The Path Of Allah Is Science


2 Esdras 3

“Second Book of Esdras, also called Fourth Book of Ezra or Ezra Apocalypse, abbreviation II Esdras, apocryphal work printed in the Vulgate and many later Roman Catholic bibles as an appendix to the New Testament. The central portion of the work (chapters 3–14), consisting of seven visions revealed to Salathiel-Ezra”.

Babylon Compared with Zion

28 “Then I said in my heart, Are the deeds of those who inhabit Babylon any better? (Why Are They Successful And We Are Not) Is that why it has gained dominion over Zion? 29 For when I came here I saw ungodly deeds without number (Is This Not Why Science Fails?), and my soul has seen many sinners during these thirty years.[d] And my heart failed me, 30 because I have seen how you endure those who sin, and have spared those who act wickedly, and have destroyed your people, and protected your enemies (Why Are The Wealthy Wealthy?), 31 and have not shown to anyone how your way may be comprehended (Can’t You Give Us “Magic?”).[e] Are the deeds of Babylon better than those of Zion? 32 Or has another nation known you besides Israel? Or what tribes have so believed the covenants as these tribes of Jacob? 33 Yet their reward has not appeared and their labor has borne no fruit (We Believed Why Are We Not Winning?). For I have traveled widely among the nations and have seen that they abound in wealth, though they are unmindful of your commandments. 34 Now therefore weigh in a balance our iniquities and those of the inhabitants of the world (Sin Means Loss Does It Not?); and it will be found which way the turn of the scale will incline (Karma Is With Us). 35 When have the inhabitants of the earth not sinned in your sight? Or what nation has kept your commandments so well? (Religion Means Magic From God Does It Not?) 36 You may indeed find individuals who have kept your commandments, but nations you will not find (I Am Certain I Have Thought Of Everything).”

The Path Of Allah Is Science And The Study Of This World

Limitations of the Human Mind

4 Then the angel that had been sent to me, whose name was Uriel, answered 2 and said to me, “Your understanding has utterly failed regarding this world (You Have Not Even Begun To Know The World You Travelled, It Didn’t Build Itself), and do you think you can comprehend the way of the Most High?” (Who Engineered These Things Into Existence) 3 Then I said (Blindly), “Yes, my lord.” And he replied to me, “I have been sent to show you three ways, and to put before you three problems. 4 If you can solve one of them for me, then I will show you the way you desire to see (I Will Show You The Science), and will teach you why the heart is evil (Why They Are Evil).”

5 I said, “Speak, my lord.”

And he said to me, “Go, weigh for me the weight of fire (Particles, Energy), or measure for me a blast[a] of wind (The Force Behind A Sound Wave), or call back for me the day that is past (Explain To Me How The World Rotates And How You Can reverse It).”

6 I answered and said, “Who of those that have been born can do that, that you should ask me about such things?”

7 And he said to me, “If I had asked you, ‘How many dwellings are in the heart of the sea (Marine Biology), or how many streams are at the source of the deep (Oceanography), or how many streams (Paths) are above the firmament (Cosmology), or which are the exits of Hades (Blackholes, Uriel Was he Angel Who Showed Enoch the Blackholes Of the Universe And Explained Their Nature To Him Which He Wrote About In The Book Of Enoch), or which are the entrances[b] of paradise?’ (The Subatomic) 8 perhaps you would have said to me, ‘I never went down into the deep, nor as yet into Hades (Blackholes), neither did I ever ascend into heaven (Space).’ 9 But now I have asked you only about fire (Energy) and wind (Force) and the day (Cycles Of The World)—things that you have experienced and from which you cannot be separated, and you have given me no answer about them (You Have Studied Nothing Of This World, Unraveled Nothing Of Its Sciences And You Wonder How Babylon The City Of Engineers Is Superior).” 10 He said to me, “You cannot understand the things with which you have grown up; 11 how then can your mind comprehend the way of the Most High? (Literally Science Is The Way Of Allah!!!!) And how can one who is already worn out[c] by the corrupt world understand incorruption?”[d] [Alternate Translation: 11 How should thy vessel then be able to comprehend the way of the Highest (Science), and, the world being now outwardly corrupted (Convoluted) to understand the corruption  that is evident in my sight? (The Nature Of Psychology And The Rise And Fall of Empires, Sociology)]

When I heard this, I fell on my face[e] 12 and said to him, “It would have been better for us not to be here than to come here and live in ungodliness, and to suffer and not understand why.”

