, and Satan pursued him, catching up with him and so he became his comrade, and he became of the perverse. [Tafsir al Jalalayn by Imam Suyuti].

The destruction of the Arabs shouldn’t be looked at in isolation because this hadith was telling us about the punishment Allah was enacting on the larger muslim world to prepare it for what is coming, while the bombardment was referring to Arab lands, the earthquakes were referring to Pakistan, Turkey and the coastal regions of Indonesia and Malaysia and the most corrupt regions in these lands, they where entirely dominated by alcohol and prostitution. Malaysia itself built the pertains towers, it was literally a sign of the hour as they joined the race to build tall buildings, even ahead of the Arabs, Pakistan is known for its corruption and Turkey a now secular country is itself the subject of numerous Ahadith during the time of the Mahdi (ra), when He emerges He will need to re-conquer it because they will not respond to his call for Jihad, seven months after He (ra) does the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will emerge so what time is left for them before the end ?

About our time the Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: “No! You’d be as great in quantity as the foam of the sea is, seen werever the eye can reach. But you’ll be overtaken by ‘wahn’.” The Sahabah asked, “O Prophet of Allah! What is ‘wahn’?” He replied: “Love of this world and fear of death!”

Unless Allah does something to shake this situation up, the Muslim world will not take responsibility for what needs to be done, this is why Allah is punishing the muslim world to prepare it for fitnah’s that are far worse than these wars, the Last Great War with the Mahdi (ra) and the trial of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) described as the worst trial this world will face since the time of Adam (as), He is purifying the Arabs of the people among them who adopted Sihr (Dark Magic), Maskh and secularism just like He did with the prophet Nuh (as) killing all the wicked so those better than them can be Allah’s Khalifah on earth.

Abu Hurairah related that the Messenger of Allah said, “There will be a trial that is Sammaa (people during the trial will not listen to the truth or to advice), Bakmaa (during it, no one will speak the truth), Amyaa (people will become blinded, not seeing matters clearly). Whoever seeks it out, the trial seeks him out and attracts him. The effect of the tongue during it is more severe than the effect of the sword.” (Abu Dawwud)

Samaa (hear no evil), Amya (see no evil), Bakmaa (speak no evil), in other words turn a blind eye to all evil, this is the fitnah of the Duhaima during which people were threatened and attacked, technology and espionage was used against them if they spoke out to improve the situation, and the media was silenced, forced to push the party line in the same way they once criticized the media of communist countries for pushing the party line.

Suicide bombing was the major issue this Ummah was criticized and attacked over in the past decade, while muslims during this time should have been like a fixture in their own home not being involved in the general affairs of people, and we have seen from the example of ISIS, how false groups can be set up to recruit naive people who are not educated and then manipulated through sophisticated methods.

Had a single one of these groups in reality been following the madhhabs, Islam’s schools of Law which the main body of muslims follow, this would not have occurred because not a single school of Law, after investigating the permissibility of suicide bombings permitted it as an act, only those calling to new ideologies that neither they or their fathers had heard before permitted all things during war, this wasn’t religion in the end it was a method.

The Prophet (saws) said, “There will be “Dajjaals” and liars among my Ummah. They will tell you something new, which neither you nor your forefathers have heard. Be on your guard against them, and do not let them lead you astray.”

Suicide bombing is entirely modern and the Fiqh (legality) regarding it required new Ijtihad (jurisprudential reasoning) while the door of Ijtihad (jurisprudential reasoning) had been closed for hundreds of years in Islam, no one was permitted to carry it out because people could no longer reach the degree of qualifications required for it.

These qualifications were equivalent to 10 Phd’s, literally you would need to master 10 sciences, past scholar’s that stood out in History were genius in their Iq’s, earning title’s such as “The Scholar of that Century” (Mujadid), “The Proof of Islam” (Hujatul Islam) and “The Scholar of Islam” (Shaykh al Islam), they are all proper titles not forms of flattery earned for specific qualifications or accomplishments, they have only been granted to a small number of people in the past 1400 hundred years which this Ummah has followed.

The leaders of these sects, none of whom were qualified to give basic rulings, had hardly opened a book and just made up what they wished to justify these act’s, they turned their claims into slogans that attracted those uneducated and moved by such methods.

