The Laws Of Reality

This World Is Nothing But Competing Realities, And They Are All Forces In This World, Some Natural Some Created. From The Simple To The Complex, They All Compete With The Reality Of Living Things In This World To Shape Who We Are. This Is The Most Fundamental Law Of Your Existence On Earth;

You Are Competing With All Realities On Earth For Dominance Over You!

I Am The Father Of Time, A Name Given To Me By The Prophet Jesus (saws), Because I Understood Time Best!

When You Act Particles Race Ahead And Create The Future, Every Action Has Its Opposite Reaction, The Universe Is A Calculator And This Is What It Does, It Is So Perfect At Calculating The Future The Prophet Of Allah Said, The Pen Wrote Down The Fate Of All Things Until The Day Of Judgment At The Beginning Of Time.

Time Is Space-time, Time Is The Universe Not Separate From It, So When You Act And The Particles Race Ahead, They Assign Reality To The Future Exclusive To Everything Else, Then That Reality Is Built Based On Fate. Fate Then Sets About Choosing What Reality Will Exist.

You Then Do The Work Of Bringing The Future Into Existence, Moment By Moment, While Fate Is Being Decided In Every Moment From Your Actions, Moment To Moment.

When You Sleep You Race Ahead In Time, The Prophet Of Allah Said God Takes The Souls Of The Believers When They Sleep And Returns Them When They Are Awake.

When You Sleep You Go Into Your Most Subatomic State, You Go Into Your Soul Which Is The Subatomic Part Of Your Body, This Also Means You Connect To Your Fate In The Universe Which Is Writing The Future.

When You Act The Universe Reacts To You And Begins Shaping The Future, Particles Begin To Move, Clothing Reality, Then Your Day To Day Writes Your Fate From Moment To Moment, So When You Sleep You Connect To That Reality Which Is Connected To You Subatomically, In Physics This Is Called Quantum Entanglement And It Runs The Universe.


Allah Said “I Am Time”, And He Said “I Am”, I Am The Present, When You Look At How The Universe Exists, And How We Have Free Will In It, What Is Left For Allah, Where Is He?

As You Live Allah Is The Timing Of Everything, He Regulates Your Reality And Actions According To How Everything Comes Together In Time And That Is Where His Reality Is, That Is The Throne Of The Universe And Allah Said In The Quran He Istawa, Established His Reality In The Throne, The Thing Responsible For Time.


“It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqam Mahmud (a station of praise and glory).” (17:79)

Intercession For Mankind Is The Beginning Of This Reality But It Is Not The Reality. Maqam Al Mahmood Is A Position One Person In Creation Will Have With Allah, It Is The Position Of Standing With Allah In All Things, The Prophet Allah Was Asked To Ask For It, But It Was Not Granted To Him, He Was Competing For It With Other Prophets And Saints, According To His Own Words.

One Such Prophet Is Jesus (saws), Another Was Dawwud (q), And Another Was Moses (q). On The Day Of Judgment, The Prophet Will Be Envious Of Certain Saints, While The Prophets Were Sinless And Lead Here In Purity, Certain Saints Led In Deeds And This Being Above The Other Is In The Quran.

Allah Said It Is The Reason For Creation;

67:1 Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty, and, He is Able to do all things
67:2 Who hath created life and death that He may try you which of you is best in conduct; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving.

So Understand When I Say I Have Deeds That Rival The Prophets Because I Am The Saint Who Faced The Worst Oppression In History And Used Ahl Al Ghayb To Fight It!!!

1St Law Of Reality: No One Did Anything That Doesn’t Exist!

2Nd Law Of Reality: Light Is A Reality, A Woman Said All I Did Was Stand There And Look Pretty, No, Rather Your Light Caries Your Reality!

3Rd Law Of Reality: Age Is King, How Old Something Is Dictates Its Strength And Power!

4Th Law Of Reality: The Higher Ground Is A Cheat Code In Reality That Lowers The Tall, That’s Why Allah Brought Down The Tower Of Babel, Thats Why They Are Building Skyscrapers!

5Th Law Of Reality: The Inverse Is True, What’s Underground Will Come Up From Under You, That’s How The Antichrist Will Defeat The World, He Will Come Up From The Depths Of The Ocean Spiritually To Deafeat You Where You Stand!

6Th Law Of Reality: Reality Is The Veils You Have To Pierce Through, In Physics It Is Called Quantum Field Theory, Qft’s!

