How Understanding Space Is A Tafsir To The Quran

                     بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

How did the prophet (saws) receive prophecy, how did He perform miracles, how did He travel on His night journey, how did He know the unseen, the future, peoples fate, if spirituality is born out of the subatomic influences and forces on the human body then understanding space can explain mans spirituality and everything in the Quran. 

Therefore understanding Space is a Tafsir to the Quran becouse the knowledge of both is related and Allah promised that “In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages [through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves [the microscopic and subatomic world], so that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth." [Qur'an 41:53] The knowledge of all these things will reveal to man how the Quran is the truth.

Everything in the universe is made of subatomic particles even the Ghayb (unseen) part of this universe, we can be certain of this because the creatures that live in it and the creatures in charge of it are also made of these particles, the Angels are created from light which is a particle called the photon and the Jinn are made from a mixture of particles, “a smokeless fire”, this is thermal energy and some scholars said electricity specifically, this is very accurate because our bodies nervous system which is responsible for all our organs and everything the body does works on electrical impulses, hence their influence over man can only be done through the bodies physiology, if this still isn’t clear then you should understand that at some point they have to touch the body in order to influence it and that touch is something created by Allah and physical.

Therefor as many scholars understood, the unseen (ghayb) part of Allah’s creation is the subatomic part of space.

This work answers one of the most important questions in Islam, where does our spirituality come from...what is it and what causes it.


Allah taught this to mankind 1400 years ago in a vocabulary the world could understand but the world witnessed great change in a very short span of time and we lost our link to the past, our language.

The Quran is for all generations of muslims right to the Hour, it is also a guide to the none muslims because the promise above was made to them in the time of the prophet (saws), hence mankind's understanding of the universe is fulfilling that promise. Allah purposefully spoke about the science behind the universe in the Quran. Otherwise how can man see this revelation is the truth, if what He establishes with science is irrelevant to the Quran, while the aim of it’s discovery is to prove; “That this [revelation] is the truth”.

He assured the Ummah of this when He said “We have explained in detail in this Qur’an, for the benefit of mankind, every kind of similitude”(18:54)

This work will show that when Allah talks about spirituality He is talking about the subatomic world, in a language Arabs could understand, it surrounds the entire body and it’s effects we feel through our senses influencing our mind and consciousness.

Allah taught us this in surah al Shams (91) “By the sun and it’s radiant brightness...And inspired it (the self with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it. He is indeed successful who causeth it to grow,” He taught about the universe in the verse of light (24:35) and in Surah al Takwir how the “ecosystem” of space is connected to the ecosystem of the earth through subatomic fields like the sun’s rays and how man is connected to both through his physiology, which was the lesson He taught to the Angels when He first showed them Man (2:31-33), that the subatomic and its forces's is man's spirituality and how he will come to know Allah in a place that would other wise corrupt him.


This work is comprised of three chapters then a supplementary section that briefly elaborates on various points in the work. The work was originally three separate articles which i wrote on this subject, so some repetition in quotes occurs but they are few.

Table Of Contents;

  1. Islam’s Major Scholars On How The Universe Was Created From Subatomic Space
  2. What The Subatomic World Looks Like And Why It Is Important To Everything In The Quran.
  3. The Depth Of The Heart Is The Depth Of The Subatomic Universe and It Ends With The Arsh Of Allah.
  4. Related Subjects Explained.

The Light Of Allah In The Heavens and The Earth

Everything is created from something even our thoughts, and all things in the world are created from subatomic particles, this is the universe. Allah says in the Quran the universe is "light upon light" (24:35), meaning from our perspective light within light or in scientific terms particles within particles, even our consciousness is made of subatomic particles. The large electromagnetic field (light) our body creates is the inward light the prophet (saws) spoke of in the famous prayer of light, at a deeper level than this humans have another light in their heart the prophet (saws) called the light of the believers 'uns', which is the light of their tawheed (belief), this is the most inward light (electromagnetic field) of the human being and it resides in the heart, when Allah wants to show someone something He enlightens that light so they can see by the light He gives them, exactly as our eyes need light to see the world, this light guides our consciousness.

The Book explains what the unseen world is, what the light of Allah is mentioned in the verse of light (24:35) and how man through his physiology is connected to the subatomic world and from it his spiritual side is created. The verse of light explains how the Atom comes into existence, in the verse Allah explains how He guides man through the subatomic Universe using all the particles, forces, and fields around us, this is because physiologically it is through the subatomic universe that our heart sees and senses, and this is the Ghayb (unseen) Allah often mentions in the Quran.

Allah in the Quran mentions multiple scientific themes one after the other to draw the bigger picture of life. The Hidden meanings in the Quran relate to the scientific themes He is mentioning in each verse and how those topics then relate to each other to create a larger picture. The book goes through these themes to show the deeper side of Allah's words...“In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages”…(41:53)

The universe Allah spoke about in the Quran is the same universe science is discovering today, no one knows it better than Him, hence He is the one who can make the promise (41:53) to show it to mankind, but only those with understanding of science can see the picture of the universe from the sum of it's parts, “And we strike these similitudes for the people, but no one understands them except those who know.” (29:42).

“Allah is He, Who is the only God, the knower of the Unseen and the Observed.”(59:22) it should not be a surprise that what was termed the Unseen (Ghayb) in the old world is the subatomic world, all those extremely small particles that exist in space.

So when Allah makes a promise in the Quran that “In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages [through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves (their own bodies), so that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth.”[Qur'an 41:53], it means just that, in this promise Allah establishes a relationship between the Laws of the Universe and the matter man is created from, eventually it would be possible for man to understand everything about the Universe by understanding the Atoms He is created from, and we are now living at the end of time when Allah said He would unravel the mysteries of the Universe for us. The prophet (saws) who was given the understanding of every verse, having been shown them earlier and we are discovering them now.

Table Of Contents:

1) How The Human Body Learns and The Downward Spiral Of Western Medicine Over The Past 100 Years
2) Human Physiology and It’s Relationship To Baraka
3) What Is the Unseen World and Where Is It: Explaining The Technical Terminology Of The Scholars
4) The Universe and Man In The Quran
5) How Is Allah The Light Of The Heavens and The Earth
6) The Depth Of The Heart Is The Depth Of The Subatomic Universe and It Ends With The Arsh Of Allah
7) Related Material

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The Quantum World and Islam:

Video: The Quantum World and Islam – Shaykh Abdul Hakim Murad

The Hierarchy Of The Saints and Duality, The Mirror Of The Self

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