Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

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A Time Frame Between The War In Syria and The Mahdi


The following Ahadith mention what is occurring now in Syria they give us a specific outline and time frame for events between us the emergence of Mahdi (ra);

The Prophet (saws) said, “At the end of time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted (fitnatul Duhaima) in a similar way to that in which gold is sorted from metal. Therefore do not rebuke the people of Syria rather, rebuke the evil people among them, because amongst them are the Abdals (Awliya). Allah will send a flood from Heaven (an event) that will disperse their groups in a way that if foxes were to attack them they would be victorious. Then Allah will send a man (to the people of syria) from the perfumed musked children of the Messenger, praise and peace be upon him, amongst approximately 12-15,000 under three banners and their password is ‘Die, die!’ And they will be fought by the people of 7 banners under each is a man seeking the kingdom (Syria). They will be killed, defeated, then the Hashimite (leader of the black flags) will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to the people and this will be the case until the Dajjaal (the lying, false messiah) comes.”

At-Tabarani in al-Awsat, Nu’aym and Ibn ‘Asakir narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib [radhiyallahu ‘anhu] that the Messenger of Allah [sallallahu ‘alayhi wa-sallam] said:“There will be at the end of time a trial that will sort out men as gold is sorted out from metal. So do not revile the people of ash-Sham, but revile their evil ones, for among them are al-Abdal. A flood is about to be released upon the people of ash-Sham that will split their unity, so that even if foxes attacked them they would defeat them. At that time, a man from my household will come out with three banners. The one who estimates highly will say: They are fifteen thousand. And the one who estimates lower will say: They are twelve thousand. Their sign will be: “ Amit, amit [kill,kill].” They will meet in battle seven banners, and under each of those banners shall be a man seeking the kingdom. Allah will kill all of them, and restore to the Muslims their unity and bounty, and their far ones and near ones.”

Other Similar Narration’s State:

The Prophet (pbuh) Said: “So do not rebuke the people of Syria but rebuke the evil people among them because amongst them are the Abdals (Awliya). A flood is about to be sent down upon the people of Syria (the Arab spring), which will disperse their groups (cause a civil war) in such a way, that if foxes (deceptive and cunning groups) attacked they would be beaten. At that time a man from the Family of my House will come (to the people of Syria) under 3 banners; between 12-15,000 and their password is – ‘Die, die.’ Then, there will come 7 banners and under each will be one man seeking the kingdom (Syria). Allah will kill all of them and restore unity and favors upon the hearts of Muslims, and those who were far (the Syrians who emigrated) come close.”

Al-Hakim narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “There will be at the end of time a trial that will sort out men as gold is sorted out from metal (fitnatul Duhaima). So do not revile the people of Sham, but revile their evil ones (the dictators and their group), for among them are the Abdal [Awliya/Saints]. A flood is about to be released upon the people of Sham (the Arab spring) that will split their unity, so that even if foxes (ISIS and Al Qaeda) attack them they would defeat them. At that time, a man from my household will come out with three banners (to the people of Syria). The one who estimates highly will say that they are fifteen thousand. And the one who estimates lower will say that they are twelve thousand. Their sign will be: “Amit, amit [kill, kill].” They will meet in battle seven banners, and under each of those banners will be a man seeking the kingdom (Syria). Allah will kill all of them, and restore to the Muslims their unity and bounty and their far ones and near ones (the Syrians who emigrated will come back).” (These Ahadith are found in the references of Abu Dawud, Ahmad, Ibn Majah and At-Tabarani and al Hakim reported them).

And Nu’aym ibn Hammad and al-Hakim narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib [radhiyallahu‘anhu] that he said:“There will be a trial in which men will be sorted out as gold is sorted out from metal. So do not revile the people of ash-Sham, but revile their oppressors, for among them are al-Abdal. Allah shall send upon them a flood from the sky that will drown them, so that even if foxes attacked them they would defeat them. Then, at that time, Allah will send a man from the descendent’s of the Messenger [sallallahu ‘alayhi wa-sallam] among at least twelve thousand, and at most fifteen thousand, their sign or their mark being: “ Amit, amit [kill, kill]”, under three banners. They will fight a people under seven banners, and there will be no leader of any of those banners except that he desires the kingdom. So they will fight and be defeated, and then the Hashimi will be victorious, and Allah will restore to the people their unity and their bounty, and they will remain like that until the emergence of the Dajjal.”

The Events mentioned in these Ahadith make things very clear, at the end of these Ahadith and this war in Syria the prophet (saws) said that Allah will…“restore unity and favors upon the hearts of Muslims” and… “the Hashimite will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to the (muslim) people and this will be the case until the Dajjaal comes.”

This tells us when this hadith is to occur, at the end of the war mentioned in the hadith will be the time that Allah will begin to restore unity to the hearts of the Muslim Ummah, meaning prior to it they will have been in disunity. We can narrow the time because this can only be the case after the last Khalifah, 100 years ago and before the Mahdi’s (ra) era begins, hence it is referring to when the era of dictators will end and Asad is the last dictator.

This era is what divided  the ummah for nearly 100 years and it is now ending, this unity Allah will grant is the initial step that will pave the way for the return of Islamic lands to be ruled by the Mahdi (ra), Unity can’t be zapped into people hearts so Allah will prepare them psychologically and spiritually for it with what they will experience in life.

Because the hadith says this unity will be the state of the Muslims until the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) appears, it means this is the beginning of the unity under the mahdi (ra) who will end the oppression we are all living through, the black flags are the Mahdi’s army and they will pave the way for him by establishing His government before He emerges, this process will begin after the war in Syria ends as the ahadith indicate.

The prophet (saws) begins the Ahadith by mentioning the sifting of people, “At the end of time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted in a similar way to that in which gold is sorted from metal” the precious metal is removed from the scrap ore around it, the gold is crushed and agglomerated before it is distilled with mineral acids, in a similar way those precious to Allah will go through trials that will purify them, make them stand out from the scrap around them so they are known to each other, then refined even further so they become entirely pure, this is the sifting of people mentioned in a number of ahadith connecting them with events in Syria.

The prophet (saws) in a number of Ahadith mentioned the fitna’s (Trials and tribulations) that would befall this Ummah towards the end of time, and gave each one a specific name that characterized it so we could know it by it’s qualities, these fitna’s have been the subject of many works written by the scholars through out Islam’s History, among these fitna’s are fitna al Ahlaas, al Sarra and ad Duhaima.

The event that will sort people out has been mentioned in a number of Ahadith, the prophet (saws) called it fitnatul Duhaima.

The scholars described the Duhaima as the “Fitna that Will Sweep the Arabs Away,” we are seeing this today with the destruction of historical mosques and sites in Islamic lands some thousands of years old, sites that are crucial to muslim identity are bing destroyed by ISIS and the Salafi’s on behalf of a super power that as the prophet Daniel (as) said in the bible “crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left” of their society and heritage.

Abdullah b. Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “There will be a fitna that will “tastanzifu” (meaning it will destroy) the Arabs, its dead will be in Hell. During which the tongue will be more severe (ashadd) than a blow of the sword”. (Ahamd, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah).

“its dead will be in Hell” tells us who this is talking about because the only type of death that takes a person directly to hell is suicide, the hadith is clearly talking about the Salafi’s and their brainwashed suicide bombers.

“During which the tongue will be more severe (ashadd) than a blow of the sword “ – With the spread of the Internet and mobile technology this indicates to us when this event would occur because not more than 30 years ago mass media was still uncommon around the world it was all localised. This description “more sever than the blow of the sword” is also mentioned in a number of other narration’s (discussed later) identifying the event that will destroy the Arabs as the Duhaima, considering all the ahadith about this matter it is more precise to say the Duhaima will lead to their complete destruction and eventual death.

Regarding the Prophet’s (saws) statement “tastanzifu” Ibn al-Athir and Ibn al-Manzur [Ibn al-Athir is the scholar who wrote an-Nihaya fi Gharib al-Hadith, a dictionary on uncommon words found in hadith texts; Ibn al-Manzur is the author of the famous Lisan al-Arab.] said: It means it will encompass them in destruction. It is said [in Arabic]: istanzafat ash-shay’, if you take it all (it is encompassing). Destruction doesn’t just mean destroying buildings it means destroying their society and way of life, the Duhaima will bring this about and it will eventually lead to their deaths before the time of Isa (as) as ahadith clearly state.

Imam Ali al-Qari said in al-Mirqat [al-Mirqat is a commentary of Mishkat al-Masabih]: “It has been said that it means it will purify them from filth (al-ardhal)” this is because Allah purifies complacent people through struggle, the Duhaima will sift people out like gold is extracted and it will divide the world into two camps one filled with hypocrites and one filled with iman (religion).

What is similar to Imam al-Qari’s statement are the narrations about fitnatul ad-Duhaima’ (ad-duhaima’ means black and dark), the Prophet (saws) said: “It will not leave any single individual of this Umma (nation) but slap him on the cheek” (test his faith). In the Ahadith on the Duhaima, the Prophet (saws) said it will test the entire Ummah “Until people become two camps: one of faith (religion) with no hypocrisy and one of hypocrisy with no faith (religion).”

This shows that the fitnah of the Duhaima will separate the believers from the people of fitan, doubt and hypocrisy, making each stand out from the other as both are forced to take one of two sides that will be known to all, and the Duhaima is the greatest fitna that will occur prior to the appearance of the Antichrist (Allah’s curse be upon him), in the words of the people of hypocrisy “they are making their actions easy to see nowadays”.

The Prophet’s statement, “tastanzifu” means that it will consume most of them in destruction, this means it will lay the foundation’s for the death of the Arabs, an event mentioned in numerous Ahadith, this destruction will not end until the time of Isa (as) when most Arabs will have perished and they will be few in number.

The prophet (saws) said before the time of the Mahdi only 1/3 will have survived, and that the Arabs will mainly be residing in Jerusalem by the time Isa (as) descends.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said regarding the Great wars we will soon see: “The Romans (Europeans) will attack those Arabs who reside in their land (Europe), until not a single Arab man or woman or child remains in their land but that they shall be killed by the Romans.” (Kitab Al Fitan, Bab Al Aamaq wa fath al Constantiniya, page 260)

At the time of the Great war “the Romans (Europeans) shall say to their leader: ‘We shall relieve you of the Arabs,’ (intending Genocide) and they shall gather up for the great battle” (Ibn Maja)

By the time the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) who emerges seven months after the Great War, Umm Sharik said: “I heard Allah’s Apostle (saws) say: “The people would run away from the Dajjaal seeking shelter in the mountains.” She said: “Were would be the Arabs then on that day?” He said: “They would be small in number.” (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, No. 7035)

Umm Sharik bint Abi’l-‘Akr said , “O Messenger of Allah, were will the Arabs be at that time?” (of the Dajjaal) He said, “At that time they will be few; most of them will be in Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), and their Imam will be a righteous man. Whilst their Imam is going forward to lead the people in praying Salat al-Subh (the morning prayer), ‘Eyssa son of Maryam will descend.” (Ibn Majja)

Some of these ahadith mention that this fitna will occur due to competing claims of jahiliya, i.e. nationalism which only existed in the muslim world after the fall of the last Khalifah at the end of WW1, a point in time when the Muslims lost their sense of unity because its lands once had a single ruler, today the effects of nationalism dominate the Muslim mindset they forget that the prophet (saws) came to eliminate nationalism itself.

He (saws) said “The Muslim Ummah is like one body. If the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain and if the head is in pain then the whole body is in pain”, this is a spiritual reality warning people that they cant turn a blind eye to what is occurring in the Muslim world it will affect the rest of the Ummah, and this reality will occur from the spiritual world down to our physical one, meaning it will be a cause for the troubles that afflict people in their personal lives and souls even though they are distant from it.

Imam Ibn Kathir similarly identified the major fintna’s that would befall the Ummah just before the emergence of the Mahdi (ra), in his work al Bidaya wa Nihaya, he arranges the Ahadith regarding the signs of the Hour into a chronological order placing the Hadith regarding the Duhaima before the emergence of the Mahdi (r.a).

He relates the following hadith regarding them and the Duhaima, it is essentially the most significant hadith we can quote about what is occurring in the world, all other narrations tie back to it and revolve around what it says;

Abdullah ibn Umar said: While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah he mentioned the Fitan (strifes, trials & tribulations), mentioning many of them until he mentioned Fitnatul Ahlaas (The trial of the Saddlebag). Someone asked him: ‘ O Messenger of Allah, what is fitnatul Ahlaas? He said “It is the usurping of wealth and the fleeing”. Then (after it), will come Fitnatul Sarra (the fitna of secrets): its smoke is under the feet of a man (descendant) from my household (family), who claims he is of me, but he is not because my Awlyia (saintly men) are those who fear Allah. Then people will gather and agree upon a man, (but it will be an agreement that is) like a hip on a rib (meaning this will be a temporary arrangement, as a hip bone does not belong on the rib, if man bends his body to such a position he can not stay there for long before needing to do other things in life, so this position is temporary). Then there will be the Duhaima (Blind black, dark, catastrophic) trial. It will afflict every single person from this Nation. When it will be said that it is over, it will return; during it, a man will be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever (by) the night. (This will continue) until people will go to two Fustaats (groups) — the Fustaat of Eemaan (Group of faith or religion), in which there is no hypocrisy, and the Fustaat of hypocrisy, in which there is no Eemaan (faith or religion). And when that will come to you (when the sorting of people will finally end), wait for the Dajjaal on that day or on the morrow.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 37, Hadith 3. Ahmad related it as well in his Musnad).

Other Ahadith say “Then, the Duhaima Fitna (Dark Black & Cunning trial that catches people off guard will occur) that will not leave anyone without slapping him a slap (testing his faith); if people say it is finished, it stays longer; a man who is in the morning a Mu’min (Believer) by the evening becomes a Kafir (Disbeliever), until people will be divided into two factions: a faction of Iman (belief and religion) without hypocrisy and a faction of hypocrisy without Iman (belief and religion). When this happens (the sorting is finished), expect the Dajjaal that day or the next day’.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Al-Haakim, and Al-Zahabi)

The Hadith ends with the emergence of the Dajjaal and begins with fitnatul Ahlaas, then fitnatul Sarra which will lead to fitnatul Duhaima and that will lead the world to the emergence of the Antichrist (Allah’s curse be upon him), one fitna following the other like beads on a string neckless falling from it when it is cut.

The Duhaima is the Fitnah that will sort people out until the time of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him), which indicates that the first two fitna’s mentioned in the hadith are in our past, relating the evidence to how these fitna’s were identified in a comprehensive manner would require a larger work than this current book, effectively here we are presenting the conclusion to that research with some of the evidence which consisted in the careful analysis of ahadith to identify it’s timing, it was identified by comparing well over two dozen ahadith mentioning events around it until a proper timeline was achieved, the methodology for this process we outlined at the end of this book.

To sum up the matter and it is clear from the history of Muslims over the past 100 years, the scholars said that the man referred to in this hadith “its smoke is under the feet of a man (descendant) from my household (family), who claims he is of me (my descendant), but he is not because my Awlyia (saintly people) are those who fear Allah” was Saddam Hussein, who in 1990 when the words Allahu Akbar first appeared on the Iraqi flag produced a genealogical chart of his ancestry claiming he is one of Ahl al Bayt to establish his legitimacy as the ruler of Iraq, Ahl al Bayt means the person is a descendant of the prophet (saws, Saddam’s surname to muslims indicates this ancestry, as the Hadith mentions he was responsible for fitnatul Sarra the strife of secrecy or spying and espionage that entered the muslim world during his life time.

The prophet (saws) also said “my Awlyia (saintly people) are those who fear Allah” meaning he will be a descendant of the prophet (saws) but the prophet disowned him because he was corrupt and did not fear Allah.

Fitnatul Ahlaas (The fitna of the Saddlebag) is the war in Iraq that occurred over Oil and control of wealth in the region before the first gulf war, in it’s name “the saddle bag” (used for carrying items while riding a horse) is an indication of the type of war that it would be, this is similarly clear from the description the prophet (saws) gave it, “It is fleeing and plunder”, like riders charging into a town to plunder the wealth of that place then fleeing afterwards from the law with all they can carry in their saddle bags.

This fitna is referring to the Iraq and Kuwait war which lead to the First Gulf war that brought the Americans (Law) into the Arabian Peninsula and began it’s dominance over the muslim world. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990 to control it’s oil occupying it for seven months, the invasion caused roughly half of the Kuwaiti population to flee along with 150,000 foreigners (mostly Indians) working in the country.

During the 7-month occupation the forces of Saddam Hussein looted the countries vast wealth, in mid-January 1991 America launched a military assault on Iraq and Iraqi forces stationed in Kuwait. Hostilities continued until late February the same year, Saddam Husain loosing to them in less than a month, essentially fleeing with all he could carry.

All of this fits the description Rasul Allah (saws) gave, from Saddam’s intentions behind the war, to his looting of the country and his loss to America in less than a month, He (saws) called it the fitna of the saddle bag because it was the plunder of Kuwait’s wealth and fleeing from America less than a month after their invasion.

This event led to the non Muslims dominating Muslim lands for the next two decades and well into our time because they went unchallenged. As the prophet (saws) mentioned this period marked the lowest point in Islamic History,  the Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “When you see that my nation dreads saying to the oppressor (Saddam), ‘Indeed you are an oppressor,’ then they have taken their leave (i.e. their existence and non-existence amounts to the same thing)” (Ahmad) and what would occur after this point in time as history has shown would directly lead to the destruction of their society and way of life because they wouldn’t fight for their freedom or Islam, ultimately this would all lead to the genocide of the Arab race as aggression against them will inevitably increase.

