From Our Wisdom

The Reality Of Sainthood

The Prophets And Saints Did Not Need Jurisprudence To Arrive At Law Because They Understood Reality, While Lawyers And Judges Need Jurisprudence To Arrive At Reality – This Is The Reality Of Jurisprudence Between Degrees Of People And Why Prophets And Saints Who Never Studied At University Know More Than Judges And Lawyers.

The Light Of Prophethood Is Timeless, It Contains The Reality Of Things Past Present And Future, And By This Timeless Reality Prophets And Saints See Into Things, This Is Because They Take From Allah’s Light Directly And Allah Is Timeless.

1) Angels Exist In Time While We Exist Above It – We Exist In Space While Angels Exist Above It! The Spiritual World Sits Above The Physical World, While The Physical World Sits Above Time – Time Is Created By The Universe And Its Result Is At The Surface Not The Subatomic Depth. This Is The Kingdom Of Heaven That Was Promised To You, Mount Zion To The Jews And The Unseen To The Muslims.

2) Allah “Is Breaking Your Religious Constructs And Calling You Deeper!”…allah Said “I Am As My Servant Thinks I Am!”

3) Jesus Has Secret Teachings, Mark 4 10-11, “But When He Was Alone, Those Around Him With The Twelve Asked Him About The Parable. And He Said To Them, ‘to You It Has Been Given To Know The Mystery Of The Kingdom Of God; But To Those Who Are Outside, All Things Come In Parables'”. The Gospel Of Thomas Is One Of These Secret Teachings, “Whoever Understands This (Teaching) Will Never Taste Death”, This Is The Definition Of The Inner Reality Of Spirituality Being Taught!

4) The Origin Of Sainthood; Orthodox Christians Follow A Tradition Of Living Saints – Jesus Taught The Reality Of Sainthood In The Bible, It Is The Entire Story Of The Bible Taking His Apostles From Normal Worship To The Reality Of Sainthood Step By Step, Which Was Fulfilled At The Last Supper Before Jesus Left This World, This Is The Entire Point Of The Bible, To Teach You Sainthood. Jesus Took The Reality Of Sainthood From The Reality Of Jewish Saints Before His Time, These Are The Essene Saints Of The Jews, The Saints Of The Dead Sea Scrolls, A Community Of Jews That Lived Outside Of Jerusalem To Maintain Pure Lives. They Spoke To Angels Every Day And Preserved This Reality All Their Lives, These Are The People The Prophet Of Allah Spoke Of, “In The Nations Before You There Were People Spoken To And If There Is Any Of Them In My Nation It Is Umar (Q)”. Christian Sainthood Takes Its Reality From Them, And When Islam Came Islamic Sainthood Took Its Reality From Them, This Is The Meaning Of That Hadith. They Taught Umar (Q) And Every Major Saint After Him, Including Myself.

5) I Saw Allah And What I Saw Was Honor, The Light Of Honor Upon Honor, Layered Into The Heavens! Allah Is Nothing But Honor, Allah Does Not Change, He May Show You One Quality And Withhold Another, But Everything He Does He Does With Honor, It Is His Universal Quality That Is Always Present. Every Prophet Has A Path To Allah, And My Path To Allah Was Through His Honor, So Allah Gave Me Himself. Everything Will Perish Except His Face, Everything Will Perish Except Honor, And It Is The Reality Of His Face When You Look At Him, It Is Not Mercy Or Love Or Compassion, These Are Not Persistent, The Light Of His Face Is Timeless Honor And That Is The Only Quality That Can Be Timeless, The One Quality Through Which All Other Qualities Exist, Through It All Of Allah’s Qualities Are Seen And Experienced And Allah Is Not Less Than Honor.

6) Whoever Knows Himself Knows His Lord, Because God Is Seen Inside Not Outside, That Is The Kingdom Of Heaven Mentioned In The Bible, Mount Zion Mentioned In The Torah, And Ghayb Mentioned In Islam. That Is The Only Way You Can See Allah, When You Know What’s Inside Of You Then You See Him With It In The World Outside Of You. Allah Said I Am As My Servant Thinks I Am, This Is The Meaning Of That Statement. This Is What It Means To Be God Conscious, Only Those Who Are Conscious Of Him Can See Him!