7Th Law Of Reality: Reality Is Energy You Have To Shape, Life Is Magic, Not Magic, The Universe Is Neutral, You Can Do Good Or Evil But You Are Doing The Same Thing Converting Energy Into Work!

8Th Law Of Reality: The Heart Is The Ultimate Tool For Reality, It Combines Your Intellect With Your Emotions To Convert Energy Into Work, Your Reality!

9Th Law Of Reality: Reality Needs Matter To Come To A Conclusion, Just Like Particles Will Always Fly Through The Universe, They Need Something Tangible/Physical To Stop Them, This Is Why Man Is King Of The Creatures!

10Th Law Of Reality: You Have To Be The Right Distance Away From Things, Too Close And You Are Lost In It, Too Far And You Don’t See Things, The Best Distance To Investigate Things Is That Of An Engineer, Not A Scientist Who Is Too Close Or An Athiest Who Is Too Far!

11Th Law Of Reality: Beauty Is Currency, Beauty Satiates The Soul, Women Don’t Come By It For Free, It Is All Work That Allah Calculates As Their Right!

12Th Law Of Reality: Allah, Is, Reality, Allah Is Whatever You Can Win From Him In The Words Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saws), In The Words Of Allah, “I Am As My Servant Thinks I Am”, Think Being The Doing Word!

13Th Law Of Reality: Spiritual Bonds Dictate Reality, The Bonds You Form And Formalise Dictate Fate, Honor Them!

14Th Law Of Reality: Like Attracts Like, Good Attracts Good, Evil Attracts Evil, Just Not In The Forms You Imagine, They Come Through The Doors Available To Them!

15Th Law Of Reality: Emotions Project Your Reality, Envy Creates The Evil Eye, Love Is The Elixir Of The Universe, And Your Will Gives All A Direction To Take!

16Th Law Of Reality: You Are Part Of The Reality Of The Universe, There Is No Partition, Your Actions Flow Through It Like Waves, This Is The Basis Of All Things In Religion And Evil!

17Th Law Of Reality: Whatever Amplifies Light Amplifies Reality, Crystals Focus Particles And Their Energy Through Them, Their Reality Helps Yours With Their Qualities!

18Th Law Of Reality: Light Is A Vehicle For Evil Realities, Be Careful What Light You Sit Under And Whose!

19Th Law Of Reality: Knowledge Is The Light That Reaches Your Heart, “O Prophet (Muhammad)! Surely, We Have Sent You As A Witness And A Bearer Of Good News And A Warner, And A Caller To Allah By His Permission, And As A Lamp Spreading Light” (33:45-46)!

20Th Law Of Reality: Knowledge Has A Reality And Wisdom Has A Reality, The Reality Of Wisdom Exists Levels Above The Reality Of Knowledge, You Reach It By Gathering Together The Realities Of Knowledge!

21St Law Of Reality: The Occult Is Nothing But Angels Being Fooled, It Is Not Fundamental To The Universe Or Reality!

22Nd Law Of Reality: The Universe Was Created For The People That Will Be With Allah For Eternity, They Are Fundamental To The Universe And Reality, It Is Written In The Higher Realities Of The Universe, If Not For Muhammad (Q) I Would Not Have Created!

23Rd Law Of Reality: In The Next Life There Are No Grudges Among Former Honorable Enemies, Everyone Will See The Higher Realities And Know This Is Just What They Did In This Life!

24Th Law Of Reality: You Have To Preserve Your Sanctity Because That Is The Integrity Of Your Reality!!!

25Th Law Of Reality: Approach Allah With Adab/The Reality Of Manners, Because You Can’t Approach His Reality Unless Your Reality Is Like His, And That Is The Only Way You Can See Him, With Your Reality!

26Th Law Of Reality: Being Humble Is A Better Way To Move Through Reality, It Is Being Cautious Of Reality!

27Th Law Of Reality: Paying Respect To Something Is A Dor For You Take Take From Its Reality, That Is Why It Is Done!

28Th Law Of Reality: You Pay The Price Of What It’s Worth, Not Just The Act!

29Th Law Of Reality: The Stupist Thing You Can Think Is Not Giving Someone His Reality!

30Th Law Of Reality: Reality Is Reciprocation, It Is Built And Created This Way, If You Don’t Give People Their Reality You Will Destroy Yours!