“Then, will come Fitnatul Sarra’: its smoke is under the feet of a man (descendant) from my household”, As Sarra means the fitna of secrets and as the scholars defined the meaning of the word this is referring to a fitna of spying and espionage. The prophet (saws) was very clear and specific in how he mentioned this fitna, he said it will be introduced into this Ummah by a man who was his descendant, but not of Him (saws), as his character is immoral, “it’s smoke” refers to the man fanning it’s tribulation causing it to spread among muslim’s, the smoke is underneath the feet of Saddam but the fire itself, it’s original cause in the world wasn’t his.

In the 80’s Russia (former U.S.S.R) and America (along with their allies) were in a war known as the “cold war” because there was no large-scale fighting directly between the two sides, it was mostly a war of espionage and spying, it began in 1947 after WW2 and ended in 1991, it nearly brought down both nations in the process and eventually led to end of the U.S.S.R (old Russia).

When Saddam Hussein took control of Iraq in 1979 as the head of the Baath Party he adopted these super powers methods and ruled Iraq with espionage, fear and propaganda. He began a campaign of spying on his entire populace to weed out and eliminate any people that would instigate anything against him.

When Iraq was then invaded in the first Gulf war Muslim independence in their own homeland was shattered as the permanent state of the occupation set in, this state of spying during the occupation became so severe because he wanted to protect himself from foreign powers people could not say anything against his oppression in their own home out of fear their neighbour or friend or family member may report them to one of his agents to gain some benefit from the regime during a time of sanctions.

Saddam Husain created the atmosphere that normalised this mindset in the wider Iraqi population and the Muslim world.

Because Saddam was at the same time defiant to the West and their allies he was viewed as a hero who was standing up against a tyrannical people that were dominating them, the Muslim world eventual adopted this same mindset and chose to ignore the fact he was oppressing his own people for the sake of nationalism and his own pride, they forgot that forbidding evil and upholding truth are two pillars of Islam which have to maintained and in fact the prophet (saws) said when the muslim community no longer stops oppression Allah would place dictators over them.

Allah in the Quran says that He doesn’t punish a city until all it’s inhabitants practiced evil, “And never did we destroy the townships unless the folk thereof were evil-doers” (2859). The prophet (saws) also said “If people see someone (practicing) injustice and do not set him right, Allah will almost certainly visit them all with sever punishment.”, Other narration’s state “If they see evil practiced and do not attempt to change it.”(Abu Dawuud)

Because people feared saying to Saddam you are an oppressor and they didn’t remove his oppression the prophet (saws) said “then they have taken their leave” they are no longer upholding anything from the Deen and the Ummah may as well not even exist, hence Allah will fate most of the Arabs to die by the time of the Mahdi (ra) and for them to be driven out of their lands by Europe when it invades then by the Dajjal (Allah;s curse be upon him) when He emerges.

He (saws) said the people of Sham will leave sham and the people of Egypt will flee Egypt (it’s destruction is also mentioned in the Bible), the Romans (Europe) will bombard there coastal areas heavily and devastate them entirely.

The prophet (saws) said “There are no people in whose midst acts of disobedience are habitual (they become a consistent habit) and who can change these habits but do not change them, except that Allah visits them with sweeping punishment.” (Abu Dawuud)

The hadith about these three fitnah’s indicates their time is in the ear of Dictators and all these events occurred underneath the dictators of the Baath Party, the Muslim’s refused to vilify their oppression and instead looked towards their methods for solutions, essentially they took their leave from being muslims’s during this time which lead to the Ummah’s lowest point in Islam’s history.

Saddam’s methods were adopted by other dictators around the Muslim world to maintain complete control over their populations, he made these methods seem acceptable and justifiable in the eyes of others who wanted power.

The fitna of secrets has continued into our time with the popularization of espionage and the agencies that carry them out by the media, their actions are no longer seen as shocking and moral despicable and the matter has only gotten worse in a technological age were the gadgets they once dreamed up are all now reality. It’s spread was at the hands of Saddam but now it has affected the entire Muslim world as anyone wishing to keep control over Muslim populations uses it, manipulating portions of the population to keep watch over others, raising some in status and lowering another.

This is the exact behaviour of Pharaoh, Allah said, “Pharaoh behaved arrogantly in the land, and divided the people into groups, seeking to weaken one section (while raising another), slaying their sons and sparing their daughters he was one of those who spread corruption” (28:4).

إِنَّ فِرْعَوْنَ عَلَا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَجَعَلَ أَهْلَهَا شِيَعًا يَسْتَضْعِفُ طَائِفَةً مِّنْهُمْ يُذَبِّحُ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ وَيَسْتَحْيِي نِسَاءَهُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ مِنَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ

This state of affairs led to the emergence of the worst kind of people being placed in charge to maintain this system, those willing to do anything for this dunya (world), the prophet (saws) called them al Ruwaibidah (the corruptors of society) and mentioned their rule in Ahadith;

The prophet (saws) said, “There shall come upon people years of deceit in which the liar will be believed, the truthful one disbelieved (a reversal in society were the degenerates take the fore becoming the role models for people), the treacherous will be trusted and the trustworthy one considered treacherous (moral people are considered treacherous because they stop people from gaining wealth by deception, morality and  ethics in business is seen as exactly this and religious people are not trusted in corporations whistle blowers are shunned and degraded because society now looks to evil people to gain from them, shunning and mistrusting those who go against the status quo); and the Ruwaybidah will speak out.’ It was said: Who are the Ruwaybidah? The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied: The lowly, contemptible one who will speak out about public affairs (governing peoples personal lives)(al-rajul al tafihu yatakallam fi amri’l-ammah).] (Ibn Majah, Sunan, no.4036; Ahmad, Musnad, no.7899; al-Hakim, Mustadrak, 4:465, saying: ‘Its chain is sahih).

Anas ibn Malik said, The Prophet (saws) said, (before) The time of the Dajjaal (their) will be years of confusion. People will believe a liar, and disbelieve one who tells the truth. People will distrust one who is trustworthy, and trust one who is treacherous (the fitna of espionage led to this state of affairs because it opened the door for people’s personal lives scrutinised and judged publicly, the catch phrase of the day “privacy is a thing of the past” now these degenerates speak out about what people do in their homes influencing their personal beliefs); and the Ruwaybidah will have a say.’ Someone asked, ‘Who are the Ruwaybidah?’ He said, ‘Those who rebel against Allah and will have a say in general affairs.'” (Ahmad.)

“Those who rebel against Allah” means they challenge him directly, they are the degenerate and depraved occultists now in charge of people who perform fowl acts to gain power and influence in the occult, if we are unfamiliar with this subject but believe it exists because the Quran says it exists, we need to only ask what a person needs to do to become proficient in dark magic, what depraved acts does he need to do to gain control of devils and command them against others, this state of affairs is mentioned in many prophecies we will cover later.

Other translations of the hadith have “vile men who control the general affairs” of the common people, the Ruwaybidah have remained after the dictators have left, they are the lowest of people who practice the occult being put in charge of the public in order to manipulate and manoeuvre the population away from their heritage to a way of life that is hedonistic and heathen in the guise of secularism, they forget that the Khalifah was largely secular in nature so this is nothing new to muslims, legislation was mostly in the hands of it’s scholars (the Madhhabs) not it’s rulers who had political authority they did not.

The prophet (saws) said: “No, no, the intellects of the general masses at that time will be deceived! They will be following fools that have no intellects themselves. They will be assuming they have a (legitimate) cause, but they will not have a (legitimate) cause.” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban).

The muslim nations followed the ways of the Kufar blindly “you will follow the Jews and Christians in their ways even if they crawl down a lizard hole.” This occurred even though Secular countries all but lost their former identities as people in front of their eyes, they replaced culture with corporate advertising that has no real value in peoples lives except to exploit anything and everything for profit.

Many Ahadith indicate the timing of these events in relation to the Fitna’s that the prophet (saws) gave specific labels to like the Duhaima, of which we are only relating a few.

Imam Nu’aym ibn Hammad, who was one of Imam Bukhari’s teachers, in his work al Fitan narrated from Abu Hurayrah (ra) that he said: “The fourth fitna is blind and dark, rolling like the ocean. It will not leave a single house of the Arabs or the ‘Ajam without filling it with humiliation and fear. It will go around Sham, cover ‘Iraq, and batter the Jazirah with its hand and foot. During it, the Ummah will be torn by wars, and the tribulations will become so severe that right will be considered as wrong, and wrong will be considered as right. No one will be able to voice the least objection. Every time they resolve it in one place, it will afflict them with division in another place (the splitting up of entire societies). During it, a man will be a mu’min in the morning and become a kafir by the evening, and no one will be saved from it except one who supplicates like a person drowning in the ocean would supplicate. It will last for twelve years, then it will end when it ends, and the Euphrates will have uncovered a mountain of gold. They will fight over it until seven out of every nine are killed.”

Sham refers to greater Syria, present-day Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Sinai. Iraq refers to the southern area of the present-day state of Iraq. As for the Jazirah, this does not refer to the Arabian Peninsula, but rather to the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the northern area of present-day Iraq and Syria.

The description given of the fourth fitna is fitnatul Duhaima which came after fitnatul Sarra, the first fitna is more than likely the Iran-Iraq War that began in 1980 and lasted for nearly a decade, shaping the Middle East at the beginning of the technological age we now live in. It is mentioned in other Ahadith by the prophet (saws), that war led to the the later three fitna’s directly.

These Ahadith indicate that the fourth fitna will be the last one to shape the world immediately before the coming of the Mahdi (ra) and the emergence of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), “(This will continue) until people will go to two Fustaats (groups) — the Fustaat of Eemaan (religion), in which there is no hypocrisy, and the Fustaat of hypocrisy, in which there is no Eemaan (religion). And when that will come to you (when the sorting of people into the camp with religion and the camp with no religion finally ends), wait for the Dajjaal on that day or on the morrow”.

The Prophet (saws) said “Then people will gather and agree upon a man, (but it will be an agreement that is) like a hip on a rib, (meaning this arrangement won’t last). Then there will be the Duhaima (the major corrupting event in the world that will lead to the Dajjal)”.

After the first Gulf War in the 90’s when sanctions were placed on Iraq people gathered around the Banner of Osama Bin Laden who was fighting against the oppression Muslims were facing in Iraq and elsewhere, this was before he was labeled a terrorist by the west, this arrangement soon ended when the Fitna of the Duhaima began on September the 11, 2001, with the destruction of the world trade towers that ended his support around the world.

In fact all the events mentioned are related to each other and were a cause for the fitna that came after it just like the prophet (saws) described the events of the hour will follow each other like beads falling from a string. The Iran Iraq war led to Fitnatul Ahlaas (Kuwait war) and that led to fitnatul Sarra (secrecy and espionage) which in turn led to fitnatul Duhaima, September the 11th.

When America wanted revenge they invaded Iraq to completely remove Saddam from power who they considered should have been removed in the first Gulf War, and Osama Bin Laden who had temporary Muslim support was blamed for the attack which is why the prophet (saws) mentioned all the events together in one Hadith along with the end result of splitting the Muslim world into two camps, as the west dominated muslim countries the world was forced to choose sides just as Islam and Christianity foretold.

The Duhaima, led to the invasion of Afghanistan, the second Invasion of Iraq and the humiliation of every Muslim on earth over the past decade as an entire religion and it’s people were demonized in the world media, a pretext for political gain considering Islam hasn’t had any representative government for almost a hundred years, it’s effects where greater than the sword testing the faith of every Muslim (“giving him a slap”).

As it’s description states it was a Dark Black & Cunning trial that caught people off guard, it’s effects were “blind and dark, rolling like the ocean (meaning continuously spreading around the world). It will not leave a single house of the Arabs or the ‘Ajam (non Arab Muslims) without filling it with humiliation and fear (which every Muslim lived through). It will go around Sham (local wars in Palestine, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon), cover ‘Iraq (the second Iraq war which led to it’s complete occupation and loss of independence), and batter the Jazirah with its hand and foot (an area that is heavily contested by many sides today). During it, the Ummah will be torn by wars…”It will last for twelve years, then it will end when it ends”.

“When it will be said that it is over, it will return” – When America invaded Iraq for many years people called for this war to end only to have it extend for nearly a decade while they looked on hopeless about stoping it, people did not know when it would end and it kept being prolonged by the west until people nearly gave up protesting it.

The major impact of this fitna are not the wars that resulted from it but the lasting impact it had on the world,  ‘(This will continue) until people will go to two Fustaats (groups) — the Fustaat of Eemaan (religion), in which there is no hypocrisy, and the Fustaat of hypocrisy, in which there is no Eemaan (religion). And when that will come to you (when this sorting finally ends), wait for the Dajjaal on that day or on the morrow.’

The Duhaima began the division of the world into two camps one filled with Hypocrisy and no religion and the other filled with Iman, religion and no hypocrisy, this isn’t a reference to the devision of Muslim’s versus non Muslims this is a reference to the entire world, to people who hold on to good qualities versus those who choose evil in life (such as the ruwaybidah). It is a general characterization of the state of the world as we know it today after these events have shaped it, because the last fitna to occur in the Hadith, the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), will come to test the entire world after the sorting ends and not just muslims.

The Duhaima, september the 11th, it’s ramifications are global and not just In Islam it is literally the event that will lead the world to the coming of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) because it decided the world into two camps this with religion and those without religion.

The Ahadith about events at the end of time take on a global nature because Allah will test the entire world with what is going to occur, initially they refer to Muslims but as we get closer to the Mahdi (ra) and the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) they begin to refer to all people on earth.

One only need think back to the 80’s, 70’s and earlier to see a contrast between how people thought back then and now, the west was still considered Christian in those time’s and the east Buddhist, now those characterizing distinctions are deliberately being removed by the West and the Ruwaybidah, a foreign system being used in Muslim lands, hence the fitna of the Duhaima and what will result after it are the camps of those who have left morality and those who still hold on to it.

Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn Aas reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “How will you (act) when the time draws near when people will be sifted (2001); the covenants (business) of people will be corrupted and the people will differ (sorted into two camps); then they will be like this,” and he intertwined his fingers (social media with the advent of the internet, and telecommunications technology). They said, “How should we (act), O Messenger of Allah?” He said, ” Take what you know to be good and leave what you repudiate; betake yourselves to your own private affairs and leave off the affairs of the general public.” (The responsibility forFard Kifaya, communal obligations, after 2001 is lifted from us) (Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah and Ahmad related the same Hadeeth through different chains).

Here the prophet (saws) described the modern era, “the covenants of people will be corrupted (business will be corrupt) and the people will differ (the sorting of people into two camps); then they will be like this, and he intertwined his fingers” indicating the Globalization of the world and people’s lives becoming connected to each other around the world through the internet, social media and all telecommunications technology and because of all this the prophet (saws) lifted the responsibility of Fard Kifaya, communal obligations, from muslims they won’t be asked about it on the day of judgment any longer.

There is a chronology to the prophet’s words the hadith begins with the sifting of people in 2001 with the September the 11 attacks, if we think back to how the World media was viewed before 2001, it was the ethical voice of the public that kept politician’s, corporations and corruption in society in check by reporting on it. We can then understand the significance of the prophets (saws) next words, “the covenants of people (their word and contract) will be corrupted” the reporter’s word was his career but this was destroyed after 2001 and reporters were no longer seen as trustworthy, a black spot was placed upon them that has never lifted.

Hence once the perceived moral voice of society was no longer moral or had any capacity to keep anyone in check, corporations, politicians and everyone else began to see that they could get away with what ever they liked, now you could manipulate anyone and everything.

“and the people will differ” this refers to the dividing effect of September the 11th, America during this time was accused of orchestrating the entire event because they could not provide clear evidence to justify their wars, or establish the guilt of people they accused in a court of Law. Saddam Hussein for instance had nothing to do with the attack, something they admitted later as if they had just realised it, yet Iraq was invaded for irrelevant political gain, hence the world media was used as a weapon of war and propaganda that would not critically investigate events or the corrupt governments behind everything.

“then they will be like this, and he intertwined his fingers”, peoples lives would become intertwined, it was around 2004 that the internet and mass telecommunication devices like mobile phones gained mass penetration, technology also made travel around the world easy and the world was explored and discovered like never before.

Globalization has never occurred before in history, technology and the Internet have allowed strangers living on the other side of the world to enter into peoples lives and homes on mass, where before the home protected the privacy of those living in them now every mobile phone and computer had a camera attached to it.

The Invasion of Afghanistan began in 2001 and Iraq followed soon after, the Arab countries (Sham) were all torn by a number of wars during this time, wars in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and eventually the Syrian civil war in 2012. The fitna of the Duhaima lasted for 12 years, the pull out of troops from Afghanistan eventually began in 2013 and ended in 2014.

This is the sorting of People into two camps mentioned in the Ahadith, people first began to take sides on the events surrounding September the 11th, then this continued to spread to other areas of life until it became clear who was corrupt and had no religion and who wasn’t as pressure was put on people to take sides in their work and lives.

The prophet (saws) mentioned the sorting of people at the beginning of a number of Ahadith because he was telling us how we could know which war in Syria he was referring to, and in three narration’s he (saws) indicated it to be a civil war after the spetember the 11 attack, described as the sorting or sifting of people.