7) The Only Thing That Surpasses God In The Universe Is The Ego! Allah Said I Am Time, The Reality Of The Ego Covers The Reality Of God In Time And Creates All The Mistakes Of Your Future…everything Exists As Space Time In The Universe And Advances Time Because It Is Part Of The Universe, Including Your Ego.

8) “I Fasted From Every Created Aspect Of Life, Including Time, So My Reality Became Like That”. يس Allah Said I Am Time, Fasting From Created Time Is The Highest Reality And Is For The Elite, And This Is The Beginning Of The Path; “Peace Comes From Realising That Everything Out Of Your Control Should Be Out Of Your Mind Too”.

9) Many Years Ago I Unraveled The Mystery Of The Philosopher’s Stone And Translated It, It Is The Worlds Oldest Text On Subatomic Space By The Prophet Idris/enoch, At The End Of Which He Says In Literal Terms This Is How The Sun Works… From The Words Of The Philosophers Stone Is This Passage About Subatomic Space Influencing The World, And The World Influencing Subatomic Space; “That Which Is Below (Earthly) Corresponds To That Which Is Above (Heavenly), And That Which Is Above Corresponds To That Which Is Below, For The Performance Of…miracle(S).” Here Is Jesus (Saws) Teaching Physics In The Bible; Mathew 16:18 And I Tell You That You Are Peter,[b] And On This Rock (Foundation) I Will Build My Church (The Reality Of My Minestry), And The Gates Of Hades (Doors Of Hell) Will Not Overcome It. 19 I Will Give You The Keys Of The Kingdom Of Heaven; Whatever You Bind On Earth Will Be[d] Bound In Heaven, And Whatever You Loose On Earth Will Be[e] Loosed In Heaven.” 20 Then He Ordered His Disciples Not To Tell Anyone That He Was The Messiah”. “Truly, I Say To You, Unless You Turn And Become Like Children (Purified), You Will Never Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven.” The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Around You! This Is The Secret To The Ministry Of Jesus (Q)…

10) Allah’s Past Present And Future! Allah Said I Am, Tell The Jews Ya Musa I Am Has Come, Allah Is The Present, Allah’s Past Is The Past And Its People Are The People In The Grave, They Live Behind Allah Who Only Exists In The Present, Allah Is With What Is Created, What Exists, The Future Is In His Knowledge But It Has Not Come Into Existence Yet. This Is The Reality Of The People In The Grave They Live Behind Allah, It Is Also The Reality Of The People Of Ghayb, The Angels, Jinn And Other Spiritual Creatures, Because Time Exists With The Living On The Surface, Not In The Depths Where Its Past Goes To. Time Is Created From The Depths, What’s In The Universe, And Its Normal Flow Is With Physical Matter Because Time Needs Mass To Exist And The Most Mass Culminates In The Physical World. This Is How Allah Arranged Everything To Represent What He Knows Of Things.

11) The Secret Of The Antichrist Is The Darkside Of The Moon And Its Angels; The Dark Side Of The Moon Never Faces Earth Hence Its Angels Are Never Looking At Earth Directly, They Need To See Through The Moon Spiritually To See It, And Because Of That They Have Developed A Unique Look To Their Reality And A Unique Lust To This World. That Look Is The Look You See In Shia Iranians, Who Worship These Angels, When They Came To Earth They Followed The Old Shia Empires Of The World And Became Evil. Eventually, The Antichrist Will Come Out From Among Them, Today They Are Actively Supporting Him And Preparing The World For Him, This Is His Secret And The Power Behind Him.

12) Blood Doesn’t Travel Through Space; Allah Doesn’t Accept The Blood Of Your Sacrifices, He Accepts Your Intentions/reality Behind The Act And That’s What Reaches The Throne.

13) Do We Create Reality With Our Minds – Are Scientists Idiots???

Yes They Are, Reality Is Created Using Physics, What Is Occurring Here Is That They Are Confusing The Reality Of The Universe Which Is Material, With The Reality Of The Person Which Is “Immaterial”. Actually They Are Both Material, Crated From Particles And Physics, But The Reality In Your Mind Is Akin To Gas, While The Universe Is Solid, You Don’t Create The Reality Of The Universe, You Use The Reality Of The Universe To Create Your Personnel Reality Which You Call Your Personality.