31St Law Of Reality: Wisdom Comes From Looking At Things Through Time!

32Nd Law Of Reality: Reality Should Be The Baseline In Politics Not The Goal!

33Rd Law Of Reality: Every Reality Has Its Blessings, But Each Realities Blessings Is Relative To Its Reality!

34Th Law Of Reality: England Lost Everything Because They Put Everything In The Sound Of Their Name, So They Became The Sound Of Their Name, That Is Reality And Its Reality!

35Th Law Of Reality: When People Used To Be People They Didn’t Just Produce Things, They Produced Memorable Things The Angels Where Happy With Which They Prepared People For From The Beginning Of Their Lives To Witness Them Because They Saw The Future! This Was The Reality Of Society, Which They Destroyed!

36Th Law Of Reality: You Are Playing With Reality, You Are Not Playing With Ideas And Thoughts, You Should Understand That, The Universe Reacts To All Realities And All Realities Have Consequences!

37Th Law Of Reality: When Reality Looks Like Its Falling Its Not Real, Real Reality Stands Up!

38Th Law Of Reality: Reality Occurs When The Heart Expresses It But It Begins When The Heart Carries It!

39Th Law Of Reality: God Is Weaving Fate All Through Time I Have Witnessed It!

40Th Law Of Reality: The Prophet Of Allah (Saws) Said “The Way Of The Antichrist Is To Pretend To Be Allah And That Is Taking Away From The Reality Of Allah On Earth!”

41St Law Of Reality: This World Is An Arabic World And It Will Return To That!

42Nd Law Of Reality: When The Laws Of Society Cut Down Reality They Cut Out Reality And Shape It!

43Rd Law Of Reality: As Soon As You Speak There Is Immediate Depreciation Of Reality, Like A Car Being Driven Out Of A Carlot!

44Th Law Of Reality: Your Entire Body Is Mind Over Matter!

45Th Law Of Reality: Humans Have More Depth Than Angels Because Of Their Physicality, Depth Equals Time And Man Is The Master Of Time Among The Creatures!

46Th Law Of Reality: Which Religion And Its Practices Are True??? Generally, All Of Them, Human Practices Create Quantum Entanglement!

47Th Law Of Reality: The Punishment For Crimes Is According To The Reality Carried, “For That Cause We Decreed For The Children Of Israel That Whosoever Killeth A Human Being For Other Than Manslaughter Or Corruption In The Earth, It Shall Be As If He Had Killed All Mankind” (5:32)!

46Th Law Of Reality: Concern Yourselves!!! And Allah Will Be The Rest Of Its Reality!

47Th Law Of Reality: If Man Doesn’t Have Extended Conversations About Everything Spiritual Creatures Will Not Have Foresight In Anything!

48Th Law Of Reality: If You Give Spiritual Creatures Power They Will Use It Without Thinking, That’s What Happened To The World And Why It Is No Longer Thinking!

49Th Law Of Reality: If You Don’t Have To Think You Don’t Excercise Thoughts!

50Th Law Of Reality: People Who Hate The Truth Hate Seeing!

51St Law Of Reality: Spiritual Creatures Don’t Know How To Hold The Picture Of Reality!

52Nd Law Of Reality: If Your Prophets Don’t Know What’s Better, What’s Better Is Not Going To Occur!

53Rd Law Of Reality: It’s Called Isharat And Those Of Spiritual Creatures Are Often Out Of Date!

54Th Law Of Reality: You Defeat Spiritual Creatures By Beating The Habit Out Of Them There Is No One Step Solution!

55Th Law Of Reality: Language Is There To Describe Reality If It Can’t Its Failed, That Is English Today!

56Th Law Of Reality: Reality Is Not A Judge!

57Th Law Of Reality: You Have To Keep Yourself Straight Enough To Carry The Reality Of Words To Understand Their Meaning!

58Th Law Of Reality: Adam (Q) Said To Me (Q), “Satan Was A Idiotic Looking Creature In Front Of Him” That Is Why He Fell, Through Laughing At Him!

59Th Law Of Reality: Religion Keeps You Straight Enough To Have Thoughts!

60Th Law Of Reality: High And Low Are Positions, In Reality, All The Higher Reasons Belong To Allah Because They Are All Paths To Him Upward Into The Heavens/Space Through The Landscape Of The Mind/Subatomic! That Is Why When You Look In Your Mind You See Light/Particles!