The Duhaima’s occurrence was before the war in Sham and led to it in 2012, it changed the world in a unique way, the Dictators after it were no longer seen as absolute Authorities in their countries it also lead to the next event on the string of beads, the complete removal of the era of dictators with the Arab spring, or the flood as the prophet (saws) called it.

The Prophet (saws) said during the time of the Duhaima “do not rebuke the people of Syria rather, rebuke the evil people among them, because amongst them are the Abdals (Awliya or Saints)”. The Evil people among them are the Baath Party of Bashar al Asad, meaning during these 12 years you would see them do reprehensible things that you would want to curse the people of Syria over, this was the case regarding a number of issues in the region like Lebanon, but the prophet (saws) advised that we should only curse those who are evil and not the entire population itself.

The Baath Party of Syria is the same Baath party Saddam Husain belonged to, who similarly used spying and espionage to subvert and oppress the population, Bashar al Asad belonged to a minority sect of people who ruled Syria, they made up less than 23% of the countries population and were placed in power after WW1 by the French, having an even smaller population at the time.

The prophet (saws) goes on to say “Allah will send a flood from Heaven (an event) that will disperse their groups in a way that if foxes were to attack them they would be victorious”.

The flood that would be sent was the “Arab spring” that swept across the entire Muslim world removing every dictator from power effectively ending the Era of Dictators in Muslim lands, it came to Syria last and began the Civil War…“Then there will be tyrannical (forceful) kingship (the era of dictators) and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain.Then He will raise it when He wills to raise it.”

Bashar al Asad is the last of the old dictators in the muslim world, once his rule ends this will be the end of the Baath party that spread Fitnatul Sarra (the corruption of espionage secrecy) into the muslim world, this isn’t to say the muslim Ummah wont see any more dictators, Ahadith clearly mention them but they will all be short lived not lasting more than a few years, they are more accurately war lords, waging short lived wars before being defeated as the prophet (saws) stated.

Rather the era of dictators ending means that this form of governing in the Muslim world wont appear every where again as it once did after WW1, the hadith is a characterization of the Ummah through out it’s history.

The prophet (saws) said “that will disperse their groups”, the civil war dispersed Syria’s groups into factions, some fighting for the people of Syria, some fighting for Asad and some joining the terrorist factions fighting for themselves. This dispersion the prophet (saws) said about it “that if foxes were to attack them they would be victorious”.

This characterization is an indication of the type of event the flood would be and is unique in it’s description among all the wars mentioned by the prophet (saws), “Allah will send a flood from Heaven (an event) that will disperse their groups” the flood would disperse their groups into factions indicating this event would cause in fighting, a civil war, and it wont be an invading Army, otherwise the prophet (saws) would have clearly mentioned it is an Army invading Syria, the flood is a metaphor for a movement (an intellectual event) that would be a catalyst for the splitting of the people into factions.

When the people of Syria saw how all the other dictators around the world had fallen this gave them motivation to likewise do the same and take back their country.

To understand who the foxes are we have to look at the factions fighting in Syria, Bashar al Asad is one faction, Hizb Allah is another, Al Qaeda and ISIS are two factions with two distinct leaders and groups, and the people of Syria make up the remaining factions.

Edward Snowden was a former system administrator for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a counterintelligence trainer at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), he later worked for the private intelligence contractor Dell inside an NSA outpost in Japan, in March 2013, he joined a consulting firm inside the NSA centre in Hawaii.

In June 2013, he came to international attention after disclosing to several media outlets thousands of classified documents that he acquired while working as an NSA contractor. Snowden’s leaked documents revealed numerous global surveillance programs, many of them run by the NSA and the “Five Eyes”, an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, with the cooperation of telecommunication companies around the world and European governments.

This leak came on the heels of the earlier leak by Wiki Leaks of the files now known as the Spy Files which initially brought attention to the existence of these surveillance programs that intercepted the complete communications of entire populations, it was a secret new industry spanning 25 countries that began in September 2001.

Wiki Leaks, a journalistic organization used by whistle blowers to publish secret information, news leaks, and classified media from anonymous sources to bring to light corruption around the world, began releasing a database of hundreds of documents containing information about various operations from as many as 160 intelligence contractors in the mass surveillance industry.

The documents leaked by Edward Snowden, now reported by various media outlets around the world, revealed who the foxes are that the prophet (saws) mentioned in the Ahadith.

The NSA documents revealed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terrorist group ISIS was trained by Mossad, with the help of US and UK intelligence officials. The US, UK and Israel drew up a plan to protect the Zionist entity, by using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

NSA documents refer to the implementation of the hornet’s nest as a strategy by which all terrorists could be gathered together in one place by creating religious and Islamic slogans that would attract them such as the re-establishment of the long lost Islamic Khalifa, in other terms a false cause that would rally extremists in one place in order to engage them in a war away from Israel by turning their attention elsewhere.

In the documents leaked by Snowden, it was revealed that ISIS was made for “the protection of the Jewish state” in order to keep the enemies of Israel engaged, in other words so they would waste their resources elsewhere and effectively spend what ever strength they have.

Snowden’s leak also revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was given intensive military training for a whole year by Mossad, besides lessons on Islamic Law, theology and public speaking.

Media outlets similarly reported that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appointed an Australian Muslim with extensive links to the Australian Secret Service to the post of military commander.

The Australian began his mission by beheading four Muslim detainees from other armed factions who refused to swear allegiance to al-Baghdadi as the Khalifa, they were said to be from the other Al Qaeda faction who began fighting with ISIS soon after they declared them self the new “Khalifah of the Islamic World”, ISIS has since become famous for it’s beheadings.

Voila_Capture 2015-09-10_10-14-27_amEdward Snowden stated that Baghdadi who was Born to (Arab) Jewish parents was a Mossad agent whose real name is Elliot Shamon, he is pictured with American senator John McCain having high profile meetings on how to proceed in Syria.

Many scholars from within the salafi moment itself have long since warned about their movement being infiltrated and manipulated to create factions within factions as far back as 1998 like Naasir al Deen Albani one of their main scholars when the movement existed in “simpler” times and was more “clear” in its aims. But it’s more accurate to say these scholars were handpicked from obscurity as the leaders of their groups because they were successfully miseducated in order to spread their less than scholarly ideas, this is very evident from Albani’s own work because he quotes al Manar magazine often and claims it was one of the greatest influences on his life, the magazine was written by Jamal al Deen Afghani (d.1897) who was responsible for the foreign backed separatists groups in Egypt that brought down the government and handed it over to the British for colonisation at the turn of the last century, and Muhammad Abduh (d.1905) who forcibly placed himself as the head of al Azhar university, until his death, with the backing of the British in order to pass the Shariah ruling that riba (interest on loans) was permissible so British Banks could dominate Egypt into the next century and buy out the suez canal which helped the British Empire dominate the entire world.

The prophet (saws) said  “that if foxes were to attack them (the dispersed groups of Syria) they would be victorious”, in 2014 the foxes (ISIS) attacked and were victorious against the people of Syria claiming a small territory after which they declared they had re-established the Islamic Khalifah with this small patch of land alone, only to be later found out they are MOSSAD agents, their idiotic claims should be self evident because people don’t go to war because they think a small patch of land in Syria is the re-establishment of the Khalifah for the entire muslim world.

Many scholars from within the salafi moment itself have long since warned about their movement being infiltrated and manipulated to create factions within factions as far back as 1998 like Naasir al Deen Albani one of their main scholars when the movement existed in “simpler” times and was more “clear” in its aims. But it’s more accurate to say these scholars were handpicked from obscurity as the leaders of their groups because they were successfully miseducated in order to spread their less than scholarly ideas, this is very evident from Albani’s own work because he quotes al Manar magazine often and claims it was one of the greatest influences on his life, the magazine was written by Jamal al Deen Afghani (d.1897) who was responsible for the separatists groups in Egypt that brought down the government and handed it over to the British for colonisation at the turn of the last century, and Muhammad Abduh (d.1905) who forcibly placed himself as the head of al Azhar university until his death with the backing of the British in order to pass the Shariah ruling that riba (interest on loans) was permissible so British Banks could dominate Egypt into the next century and buy out the suez canal which helped the British Empire dominate the entire world.

The prophet (saws) said  “that if foxes were to attack them (the dispersed groups of Syria) they would be victorious”, in 2014 the foxes (ISIS) attacked and were victorious against the people of Syria claiming a small territory after which they declared that they had re-established the Islamic Khalifah, only to be later found out they are MOSSAD agents.

It is absurd that this is a serious and rational claim or that they even took it in such a manner themselves, rather their ulterior lessor motives are clear in it’s absurdity, these are men who know how to effectively lead men during war, so their capacity to organize, plan and deceive is established, the Prophet (saws) himself said ‘War is Deception’, this same statement was later repeated by Tsun Tzu in his famous book ‘The Art of War’.

This is the current state of the war in Syria, attention is focused on the foxes (ISIS), The messenger of Allah (saws) goes on to say “Then Allah will send a man from the perfumed musked children of the Messenger”, this is not the Mahdi (r.a) but a person from Ahl al Bayt (the prophets descendants) who will lead the people of Syria.

“They will be killed, defeated, then the Hashimite will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to the people and this will be the case until the Dajjaal (the lying, false messiah) comes” The Hashimi (which is his lineage from Bani Hashim) as it is mentioned later in other narration’s is called “al Mansur”. He is General of the Army that will come from the East carrying black flags in order to establish the dominion of the Mahdi (ra), before he emerges, the Hadith is saying shortly after the civil war in Syria ends the river Euphrates will dry up and the Black flags will come from the east conquering Arabia and Israel, when muslims see this unity will again return to the hearts of muslims and it will remain like this until the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) appears.

The prophet (saws) call’s al Mansur the Hashimi in a number of narration’s, this is one of the most significant events in not only Islam but Christianity as well (discussed later), because according to them Allah will send the six Angel of the Apocalypse to dry up the river euphrates to prepare the way for them to march across Arabia conquering it and Jerusalem.

Europe will come to dominate the world this is evident in Ahadith because they will be the ones to place sanctions on Syria and not America and the Great war Armageddon will be between the Muslim’s and Europe, America by this point in time is not mentioned at all by the prophet (saws) because Europe would have taken it place from it as the dominant power.

Many narration’s once chronological arranged show how specific the prophet (saws) was, mentioning the major events of each decade in order, the following narration begins in the 70’s and spans nearly 50 years into our time. Imam ibn Hammad narrated from Ka’b: “There will be, after the fitnah in ash-Sham (Lebanese Civil war 76-90 and Ikhwan uprising in Syria 79-82), the eastern one which will be the destruction of the Kings and the Humiliation of the Arabs (the Duhaima, sep 11th, when the destruction of the Arabs began with their loss of independence and vilification, this state will continue), until the people of the Maghrib (Morocco, Tunisia, etc) come out”. (Which will occur after the Black flags come form the east, as many Ahadith state). (Nu’aym ibn Hammad, Kitab al-Fitan, No. 53)

The current civil war in Syria was allowed to occur by Allah, it was sent to lift the era of dictators from the muslim world, this is regardless of which foreign groups are involved in it, as the famous hadith of Rasul Allah (saws) states ‘Allah may help this Deen with an Evil person’. Hence the fitna mentioned in the above hadith has to refer to when the prophet (saws) said fitna would be going around Sham before settling on Iraq, the fitna began with the Arab Israeli conflict in 1967 which was followed by the Lebanese Civil War between 1976 and 1990, and during that time the Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) attempted to take control of Syria between 1979 and 1982.

It began to move to Iraq with the Iran and Iraq war but settled there in 1990 with the Kuwait war which was followed by the Sanctions being placed on Iraq for the next decade, once events settled over Iraq we saw the Fitnatul Ahlasss and Fitnatul Sarra occur which affected the Ummah at large, during this time the prophet (saws) said the muslim Ummah, “they have taken their leave”, their existence and non existence amounts to the same thing.

Allah will rally the people of Sham around one of the descendants of the prophet (saws) at the end of this Civil War, He Will engage the people of 7 Banner’s having seven different leaders in a Battle amongst approximately 12-15,000 soldiers under three different banners (battalions) and their password or saying is ‘Die, die!’, meaning to the Death.

It is clear from these Ahadith the only people who are going to win are the people of Syria. While the people of Sham will have one leader and under him are three different banners, those who oppose them are clearly 7 different Banners with 7 different and distinct leaders, all of whom are seeking control of Syria.

The 7 Banners and their leaders are Bashar al Asad (1), Hizb Allah (2), al Qaeda are two distinct groups (ISIS and al Qaeda) with two different leaders (3,4), and 2 groups from the people of Syria have joined al Qaeda and their groups (5,6), making that 6 Banners so far, it was reported that 3 groups from Syria joined al Qaeda but this isn’t confirmed yet as the war hasn’t reached it’s conclusion the seventh group may be a super power or Iran or Turkey, what is clear is that each of these groups has it’s own leader with his own aspirations and plans, while the people of Syria are united in a single war against all of them, exactly as the hadith states.

When ISIS claimed to have won and established the Khalifah they were about 10,000 fighters in that war, “They will be killed, defeated, then the Hashimite will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to the people and this will be the case until the Dajjaal (the lying, false messiah) comes.”

Allah will kill all these different factions and restore unity to the hearts of the Muslims so the next phase of Islamic Governance can begin, a Khalifah underneath the Mahdi (ra).

The Mahdi (ra) as other Ahadith indicate will appear after sanctions are placed on Egypt like they were placed on Iraq, these Ahadith mention that other specific events must occur first, like the black banners coming from the east (Afghanistan and it’s surrounding areas) who will march across Arab lands conquering them until they finally take Jerusalem and give control of it after six years to the Mahdi (ra), He will emerge while there is a civil war raging in Saudi Arabia.

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: Black Flags will appear from Khorasan (Afghanistan and the surrounding areas), Nothing will will stop them until they will be placed at Elya (the Holy Land of Jerusalem) (Mustadrak Hakim Hadith 8531. 2 Masnad Ahmad Volume 4,Hadith 1599).

Abd Allah said, Whilst we were with the Prophet, some young men from Banu Hashim approached us. When the Prophet saw them, his eyes filled with tears and the colour of his face changed. I said, We can see something has changed in your face, and it upsets us. The Prophet said, We are the people of a Household for whom Allah has chosen the Hereafter rather than this world. The people of my Household (Banu Hashim) will suffer a great deal after my death, and will be persecuted until a people carrying black banners will come out of the east. They will instruct the people to do good, but the people will refuse; they will fight until they are victorious, and the people do as they asked, but they will not accept it from them until they hand over power to a man from my household. Then the earth will be filled with fairness, just as it had been filled with injustice. If any of you live to see this, you should go to him (the Mahdi) even if you have to crawl across ice.” (Sunan Ibn Majah (Kitab-al-fitan) Hadith 4082).

In this hadith is the reason why Allah will destroy the Arabs, the black flags will come from the east conquering Arab lands, they will instruct them to act according to Islam but the Arabs will refuse to Accept Islam so they will defeat them, afterwards Allah will only leave 1/3 of them alive before the Mahdi (ra) emerges driving many from their home lands due to prolonged war. The phrasing in the earlier hadith. “the destruction of the Kings” is the prophet (saws) announcing when the end of the Saudi Kingdom would begin and what it’s will be, it is the Kingdom in charge of the Holy Lands and in many Ahadith referring to Saudi Arabia shortly after a civil war among three of their present rulers son’s, the Saudi Kingship would come to an end.

September the 11, Fitnatul Duhaima, is the worst fitna to befall the world before the emergence of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), the prophet (saws) said it is “…a trial that will take place in my nation – it is the greatest of them” (Ahmad), it’s effects will continue to increase in waves dividing mankind into two camps, the prophet (saws) called it the era of evil and advised that all good deeds should be performed before it’s arrival, “Perform all good deeds before the era of evil dawns” because after the world is split into two camps the camp of hypocrites with no religion will stop all people from trying to do any good in the world so they con dominate the world, this is the camp of secularism, Atheism and the occult.

The intensity of the evil that will emerge during this time will stop mankind as a whole from being able to perform any good, corruption will spread intensely during it and man will be forced to choose safety over charity and open kindness, because he wont know the person who he is dealing with and would fear him, its effects will corrupt the entire world as all forms of harmful acts spread, destroying the meaning and fabric of society, and in fact we have seen this with the unprecedented rate of consumption of alcohol, drugs and pornography and everything else that man can do to his body.

The prophet (saws) described it’s severity in corrupting mankind in this way “tribulations will become so severe that right will be considered as wrong, and wrong will be considered as right. No one will be able to voice the least objection. Every time they resolve it in one place, it will afflict them with division in another place. During it, a man will be a mu’min in the morning and become a kafir in the evening, and no one will be saved from it except one who supplicates like a person drowning in the ocean would supplicate”, and He (saws) advised people regarding it in the following way ” They said, “How should we (act), O Messenger of Allah?” He said, ” Take what you know to be good and leave what you repudiate; betake yourselves to your own private affairs and leave off the affairs of the general public”, Fard Kifaya, community obligations are no longer mandatory on people, don’t involve your selves with the ruwaybidah, their people and any public or community affairs they will be dominated by muslims who are kufar, they have joined the camp of the Hypocrites, the West and their Allies, and have apostated from the Deen because of it, ‘their camp will be filled with Hypocrites and no Iman’ (religion) meaning they are no longer Muslims.