When People Start Seeing Realities Shaping In Themselves Which Are Not Them Or In Their Control, It Is Because There Are Spiritual Beings Around You, Beings Created From Subatomic Particles Like Light, Manipulating Your Reality With Realities They Invented To Manipulate You. The Whole World Lost To This Well Before WW1, And Both World Wars Were Used To Kill The Men Of The World Who Could Defeat Them In Order To Create This Idiotic World We Are Living Today.

This Is What Satanism Did, Now God Has Left Them Without A Brain To Think With As He Swore He Would Do; “Men Will Appear Near The End Of Time Who Deceive The World With Religion (New Ideologies), Confusing People. Their Skin Is As Soft As Sheep, Their Words Are Sweeter Than Sugar, Yet Their Hearts Like The Hearts Of Wolves. Allah Says: ‘by Myself, I Swear To Send Upon Them A Trial That Will Leave Them Utterly Devoid Of Intellect (All The World Leaders).'”

14) God Is Time, You Have To Take Your Time With Everything, If You Don’t Take Your Time You Won’t See God In Anything!

15) What You Think Is Delusion What Occurs Is God – Allah Said “I Am”!

16) In The Old World They Could Not Agree On Politics But They Could Agree On Wisdom – In The New World They Can Agree On Politics But They Can’t Agree On Wisdom!

17) Man Has The Ability To Create Entire Universes – Allah Said This To Me (q)!

“Do Not Feel Lonely, The Entire Universe Is Inside You.”
“Stop Acting So Small. You Are The Universe In Ecstatic Motion.”
“You Were Born With Wings, Why Prefer To Crawl Through Life?.”
“What You Seek Is Seeking You.”
“Yesterday I Was Clever, So I Wanted To Change The World. Today I Am Wise, So I Am Changing Myself.”
“Your Task Is Not To Seek For Love, But Merely To Seek And Find All The Barriers Within Yourself That You Have Built Against It.”
“Let The Beauty Of What You Love Be What You Do.”

Allah Revealed To Me This Is The Final Purpose Of Man, To Create Entire Universes. Everything In The Universe Is A Facet Of Allah But Only Man Is The Complete Image Of Allah, And Allah Siad Kun, Be, When He Created The Universe, It Was A Word Containing Everything He Knew In Its Intent, And Everything Was Created According To His Intention, And Now We Are At The End Of The Universe Where Everything Is Known And Man Can Speak Words With Entire Worlds Contained In Their Intent Like Allah.

This Is The Meaning Of That Revelation, Man Has Reached The End Of His Development, Its Zenith, And This Is Its Purpose, To Take Over From The Angels Who Cannot Keep Up With The Image Of Allah. So You Will See Man Do Wondrous Things In The Next Life Based On This Reality.

18) Animals Are The Weird Opinions Of Angels…Evolution!

19) “Time Is Real”, Aristotle – “Time Is An Illusion Of The Mind”, Imanuel Kant – “Time Was Invented By The Clock Companies To Sell More Clocks”, Karl Marx.

20) Consciousness Is The Sum Of The Bodies’ Subatomic Fields – The Question Is How Does The Subatomic Interact With Our Physiology?

The First Answer Is Photons, Bio Photons, The Body Needs To Stay Alive Which It Uses As Energy. What Does The Body Do With That Energy, Keep Us Alive, Conscious, Hence The Importance Of This Question, What Are All The Ways The Body Relies On The Subatomic World To Keep Us Functioning.

“Microtubules Are Cylindrical Polymers That Form A Key Part Of The Cytoskeleton In Eukaryotic Cells. They Are Composed Of Α-tubulin And Β-tubulin Dimers That Assemble Into Linear Protofilaments, With Typically 13 Protofilaments Forming A Hollow Tube Around 25 Nm In Diameter”. Studies Have Proven They Can Produce Quantum Effects, And Most Likely Serve To Amplify The Bodies Subatomic Reality, Each Organ In The Body Produces An Electromagnetic Field That Interacts With The Brains Field, Separate From The Paths Of The Nervous System.

Each Organs State/Signals Reach The Brain Faster Than The Body Is Able To React, The Heart Serves To Regulate The Reality Of This Subatomic Field During Different States/Emotions, Producing Different Patterns In The Field That Stand For Different Emotions Which Can be Read And Understod By Machines.

The Way The Heart Reacts To Types Of Feelings Is Relayed Subatomically Over The Field To The Brain At The Speed Of Light, From Here Peple Develop Reflexes That Are Faster Than Sight And Realities Such As Mind Over Matter.