Imam Ibn Kathir said the Messenger of Allah (saws) intimated that a destructive fitnah will occur in or time and safety from it is achieved by staying far away from it and from the ways that lead to it, he then related the following hadith;

‘Amr ibn Waabisah Al-Asdee related that his father said, “As I was within my home in Kufa, I heard ‘Assalaamu ‘Alaikum’ at the door. And I said, ‘Alaikum As-Salaam’ The visitor entered and when he came in, (I saw that) it was ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ood I said, ‘O Abu ‘Abdur-Rahmaan, what time is this to visit?’ The time was high noon. He said, ‘The day is long for me and I remembered one to whom I can speak.’ He began to relate to me from the Messenger of Allah saying, “There will be a trial werein the one who is sleeping during it is better than the one who is lying down (the person who is doing the least amount of action is the better one); and the one who is lying down during it is better than the one who is seated; the one who is seated during it is better than the one who is standing; the one who is standing during it is better than the one who is walking; the one who is walking is better than the one who is riding; the one who is riding is better than the one who is going forth quickly (seeking it out).

All of those killed during it are in the Hellfire.” ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ood asked, “O Messenger of Allah, and when is that?” He said, “The days of much killing, when a man will not be safe from the companion he sits with.” He said, “And what do you order me to do if I reach that (time)?” The Prophet said, “Restrain yourself and your hand and enter your home.” “O Messenger of Allah, and suppose a man enters upon me in my home?” The Prophet said, “Then lock your house.” ‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood asked, “Suppose he enters (forcefully) upon my house?” The Prophet said, “Then enter your Masjid and do like this,” and he then closed his right (hand) on his wrist (restrain your arm), “and say, ‘ My Lord is Allah’ until you die upon that”” (Ahmad)

Why would death be acceptable to Rasul Allah (saws) over any other action? This simple fact alone establishes the nature of the situation, it is because in these affairs Sihr is being used constantly to change peoples minds on issues, Sihr isn’t instant it is something that occurs over time, once it has a hold of your mind you are manoeuvred without realizing it, so the best way to avoid this is to not get involved at all this is why the prophet (saws) said death is better than being involved in public affairs which is a sever contrast meaning there are sever circumstances.

In this narration we find a summation of all other Ahadith and proof that all these Ahadith are speaking about the same matter because we find parts of the hadith in the various ahadith mentioned earlier tying them all together.

Husain Ibn ‘Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Ashja’ee related that he heard Sa’ad Ibn Abee Waqqaas say, “I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, suppose one enters my home and extends his hand to kill me?’ The Messenger of Allah said, ‘ Be like the son of Adam, and he recited:

“If you do stretch your hand against me to kill me, I shall never stretch my hand against you to kill you: for I fear Allah, the Lord of the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinn, and all that exists).”(Quf an 5:28).”‘ (Abu Daawood)

لءن بسط إلى يدك لتقتلنى ما أنا بباسط يدى إليك لأقتلك إنى أخاف الله رب العلمين

Abu Umayyah Ash-Sha’bani (ra) reported: I asked Abu Tha’labah Al-Kushani (ra), “What do you say about the verse: Take care of yourselves?” (5:105) He said: By Allah, you have asked one who knows. I asked the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, about it and he said, “You must enjoin good and forbid evil, until you see greed being obeyed and it is followed (capitalism), the worldly life is preferred, and everyone is impressed with his own opinion, then your duty is for yourself and to ignore the common people (this last phrase indicates this events timing because during the time of the Khalifah a muslim was responsible for his fellow muslim under Law, here Fard Kifaya is being removed). Verily, ahead of you are days of patience, werein patience will be like grasping hot coals, and the one who does good deeds will have the reward of fifty men who do likewise.” (Abu Dawud)

Allah revealed this verse in preparation for our time and we should use it to protect our self.

“O you who have attained to faith! It is [but] for your own selves that you are responsible: those who go astray can do you no harm if you are on the right path. Unto Allah you all must return: and then He will make you [truly] understand all that you were doing [in life]” (5:105).