The devision of this fitna will continue to increase in severity until the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) emerges, the effects of these evils will be so grave and cause such doubt in man that a person would wake up as a Mu’min (Muslim) and become a Kaafir by night, or be a Mu’min (Muslim) at night and become a Kaafir by the morning, in this statement from the prophet (saws) is the affirmation that the camp of the Hypocrites is using the occult because the last time the world saw such quick transformations in people was when Christian Germany adopted the occult Nazi Party, many prophecies which we will quote later also state this literally.

The second half of the statement is also an indication of the kind of lives people will live at night, this was not common in mankind before our era, people used to stay at home at night and not venture out, we see that in every subtle phrase of the prophet (saws) is a prophecy regarding what will occur.

A person will sell his Deen (way of life) in lieu of a paltry sum, and indeed we have seen this with people joining the camp of the hypocrites or coming under the control of the Ruwaybidah and more recently with people openly denouncing Islam in order to promote a book they have written, this would not have been conceivable 30 years ago, but the atmosphere September the 11th caused around the world changed people’s perception of the world and placed mankind on a path ending with only one event, the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him).


Syria The Land Of Mercy

7a4e9dab3f5a76e5f904f63193e4d3caAllah most High blessed the land of Sham (greater Syria) in the Quran when He said “Glory to Him who made His servant travel by night from the sacred place of worship to the furthest place of worship, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him some of Our signs: He alone is the All Hearing, the All Seeing”. (17:1)

Abd Allaah bin ‘Amr said “I heard the Apostle of Allah (saws) say: “There will be emigration after emigration and the people who are best will be those who cleave most closely to places which Abraham (as) migrated (Syria).

The Prophet (pbuh) said: Blessing to al Sham!, Blessing to al Sham!, Blessing to al Sham! (Ya Tuba Li al Sham). They asked why and he replied: Because the wings of the angels of the Merciful are lowered over it.” (Bukhari)

Salama ibn Nufayl al-Hadrami came to the Prophet and said: “I have fattened the horses and laid down arms, for war has rested its burdens and there is no more fighting.” The Prophet said: “Now has fighting come! There shall not cease to be a group in my Community that shall remain victorious over all people. Allah shall cause the hearts of some to go astray and those shall fight them and receive from them His sustenance, until His command comes to pass as they are in that state. Lo! Verily, the heartland of the Believers is al-Sham (uqr dar al-mu’minin al-sham), and immense good remains tied to the forelocks of horses until the Day of Resurrection.” (al-Bukhari in his Tarikh al-Kabir (4:70))

Syria has been mentioned in ahadith in many places in relation to the blessings Allah gave it and the blessings of it’s people, along with Ahadith about events that will occur there marking the nearness of the hour.

One Hadith recorded by Imam Suyuti, in which the Prophet (pbuh) tells us exactly How close the hour will be when it is fulfilled, and has recently occurred, not only marks the nearness of the Hour but the significance of the war in Syria as one of the events that will lead to the Major Signs.

[In Arabic] The prophet (saws) said: “itha ra’aitun makka bu’ijat katha’ima, wa ya-tasawa bunya-nuha ru’usa jibaliha, faqad athalatal sa’atu.”

The prophet (saws) said: “If you see Makkah with holes in its mountains, and its buildings reach (or surpass) it’s mountain tops, then the hour has cast its shadow”.

“If you see mecca with holes in its mountains” – Holes in its mountains refer to tunnels, the ones newly built and used by pedestrians and vehicles during and after hajj leading to and from the Mosque of Makkah. If we watch Live video of Makkah on the Internet eventually we will see these Holes (tunnels) in the mountains right near the Masjid.

These signs are significant because the date of their construction allows us to know the significance of events occurring around that time as the prophet (saws) didn’t simply say the hour would be near, he said at this point in time it is casting it’s shadow over people.

“And its buildings reach (or surpass) its mountain tops” – The Giant Clock tower near the Kaaba was constructed in 2012, it is the world’s second tallest building and the world’s tallest hotel at 1972 ft, it was the first building to surpass the mountains of Makkah, which is a mountainous region, the year of its completion then marks the point in time when the Hour has cast it’s shadow over people.

After a series of protests in Syria that led to government crackdowns in 2011, these events eventually turned into an outright civil war in 2012, the year when it could be said the War in Sham (Syria) properly began.

The shadow of the hour means that this is the time when significant events directly relating to the hour and leading to it’s major Signs will be occurring, the Clock Tower isn’t the event it is the thing that will mark the significance of what is occurring in the World, the Civil war’s significance itself is related in a number of other Ahadith mentioned by the prophet (saws), and is an important point in Islamic history the point when Allah will remove the Era of dictators and return Islam to Khalifah.

“Then the hour has cast it’s shadow” – meaning it’s shadow has reached us, the significance of the hour’s nearness in this description is the difference between looking at an object from a far distance approach us, which was the past 1400 years of Islam, and looking at an object whose shadow is now touching us and is coming even closer, this is the time we are alive in.

The construction of tall building’s has been mentioned in a number of Ahadith, one of the most famous narration’s in Islam is the Hadith of Jibril (Gabriel), 86 days before the prophets (saws) passing Jibril (Gabriel) came to teach the Muslim’s regarding Islam, He sat with the prophet and asked him four question’s that summed up what all of Islam is about, He asked what is Islam (the religion, it’s Fiqh, Laws), what is Iman (Aqeedah, it’s creed), what is Ihsan (Human Perfection, it’s aim) and when will the Hour occur.

Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless with him and grant him peace, one day a man came up to us whose clothes were extremely white, whose hair was extremely black, upon whom traces of traveling could not be seen, and whom none of us knew, until he sat down close to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, so that he rested his knees upon his knees and placed his two hands upon his thighs and said,

‘Muhammad, tell me about Islam.’

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, ‘Islam is that you witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and you establish the prayer, and you give the Zakat, and you fast Ramadan, and you perform the hajj of the House if you are able to take a way to it.’

He said, ‘You have told the truth,’

and we were amazed at him asking him and [then] telling him that he told the truth.

He said, ‘Tell me about Iman.’

He said, ‘That you affirm Allah, His Angels, His Books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and that you affirm the Decree, the good of it and the bad of it.’

He said, ‘You have told the truth.’

He said, ‘Tell me about Ihsan.’

He said, ‘That you worship Allah as if you see Him, for if you don’t see Him then truly He sees you.’

He said, ‘Tell me about the Hour.’

He said, ‘The one asked about it knows no more than the one asking.’

He said, ‘Then tell me about its tokens.’

He said, ‘That the female slave should give birth to her mistress, and you see poor, naked, barefoot shepherds of sheep and goats competing in making tall buildings.’

He went away, and I remained some time. Then he asked, ‘Umar, do you know who the questioner was?’ I said, ‘Allah and His Messenger know best.’ He said, ‘He was Jibril who came to you to teach you your Deen (Religion)’.” (Muslim and Bukhari narrated it and has a grade Higher than Sahih and that is “Agreed upon”).

Of All the signs of the hour the prophet (saws) could have mentioned he mentioned this one, this is because it would be a turning point in the history of Muslims that would clearly indicate the nearness of the hour.

The competition for constructing tall buildings began in the west, the prophet (saws) said when you see the bedouin Arabs join in this competition then this would be a clear sign of the hour, and he indicated who these people would be by the description he gave of them.

The “poor, naked, barefoot shepherds of sheep and goats” is a reference to the Origin of the bedouin Arabs of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia who after the discovery of oil in their lands became very rich.

These two people have now constructed two of the tallest building in the world, first the Burj Khalifah in Dubai was constructed then in a similar fashion the Clock tower in Makkah was constructed which is the second tallest building in the world.

This competition Saudi Arabia will continue as they plan to surpass the burj Khalifah when they construct the worlds tallest building, the Kingdom Tower, construction began in 2013 and is due for completion in 2019, it will reach 1 mile high.

The competition is an indication of the state of that society, it’s desire for outward displays of grandeur over maintaining an environment of inward spirituality in Islam’s Holy Land, this sign of the hour is clear because materialism and spirituality can not exist in the same location, people can not connect inwardly to both at the same time one dominates the other and because materialism is in front of our eyes it corrupts more easily, while spirituality (Deen) requires effort and work, just as the prophet (saws) said, the path to heaven is paved with hardships while the path to hell is paved with ease, this is what He (saws) was referring to.

In the 19th century Makkah did not have tall buildings, then in a short period of time all this changed.

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The Clock Tower in Makkah is the worlds second tallest building it looms over the Kaaba and it’s Mountains.

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Dubai in the 1950’s was a village.

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Dubai now has the worlds tallest building the Burj Khalifah, this competition will not end here.Voila_Capture 2015-09-10_09-43-41_am

The prophet (saws) spoke about the hour itself in these kind of descriptive terms in more than one hadith. The Messenger of Allah (saws) in referring to places the Imamat (religious leadership) of Islam would be found throughout Islam’s History (this is slightly different than the Islamic Khalifah or political rule) said: “This matter (Islam) will be in al-Madinah, then in Sham, then in the Jazirah, then in ‘Iraq, then in al-Madinah, then in Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem). And when it comes to Bayt al-Maqdis, then it will be in its homeland. And it will never go away from a people and afterwards return to them.”

Imamat (Islamic Leadership) and Khalifah are in the same place when Islamic rule is Just. Abdullah ibn Hawalah al-Azdi (ra) said, “The Messenger of Allah (saws) placed his hand over my head and said:”O Ibn Hawalah! When you see that the Khilafa (Caliphate) has settled (has its seat or capital) in the Holy Land (Palestine), then the earthquakes, tribulations and great events will have drawn near. The Hour, on that day, will be closer to the people than my hand is to your head.” (Abu Dawwud)

It will settle in the holy Land just before the Mahdi (ra) appears, so between our time, when the hour has first cast it’s shadow over us, and the time the Khalifah (rule of Islam) settles in the holy Land, the hour would have continued to draw closer until it will be closer than the hand of the prophet (saws) just over the head of Abdullah ibn Hawlah (ra).

This rapid increase in the speed of it’s approach from when it first cast it’s shadow to when it reaches a distance just above mans’s head, in contrast to the past 1400 years were it was simply described as being near and approaching, is because the prophet (saws) said “The signs are like beads strung on a string. If the string breaks, they [quickly] follow one after the other” (falling from the string), the string was recently cut with the fitna’s (trials and tribulations) we are seeing in the world, and events are now following each other in rapid succession.

It’s shadow being cast over us is a point in time different from previous centuries, it indicates that now is the time for the beginning of events that will be the direct cause for the first major signs of the Hour, Imam Mahdi (ra), as Imam Ibn Kathir said, he is the first of the Major signs.

The events leading to him as mentioned in ahadith, and arranged by the scholars are, the fitna’s (trial’s, wars, tribulations) that will occur right before his time, which include the sanctions placed on Iraq and to be placed on Syria and then Egypt, the fitna of the Duhaima (the Blind and Dark strife), the people of earth being sorted into two groups, a group of Hypocrites with no faith and a group of people with Iman (faith) and no hypocrisy, the social destruction of society, the corrupt state of People, Globalization as people lives become intertwined, and finally the change of Islamic governance and Rulers around the world from Dictators to a Khalifah as the era of tyrants comes to an end with the war in Syria and the era of the Khalifa (Mahdi) begins.

Rasul Allah (saws) said, “Perform all good deeds before the era of evil dawns (the Duhaima, which is the biggest Fitna we will face before the time of the Mahdi), the darkness of which will increase in waves. The effects of these evils will be so grave that a person will be a Mu’min (believer) in the morning and a Kaafir (non believer) at night, or a Mu’min at night and a Kaafir in the morning. A person will sell his Deen (religion) in lieu of a paltry sum.” (Muslim).

Corruption will be so great and intense that man will sell his morality in the span of a day and become the opposite of what he once was.

Some of the ahadith which relate to our time mention events over the length of Islam’s time on earth, while some mention events that span a hundred years and others mention events that span a decade or a few years.

Of the Ahadith that span the entire length of Islam’s history on earth are the Ahadith regarding the phases and types of governance this Ummah (nation) will be ruled by, these ahadith give a good indication of how much time we have before Allah sends the Mahdi and Isa (ra) after which Allah will remove Islam and religion from earth when Isa (as) eventually passes away.

The war in Syria is significant to these Ahadith because it marks a major point in their time line, the end of Muslim lands being ruled by dictators, since the ‘Arab spring’ has removed all other dictators and the Syrian regime is last one in Islamic Lands.

The Prophet (saws) said: The Prophet hood will remain amongst you for as long as Allah wills it to be. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it (meaning the Prophet will die). Then there will be the Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology. And it will last for as long as Allah wills it to last. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be biting kingship, and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be tyrannical (forceful) kingship (an era of dictators) and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then He will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be a Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology. Then he (the Prophet) was silent. (Musnad Imam Ahmad (v/273)

From this Hadith it becomes clear from our history were we are in relation to Islam’s remaining time on earth, because the era of dictators is lifting.

The Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology are the four Khalifah Rashideen, Abu Bakr (ra), Umar (ra), Uthman (ra) and Ali (ra) and some include Hassan (ra) as indicated by other Ahadith that the period of the rightly guided Khalifah would last for 30 years and its time of 30 years ended exactly with al Hassan (ra), “it will last for as long as Allah wills it to last. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it”.

The biting Kingships are the Islamic Dynasties that competed with each other for dominance, starting with the Ummayid Khalifah who began this tradition of Dynasties and governance by kingship, meaning the Khalif (King effectively) was succeeded by his son and the matter of government was not left to shurah, consultation of the people as to who should rule, which was the custom of the first four Khalifa’s of Islam, about this state of affairs the prophet (saws) similarly said “it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it”.

Allah chose to raise it with the last of these Dynasties, at the end of WW1 (1918) when the Ottoman Khalifah lost to the British Empire, French Republic and the Russian Empire, who then subdivided its lands and created all the small Muslim countries we now see in the world today.

This situation of an Ummah with out an Islamic government ruling all it’s lands led to the next phase in the hadith, “Then there will be tyrannical (forceful) kingship (an era of dictators) and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain”. This was the beginning of the era of Dictators, the system of dictators was installed by the colonial powers at the time so they could rule the local populations, those powers eventually collapsed but the system remained and was afterwards controlled and manipulated by the current dominant power in the world.

Our current situation in the world and the hadith of the prophet (saws) both bring us to the war in Syria, “Then He will raise it when He wills to raise it” the Arab spring that swept across the Muslim world removed the remaining dictators and this Old system entirely, the last dictator being Bashar al Asad in Syria. Once the war in Syria ends and that dictatorship is removed it’s era will be over…”Then there will be a Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology, then he (the Prophet) was silent”, at this point in time Allah will begin the process of returning the Ummah to government underneath a Khalifah, the Mahdi (r.a).

The Prophet of Allah (saws) said: After me will come caliphs, and after the caliphs will come princes, and after princes there will be kings and after the kings, there will be tyrants. And after the tyrants a man from My House will fill the earth with justice and after him is al-Qahtani (a man in the time of Isa (as)), By the One who sent me with the Truth! Not a word less. (Tabarani, Ibn Mandah, Ibn Asakir and Na‘īm bin Hammād (who was the teacher of Imam Bukhari) in his work “al Fitan wa Malahim” from ‘Abd ar-Rahman bin Qays bin Jabir al-Sadafi. Kanz al-Ummal, hadith #38704.)

A scholar said regarding the different dynasties found in these narration’s: “We see that the caliphs spoken of in this hadith are “the Rightly- Guided Ones”: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, may Allah the Exalted be pleased with them all. The princes are the Umayyad Caliphs of Damascus and the Abbasid Caliphs of Baghdad. As for the kings, they are the Ottoman Sultans of Istanbul. Following the kings, according to the hadith, are tyrants and that is what is commonly seen today. Finally, what for us is a prediction: the appearance of a man from the family of the Prophet who will rule with justice” (the Mahdi).

The distinction between Princes and Kings isn’t in the type of government, both are monarchies but rather in the Quality of the Government, princes are said to be young and less burdened with the world while Kings are said to be competitive and arrogant in keeping their power, which is a perfect description of the Ottoman Khalifa that dominated the Muslim world, hoarding power by waring and ending the other Muslim Khalifah’s that existed around it, both the Mamluks and the Abbasids.

The Prophet (saws) said “when you see Sham is a bounty for a man and his oligarchy family members then at this time Constantine will be opened”. The Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II opened Constantinople in 1452 soon after The Ottomans had conquered Sham, the prophet (saws) mentioned that it will be no more than a Jewel in his eye taken for worldly reasons, the Ottomans conquered it from another Islamic Khalifah which was not Jihad for Allah’s sake. The prophet (saws) then calls his family an Oligarchy which means that power is controlled by a small group of people and they are fiercely keeping with themselves.

There is no other time frame for events to occur in, major events are occurring in our own life time and hardly anyone recognizes them, when Mehmet the second was conquering Constantinople do you think he saw that he was the subject of such a hadith, judging his own character and actions, or he viewed life as we do wondering who the prophet (saws) was talking about, the Hour has cast it’s shadow and major events are unfolding clearly, we should know what these signs mean because Allah instructs it in the Quran;

“Verily, in all this there are messages indeed for those who can read the signs” (15:75)

“AND [remember:] We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them without [an inner] truth; but, behold, the Hour is indeed yet to come. Hence, forgive [men’s failings] with fair forbearance” (15:85)

“But they [who reject My messages are wont to] ask, “When is that promise [(I shall show you My portents) I shall show you the signs of My divine Oneness in the horizons] to be fulfilled? [Answer this, O you who believe in it,] if you are men of truth!” (21:37) (additions from Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas)

“Nay, but [the Last Hour] will come upon them of a sudden, and will stupefy them: and they will be unable to avert it, and neither wilt they be allowed any respite.”(21:40)

There are no dictators left in the Muslim world and the era wont be ending at any other time than ours, Allah is removing it and history has literally occurred as the prophet (saws) mentioned.