See; Heart‑brain Neurodynamics: The Making Of Emotions; Https://…/heart-brain-neurodynamics/

This Discussion Culminates In The Presentation Of A Systems-oriented Model Of Emotion In Which The Brain Functions As A Complex Pattern-matching System, Continually Processing Input From Both The External And Internal Environments. From This Perspective It Is Shown That The Heart Is A Key Component Of The Emotional System, Thus Providing A Physiological Basis For The Long-acknowledged Link Between The Heart And Our Emotional Life.

21) Allah Is Beuaty – It Is One Of The Things He Is!

There Are Very Few Things Allah Says He Is In Religion, One Of Them Is Time, I Am Time, Light, I Am The Light/energy Of The Universe, And These Statements Are Referencing The Most Powerful Things In Existence, So Understand The Reality Of Beauty When He Says He Is Beauty!!!!

“Allah Is Beautiful And He Loves Beautiful Things”

This Is The Place Of Women With Allah, How Important Their Beauty Is To Reality, Without It Nothing Would Exist, Want To See How Much, Attraction Began The Reality Of Scientific Discovery And Without It Science Would Not Exist.

The Male Equivalent Is Honor, “Whoever Seeks Honor [should Know That] Honor Entirely Belongs To Allah (All Of It). To Him Ascends The Good Word, And The Righteous Deed Elevates It.” (35:10)

The Beauty Of Women In Reality, Stands Next To The Honor That Men Of War Earn, This Is Its Role, It Is On Par With That, Men Going To War And Seeing The Reality Of Honor.

Just Like Allah Said He Is Beauty And Gave That All To Women, Allah Is Entirely Honor And He Gave That To Men. When You See Allah On The Day Of Judgment, And I Have Seen Him In This Life, You Will See His Light Is Entirely Honor Upon Honor Layered Into The Heavens.

It Is One Of The Higher Realities – Understand It From This…everything Allah Does He Does From Behind Honor, And In An Honorable Way, So Much So His Light Is Nothing But Honor, And The Beauty Of Women Is On Par With This, He Is Beautifull.

Honor And Beauty Are Yin And Yang With Allah.

Want To Understand How Much, The Face Of Allah, Is Only Revealed Upon The Reality Of Women And Their Generations, Mother Daughter Granddaughter, Look Into That Reality And You Will Be Looking Into The Face Of Allah, When I Saw Him Reveal It To This World I Saw Him Reveal It Upon This So People Can Understand.

22) It Is Better To Function Normally Than To Function Negatively – Vitamins Ensure You Don’t Crash During Your Day, Food Doesn’t, That Is The Biggest Myth, What You Get From Vitamins Is Hundreds Of Times More Than Food.

23) Allah Does Not Give To Any Soul Except From What It Has Opened Itself Up To – From This Is The Reality Of Space

ا یُكَلِّفُ ٱللَّهُ نَفۡسًا إِلَّا وُسۡعَهَاۚ لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتۡ وَعَلَیۡهَا مَا ٱكۡتَسَبَتۡۗ

You Have The Universe Inside Of You, Rumi.

Allah Does Not Give To Any Soul Except From What It Is Open To, For It Is What It Has Earned And Against It Is What It Has Deserved (2:286).

The Entire Universe Is Based On This Reality, What Your Soul Receives Is Based On What You Have Done, It Is Written Into The Laws Of The Universe, Quantum Entanglement, How All Things Are Connected On A Spiritual Level And Move Each Others Realities.

This Is The Mizan That Allah Asked Us Not To Mess With In Surah Al Rahman.

20:7 Verily He Knows What Is Secret And What Is More Hidden Still

From The Expance Of The Soul In The World Comes The Expance Of The Soul Into The Universe, When You Lower Your Ego Depth Upon Depth Allah Raises Your Reality Level Upon Level Through The Heavens Until It Reaches The Throne (Imam Tustari).

This Is How The Prophets And Saints Witnessed What Is In The Universe And Spoke About It, The Prophet Muhammad Explained The Entire Universe In Scientific Terms, It Is Recorded In The First Books Of Tabari On The Creation Of The Universe, Other Awliay Spoke About What They Saw On Other Planets.
Imam Ali Said, The Vision Of The Eye Is Limited While The Vision Of The Heart Transcends All Barriers Of Time And Space, So Understand, We Are No Different.