يأيها الذين ءامنوا عليكم أنفسكم لا يظركم من ظل إذا اهتديتم إلى الله مرجعكم جميعا فينبءكم بما كنتم تعملون

The prophet (saws) said “There will be a tribulation in which a man will be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever by evening, except the one to whom Allah grants Knowledge.” (Ibn Maaja, Vol1, Book 36, Hadith 3954)

When Looking for verses in the Quran to recite or to use in Taweez to protect ourself from the fitna of our time, we should use the above two verses as well as the verses regarding Yajuj wa Majuj, “I will erect a barrier between you and them”(18:95) along with Surah al Kahf (chapter 18 the Cave), the prophet (saws) said the verses in surah al Maidah (5) and chapter 18 (al Kahf) will protect us nearing the end of time, the time when these Major events and signs of the hour will occur, we should Aquire knowledge during this time and we should be staying at home.

The following Dua it probably the single most important dua for our time, it removes stress, worry and anxiety because of the parts of the body it mentions and works on, but more importantly it breaks a type of sihr that is used to manipulate man, control his sense of direction, and the direction he is headed towards in life. If one can’t remember it all we should make a smaller dua mentioning the Nasiya (forehead) at least because the Jinn target this area to control man, it is the part of the brain that gives man his sense of direction and judgment as Allah mentioned in the Quran, the Jinn (and people) will do sihr on the part of the body responsible for specific actions in man to influence him through it, these dua counter that.

للّهُـمَّ إِنِّي عَبْـدُكَ ابْنُ عَبْـدِكَ ابْنُ أَمَتِـكَ نَاصِيَتِي بِيَـدِكَ، مَاضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ، عَدْلٌ فِيَّ قَضَاؤكَ أَسْأَلُـكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ سَمَّـيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ أِوْ أَنْزَلْتَـهُ فِي كِتَابِكَ، أَوْ عَلَّمْـتَهُ أَحَداً مِنْ خَلْقِـكَ أَوِ اسْتَـأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِي عِلْمِ الغَيْـبِ عِنْـدَكَ أَنْ تَجْـعَلَ القُرْآنَ رَبِيـعَ قَلْبِـي، وَنورَ صَـدْرِي وجَلَاءَ حُـزْنِي وذَهَابَ هَمِّـي

Transliteration:  Allaahumma ‘innee ‘abduka, ibnu ‘abdika, ibnu ‘amatika, naasiyatee biyadika, maadhin fiyya hukmuka, ‘adlun fiyya qadhaa’uka, ‘as’aluka bikulli ismin huwa laka, sammayta bihi nafsaka, ‘aw ‘anzaltahu fee kitaabika, ‘aw ‘allamtahu ‘ahadan min khalqika, ‘awista’tharta bihi fee ‘ilmil-ghaybi ‘indaka, ‘an taj’alal-Qur’aana rabee’a qalbee, wa noora sadree, wa jalaa’a huznee, wa thahaaba hammee.

The prophet (saws) said “O Allah, I am Your slave and the son of Your male slave and the son of your female slave. My forehead is in Your Hand (i.e. you have control over me). Your Judgment upon me is assured and Your Decree concerning me is just. I ask You by every Name that You have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book, taught any one of Your creation or kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You, to make the Qur’an the spring of my heart, and the light of my chest, the banisher of my sadness and the reliever of my distress.” (Ahmad)

We should also recite the last part of Surah al Alaq (96) where Allah mentions the things the Nasiya (Forehead) is used for against man to stop him from worship and being aware of Allah;

“HAST THOU ever considered him who tries to prevent a servant [of God] from praying?, Hast thou considered whether he is on the right way (his sense of direction in life), or is concerned with God-consciousness? (Capable of awareness) Hast thou considered whether he may [not] be giving the lie to the truth and turning his back [upon it]? (What muslims are being asked to do today), Does he, then, not know that God sees [all]? (Perfecting this understanding is Human perfection, but they want the opposite for us) Nay, if he desist not, We shall most surely drag him down upon his forehead (Nasiya) the lying, rebellious forehead! (This is it’s role in sin and moving away from Allah, so it is the part that is punished) (96:9-16)

If we are afflicted with anything especially a spiritual attack reading the part of the Quran that mentions anything to do with it works against it’s effects, this is the basis for dua, ruqyah and using he Quran to help man. Mankind is deliberately being fooled and given a wrong direction in life these verses counter that.

What is happening in the world today is leading to the Major Signs of the Hour and these verses will help us avoid being involved in the events and fitna’s that will take us to them, just like surah al Kahf we should be building our own Kahf (cave), making our home a fortress, to protect ourselves.

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