From what the Prophet (saws) said we have only mentioned some of these Ahadith for the sake of being brief, but there are other narration’s mentioning the change in governance indicating this time frame the Ummah is on. The matter is widely reported although we cant say if the narration’s have reached the level of Mutawatir (mass transmitted hadith).

Just as Allah prepared the Arabs of Quraish, over a period of time, both spiritually and psychologically for Islam’s advent Allah will prepare the Ummah (muslim nation) for the coming of the Mahdi (ra), the prophet (saws) informed us why we are in the state we are in;

The Prophet (saws) said: “The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and (place) enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation) Apostle of Allah: He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death”. (the dislike of struggle against oppression, to fix what is wrong in the world) (Muslim).

Islam was the dominant Power in the world throughout it’s history, so this can only be talking about the decline of Muslim dominance around the world over the past hundred years and most certainly our own life time, since we are in Islam’s lowest point of strength. The Ottoman Khalifah, the last Khalifah of Islam, was one of the most feared Empires in the world, after it’s demise Muslims have hardly had the capacity to stand up for their own religion and the oppression that is occurring in their lands.

What we see happening in Syria, Iraq and Yemen are a part of this preparation.

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:”Matters will run their course until you become three armies: an army in Sham (Syria), an army in Yemen, and an army in Iraq”. Ibn Hawalah said: “Choose for me, O Messenger of Allah! in case I live to see that day”.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “You should go to Sham, for it is the best of Allah’s lands, and the best of His slaves will be drawn there! And if you refuse, then you should go to Yemen and drink from its wells. For Allah has guaranteed me that He will look after Sham and its people!” (Imam Ahmad 4/110, Abu Dawud 2483).

If we can’t help the people of Sham we should then help the people of Yemen because Allah has promised to look after Sham and it’s people.

Signs Of The Hour

Alhamdulillah_Islamic-Calligraphy-artThere are many additional prophecies pertaining to the end of time, when all these Ahadith are arranged in a chronological order a significant picture becomes very clear, the prophet (saws) mentioned events on a year by year basis, there isn’t a year that has passed in which the prophet (saws) didn’t speak about what is occurring in it.

This isn’t to say he enumerated the years one by one but rather for example He (saws) would mention an event that would span four or five years, then He would mention the event that would come after it and so on, this is consistent up until the time of the hour, the frequency of events he mentions is increased towards our time in history and we can see He (saws) almost did mention events on a year by year basis in our life time because he would often say this event will last for 5,7 or 9 years giving very specific information.

Although this present work shows this chronology and this frequency, we have left out a lot of events for the sake of being brief, were they to be all similarly arranged the matter would be seen with precise clarity.

Allah himself spoke about this in the Quran when He said regarding the Prophet (saws) “He does not withhold what is revealed to him from the Unseen” (81:24), meaning everything he is shown He related to us and He (saws) repeatedly said He was shown what will occur to the end of time.
The following narration’s span the entirety of Islam until the Last Great War they are an example of the breadth of what the prophet was shown, his knowledge covered the span of time itself.

‘Aouf Ibn Maalik Al-Ashja’ee said, “I went to the Prophet and gave him greetings of peace. Hem, said, ‘Aouf?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘Enter.’ I asked, ‘All of me or a part of me?’ (Should i simply look inside) He said, ‘All of you. O ‘Aouf, enumerate six that will occur in close proximity to the Hour. the first of them is my death.’ I cried until the Messenger of Allah silenced me. He said, ‘Say: one.’ I said, ‘One.’ He said, ‘The second is the conquering of Jerusalem. Say: two.’ I said, ‘Two.’ He said, ‘The third is death that will occur in my nation, it will take them like the shearing of (wool on) sheep (this is the Plague of Amwas in 639AD). Say: three. The fourth is a trial that will take place in my nation – it is the greatest of them (The trial of the Duhaima, the narration skips to our time). The fifth is the abundant flowing of wealth among you, until a man is given 100 dinars but is still dissatisfied with it (this is an increase in the standard of living after the Duhaima, and is yet to occur). Say: five. The sixth is a truce between you and the children of the yellow ones (referring to Romans and will occur just before the Great War); they will advance toward you with 80 Ghaayah.’ I said, ‘And what is Al-Ghaayah?’ He said, ‘a flag, and under each flag there are 12 000 (troops). And the Fustaat (depending on context it can means either a city or group, here it means city) of the Muslims at that time will be in a land called Ghootah, in a city called Damascus (in Syria).”‘ (Ahmad)

Aouf ibn Maalik said, “I went to the Messenger of Allah while he was engaged in the battle of Tabook; he was in a dome made of Udam (skin or leather). He said, ‘Enumerate six signs which will occur in close proximity to the Hour, 1) my death; 2) the conquering of Constantinople (1453 AD); 3) death that will take you like the barber of sheep (takes hair from them, the Amwas plague occurred in 639AD in Palestine which most scholars say this refers to, it killed many companions); 4) an abundant flow of wealth until a man receives 100 dinar yet still remains dissatisfied (wealth will spread, this is an increase in the standard of living around the world due to technology); 5) a trial that will not leave a single house from the Arabs except that it enters it (the Duhaima); 6) then there will be a truce between you and the children of the yellow ones. They will advance and come to you under 80 flags; under each flag there will be 12,000.(al Malham al Kubra, The Great War)” (Bukhari)

The chronology of these narration’s is elaborated on through out the present work, it is more than likely one of the narrators of the second Hadith mixed between events in the list because the narration is chronological except for the plague, this is something sometimes present in narrations. The last sign is Al Malhma al Kubra (the Great War, Armageddon), the Romans (Europeans) will raise an Army consisting of around 960000 soldiers against the muslims during that war and both Ahadith place it to occur after the trial of the Duhaima which we are living now.

Huthafah ibn Asad said, “The Prophet came over to us as we were studying among ourselves (knowledge regarding) the Hour. He said, ‘What are you discussing?’ We said, ‘We are mentioning (affairs pertaining to) the Hour.’ He said, ‘Indeed it will not come until you see ten signs (These are the Major Signs unlike the previous ones, they are not in order): The smoke, the Dajjaal, the beast, the rising of the sun from the West, the descending of ‘Eesa ibn Maryam, Yajooj and Majooj, three Khusoof (Three major Landslides or Earth Quakes) — the Khasf of the East, the Khasf of the West, and the Khasf of the Arabian Peninsula — and the last of them is a fire that will emerge from the East and that will steer people to their place of gathering (before the Hour).” (Ahmad)

It is related in a Hadeeth from Hudhaifah that from the signs of the Hour is a smoke that will fill all that is between the East and the West. It will remain on earth for forty days. The believer will be afflicted with something similar to a cold; the disbeliever will be in a state of drunkenness; smoke will come out from his nose, his eyes, his ears, and his anus (this is mentioned in ‘Aun Al-Ma’bood.)

Many of Islam’s major scholars have written works on the signs of the hour in which they have arranged the many Ahadith (narrations) of the prophet (saws) in the chronological order they understood the events would occur in. Of the scholars that have undertaken the work of arranging the narrations, among the most known are Imam Suyuti and Imam Ibn Kathir.

Imam Ibn Hajar who wrote the famous Tafsir (exegesis) to Sahih Bukhari, the most famous collection of prophetic narration’s in Islam, Fath al Bari (Victory of the Creator), similarly divided the signs of the hour into two main categories, and arranged them into the order that they would be occurring in, one before the other.

The first category of signs are those that occur on this earth without the earth itself changing, these are signs that should clearly awaken people and drive them to repent to Allah. The signs of this category include the coming of the Dajjaal (Antichrist), the return of Jesus (as), Yajuj wa Majuj (Gog and Magog) and the Major Earthquakes.

The second category of the major signs leave no doubt as to the immanent occurrence of the Day of Resurrection and the end of this world, among them there will be clear events that will distinguish the believer from the disbeliever.
Hence, before and after these signs, there will be no question regarding the necessity to repent and return to living life as Allah intended, “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves (Stop the evil they commit). And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it” (13:11).

The signs in this category include the appearance of the beast of the earth who will mark people as clearly being believers or non believers in Allah, the smoke and the rising of the Sun from the West (the opposite direction it normally rises from) after which Allah will refuse to accept repentance from any person who has not already repented, and a large fire (Gigantic Lava Flow’s) that will drive people from their countries to the final gathering place on earth before the Hour.

We are living in a time just before the first major sign appears, to briefly summaries these signs, the first of the Major sign of the Hour is Imam Mahdi (ra), the last Khalifah of Allah on earth before Isa (Jesus) returns, who will spread justice on earth like we see oppression spreading today. Abdullah ibn Masood, May Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him said, “The world will not pass away before the Arabs are ruled by a man (referring to the Mahdi) of my family whose name will be the same as mine.” (Abu Dawwud) Abu Saeed al Khudri said that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: ”He will be sent at a time of intense disputes and differences among people and earthquakes (will be common).” (Ahmad)

His rule will last for approximately 9 years and he will then pass away, towards the end of this period the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will appear, he will corrupt mankind completely destroying the essence of society, until people no longer remember who they are because they are lost in his false message of what is good for man’s nature and what is corrupt for it.

Fatima bint Qais reported, “I heard the proclaimer of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, calling for congregational prayer. I went to the mosque and prayed with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. When he finished his prayer, he sat upon the pulpit smiling and said, ‘Let every man remain in his seat.’ He then asked, ‘Do you know why I have called you together?’ They replied, ‘Allah and his Messenger know best.’ The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him said, ‘By Allah, I have not called you together for hope or for fear, I have called you together because Tamim ad-Dari who was a Christian, came and embraced Islam.

He narrated a story to me, which agreed with the account I had given to you about the Dajjaal. He informed me that he had embarked upon a sea-boat with thirty men of Lakhm and Jozam. Then the sea waves played with them for a month and threw them on to an island when the sun was about to set. They sat in a small side boat and landed on the Island. A beast with very coarse hair met them. They could not tell its front from its back due to its excessive hair. They asked, ‘Woe to thee! Who art thou?” It replied, ‘I am a spy. Go to this man in the monastery, as he is eager to receive the information you bring.

Tamim ad-Dari said, ‘When it named a man for us, we fled away from it lest it might be the devil. Then we hurriedly went on until we entered the monastery and found a big-bodied man whom we had never seen before. He was firmly tied up, his hands tied to his neck, the place between his knees, and joints tied up with iron chains.’ We asked, ‘Woe to thee! What are thou?’ He replied, ‘You have the power to get my information. Inform me about yourselves.

‘ They replied, ‘We are people from Arabia, we embarked upon a sea boat, but the sea waves played with us for a month and threw us onto this island. A beast of coarse hairs met us and said, ‘I am a spy. Go to the man in the monastery.’ So we approached you hurriedly. He asked, ‘Tell me about the trees of Baisan. Do they bear fruit?.’ ‘Yes’ We replied. He said, ‘Behold! Soon they will not yield fruit.’ He asked, ‘Inform me of the lake of Tiberias. Is there water in it?’ We replied, ‘It is full of water.’ He informed us, ‘Soon its water will disappear.’ He then asked, ‘Inform me of the fountain of Zugara. Is there water in it and do its inhabitants irrigate with the water of the fountain?’ ‘Yes, it is full of water and it’s inhabitants irrigate from its water. He asked, ‘Inform me about the Prophet of the illiterate (people). What does he do?’ We said, ‘He has just come out of Makkah and gone to Yathrib (Madina).’ He asked, ‘Have the Arabs fought with him?’ ‘Yes’ We replied. He asked, ‘How did he treat them’ We informed him that he had the upper hand of those among the Arabs who opposed him and they obeyed him.

He said, ‘Behold! It is better for them if they obey him. As for myself I am certainly the Anti-Christ and it is (now) near that an order will be passed for me to come out. I shall then come out and travel the world. I shall leave no village at which I shall not land within 40 nights except Makkah and Taibah, which will be forbidden to me. Whenever I wish to enter one of the two, an angel with a sword in his hand will encounter me and prevent me therefrom. There will be angels on every side to guard it. The apostle of Allah struck his pulpit with his staff and said, ‘This (place) is Taibah meaning Madinah. Behold! Did I not tell you?’ ‘Yes’ they replied. ‘Behold, he is in the Syrian sea (to the North) or the sea of Yemen (to the south); no, rather he is from the eastern direction. He then pointed out with his hand towards the East (the Arabian Sea). (Muslim)

The Arabian Sea in the east is off the coast of Iran and Pakistan, were narration’s say he will first appear from with his army. During the prophet’s (saws) time boats were still small and as they travelled on sea they hugged the shore line. The Arabian sea does not have many islands, and only two or three are close to the shore, the most significant and obvious in terms of it’s location and history is Astola island, it is an isolated island that has been cut off from the mainland for a long time and is directly east of Madina, if one draws a line towards the east it lies just above it. The island is situated about 25 km south of the desert coast of southern Balochistan province, and is the only significant offshore island along the north coast of the Arabian Sea, just off the coast of Pakistan near Iran.

The earliest mention of Astola island is in Arrian’s account of Admiral Nearchos, who was dispatched by Alexander the Great to explore the coast of the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf in 325 AD. The sailors in Nearchos’s fleet were “frightened at the weird tales told about an uninhabited island, which Arrian calls Nosala”.

On top of the Island (200ft above sea) is a ruined temple of the Hindu Goddess “Kali Maa” some 2,000 years old, she is the hindu goddess of time, death, war and destruction. Scholars are not in agreement whether the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will be let loose from the island towards the end of time or that will simply be his time of appearance, all landmass’s have now been explored on earth so reason would state he is no longer on the Island and walking the earth, in fact from the time of the prophet 1400 years ago, the prophet (saws) instructed that people should recite surah al Kahf (chapter 18) every Friday to protect oneself from the fitna (trial’s, troubles, mischief) of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) during that week, hence some scholars hold he is walking the earth in a lessor capacity, and Allah will eventually use him to test mankind towards the end. Narration’s also state the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) is not from Mankind he is a creature from Allah, while mankind will brought to account for their life on the day of Judgment after which they will either enter Jannah (Heaven) or Jahanam (Hell) the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will be brought on that day and turned to dust, just as most animal’s will be turned to dust, he is a creature Allah created to test mankind hence the long life he was granted just like Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him) who was given respite until the day of judgment when Allah will send him to Jahanam (hell).

After the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) corrupts the earth Allah will send Isa (Jesus) back to earth to kill him, Abu Huraira (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah Peace and blessings be upon him said, “By the one whose hands my life is in, surely the son of Maryam (Peace upon her) will descend amongst you as a just ruler. He will destroy the cross, kill the swine and abolish the tax.” (Bukhari)

Losing hope of entering the holy places, the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will turn towards Syria, Imaam Mahdi (ra) will already have arranged a Muslim army to face him and will be on the verge of leading the Muslims in the morning prayer when the prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, will descend near the white Minaret in the east of Damascus (Syria), wearing two garments died with saffron, placing his hands on the wings of two angels. After the prayer the prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, will say, ”Open the gate”. The gate will be opened and the Dajjaal will be waiting behind it accompanied by an army of 70,000 Jews from Isfahan (in Iran).

The Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) on seeing the prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, among the Muslims will begin to dissolve like salt in water (most likely referring to his power and his persona) and will begin to flee. The prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, will say to him, “You will remain alive until I strike you with my spear” He will catch up with him at the Eastern gate of Ludd (Ludd is a mountain in Syria. Some say that it is a village in Jerusalem, and some say that it is a village in Palestine) and then the prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, will kill him with his spear.

Some time after accomplishing this the people of Yajuj wa Majuj (Gog and Magog) will appear, there numbers are so great that the remaining believers on earth will not be able to stop them, Isa (as) will take them to mount Tur in Egypt were they will besiege him, He will supplicate to Allah against them, and Allah will then kill them in the span of day with a disease that will attack their necks, peace will once more return to earth, Jesus (as) will remain alive for 40 years, marry, have children and then pass away.

The other greater signs of the Hour that will occur after the death of Isa (as) are: The destruction of the Ka’bah and the recovery of its treasure; The rising of the sun from the west; The emergence of the Beast from the earth; The smoke; A wind that will take the souls of the believers; The Qur’an will be taken up into heaven; A fire will drive people to their last gathering place before the hour occurs; and The Trumpet will be sounded: at the first sound everyone will feel terror; at the second sound all will be struck down; at the last sound all will be resurrected.

Az-Zubair related that ‘Adee said, “We went to Anas ibn Maalik and complained to him about the ill-treatment we receive from Al-Hajjaaj. He said, ‘Be patient, for no era comes upon a people except that the one that follows it is even worse, (and this will continue) until you meet your Lord. I heard this from your Prophet. (Bukhari)
The Prophet (saws) said: “The signs shall appear one after the other like the beads on a string follow one another (when the string is cut).”

He also said: “The signs are like beads strung on a string. If the string breaks, they (quickly) follow one after the other” (falling from it).

The appearance of the recent signs of the hour in quick succession is clear, signified by the acceptance of most scholars that the minor signs of the hour have already been fulfilled and we are about to witness it’s first major sign, the first sign being the Mahdi (ra), the last Khalifah (Leader) of Islam before Allah sends Isa (Jesus) back to Earth.