Parable of the Forest and the Sea

13 He answered me and said, “I went into a forest of trees of the plain, and they made a plan 14 and said, ‘Come, let us go and make war against the sea, so that it may recede before us and so that we may make for ourselves more forests.’ 15 In like manner the waves of the sea also made a plan and said, ‘Come, let us go up and subdue the forest of the plain so that there also we may gain more territory for ourselves.’ 16 But the plan of the forest was in vain, for the fire came and consumed it; 17 likewise also the plan of the waves of the sea was in vain,[f] for the sand stood firm and blocked it. 18 If now you were a judge between them, which would you undertake to justify, and which to condemn?”

19 I answered and said, “Each made a foolish plan, for the land has been assigned to the forest, and the locale of the sea a place to carry its waves.”

20 He answered me and said, “You have judged rightly, but why have you not judged so in your own case? (Why Are You Unable to Realize The Nature Of Your Situation Like You Have Understood Theirs?) 21 For as the land has been assigned to the forest and the sea to its waves, so also those who inhabit the earth can understand only what is on the earth (What Each Is Familiar With), and he who is[g] above the heavens (In the Sky) can understand what is above the height of the heavens.”

The New Age Will Make All Things Clear

22 Then I answered and said, “I implore you, my lord, why[h] have I been endowed with the power of understanding? 23 For I did not wish to inquire about the ways above (Science), but about those things that we daily experience (Fate): why Israel has been given over to the Gentiles in disgrace; why the people whom you loved has been given over to godless tribes, and the law of our ancestors has been brought to destruction and the written covenants no longer exist. 24 We pass from the world like locusts, and our life is like a mist,[i] and we are not worthy to obtain mercy. 25 But what will he do for his[j] name that is invoked over us? It is about these things that I have asked (I Want To Know About Sociology And Fate/Karma).”

26 He answered me and said, “If you are alive, you will see, and if you live long,[k] you will often marvel, because the age is hurrying swiftly to its end (The Age of Darkness/The Old World). 27 It will not be able to bring the things that have been promised to the righteous in their appointed times, because this age is full of sadness and infirmities. 28 For the evil about which[l] you ask me has been sown (Its Fate Is In The Universe For Karma To Respond), but the harvest of it has not yet come. 29 If therefore that which has been sown is not reaped, and if the place where the evil has been sown does not pass away (If the Karma Is Not balanced), the field where the good (Your Work) has been sown will not come (The Reality of Evil Will Block The Reality Of Your Work From Manifesting, This Is The Knowledge You Wanted to Know About). 30 For a grain of evil seed was sown in Adam’s heart from the beginning, and how much ungodliness it has produced until now (In Later Times)—and will produce until the time of threshing comes! (Literally An Evil Was Introduced Into the World Which Has Been Copied And Caused Other Evils And Illnesses To Materialize) 31 Consider now for yourself how much fruit of ungodliness a grain of evil seed has produced. 32 When heads of grain without number are sown, how great a threshing floor they will fill!”

When Will the New Age Come?

33 Then I answered and said, “How long?[m] When will these things be? Why are our years few and evil?” 34 He answered me and said, “Do not be in a greater hurry than the Most High. You, indeed, are in a hurry for yourself,[n] but the Highest is in a hurry on behalf of many. 35 Did not the souls of the righteous in their chambers ask about these matters, saying, ‘How long are we to remain here?[o] And when will the harvest of our reward come?’ 36 And the archangel Jeremiel answered and said, ‘When the number of those like yourselves is completed (In The Far Distant Future, Thousands Of Years Ahead In Time The World Will Know Science, Another Translation Literally Says “Even when the number of seeds (particles) is filled in you”);[p] for he has weighed the age in the balance, 37 and measured the times by measure, and numbered the times by number; and he will not move or arouse them until that measure is fulfilled.’”

38 Then I answered and said, “But, O sovereign Lord, all of us also are full of ungodliness. 39 It is perhaps on account of us that the time of threshing is delayed for the righteous—on account of the sins of those who inhabit the earth.”

40 He answered me and said (You Cannot Change Science, How The Laws Of The Universe Operate), “Go and ask a pregnant woman whether, when her nine months have been completed, her womb can keep the fetus within her any longer (Or It Must Obey The Laws Of The Universe).”

41 And I said, “No, lord, it cannot.”

He said to me, “In Hades the chambers of the souls are like the womb (They Fill Up Then Pay Back). 42 For just as a woman who is in labor makes haste to escape the pangs of birth, so also do these places (Karma, The Balance Of The Universe Reacting To Us) hasten to give back those things (Realities) that were committed to them from the beginning (Your Actions Play Out Into The Future). 43 Then (After It All Plays Out) the things that you desire to see will be disclosed to you (The World Will Know Science).”

How Much Time Remains?

