في سبيل الله

Help support my work so I can continue to do it.

Kindly support the work that i do, all my books can be downloaded freely but a lot of time and effort goes into researching, writing and creating a book, any contribution is welcome, Jazak Allah khairan and please remember Islamically this isn’t the place for charity or zakat.

Jazak Allah Khairan

Jazak Allah khairan to all the people who have been donating, it is no small thing, one story we would like to share is of a shop keeper who we purchased an item from that ended up helping Allah in His work, on the day of judgment you will see this person brought in front of the People of Allah and given a mountain of treasure, He will ask why? He was not a person of Allah, it will be said to Him this is your fate what came from you helped Allah.

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Bible and Torah Exegesis

Support The Writing Of Exegesis To The Bible, Torah and Other Holy Books.

Allah Has Given Us The Responsibility and Knowledge To Write The Tafsir Of The Qur’an, Support This Effort.

PayiD; Solomon.Son.Of.David@outlook.com

To; Rami Boustani