The scholars have arranged the signs of the Hour beginning with the prophet’s (saws) death then all the events in our History and into our time and then the future, this work will cover events in our own lifetime up to the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon Him).

The following are some of the narration’s regarding events in our past, at the time of the Prophet (saws) Islam was only found in two small cities, Makkah and Madina and were not a major force in the world;

The Prophet (saws) said muslims would conquer the two major powers in the world at the time, “Allah, the Exalted, unfolded for me the Earth, to the extent that I saw its Eastern and Western extremities. The Kingdom of my Ummah (nation) will reach as far as what has been unfolded to me. The two treasures, the red (Persian Kingdom) and the white (Roman Empire), were bestowed on me…. ” (Sahih Muslim)
Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Kisra (the king of Persia) would die and then there would be no Kisra after him. Qaisar (Caesar the ruler of Rome) would die and there would be no Qaisar after him, you will distribute their treasures in the cause of Allah. (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said referring to the rightly Guided Khalifa’s after him said, ‘Follow the lead of the two who come after me, Abu Bakr and Umar. (Tirmidhi)

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said “Indeed Allah has commenced this matter upon Prophet hood and mercy; it will become Khilafah and mercy; it will become honor and sanctity; (then) it will become kingdoms, great oppression, and corruption in the nation – people will deem private parts, alcohol, and silk to be lawful. They will be supported upon that and they will be given provision continuously until they meet Allah ‘Azza Wa jall (to Him belongs Might and Majesty).” (Abu Dawud)

The Messenger of Allah said, “The Prophets will be followed by the Khalifah’s, who will apply Allah’s Book and who will be just with Allah’s slaves. The Khalifah’s will be followed by kings, who will take their revenge, kill men, and choose wealth (for themselves). (At that time) one can change (evil) with his hand, with his tongue, and with his heart; and there is no Eemaan beyond that.” (Al Baihaqee – Ibn Katheer Al Bidaya Wa Nihaya)

Sa’eed bin Jumhan narrated, Safinah narrated to me, The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “The Khalifah will be in my Ummah for thirty years, then there will be monarchy after that.”‘ Then Safinah said to me: ‘Count the Khalifah of Abu Bakr,’ then he said: ‘Count the Khalifah of ‘Umar and the Khalifah of ‘Uthman.’ Then he said to me: ‘Count the Khalifah of ‘Ali.”‘ He said: “So we found that they add up to thirty years.” Sa’eed said: “I said to him: ‘Banu Umaiyyah (the first Monarchy) claim that the Khalifah is among them.’ He said: ‘Banu Az-Zarqa’ lie, rather they are a monarchy, among the worst of monarchies.”‘ (Tirmidhi, Hasan, Vol. 4, Book 7, Hadith 2226).
The Prophet said Muslims would conquer Egypt; Ibn Ka’ab related from his father that the Messenger of Allah said, “When you conquer Egypt, then treat its inhabitants in a good manner.” (Maalik)

And in another narration, “Treat its inhabitants in a good manner, for they have the right of security and they are kinsfolk” Hagar the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim (saws) and the mother of the Prophet Ismaa’eel (saws), was from them and the prophet Muhammad’s wife Maria (ra) was from them.

Amr ibn Al-Aas led the Muslim army that conquered Egypt in the year 20H (20 years after Hijra), during the Khalifate of ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab.

The Prophet indicated that Muslim’s would reach India and China; Al-Hasan related that Abu Hurairah said, “My Khaleel and the truthful one, The Messenger of Allah said, ‘From this Nation there will be an expedition to Sindh (china) and India.’ If I reach that time and if I become martyred, then that is fine; and if I return, then I am Abu Hurairah the saved: He will have freed me from the Fire.” (Ahmad)

The companions themselves traveled to China, and an expedition to India was sent in the year 44 H, during the rule of Mu’awiyah ibn Abu Sufyaan.
The Prophet said that the Muslims would fight the Turks (Tartars);

Abu Hurairah related that the Prophet said, “The Hour will not arrive until you will fight a people whose shoes are made of (braided) hair and until you fight the Turks, who have small eyes, red faces, small and turned up noses, and who have faces that are like the shield (of a combatant)… People are minerals (this means that their roots, backgrounds, and lineages differ). The best of them in (the days of) ignorance is the best of them in Islam. And there will come upon you a time wherein for one of you to see me is more beloved to him than to be given more family and wealth – (than to be given) double what he already has.” (Bukhari)

Amr ibn Tha’lab related that he heard the Messenger of Allah say, “From the signs of the Hour is for you to fight a people whose faces are wide, as if their faces are shields (Turks and Mongols).” (Ahmad)

The Prophet (pbuh) said the word of Islam will spread throughout the World, enter every home, and no one will be left who has not heard about Islam. With the spread of Islam under the different Islamic Dynasties this came true and today in an age of Mass Media it continues to be so.

Al-Miqdad ibn Aswad said I heard the Prophet say: “Not a dwelling (house) whether of brick, or fur will remain on the surface of the Earth that Allah will not ensure that the word of Islam enters it, either honoring an honorable person or disgracing an abject person.” (Ahmad, Tabarani, Ibn Hibban, and Al-Haakim)

From The Prophet’s Time To Ours

ef563a2fbf5677eae21a2c299d4d7614The Prophet (saws) spoke about the major events to occur from his time all the way up to our time, the following are the narration’s which establish a clear timeline of these events one after the other and are not the totality of what He (saws) mentioned.

Imam Ahmad reported from Abu Nudrah that Abu Sa’id said: “One day the Prophet led us in praying the afternoon prayer (salatul-‘asr). Then he stood and addressed us until sunset. He mentioned everything that was to happen until the Day of Resurrection, and left nothing unsaid. Some of us remembered it, and some of us forgot it. One of the things he said was: ‘O people, this world is full of attractive temptations. Allah has appointed you as vicegerents (khalifah) in this world, and He will see how you will act. So guard yourselves against the temptations of this world and of women.’ Towards the end of this speech, he said, ‘The sun is about to set, and what remains of this world, compared to what has passed, is like what remains of this day compared to what has passed.’ “(we are in the last portion of mans time on earth).

Abu Idrees Al-Joolaanee related that Hudhaifah ibn Al-Yamaan said, “By Allah, indeed I am the most knowledgeable of people regarding every trial that is to occur between me and the Hour… The Messenger of Allah was speaking about the trials in a gathering wherein I was present, and he was enumerating the trials, among which are three that will hardly leave anything. Among them are trials that are like the winds of the summer, among them are small trials, and among them are big ones. All from that group (who were present in that gathering) are gone except for me.” (Muslim)

The following narration outlines the type of governments Islam would be ruled by until the time of the Mahdi (ra)

The Prophet (saws) said: The Prophet hood will remain amongst you for as long as Allah wills it to be. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it (meaning the Prophet will die). Then there will be the Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology. And it will last for as long as Allah wills it to last. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be biting kingship, and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be tyrannical (forceful) kingship (an era of dictators) and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then He will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be a Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology. Then he (the Prophet) was silent. (Musnad Imam Ahmad (v/273)

After the Khalifah which was upon the Prophetic methodology, that of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali and al Hassan (r.a) Islam was governed by Dynasties (biting kingships), these are the Major Dynasties that existed in Islam’s History;

Umayyad’s, 7th –8th century: It was the first Islamic Dynasty and one of the largest Empires in history, it was one of the few states to ever extend direct rule over three continents Africa, Europe, and Asia.

Abbasid’s, 8th –13th century: The Umayyad dynasty was overthrown by another family which originated from Makkah and was directly related to the Prophet (pbuh), the Abbasids in 750 AD built their capital in Baghdad, modern day Iraq. The Abbasids’ rule was briefly ended for three years in 1258, when Hulagu Khan, the Mongol khan, sacked Baghdad, they resumed in Mamluk Egypt in 1261, from were they continued to claim authority in religious matters until 1519, when power was formally transferred to the Ottoman Khalifah that conquered the Mamluks.

Fatimid’s, 10th – 12th century: The Fatimid Caliphate was an Arab Shi’a dynasty that ruled over varying areas of the Maghreb, Egypt, Sicily, Malta and the Levant from 909 to 1171. They existed alongside the Sunni Khalifah.

Mamluk’s, 13th –16th century: The term Mamluk referred to a military caste in Egypt that rose from the ranks of slave soldiers who were mainly of Georgian, Kipchak and Circassian origins, the Mamluk factions seized the sultanate for themselves in Egypt and Syria in 1250 AD. The Mamluk Sultanate was a military Sultanate and one of the strongest in the world, they pushed back the Mongol Hordes, which devastated Islamic Lands, at the Battle of Ain Jalut and fought the Crusaders, effectively driving them out from the Levant by 1291, in 1302 they officially ended the era of the Crusades.

Safavid’s, 14th – 16th century: The Safavid’s reigned in what was formerly the Persian Empire tuning from Sunni Islam to Shia Islam, they instituted the Shi’a Twelver school of Law as the official Madhhab of their empire, they ruled from 1501 to 1722.

Sokoto, 19th century: The Sokoto Khalifate was an Islamic spiritual community in Nigeria. In the 1800s, it was one of the largest and most powerful empires in sub-Saharan Africa until British conquest in 1903, the title of Khaliph is still retained to this day in the region.

Ottoman’s, 16th -20th century: The Ottoman Khalifate, whose capital was Constantinople in modern day turkey, defeated the Mamluk Sultanate in 1517 and took control of most Arab lands. By the eve of the First World War 1914, the Ottoman Khalifa, had become one of the world’s largest and most powerful Empires in History, it was the Last Islamic Khalifa to exist and fell shortly after WW1.

The following Hadith refers to events over the last century from the first World War up to our time and gives the most clear picture of the 20th century.

Allah’s Messenger (saws) said, “The Hour will not be established (1) till two big groups fight each other whereupon there will be a great number of casualties on both sides and they will be following one and the same religious doctrine (in another translation – “each having the same claim”), (2) till about thirty Dajjaal’s (liars) appear, and each one of them will claim that he is Allah’s Messenger (saws), (3) till religious knowledge is taken away (by the death of Religious scholars) (4) earthquakes will increase in number (5) time will pass quickly, (6) afflictions will appear, (7) Al-Harj, (i.e. killing) will increase, (8) till wealth will be in abundance —- so abundant that a wealthy person will worry lest nobody should accept his Zakat, and whenever he will present it to someone, that person (to whom it will be offered) will say, ‘I am not in need of it, (9) till the people compete with one another in constructing high buildings, (10) till a man when passing by a grave of someone will say, ‘Would that I were in his place (11) and till the sun rises from the West. So when the sun will rise and the people will see it (rising from the West) they will all believe but that will be the time when: (As Allah said,) ‘No good will it do to a soul to believe then, if it believed not before, nor earned good (by deeds of righteousness) through its Faith.’ (6.158) And the Hour will be established while two men spreading a garment in front of them but they will not be able to sell it, nor fold it up; and the Hour will be established when a man has milked his she-camel and has taken away the milk but he will not be able to drink it; and the Hour will be established before a man repairing a tank (for his livestock) is able to water (his animals) in it; and the Hour will be established when a person has raised a morsel (of food) to his mouth but will not be able to eat it.” (Sahih Bukhari, Book 92, Hadith 68)

This hadith is chronological in the events it lists, it starts with (1) “till two big groups fight each other whereupon there will be a great number of casualties on both sides and they will be following one and the same religious doctrine (in another translation – “each having the same claim”)”.

Both World Wars saw two large groups all having a similar claim fight each other with massive losses of life. WW1 began in 1914 and lasted until 1918, World War 2 began in 1935 and ended in 1945, it resulted in 50 to over 75 million deaths making it the bloodiest war in human history, but this narration is referring to WW1 because of what occurred between it and WW2 which the prophet (saws) mentioned.

WW1 toppled most of the old civilization in the world and allowed for the emergence of a new kind of political leader with devastating effects on humanity, these leaders all became tyrannical and took the entire world into WW2 destroying what was left of human civilization after WW1.

The prophet (pbuh) said after WW1 the following would occur (2)“till about thirty Dajjaals (liars) appear, and each one of them will claim that he is Allah’s Messenger”, he placed this next in the order of events and is in fact what lead to WW2.

There are a few forms to the Ahadith (narrations) mentioning the liars (Dajjaal’s), the form mentioned above, another is the one that specifies “there will be in my nation 30 liars, each one of them claiming that he is a Prophet, but I am the seal of the Prophets” and the general one which mention the Nayifan, smaller Dajjaals. They may seem the same but in reality they refer to different things, one narration is speaking about the Liars that will appear in the Muslim Ummah while other’s refer to liars that will appear around the world and the Nayifan are general liars in society, what they will all lie about is Deen, or people’s way of life.

There is a distinction between the Ahadith which mention in “My Ummah” (the Muslim Nation) and the one’s which don’t mention “My Ummah”, the above hadith is of the type which doesn’t specify in “My Ummah” and there is a reason for this.

The prophet (saws) said, “Before Ad-Dajjaal there will be Nayifan (a number anywhere between 3, 9 and 70 smaller Dajjaals.)” (Ibn Kathir al Bidaya Wa Nihaya) indicating there will be Dajjaals (Liars) or malevolent leaders spreading throughout the world.

Most of the classical Ulluma have taken the prophets (pbuh) words, “each one of them will claim that he is Allah’s Messenger” in the literal sense, it means they will bring a New Religion claiming to have revelations from Allah.

In the ancient world if you wanted power and you were not a prophet of Allah, you either claimed to be a prophet, or were speaking with his authority, had noble lineage or even claimed to be a god.

The type of leaders we see in the modern world are something entirely new, hence they were categorized and labeled by the ancient worlds standards.

In translation this literal understanding may be correct but the prophet’s (saws) words are not the translation, he spoke classical Arabic, and similar words are used to describe slightly different subjects having specific context’s whose actual meaning isn’t apparent from simply reading it in a book, but becomes clear and obvious when the event actually occurs.

The narrations are mostly descriptive account’s and not simply literal, in the prophets (pbuh) time, they did not use labels in the same manner we do today, when they spoke of ad-Dajaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) they intended the meaning of the word (the Great Deceiver), while we use it as a name without knowing it’s meaning. It is a word that describes a quality of an individual, to deceive, ad Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will not be his actual name when he walks the earth, similar to how the Mahdi’s actual name is not the Mahdi (the one who Guides), but both are descriptive terms, hence the liars claiming prophethood is a not a literal claim but descriptive of their actions and their consequences in the literal sense.

The scholars could not have known this context until the event actually occurred, claiming prophet hood is a simile for these leaders actions, which becomes clear and obvious from the chronology of the narration which is established by other event’s mentioned towards the end of the hadith. This was the main thing occurring between WW1 and WW2.

If we recall what occurred after WW1, we would see that was the time when new ideologies were introduced to the entire world. New belief systems like communism, capitalism, socialism, marxism etc…all are ways of governing and living based on other than religion, they were all forced on people and many resisted these ideologies throughout history.

Because the message each of these leaders brought was both on a national and global scale, in reality, from the prophets (saws) point in time looking at what was occurring to the world after the Great War, they were introducing a new Deen (way of life) to people. This was the underlaying truth of the matter, and in fact it’s fiqh ruling as many scholars perceived, unlike us they where looking at the definition of the word Deen and not the label we simply use.

If you stop practicing Islam to live as a socialist or communist or capitalist or secularist then you have left Islam to live life as something else, Islam is a way of life it isn’t a verbal assertion or something you label your self with it involves regulating your life by the Laws of Islam.

The modern labels and categorizations of these ideologies man invented is not the Islamic one, if the scholars categorized them by Islamic standards then they would all be labeled as a Deen, a specific way of life and religion.

Allah in the Quran uses similar speech to show that what we worship beside’s him isn’t simply limited to false gods, “Have you seen him who chooses, for his god his own lust?” (25:43). Allah is referring to people who have become slaves to their lusts, and this slavery has become their way of life (Deen).

Secularism and Communism and the many other ideologies that came from these two spread around the world through the various leaders (Dajjaal’s) that were disseminating them to the public, the most obvious two are Adolf Hitler and Stalin. The manner in which all these figures were portrayed to the public was almost as prophet like figures having all the answers to hardship people where facing after the first world war, they asked people to put their faith in them. This blind faith was so extreme it lead to the Point of following them into WW2 and the death of most of their followers.

The ideologies spread in each country around the world with similar results, it was exactly as a person bringing a new religion to a people and claiming to have brought it from the highest authority as a prophet. The spread of these Dajjal’s (liars) around the world dealt the final blow to religion in the public sphere, after it had been the center of life throughout the history of the world.

In meaning, these Ideological movements that spread after the First World War fit the prophets (pbuh) words exactly, that these liars each claimed to be a messenger of Allah or in other words they each had a religion (ideology) that replaced religion altogether.

We can think of the modern labels we use in the following way, if the prophet (saws) wanted to label these people what words should he use considering that word’s like Capitalism and Communism haven’t been invented yet, hence in classical Arabic a description of them relating to their actions was given, that his people could understand.