44 I answered and said, “If I have found favor in your sight, and if it is possible, and if I am worthy, 45 show me this also: whether more time is to come than has passed, or whether for us the greater part has gone by. 46 For I know what has gone by, but I do not know what is to come.”

47 And he said to me, “Stand at my right side, and I will show you the interpretation of a parable.”

48 So I stood and looked, and lo, a flaming furnace passed by before me, and when the flame had gone by I looked, and lo, the smoke remained. 49 And after this a cloud full of water passed before me and poured down a heavy and violent rain, and when the violent rainstorm had passed, drops still remained in the cloud.[q]

50 He said to me, “Consider it for yourself; for just as the rain is more than the drops, and the fire is greater than the smoke, so the quantity that passed was far greater; but drops and smoke remained (Millions Of Years Have Passed By While Only Thousands Of Years Remain).”

51 Then I prayed and said, “Do you think that I shall live until those days? Or who will be alive in those days?”

52 He answered me and said, “Concerning the signs about which you ask me, I can tell you in part; but I was not sent to tell you concerning your life, for I do not know.

Signs of the End

5 “Now concerning the signs: lo, the days are coming when those who inhabit the earth shall be seized with great terror (The Age Of Darkness, Our Time),[a] and the way of truth shall be hidden (deliberately, It Is Not Allowed To Be Seen In Our World), and the land shall be barren of faith (Religion). 2 Unrighteousness shall be increased beyond what you yourself see (Even In The Time Of Babylon, Because The Future Is For The Greater Babylon), and beyond what you heard of formerly. 3 And the land that you now see ruling shall be a trackless waste (It Will Be Dust, In The Distant Past), and people shall see it desolate (Iraq The Wasteland). 4 But if the Most High grants that you live, you shall see it thrown into confusion after the third period;[b]

and the sun shall suddenly begin to shine at night,

and the moon during the day (Day And Night Will Be Reversed, The World Will Be 24 Hours A Day).

5 Blood shall drip from wood,

and the stone shall utter its voice (Technology);

the peoples shall be troubled,

and the stars shall fall (No Longer Be Seen, The World Will be Covered In Cities That Outshine The Stars At Night).[c]

6 And one shall reign whom those who inhabit the earth do not expect (Every leader today is unexpected, lol), and the birds shall fly away together (The Trees Will Disappear); 7 and the Dead Sea[d] shall cast up fish (The Seas Polluted); and one whom the many do not know shall make his voice heard by night, and all shall hear his voice (2Esdras13, The Man From The Ocean Hidden By God Until He Speaks).[e] 8 There shall be chaos also in many places, fire shall often break out, the wild animals shall roam beyond their haunts (The Spirits Of Predators Will Be The Devils of Mankind), and menstruous women shall bring forth monsters (This Relates To The Previous Passage, Women Will Bring The Monsters Of Predators Into The World Of Man, Witches, Menstruous Means In A State That Is Not Clean). 9 Salt waters shall be found in the sweet (Water Ways Will Be Polluted), and all friends shall conquer one another (With The Occult, Use Each Other As Fuel In It)); then shall reason hide itself (This Is The Sign Of The Occult Ruling A Land As People Rely On Its Logic Over Wisdom), and wisdom shall withdraw into its chamber (Never Be Thought Of Again), 10 and it shall be sought by many but shall not be found, and unrighteousness and unrestraint shall increase on earth. 11 One country shall ask its neighbor, ‘Has righteousness, or anyone who does right, passed through you?’ And it will answer, ‘No.’ (This Is A Prophecy In Islam About Our Time, People Will Ask If There Remains In Any Town A Truthful Person And It Will Be Said No, They Will Hunt Them All Down) 12 At that time people shall hope but not obtain (Anything, People Will Not Pay Anyone Anything Except It Is Rotten With Spells); they shall labor, but their ways shall not prosper (The Consequence of The Spells Stealing Everything). 13 These are the signs that I am permitted to tell you, and if you pray again, and weep as you do now, and fast for seven days, you shall hear yet greater things than these.”

Conclusion of the Vision

14 Then I woke up, and my body shuddered violently, and my soul was so troubled that it fainted. 15 But the angel who had come and talked with me held me and strengthened me and set me on my feet.

16 Now on the second night Phaltiel, a chief of the people, came to me and said, “Where have you been? And why is your face sad? 17 Or do you not know that Israel has been entrusted to you in the land of their exile? 18 Rise therefore and eat some bread, and do not forsake us, like a shepherd who leaves the flock in the power of savage wolves.”

19 Then I said to him, “Go away from me and do not come near me for seven days; then you may come to me.”

He heard what I said and left me. 20 So I fasted seven days, mourning and weeping, as the angel Uriel had commanded me.