61St Law Of Reality: Marriage Is Between You And Your Husband, Women That Don’t Understand That Are Responsible For Ending The Universe!

62Nd Law Of Reality: Women Are Always Looking For Excellence, It’s Part Of Shopping!

63Rd Law Of Reality: The World Of Spirit Is The World Of Time!

64Th Law Of Reality: When You Become Human You Stop Being A Thing!

65Th Law Of Reality: Man Is A Beast Of Reality His Reality Can Encompass The Entire Universe, You Just Have To Do It In Reality!

66Th Law Of Reality: The Jurists Looked At Reality Like Lawyers And Never Saw The Reality Of Science!

67Th Law Of Reality: Anything That Changes Your Reality Like A Costume, Takes Away From Its Integrity!

68Th Law Of Reality: When You Can See Subliminal Messages You Are Well On Your Way To Seeing Allah, Where Do You Think You Need To Look To See Him!

69Th Law Of Reality: Just Because You Defined Reality Doesn’t Mean You Have The Power To Make It Real!

70Th Law Of Reality: Formality Shouldn’t Be In The Hands Of Dogs, It Should Be In The Hands Of Those Capable Of Its Reality!

71St Law Of Reality: You Have To Consider The Reality Of The Situation Not The Point, That Is How You Preserve The Balance Of Your Judgment Going Into The Future!

72Nd Law Of Reality: When You Know How To Hold A “Sword” You Will Know How To Stand Like A Man!

73Rd Law Of Reality: No One Sees Everything, They Just Know What To See!

74Th Law Of Reality: Reality Is Not English!

75Th Law Of Reality: Angels Don’t Help Angels The Way They Help Humans, But Humans Help Angels The Way They Help Humans!

76Th Law Of Reality: The Reality Of Earth Is A System Tending Towards Euqalibrium With The Universe!

77Th Law Of Reality: Unbalancing Yourself Unbalances Your Judgment!

78Th Law Of Reality: Animals Don’t Think So We Don’t Have The Same Responsibility To Them, People Carry Realities From God, Which Is Above Their Existence!

79Th Law Of Reality: Easy Thoughts Cheapen The Intellect!

80Th Law Of Reality: Most People Haven’t Figured Out Anything Real About Life, They Have Only Figured Out Things About The Microcosm They Are In And That Is An Artificial Environment!

81St Law Of Reality: You Like Rushing To The End, But Reality Occurs Over Time, So The End You Are Rushing To Is Not Real! “Man Is Made Of Haste. I Shall Show You My Portents, But Ask Me Not To Hasten (Reality Further)” (21:37)

82Nd Law Of Reality: Once You See The Light Of Allah Your Soul Knows Where To Look!

83Rd Law Of Reality: Modern English Is The Language Of Death, It Kills The Value In All Realities!

84Th Law Of Reality: Allah First Pointed At His Creation To Teach Man How To See Him, Then He Pointed At Himself Afterward, You Have To Honor All Of It Or Your Path To Him Will Stop!

85Th Law Of Reality: The Difference Between Man And God Is That God Knows Everything But He Has Never Experienced All Things As Man Has Suffered It, Nothing Has Ever Grabbed The Totality Of His Name Allah Before Our Time, Such Is The Suffering Of Man!

86Th Law Of Reality: If You Are Imagining It You Are Seeing It, But It Depends On What The Source Is And Its Intention! If You Can Master This You Can Take The Path Of Wilayah, The Path Of Mastering The Spiritual/Intellectual Creatures Of The Universe!

87Th Law Of Reality: Language Has Become A Prison For The Entire World, Every Word Has Its Reality!

88Th Law Of Reality: Reality Is What Occurred Not What You Reflect Upon!

89Th Law Of Reality: Reality Emanates From Allah, From The Arsh, The Throne Of Reality, Down To Earth, The Arsh Of Physical Existence, From The Spiritual To The Material, As It Emanates Everything Gets A Chance To Influence It Until It Reaches Your Life In The Most Complete Form! This Is Why Spiritual Creatures Are Knowledgeable But Simple While Man Is Complex, This Is The Meaning Of The Verse We Created Man In Haste, This Is The Reality Of That Haste, It Is Not Speed But Reality Compressed Into A Small Amount Of Time That Man’s Heart Needs To Grasp To Know!