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “In the end of time there shall come men who will swindle the world (Dunya in Arabic, comprehensively meaning the entire globe) with Deen (a general word which mean’s “a way of life”), deceiving the people in soft skins of sheep, their tongues are sweeter than sugar and their hearts are the hearts of wolves. Allah [Mighty and Sublime is He] says: ‘Is it me you try to delude or is it against me whom you conspire? By Me, I swear to send upon these people, among them, a Fitnah that leaves them utterly devoid of reason.” (Tirmidhi)

The word Deen in the Quran is the act of accepting the path of Allah or choosing his way of life to live by, it has a more broad and general definition than the term religion which is specific to your type of faith. In this context Secularism and Communism became the Deen of the people. So we see from this hadith the prophet (saws) was saying that a people will come at this point in time who will try to fool the entire world with new ways of living or new ideologies.

“Who will swindle the world with Deen”- If we think about this statement from a historical point of view, this was something unthinkable, that Men could fool the entire world, for example the Pharaoh’s were only capable of fooling their own people into thinking they were gods, this was limited to Egypt a small portion of the Earth, yet after WW1 this is exactly what occurred.

The success of these new ideologies was ensured after WW2 wiped out vast populations of the world and the old way of life, and in reality both these wars lead to the event our prophet (pbuh) said would come next and that is (3) “religious knowledge is taken away (by the death of Religious scholars)”, scholars who were born during the Last Khalifah of Islam and had an education under a proper Islamic system now passed away along with the knowledge they had, and eventually the remnants of that system and all who were influenced by it faded with time.

From here the next events that our prophet (pbuh) mentions are what led us from WW2 to our present time, “(4) earthquakes will increase in number” the geological record shows over this time they have steadily increased. “(5) time will pass quickly”… modern transport, telecommunications and entertainment were developed from 1945 onwards which increased the pace of our lives and the blessings in it decreased causing our perception of time to change. We are at a point were an hour is like a fleeting moment because of modern distraction’s, were before an hour was an eternity. “(6) afflictions will appear”, as immorality spread so too did the disorders, suffering and hardships of man…drugs, immorality, music, heedlessness all increased, the delusions of the 60’s, and 70,s caused people to became lost, essentially loosing perspective of what was important in Life and why we were placed in this world to begin with.

“he who created Death and Life, that He may see which of you is best in Deed” (67:2).

This loss of Morality resulted in the following event “(7) Al-Harj, (i.e. killing) will increase,” This would be about a decade after WW2 up to about the Iran-Iraq war (ending in 1988),  during this period many civil wars and minor local wars occurred around the world.

WW1 and 2 saw two huge armies fight, now countries had recovered from these wars and became heedless of Allah’s Books so they acted as they thought without knowledge of the consequences of their actions, both on their society and humanity in the long term.

Almost every region on earth experienced war, Vietnam, Indonesia, Iran, India, China, Greece, Korea, Arabia, Cuba, Algeria, Morocco, Brazil, etc…

And as our Prophet (pbuh) said “you will follow the Jews and Christians in their ways even if they crawl down a lizard hole.” occurred during this period as the muslim world forgot life underneath a Khalifa and what real Islam was.

“The Prophet informed us that towards the end of times, there will be Harj. I (Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari) asked: “And what is Harj?” He said: “Lies (deceit) and killings!” We said: “Even more than now?” He said: “It will not be the kuffaar (foreigners) killing you, rather, you will be killing each other (global civil wars), until a person kills his neighbor, and his uncle and his cousin and his relatives!” (psychopathic warlords will appear around the world along with death squads and serial killers),

We said: “And while the book of Allah (Qur’an) will be still with us?!” He said: “While the book of Allah will be still with you.”

We said: “Subhan’Allaah!! And while our intellects will be conscious?!” He said: “No, no, the intellects of the general masses at that time will be deceived! They will be following fools that have no intellects themselves. They will be assuming they have a (legitimate) cause, but they will not have a (legitimate) cause.” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban).

This is the delusion of all modern ideologies, a hundred years ago for example if a leader came to his people and said i have a new way of life it is entirely focused on money and the commercialization of every aspect of life you can think of, by it we will gain more wealth than we could imagine, but everything will lose it’s value…it’s called Capitalism…what would a sane person think back then?

This leader has basically advocated the worship of money and greed, when the entire society is geared towards one single thing by which they name that system then they are worshiping the thing they are obsessed with.

“Have you seen him who chooses, for his god his own lust?” (25:43)

The shortcoming of all these ideologies was that none had a complete system of life and this was because none of them understood all aspects of life on earth. Science in their time was mediocre in comparison to what it is today and they barely understood the world around them.

These leaders were not even advocating a proper way of life, money is only one aspect and doesn’t create a meaningful life, the foundation of any real society…but in these societies this was one of the imbalance’s that existed deluding people into accepting it.

He (saws) said: “No, no, the intellects of the general masses at that time will be deceived! They will be following fools that have no intellects themselves”.

They have no intellects because they have lost perspective and taken society down a rabbit hole that gave them tunnel vision, or a myopic world view, they are no longer psychologically capable of placing value on anything other than what they are focused on…their specific ideology or cause.

During this period the Cold War between two of the world’s super powers occurred, each advocating an ideology…the capitalist system won in the end.

We know that greed leads to miserliness so it isn’t surprising that in single hadith the prophet mentioned how all the things will be occurring together during this time, the Prophet (saws) said, “Time will pass rapidly, good deeds will decrease, miserliness will be thrown (in the hearts of the people) afflictions will appear and there will be much Al-Harj.” They said, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is “Al-Harj?” He said, “Killing! Killing!” (Bukhari) The Prophet (saws) said…“And Harj, in the Ethiopian language, means killing” (Bukhari).

The spread of capitalism around the world caused the next event to occur, “(8) till wealth will be in abundance —- so abundant that a wealthy person will worry lest nobody should accept his Zakat (charity), and whenever he will present it to someone, that person (to whom it will be offered) will say, ‘I am not in need of it,”.

At that point in time prior to our’s, wealthy people still looked to give zakat (charity), it was still a normal part of society because religion was still in the conscious of people and society had not yet degenerated to the point we see today. Ahadith regarding our own life time state that rich people would eventually consider charity a burden, not something that should be worried over.

Many of these minor details all establish and aid in identifying the chronology of events in the narration.

At the beginning of the 80’s and 90’s manufacturing and computerization impacted on each other and began to spread Globally, the prophet in various Ahadith mentioned two different periods in which wealth would increase globally, this is the first, the second will more than likely occur when another major advancement in technology and science is made shortly in our future as narration’s indicate.

If we look at history from the perspective of one industry, to simplify our conceptualization, and that is the computer industry…

When Microsoft and Apple started out people first began to see modern technology and gadgets in the average person’s house become cheaper and more readily available to the wider society, improving the standard of living. By the year 2000 these advancements began to affect the world at large in the exact manner the hadith specified, people no longer looked towards accepting charity as aid, people are still in need of charity but before our time where many people would consider accepting it from the wealthy the average person in our time would not they would se it as being looked down upon, these small gadgets helped people feel more satisfied with what little they had even if it was still materialism.

Advancement in technology and the spread of wealth lead to the next event, (9) “till the people compete with one another in constructing high buildings,” Malaysia entered the global competition in 1998 soon after the first increase in wealth the prophet (saws) spoke of.

“In the early 20th century, corporations built skyscrapers for the promotional value to increase name recognition. Among the early skyscrapers in Manhattan were the Metropolitan Life Insurance Tower at 700 feet, 50 stories, the Woolworth Building, the world’s tallest from 1913-1930 at 792 feet, 60 stories, the Bank of Manhattan at 927 feet, 71 stories, and the heavily decorated Chrysler Building, briefly the world’s tallest in 1930 at 1046 feet, 77 stories”.

“The Chrysler Building soon lost its crown to the Empire State Building, built during the American Depression by a real estate developer, which reached 1,250 feet and 102 stories.”

“The Empire State Building would reign supreme among skyscrapers for 41 years until 1972, when it was surpassed by the World Trade Center at 1,368 feet, 110 stories.”

“Two years later, New York City lost the distinction of housing the tallest building when the Sears Tower was constructed in Chicago at 1450 feet and 110 stories.”

This was the competition in one nation, America, up to this point in time, twenty-four years after the seers tower was constructed, for the first time the tallest skyscraper was no longer in the United States, the world at large began to enter this competition.

In 1998 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, built the Petronas Towers at 1483 feet, 88 stories, making it the tallest building in the world.

“Taipei 101, was completed in Taiwan in 2004, which tops out at 1,670 feet and 101 stories, held the title as the tallest building in the world until January 2010, when the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, became the world’s tallest building at 2,716 feet (828 meters) and 160 stories.”

This clearly marked the point in time when the world began to compete in constructing tall buildings.

“till the people compete with one another”… in the hadith of Jibril, mentioned in full later, it specifies that a Major sign of the hour is the point in time when the Arabs join in with this competition. The Hadith said about the Arabs “and you see poor, naked, barefoot shepherds of sheep and goats competing in making tall buildings.” (bukhari)… referring to the now oil rich bedouins of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.

That competition did not begin until after the year 2000 when they began to compete with each other on a relative world scale. On April 24, 2000 the tallest building was built in the desert, The Faisaliah building in Riyadh at 269 meters (882 feet) tall. Then in 2003 a new high rise building, the kingdom centre was built also in Riyadh and is 311m (1020 feet) making it the 55th tallest building in the world at that time, taller than any building in Najd this is the point the Arabs bedouins began competing with each other.

The hadith of Jibril was fulfilled in 2012 with the construction of the world’s second tallest building in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, marking the point that two bedouin Arab nation’s began competing with each other on a world scale, it was a sign of the Hour that indicated how close we are to the major events ahead of us as the prophet (saws) stated in other narration’s.

Imam Nawawi explains: “The people of badia (the desert Bedouins) and their like are indigent. There will come a time in which they become rich and build structures to demonstrate their wealth.

Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar said explaining the hadith of Jibril, “everyone tries to build a higher building than the other.”

The scholars understood the competition to be referring to the general state of society in Arab lands and hence the competition would be with each other over a period of time, we can effectively date this event and the ahadith because of it’s public nature.

Hence the narration, “till the people compete with one another”, is referring to the general competition with the world since Malaysia is not an Arab country, this was the first time America no longer had the worlds tallest building and marked the point in time when the world began competing with each other, the Petronas Towers were followed by a number of building’s all constructed to hold the title the world’s tallest building.

This competition that began in 1998 and was visible to every body on earth establishes the timeline of all the earlier events in the narration with certainty, which spanned the twentieth century.

Hence the events mentioned in the hadith prior to this one all occurred in our past, and this competition in construction then leads us to our current era.

(10) “till a man when passing by a grave of someone will say, ‘Would that I were in his place” The chronology of this event is clarified by other narration’s (discussed later), and it is referring to the past decade or so. This period in time was called the “Era of Evil” by the prophet (saws), before it the increase in wealth satisfied people, but now world events have since caused people to wish for death. The prophet (saws) called it the “Duhaima”, the Dark and Blind fitnah (strife, affliction)  that will last an era, the evil of which would grow in wave’s and continue to increase right up to the time of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) and we are facing it now.

Islam is effectively under siege and muslims are loosing independence in their countries on a daily basis.

The remaining events are all in the future and are the Hour’s Major signs.

“(11) and till the sun rises from the West”, this will occur after the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) emerges along with all the events mentioned in the rest of the Hadith… “And the Hour will be established while two men spreading a garment in front of them but they will not be able to sell it, nor fold it up; and the Hour will be established when a man has milked his she-camel and has taken away the milk but he will not be able to drink it; and the Hour will be established before a man repairing a tank (for his livestock) is able to water (his animals) in it; and the Hour will be established when a person has raised a morsel (of food) to his mouth but will not be able to eat it.” (Sahih Bukhari, Book 92, Hadith 68)


The Hour Has Cast It’s Shadow

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

7e0000fa1fabed96305f34d5eab44a80Ya Allah, send prayers and salutations on Muhammad, his family, and his Companions.

“What are the disbelievers waiting for, other than the Hour which will come upon them unawares? Its signs are already here, but once the Hour has actually arrived, what use will it be then to take heed?” (47:18)

“Closer and closer to mankind comes their Reckoning: yet they heed not and they turn away.” (Al-Anbiya’ 21:1)

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) gave news about events from the beginning of time up to the commencement of his (saws) Ummah (nation) then to our present day and into the future, to the end of the World. He (saws) covered the span of time describing events until the coming of the Hour (The Hour the world will end in). He (saws) similarly gave news of events to occur on the day of Resurrection and finally what would happen after people enter their two abodes, the abode of Jahanam (Hell) and the abode of Jannah (Paradise) as well as a description of life therein.

There are more than 160 known and confirmed prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) which were fulfilled in his lifetime and the first few generations after him, while the number of prophecies regarding the Signs of the Hour are in the hundreds and even more.

Umar ibn Al-Khattaab (ra) said, “One day the Prophet (saws) stood up amongst us for a long period and informed us about the beginning of creation (and talked about everything in detail) till he mentioned how the people of Paradise will enter their places and the people of Hell will enter their places. Some remembered what he had said, and some forgot it”. (Bukhari)

Abu Zaid Al-Ansaaree (ra) said, “The Prophet led us in the morning prayer, after which he climbed the pulpit and addressed us until Dhuhr (noon). He descended, prayed ‘Asr (the late afternoon prayer), and then climbed the pulpit again, speaking to us until the setting of the sun. He spoke to us about what was and what will be; he informed us (thereof) and made us memorize (that information).” (Ahmad)

Hudhayfah (ra) said: “The Prophet stood up one day to speak to us, and told us everything that was going to happen until the Hour, and left nothing unsaid. Some of the listeners learnt it by heart, and some forgot it; these friends of mine learnt it. I do not remember it completely, but sometimes it springs to mind, just as one might remember and recognize the face of a man whom one had forgotten, when one sees him.” (Abu Dawud, Muslim)

Some of the prophecies that occurred during His (saws) lifetime or just after it will be mentioned in brief, though the full narrations give more detail regarding each event.

He (saws) said to His (saws) Companions, “This grandson of mine, Hasan, is a master of men by means of whom Allah will reconcile two great groups.”(Bukhari) Forty years later, when two Islamic armies confronted each other, Hasan (ra) mediated between them preventing the blood shed.

He (saws) said to Imam Ali (ra), “You will fight the perfidious people, those who will deviate from justice and those who exit Islam”(Tirmidhi), thus, He (saws) predicted the battles of the Camel and Siffin and the emergence of the Kharijites, a heretical sect who Imam Ali (ra) fought and is responsible for most fitnahs in the Islamic world.

He (saws) again said to Ali (ra), when he was displaying brotherly love for Zubayr (rah), “He will fight against you but he will be wrong.”(Ibn Kathir) Zubayr (ra) opposed Ali (ra) in the battle of the Camel. When Ali (as) reminded Zubayr (as) of the prophet’s words during the battle, Zubayr (as) decided to give up fighting and leave, but Allah granted him (as) martyrdom at the hands of a traitor.(Tabari)

He (saws) said to His (saws) wives, “One of you will take charge of a rebellion; many around her will be killed; (al-Asqalani, Fathu’l-Bari) and the dogs of Hawab will bark all around her.” (Ibn Hibban) Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) asked Ali (as) to find the murderers of Uthman (as) the third Khalif of Islam and punish them, as Imam Ali (as) was chosen as the Khaliph after him. Imam Ali (as) said the identities of the murderers were not clear at the time and postponed the matter to a later date as he (as) had just taken the position. Thereupon, some people who marshaled a force over the matter approached Aisha (as) and convinced her (as) to be at the head of the army to give the matter more weight in mediation, they then went against Imam Ali (as), leading an army which both Zubayr (as) and Talha (as), two Companions that were promised Paradise by the prophet (saws) Joined. When the army passed a place called Hawab, Aisha (ra) heard dogs barking she asked the name of the place. First, they said it was Hawab. When Aisha (as) remembered the words of the Prophet, she decided to give up and go back home; however, the people around her (as) deceived her (as) by telling her (as) that the name of the place was different and took her (as) to the battlefield. Because of their weakness tens of thousands of Muslims were injured or killed during the battle.

The Prophet (saws) said to Ali (as), “a man would stain your beard with the blood of your own head” (al-Hakim), informing him (as) that he (as) would be martyred. He (as) was killed by Abdurrahman b. Muljam, the Kharijite while he (as) was going to the mosque.

He (saws) said to Umm Salama (as), “Husain (his grandson) will be killed in Taff, which is in Karbala (Iraq).”(al-Haythami) Fifty years later, Husain (as) was martyred in Karbala.

He (saws) repeatedly said, “The people of my family will be murdered; they will suffer troubles and exiles.”(Ibn Majah) Thus, he predicted the incidents during the Khalifa of Uthman (ra) and the misfortunes Ali (as), Hasan (as) and Husain (as) would suffer.

The Prophet (saws) said as long as Umar (ra) the second Khalif of Islam was alive, no fitna (trials and mischief) would emerge among the Muslims. (Bukhari) Indeed, no trials took place among the Muslims until Imam Umar (ra) was martyred; immediately after his death, trials emerged during the Khalifa of Uthman (ra).

He (saws) said “After me, the Caliphate will last thirty years; (Musnad) then, it will be a sultanate. The beginning of this affair is prophet hood and mercy; then it will be mercy and caliphate; then it will be rapacious monarchy; then, it will be arrogance and tyranny” (Musnad). He thus predicted the period of the four Khalif’s and the sixth month long Khalifate of Imam Hasan (as) counting Him (as) among the Rashideen, it was a period whose total lasted exactly thirty years, and following that, the transition of the Khalifate into a Sultanate which began with the Umayyads and ending over a thousand years later with the Ottomans, finally after which the Ummah (nation) would be ruled by Dictators and Tyrants.

He (saws) said, “Uthman will be killed while reading the Qur’an.”(al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak), “Allah will definitely cause him to be dressed in the shirt of the Khalifate but they will try to remove that shirt.”(al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak), He (saws) informed about the second Khalifate and martyrdom of Uthman (ra) who was killed after his home was besieged. These events took place exactly as predicted and the very Quran with his blood stained on it is preserved to this day.

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said much about the Martyrdom of Uthamn (as), He (saws) said:

“Give him [Uthman] the tidings of Paradise after a trial that shall befall him.”

“A dissension shall surge like so many bull’s horns. At that time, he [indicating a man wearing a veil] and whoever is with him are on the side of right.” Ka`b ibn Murra al-Bahzi then ran to the man, lifted his veil, and turned him towards the Prophet saying: “Him, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet said yes. It was `Uthman ibn `Affan.

`Uthman said: “The Prophet took a covenant from me [not to fight at the time of my martyrdom] and I shall fulfill it.”

“O `Uthman! It may be that Allah shall vest you with a shirt. If they demand that you remove it, do not remove it.”

He (saws) told his Companions about the conquests of Makkah (Ali al-Qari), Khaybar (Ali al-Qari), Damascus (Waqidi, Maghazi), Iraq (Ali al-Qari), Persia (Ahmad b. Hanbal), Jerusalem (Ali al-Qari), and Istanbul (Ahmad bin Hanbal); He (saws) said that his Ummah would be victorious over all enemies and be helped. He (saws) said  they would capture the treasures of the rulers of the greatest empires, the Romans and the Persians (Bukhari). Events took place in the same manner He (saws) described.

He (saws) said this during a time when Islam had just began was mostly small tribes and was unknown in the world, during a time He (saws) was forced to migrate from His (saws) home land to Madinah with a handful of followers, because of persecution.

He (saws) stated that Abu Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra) would become Khalif’s after him, He (saws) said “Follow the way of Abu Bakr and Umar after me.” (Tirmidhi).

He (saws) also said, “The earth was laid out before me, and its eastern and western extremities were displayed to me. The realm of my nation shall extend over whatever was laid out before me.” (Muslim)  Thus, he(saws) informed them that his Ummah would extend from the east to the west and His (saws) words proved to be true.

Before the Battle of Badr, he showed his friends the places were the Qurayshi pagans would die, saying, “This is were Abu Jahl will be killed; this is were Utba will be killed;  this is were Umayya will be killed, and so on.” The dead bodies of those people were found in exactly the same places as he showed.[Muslim] Before Badr, he said that he would eventually kill Ubayy bin Khalaf [Al-Hakim] Ubayy, who survived the Battle of Badr, was wounded by a spear thrown by the Prophet (pbuh) in the Battle of Uhud and died on the way to Makkah (Sirah, 3:89).

He did not take part in the Battle of Muta, however, he informed his Companions about what was happening in the battle as if he was watching it through a television screen: He said “Zayd has taken the (battle) standard and has been shot; now Jafar has taken the (battle) standard and has been shot; now Ibn Rawaha has taken the (battle) standard and has been shot; now one of Allah’s swords…”(Bukhari); He informed them that all of the commanders that he had appointed, one after the other were martyred and Khalid bin Walid, who he honored with the title the sword of Allah, now commanded the army. Ya’la b. Munabbih returned from the battle front a few weeks later and when the Messenger of Allah described the details of the battle, Ya’la stated that the battle took place in exactly the same manner as the prophet had described (al-Khafaji).

He predicted that the Umayyad state would be established (Qadi Iyad), and that Yazid and Walid would be their cruel tyrants (al-Asqalani). He also stated that Muawiyah would become a ruler, and in fact he founded the Ummayid Dynasty. He ordered Muawiyah, “When you become the ruler, forgive people and treat them justly.”(al-Haythami) Thus, he informed his Ummah and family about the actions of the Ummayyid’s when they came to power.

He predicted that the Abbasid dynasty would emerge after the Umayyads by saying, “The Abbasids will come forth with black flags and rule for many times more than the previous rulers.”(Qadi Iyad).

When Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqas was very ill, the Prophet said to him, “You will live a long time and lead the army. In the end, you will be beneficial for some nations and you will harm some nations.”(Bukhari) Indeed, he led the Islamic army and gained many victories like the conquest of the Persian Empire.

When the Negus, the ruler of Ethiopia, who had accepted Islam years earlier, died in the seventh year of Hijra, Allah’s Messenger informed his companions about it and performed the funeral prayer for him in Madina (Bukhari), One week later the news came confirming the death of the Negus at the very same moment the Prophet (saws) had said it occurred.

When Allah’s Messenger was with Imam Abu Bakr, Imam Umar, Imam Uthman and Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with them), on the top of Mount Uhud, the mountain began to  take quake. He said “Steady! For on you are a prophet, a siddiq (Abu Bakr’s title) and martyrs.”(Bukhari) He informed of the martyrdom of his Companions and indeed they were all martyred.

Once, as he stayed in the house of Anas b. Malik’s aunt, Umm Haram, he woke up smiling and then later said he had seen Muslims getting on ships and going on expeditions, they were a desert people with no ocean near them. Umm Haram said, “O Messenger of Allah! Pray that I too will be with them.” The Prophet said, ‘You shall be.” Forty years later, she accompanied her husband, Ubada b. Samit, in the expedition of Cyprus under the command of Muawiyah during the Khalifate of Imam Uthman. They landed on the island, but she later fell off the mule she was riding and died there. Her grave has been one of the most frequently visited places in Cyprus (Bukhari).

The Prophet (saws) said, “From the tribe of Thaqif, a liar will claim prophethood, and a bloodthirsty tyrant will appear.” (Muslim) Mukhtar, who claimed prophethood, and Hajjaj az-Zalim (the Oppressor), who killed more than a hundred thousand people were both from the tribe of Thaqif, as the Prophet (saws) stated.

He also said, according to an authentic narration “If the Religion were at the Pleiades (in Persia), even then a person (muslim) from Persia would have taken hold of it, or one amongst Persian descent would surely have found it”(al-Ajluni, Kashfu’l-Khafa) Abu Hurairah (ra) narrated:”We were sitting in the company of Allah’s Apostle (saw) when Surat al-Jum`a was revealed to him and when he recited (it) amongst them, (those who were sitting with the prophet) said `Allah’s Messenger?’ but Allah’s Apostle (saws) made no reply, until he was questioned once, twice or thrice, and there was amongst us Salman the Persian. Allah’s Apostle (saws) placed his hand on Salman and then said:”Even if faith were near the Pleiades (in Persia), a man from amongst these would surely find it.”

When Muslim’s conquered Persia it became a great centre for knowledge and many of the worlds greatest scholars came from there like Imam al Ghazali, Imam Abu Dawwud, Imam Bukhari, Ibn Sina, Ibn Haytham one could name well over 200 prominent and well known Islamic figures, Scholars, Scientists, Philosophers, and Physicians in world history that came from Persia, but Imam as-Suyuti (ra) remarked:”It has been communicated unanimously that this hadith refers to Imam Abu Hanifah (who was a Persian) and founded the Hanafi Madhhab (School of Law)” which 45% of muslims around the world follow today.

Imam Abu Hanifa (d.150) is the first in Islam to organize and categorize fiqh (Islamic Law), at a time when it was simply the Quran and the Narrations so information could be easily researched and found. This was a Sunnah (example) he began and as the prophet (saws) said regarding those who begin beneficial Sunnah’s they will have the reward of all those who adopt it after them and indeed the entire Ummah adopted this after Him.

He gave rulings on matters relating to various topics, and organized the religion under sub-headings categorizing everything and embracing the whole of Law, beginning with purity (tahara) followed by prayer (salah), an order which was retained by all subsequent scholars such as Imam Malik, Shafi`i, Abu Dawud, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, and others.

The Prophet once made a dua, “O Allah! Guide (the tribe of) Quraysh, for the science of the scholar that comes from them will encompass the earth. O Allah! You have let the first of them taste bitterness, so let the latter of them taste reward.”

The Scholars agreed that this Dua was referring to Imam al Shafii whose work “al Risala fi Usul al Fiqh” (The Treatise on the Principles of Legal Jurisprudence) was the first work to define and develop the Legal science of Usul al Fiqh (Principles of Law). This legal science is at the heart of all modern legal systems on earth toady.

“In its comprehensive character, legal science developed among Muslims very early. They were the first in the world to entertain the thought of an abstract (theoretical and conceptual) science of law, distinct from the codes of the general laws of the country. The ancients had their laws, more or less developed and even codified, yet a science which should treat the philosophy and sources of law, and the method of legislation, interpretation, application, etc, of the law was wanting, and this never struck the minds of the jurists before Islam”. Since the second century of the Hijra (800 C.E.) many Islamic works of this kind began to be produced, called Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Law).

In addition, the prophet (saws) said, “A scholar from Quraysh will fill all regions of the earth with learning.” (al-Ajluni)

The entire Ummah utilized and benefited from the work of Imam Shafii, it systemized Law itself for the other Schools of Law that emulated it’s structure.

The Prophet also said: “Truly, Allah shall send forth for this Community, at the onset of every hundred years, someone who will renew their Religion for them.” The scholars agreed, among them Abu Qilaba (d. 276) and Imam Ahmad, that the first narration above signified Imam al-Shafi`i, and the second signified Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz, a just Khalif who  apposed the tyrants around him, as the first person Allah sent for the Ummah and then Imam al-Shafi`i after him as the second person Allah sent.

The Prophet (saws) said: “Very soon will people beat the flanks of camels in search of knowledge, and they shall find no-one more knowledgeable than the knowledgeable scholar of Madina.” Imam Tirmidhi, al-Qadi `Iyad, Dhahabi and others relate from Sufyan ibn Uyayna, Abd al-Razzaq, Ibn Mahdi, Ibn Ma`in, Dhu’ayb ibn `Imama, Ibn al-Madini, and others that they considered that scholar to be Malik ibn Anas the founder of the Maliki Madhhab.

Imam Malik was responsible for preserving the Sunnah of Madina for latter generations, this was the way of life the people of Madina lived shortly after the prophets (saws) death, it gave the clearest picture of life in those times we have today and the Imam and his Madhhab (school of Law) are famous for taking the actions of the people of Madina as a source of legislation in Islamic law because it was the prophet (saws) himself who established that community.

Thus in this way the Prophet (saws) foretold the Madhhab’s (Islam’s Schools of Law) and all the scholars they would be named after, the Hanafi Madhhab, Shafii, Maliki and Hanbali, all of whom adopted the science of Imam Shafii that the prophet (saws) mentioned specifically and is the method by which they derive Laws from the Quran and Sunnah, this is in contrast to the Deviant sects who lie and say the Madhhab’s are an evil innovation that has no basis in Islam rather they seek to dismantle Islam as the christians dismantled their own faith. These sects are a product of the “Ruwaibidah” a group of people the prophet (saws) gave this name to and said would come towards the end of time, the ahadith regarding them are mentioned later in this book.

History has occurred as the prophet (saws) mentioned, the entire world adopting the methods of Imam Shafii, which makes the authenticity of the narration’s self evident.

He said “My nation will be divided into seventy-three sects, and only one among them will attain salvation He was asked, “Who are they?” He replied, “Those who follow me and my Companions,”(Abu Dawud); thus, he mentioned the sects of innovation that would emerge afterwards and stated that the muslims should stick to the main body of the Ummah, it’s largest group. He (saws) described the reality after this time clearly, He said “One who defected from obedience and separated from the main body of the Muslims-if he died in that state-would die the death of one belonging to the days of Jahiliyya (before Islam)” (Muslim)

He advised “My community will not come together on misguidance”;”You have to follow the congregation for verily Allah will not make the largest group of Muhammad’s community agree on error.”, “Whoever among you wants to be in the middle of Paradise, let him cling to the congregation.”, “Shaytan is a wolf like the wolf that preys on sheep, taking the isolated and the stray among them; therefore, avoid factionalism and keep to the congregation and the collective and the masjid.”, “Allah’s hand is over the group, and whoever dissents from them departs to hell.”

Thus he advised Muslim’s should stick to Islam’s four schools of Law and they would attain the middle of Paradise if they did so. Islam’s four schools of Law have been the main Body of the Ummah from the beginning of Islam until our time, almost 90% of Islam’s 1.7 billion Muslim’s around the world today follow them.

He also said, “The Qadariyya are the Magians of this nation”(Abu Dawud), foretelling the emergence of the Qadariyya sect that rejected Destiny.

He stated that some people would transgress the limits in loving Ali just as Christians transgress the limits in loving Jesus and that those people would be called Rafizis (Musnad). (Mustadrak)He stated that Shiites, who produced various offshoots, would emerge many years before they did, the term Shia meaning Partisans, and the Rafizi are a specific sect with in them, the term is used for soldiers who abandon their commander, the first of this sect abandoned Imam Zaid the son of Imam Husain when he refused their request to abuse Abu Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra), they abandoned Him to the Tyrant Hajjaj who was pursuing him and his family, He killed Imam Zaid along with his companions. The ruling sect in Syria which are part of the Shia, deify Imam Ali exactly as the Christian deify Jesus (saws).

Before becoming a Muslim, Sahl b. Amr, who was one of the notables of the Qurayshi Pagan’s and one of the leading figures of Hudaybiya, had been captured in the Battle of Badr. Umar asked the Prophet (pbuh) to allow him to torture Sahl in retaliation for his crimes prior to the battle. The Prophet (pbuh) said, “O Umar! It may be that he will assume a stance pleasing to you.” and did not allow him to be tortured (Ali al-Qari). In fact, when the Prophet died and the Muslims had hard times, Sahl after accepting Islam, with his well-known eloquence, calmed and comforted the Companions in Makkah who at the time felt lost seeing all the turmoil occurring regarding who they should look to, just as Abu Bakr comforted and warned the Companions in Madinah after the prophets (saws) death. Allah had thus turned one Islam’s greatest enemies into one of it’s major supporters in defending the religion and maintaining Unity.

The Prophet (saws) told Suraqa who was a lowly tracker, and who had not informed on the prophet’s (saws) location when he was fleeing Makkah, that he would wear the bracelets of Chosroes the Persian Emperor” (Ali al-Qari).  Many years later Persia was conquered during the Khalifa of Imam Umar (ra), the jewelry of Chosroes was sent to Him, Umar (ra) put the bracelets on Suraqa, saying, “Praise be to Allah Who took these of Chosroes and put them on Suraqa.” Thus, he reminded them of the statement of the Prophet (Ali al-Qari).

The Prophet said about Abu Lahab’s son Abu Utayba, who had been the son-in-law of the Prophet, and had divorced the daughter of the Prophet due to his parents’ sedition and insulted the Prophet, that “A dog of Allah (a Lion) will eat him.” (al-Khafaji) Utayba set off with a caravan of the tribe of Quraysh. They spent the night at a place called Zarqa. When a lion came and started to walk around the caravan, Utayba said, “O my God! I swear by Allah that it will eat me as Muhammad said. My murderer is Ibn Abi Kabsha (the prophet), even if he is in Makkah and I am in Damascus!” The lion left after walking around them that night.

His friends placed Utayba in the middle and slept around him, the lion returned, He walked among them and approached Utayba by sniffing everybody and killed him but did not eat him. In the throes of death, Utayba said, “Did I not tell you that Muhammad is the most truthful person among human beings?”; then, he died. When Abu Lahab (one of the major oppressors of Quraysh about whom Allah had revealed surah 111) heard that his son had been killed by a lion, he said, “Did I not tell you that I was worried about the prayer of Muhammad regarding my son?”

After the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet (pbuh) told Bilal al Habashi (the Ethiopian) to go up on the roof of the Kaa’ba and call the adhan (call to prayer). When Bilal started to call the adhan, Abu Sufyan, Attab b. Asid and Harith b. Hisham from the leaders of the Quraysh started to talk. Attab said, “My father Asid was fortunate enough not to witness this moment.” Harith said, “Could Muhammad not have found someone other than this black crow to make the muadhdhin?” (caller of prayer) Abu Sufyan who had accepted Islam beforehand was nervous due to those talks and said. “I am afraid to say anything. I will not utter a word. Even if nobody were around, the rocks of this Batha (Makkah) would inform him.” Indeed, a little later the Prophet approached them and told them exactly what they had said. Attab and Harith became Muslims when they observed that miracle (al-Khafaji and others).

Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) informed people that a widespread epidemic would break out during the conquest of Jerusalem. As he said, such an epidemic broke out, seventy thousand people died in three days during the conquest (Bukhari).

A few months prior to his death, the prophet (saws) said to his companions, “Allah let his slave choose and he chose that which is with Allah” (Bukhari), informing people about his death, the prophet (saws) died two months later.

The Prophet informed his daughter, Fatima, that she would be the first member of his family to die after him, six months after the prophet (saws) death at a very young age she passed away.

He said after him Muslims would defeat the Roman, Persian and Yemen empires, he was informed of this during the Battle of Confederates in 626 AD, under extreme circumstances, as is described by the Quran:

“[Remember] when they came at you from above you and from below you, and when eyes shifted [in fear], and hearts reached the throats and you (companions) assumed about God [various] assumptions. There, the believers were tested and shaken with a severe shaking. And [remember] when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease said, ‘God and His Messenger did not promise us except delusion.’” (Quran 33:10-12)

These Empires were all defeated by his companions after his death.


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Rami al Rifai.

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