90Th Law Of Reality: Spiritual Creatures Help Man Look At Himself, But Only Saints And Prophets Can Help Them Look At Themselves, And “Whoever Knows Himself (Can) Know His Lord!

91St Law Of Reality: Entropy: “A System’s Energy Is Defined As The Sum Of Its “Useful” Energy, And Its “Useless Energy””. Mans Speech Is The Manner By Which He Converts The Useless/Free Energy Of The Universe Into Useful Energy Via The Concept Of Reality! The Perfectness Of Your Speech Is The Wealth Of Your Reality And The World At Large!

92Nd Law Of Reality: The Power Of Nobility Is What It Makes Fate Revolve Around It, That Is Its Reality! The Reality Of An Ignoble Is That They Stand For Any Other Man Except Themselves!

93Rd Law Of Reality: You Don’t Affect Time! The Short Answer Is You Don’t Affect Space And Time Exists As Spacetime!

94Th Law Of Reality: Anytime You Fight The Future, You Are Building The Reality You Fear!

95Th Law Of Reality: You Shape Reality Around You, If You Practice Making Mistakes Your Future Forces Mistakes On You, If You Practice Being Precise Your Future Makes You Correct!

96Th Law Of Reality: When You Organise Your Reality, It Organises The Universe For You!

97Th Law Of Reality: “You Are Not A Drop In The Ocean, You Are The Ocean In A Drop” – Be Greater Than Every Ocean You Find Yourself In.

98Th Law Of Reality: When You Break Down The Walls Of Reality/Society The Dead Of That Land Get Through Much Easier And Control Spirituality!

99th Law Of Reality: Reality Has Always Been About Who Can Apply Principles The Best!

100th Law Of Reality: The First Rule Of Evil Is Don’t Acknowledge Anything!

The Prophets Dua For Light

Allaahummaj’al fee qalbee nooran, wa fee lisaanee nooran, wa fee sam’ee nooran, wa fee basaree nooran, wa min fawqee nooran, wa min tahtee nooran, wa ‘an yameenee nooran, wa ‘an shimaalee nooran, wa min ‘amaamee nooran, wa min khalfee nooran, waj’al fee nafsee nooran, wa ‘a’dhim lee nooran, wa ‘adhdhim lee nooran. Waj’al lee nooran, waj’alnee nooran. Allaahumma ‘a’tinee nooran, waj’al fee ‘asabee nooran, wa fee lahmee nooran, wa fee damee nooran, wa fee sha’ree nooran, wa fee basharee nooran.[1] [Allaahummaj’al lee nooran fee qabree, wa nooran fee ‘idhaamee.][2] [Wa zidnee nooran, wa zidnee nooran, wa zidnee nooran.][3] [Wa hab lee nooran ‘alaa noor.] [4]

O Allah, place light in my heart, and on my tongue light, and in my ears light and in my sight light, and above me light, and below me light, and to my right light, and to my left light, and before me light and behind me light. Place in my soul light. Magnify for me light, and amplify for me light. Make for me light, and make me light. O Allaah, grant me light, and place light in my nerves, and in my body light and in my blood light and in my hair light and in my skin light.[1] [O Allaah, make for me a light in my grave… and a light in my bones.] [2] [Increase me in light, increase me in light, increase me in light.] [3] [Grant me light upon light] [4]

  1. Up to this point was reported by Al-Bukhaari 11/116 (Hadith no. 6316) and by Muslim 1/526, 529-530 (Hadith no. 763)
  2. At-Tirmidhi 5/483 (Hadith no. 3419)
  3. Al-Bukhaari in Al-‘Adaab Al-Mufrad (Hadith no. 695), p. 258. See also Al-Albaani, Sahih Al-‘Adab Al-Mufrad (no. 536)
  4. Al-Bukhaari, cf. Al-Asqalaani, Fathul-Baari 11/118

The Supplications The Prophet (Peace be upon him) Used To Supplicate In Sujood

The Adhkaar of Sujood – asking for light in Sajda

“O Allaah! Place light in my heart; [and light in my tongue;] and place light in my hearing; and place light in my seeing; and place light from below me; and place light from above me, and light on my right, and light on my left; and place light ahead of me; and place light behind me; [and place light in my self;] and make the light greater for me|”[1]

  1. Muslim, Abu `Awaanah and Ibn Abee Shaybah (12/106/2, 112/1).